It would be useful to display in console the R code generated in RShiny interface and/or to produce a log report, ie. with layers considered, link used for standardisation, weights computed for each risk factors, consistency ratio, destination references to produced files (for archiving or further modifications)
Absolutely. This is very important for reproducibility.
I would do this by allowing to save the full R-script that reproduces the analysis (loads layers, scales, weights). This would serve both as a report of what has been done, but also as a template for further modifications.
sound good
may be you could also add a button at this end of the process to ask for
this full R-script or not.
it may avoid misunderstandings with non-expert users seeing automatic
scripts appeared in the R console...
Absolutely. This is very important for reproducibility.
I would do this by allowing to save the full R-script that reproduces the
analysis (loads layers, scales, weights). This would serve both as a report
of what has been done, but also as a template for further modifications.