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import os
import sys
import glob
from Bio import SeqIO
from datetime import date

today =

# /db/genbank/current/flat/gbbct1.seq
# Criteres : 16S > 800pb

# NCBI taxa reference
# taxo_ref = "/projet/florilege/Florilege_GenBank/taxa+id_microorganisms.txt"

# Functions
def prep_ncbi(ncbi_file):
    with open(ncbi_file, 'r') as ncbi:

        dict_ncbi = {}
        count = 0

        for line in ncbi:
            list_ncbi = line.split('\t')
            if list_ncbi[1].replace('ncbi:', '') not in dict_ncbi:
                dict_ncbi[list_ncbi[1].replace('ncbi:','')] = list_ncbi[2]
                count += 1

    print("=> Nombre de taxID : " + str(count))
    return dict_ncbi

def clean_gb(gb_file):
    os.system("LC_CTYPE=C tr -d '\256' < " + file + " > " + os.path.basename(file).replace('.seq', '_clean.seq'))

def get_values(record):

    accession =
    length = len(record.seq)
    species = record.annotations["organism"]
    journal = record.annotations["references"][0].pubmed_id

    strain = host = source = country = ''

    for feature in record.features:

        if feature.type == 'source':

            # TaxID
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Sandra Derozier committed
            if 'db_xref' in feature.qualifiers:
                taxID = feature.qualifiers['db_xref'][0].replace('taxon:', '')
                taxID = 0

            # Strain
            if 'strain' in feature.qualifiers:
                if strain == '':
                    strain = feature.qualifiers['strain'][0]
                    strain += '|' + feature.qualifiers['strain'][0]

            # Host
            if 'host' in feature.qualifiers:
                if host == '':
                    host = feature.qualifiers['host'][0]
                    host += '|' + feature.qualifiers['host'][0]

            # Isolation_source
            if 'isolation_source' in feature.qualifiers:
                if source == '':
                    source = feature.qualifiers['isolation_source'][0]
                    source += '|' + feature.qualifiers['isolation_source'][0]

            # Country
            if 'country' in feature.qualifiers:
                if country == '':
                    country = feature.qualifiers['country'][0]
                    country += '|' + feature.qualifiers['country'][0]

    return accession, length, species, strain, taxID, journal, source, host, country    

# Main
if __name__ == '__main__':

    import sys
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup

    optparser = OptionParser(usage="%extract data from genbank bank")
    group = OptionGroup(optparser, "Main Options", "")
    optparser.add_option("-t", "--taxoref", default="None", dest="taxo_ref", help="", metavar="FILE")
    optparser.add_option("-d", "--dbpath", default="None", dest="db_path", help="", metavar="FILE")
    optparser.add_option("-o", "--fout", default="None", dest="f_out", help="tsv file that will contain the genbank extract", metavar="FILE")

    (options, args) = optparser.parse_args()

    dict_ncbi = prep_ncbi(options.taxo_ref)

    ok = 0

    #with open('GenBank_extraction_'+today.strftime("%Y%m%d")+'.tsv', 'w') as outfile:
    with open(options.f_out, 'w') as outfile:

        # accession | length | species | strain | ncbi_taxid | journal | isolation_source

        f_bct = glob.glob(options.db_path + '/gbbct*.seq')
        f_inv = glob.glob(options.db_path + '/gbinv*.seq')
        f_vrl = glob.glob(options.db_path + '/gbvrl*.seq')
        #f_bct = glob.glob('/db/genbank/current/flat/gbbct*.seq')
        #f_inv = glob.glob('/db/genbank/current/flat/gbinv*.seq')
        #f_vrl = glob.glob('/db/genbank/current/flat/gbvrl*.seq')
        files = f_bct + f_inv + f_vrl

        #files = ['/db/genbank/current/flat/gbbct411.seq']

        for file in files:


            for record in SeqIO.parse(os.path.basename(file).replace('.seq', '_clean.seq'), "genbank"):

                if ' 16S ' in record.description and len(record.seq) > 800:

                    accession, length, species, strain, taxID, journal, source, host, country = get_values(record)

                    # --- Ecriture --- #
                    #if (source != "" or host != "" or country != "") and taxID in dict_ncbi :
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Sandra Derozier committed
                    if (source != "" or host != "") and taxID != 0 and taxID in dict_ncbi :
                        #outfile.write(accession + "\t" + str(length) + "\t" + species + "\t" + strain + "\t" + taxID + "\t" + journal + "\t" + source + "\t" + host + "\t" + country + " \n")
                        outfile.write(accession + "\t" + str(length) + "\t" + species + "\t" + strain + "\t" + taxID + "\t" + journal + "\t" + source + "\t" + host + " \n")
                        ok += 1

            os.remove(os.path.basename(file).replace('.seq', '_clean.seq'))

    print("=> Number of data collected : ", str(ok))