A new line is now display with with the branch a23abb97 .
When the policy in set as a number of months:
When the policy is set as a date:
If needed, the date format or text can be changed easily.
A lot of existing functions concerning space ids were written python in config_reader.py and t3MySQLdb.py, so I made similar php functions in class.tx_nG6_utils.php and class.tx_nG6_db.php .
application.properties had its access rights set to '750' and couldn't be accessed from the php scripts.
I changed it to '770', it didn't work (The owner is ng6, et the group is BIOADM). So, the file_get_contents() php function tries to open the file as another user, also not in the BIOADM group.
Anyway, I have set the rights to 754, and it worked.
This action should be added to the the corresponding documentation.
(Also, I hope this doesn't make the security to loose. The perfect solution would be to open application.properties as the user ng6.)