diff --git a/R/plsda_fun.r b/R/plsda_fun.r
index f704b18b8d46d3fdbba20e715773376c0f92bade..7ec21fb8b811a225500d4ca50fe73d8a771785c4 100644
--- a/R/plsda_fun.r
+++ b/R/plsda_fun.r
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@
 #' @param output Output directory
 #' @param column1 Factor to test.
 #' @param rank Taxonomy rank to merge features that have same taxonomy at a certain taxonomic rank (among rank_names(data), or 'ASV' for no glom)
+#' @param axis Select the axis to plot
+#' @param multilevel Factor (metadata column name) used within matrix decomposition for repeated measurements
+#' @param ind.names either a character vector of names for the individuals to be plotted, or FALSE for no names. If TRUE, the row names of the first (or second) data matrix is used as names (see mixOmics Details).
+#' @param ellipse Logical indicating if ellipse plots should be plotted (see mixOmics Details).
+#' @param progressBar Silence the progress bar.
 #' @return Return a list object with plots, and loadings table.
 #' @import futile.logger
@@ -20,162 +23,186 @@
 #' @export
-plsda_fun <- function(data = data, output = "./plsda/", column1 = "",
-            rank = "ASV"){
+plsda_fun <- function (data = data, output = "./plsda/", column1 = "",
+                       rank = "ASV", axis = c(1, 2), multilevel = NULL,
+                       ind.names = FALSE,
+                       ellipse = FALSE, progressBar = FALSE)
   outF <- list()
-  if(!dir.exists(output)){
-  	dir.create(output,recursive=T)
+  if (!dir.exists(output)) {
+    dir.create(output, recursive = T)
-  flog.info('Preparing tables...')
-  if(rank != 'ASV'){
-    flog.info('Glom rank...')
-    physeqDA <- tax_glom(data, taxrank=rank)
+  flog.info("Preparing tables...")
+  if (rank != "ASV") {
+    flog.info("Glom rank...")
+    physeqDA <- tax_glom(data, taxrank = rank)
     otable <- otu_table(physeqDA)
-    row.names(otable) <- tax_table(physeqDA)[,rank]
+    row.names(otable) <- tax_table(physeqDA)[, rank]
   } else {
     physeqDA <- data
     otable <- otu_table(physeqDA)
   mdata <- sample_data(physeqDA)
-  flog.info('Done.')
-  flog.info('Removing levels with only one sample...')
-  fun <- paste('lvl_to_remove <- names(table(mdata$',column1,')[table(mdata$',column1,') <= 1])',sep='')
-  eval(parse(text=fun))
-  flog.debug(paste0('Level "',lvl_to_remove, '" will be removed.'))
-  if(length(lvl_to_remove) > 0){
-  	fun <- paste('sample_to_remove <- rownames(mdata[mdata$',column1,' == lvl_to_remove])')
-    eval(parse(text=fun))
-  	flog.info(paste('Removing ',sample_to_remove,sep=''))
-  	otable <- otable[,colnames(otable)!=sample_to_remove]
-  	mdata <- mdata[rownames(mdata)!=sample_to_remove]
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  flog.info("Removing levels with only one sample...")
+  fun <- paste("lvl_to_remove <- names(table(mdata$", column1,
+               ")[table(mdata$", column1, ") <= 1])", sep = "")
+  eval(parse(text = fun))
+  flog.debug(paste0("Level \"", lvl_to_remove, "\" will be removed."))
+  if (length(lvl_to_remove) > 0) {
+    fun <- paste("sample_to_remove <- rownames(mdata[mdata$",
+                 column1, " == lvl_to_remove])")
+    eval(parse(text = fun))
+    flog.info(paste("Removing ", sample_to_remove, sep = ""))
+    otable <- otable[, colnames(otable) != sample_to_remove]
+    mdata <- mdata[rownames(mdata) != sample_to_remove]
-  flog.info('Done.')
-  flog.info('PLSDA...')
-  fun <- paste('plsda.res = plsda(t(otable+1), mdata$',column1,', ncomp = 5, logratio="CLR")',sep='')
-  eval(parse(text=fun))
-  flog.info('Done.')
-  flog.info('Plotting PLSDA individuals...')
-  png(paste(output,'/plsda_indiv_',column1,'_',rank,'.png',sep=''))
-  background = background.predict(plsda.res, comp.predicted=2, dist = "max.dist")
-  fun <- paste('outF$plsda.plotIndiv <- plotIndiv(plsda.res,
-  	comp= 1:2,
-  	group = mdata$',column1,',
-  	ind.names=FALSE,
-  	ellipse=TRUE,
-  	legend=TRUE,
-  	title= "PLSDA plot of individuals",
-  	background = background)',sep='')
-  eval(parse(text=fun))
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  flog.info("PLSDA...")
+  if (taxa_are_rows(physeqDA)) {
+    otable <- t(otable + 1)
+  } else {
+    otable <- otable + 1
+  }
+  if (!is.null(multilevel)) {
+    multilevel <- mdata[, multilevel] |> data.frame()
+    Y <- mdata[, column1]
+    multilevel <- data.frame(multilevel, Y)
+    multilevel[, 1] <- multilevel[, 1] |> factor() |> as.numeric()
+    otable <- withinVariation(otable, multilevel)
+    fun <- paste("plsda.res <- plsda(otable, as.numeric(factor(multilevel[, 2])),
+                       ncomp = 5, logratio=\"none\")", sep = "")
+  } else {
+    fun <- paste("plsda.res <- plsda(otable, mdata$", column1,
+                 ", ncomp = 5, logratio=\"CLR\")", sep = "")
+  }
+  eval(parse(text = fun))
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  flog.info("Plotting PLSDA individuals...")
+  png(paste(output, "/plsda_indiv_", column1, "_", rank, ".png",
+            sep = ""))
+  background = background.predict(plsda.res, comp.predicted = 2,
+                                  dist = "max.dist")
+  if (all(axis == c(1, 2))) {
+    fun <- paste("outF$plsda.plotIndiv <- plotIndiv(plsda.res,\n  \tcomp= 1:2,\n  \tgroup = mdata$",
+                 column1,
+                 ",\n   \tind.names=",
+                 ind.names,
+                 ",\n  \tellipse=",
+                 ellipse,
+                 ",\n  \tlegend=TRUE,\n  \ttitle= \"PLSDA plot of individuals\",\n  \tbackground = background)",
+                 sep = "")
+  } else if (all(axis == c(2, 3))) {
+    fun <- paste("outF$plsda.plotIndiv <- plotIndiv(plsda.res,\n  \tcomp= 2:3,\n  \tgroup = mdata$",
+                 column1,
+                 ",\n   \tind.names=",
+                 ind.names,
+                 ",\n  \tellipse=",
+                 ellipse,
+                 ",\n  \tlegend=TRUE,\n  \ttitle= \"PLSDA plot of individuals\",\n  \tbackground = background)",
+                 sep = "")
+  }
+  eval(parse(text = fun))
-  flog.info('Done.')
-  plot_plsda_perf <- function(){
-  	flog.info('Plotting PLSDA performance...')
-  	perf.plsda <- perf(plsda.res, validation = "Mfold", folds = 5, progressBar = FALSE, auc = TRUE, nrepeat = 10)
-  	plotperf <- plot(perf.plsda, col = color.mixo(1:3), sd = TRUE, legend.position = "horizontal", title = "PLSDA performance plot")
-  	# plotperf <- recordPlot()
-  	# invisible(dev.off())
-  	#
-  	# png(paste(output,'/plsda_perf_',column1,'_',rank,'.png',sep=''))
-  	# replayPlot(plotperf)
-  	# dev.off()
-  	flog.info('Done.')
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  plot_plsda_perf <- function() {
+    flog.info("Plotting PLSDA performance...")
+    perf.plsda <- perf(plsda.res, validation = "Mfold", folds = 5,
+                       progressBar = progressBar, auc = TRUE, nrepeat = 10)
+    plotperf <- plot(perf.plsda, col = color.mixo(1:3), sd = TRUE,
+                     legend.position = "horizontal", title = "PLSDA performance plot")
+    flog.info("Done.")
-  # tryCatch(plot_perf(), error = function(e) { flog.warn("PLSDA perf function not working.")})
-  # outF$splsda.plotPerf <- plot_plsda_perf()
-  tune_splsda <- function(){
-  	flog.info('Tune SPLDA...')
-  	fun <- paste('tune.splsda <- tune.splsda(t(otable+1),
-  	mdata$',column1,
-  	', ncomp = 4,
-  	validation = "Mfold",
-  	folds = 4,
-  	progressBar = FALSE,
-  	dist = "max.dist",
-  	nrepeat = 10)',sep='')
-  	eval(parse(text=fun))
-  # 	plot(tune.splsda, col = color.jet(4), title = "Error rates SPLSDA")
-  # 	outF$splsda.plotError <- recordPlot()
-  # 	invisible(dev.off())
-  #
-  # 	png(paste(output,'/splsda_error_',column1,'_',rank,'.png',sep=''))
-  #   replayPlot(outF$splsda.plotError)
-  # 	dev.off()
-  	ncomp <- tune.splsda$choice.ncomp$ncomp + 1
-  	select.keepX <- tune.splsda$choice.keepX[1:ncomp-1]
-  	r_lst <- list("ncomp" = ncomp, "selectkeepX" = select.keepX)
-  	flog.info('Done.')
-  	return(r_lst)
+  tune_splsda <- function() {
+    flog.info("Tune SPLSDA...")
+    if (!is.null(multilevel)) {
+      fun <- paste("tune.splsda <- tune.splsda(otable, as.numeric(factor(multilevel[, 2])),
+                   ncomp = 4,\n  \tvalidation = \"Mfold\",\n  \tfolds = 4,\n  \tprogressBar = ",
+                   progressBar,
+                   ",\n  \tdist = \"max.dist\",\n  \tnrepeat = 10)",
+                   sep = "")
+    } else {
+      fun <- paste("tune.splsda <- tune.splsda(otable,\n  \tmdata$",
+                   column1,
+                   ", ncomp = 4,\n  \tvalidation = \"Mfold\",\n  \tfolds = 4,\n  \tprogressBar = ",
+                   progressBar,
+                   ",\n  \tdist = \"max.dist\",\n  \tnrepeat = 10)",
+                   sep = "")
+    }
+    eval(parse(text = fun))
+    ncomp <- tune.splsda$choice.ncomp$ncomp + 1
+    select.keepX <- tune.splsda$choice.keepX[1:ncomp - 1]
+    r_lst <- list(ncomp = ncomp, selectkeepX = select.keepX)
+    flog.info("Done.")
+    return(r_lst)
-  # tryCatch(tune_splsda(), error = function(e) { stop("At least one class is not represented in one fold.") })
   r_list <- tune_splsda()
   ncomp <- r_list$ncomp
   select.keepX <- r_list$selectkeepX
-  flog.info(paste('keepX: ',select.keepX,sep=''))
-  flog.info('SPLSDA...')
-  fun <- paste('splsda.res <- splsda(t(otable+1), mdata$',column1,', ncomp = ncomp, keepX = select.keepX, logratio= "CLR")',sep='')
-  eval(parse(text=fun))
-  flog.info('Done.')
-  flog.info('Plot Individuals...')
-  png(filename=paste(output,'/splsda_indiv_',column1,'_',rank,'.png',sep=''),width=480,height=480)
-  fun <- paste('outF$splsda.plotIndiv <- plotIndiv(splsda.res, comp= c(1:2), group = mdata$',column1,', ind.names = FALSE, ellipse = TRUE, legend = TRUE, title = "sPLS-DA on ',column1,'")',sep='')
-  eval(parse(text=fun))
+  flog.info(paste("keepX: ", select.keepX, sep = ""))
+  flog.info("SPLSDA...")
+  if (!is.null(multilevel)) {
+    fun <- paste("splsda.res <- splsda(otable, as.numeric(factor(multilevel[, 2])),
+                 ncomp = ncomp, keepX = select.keepX, logratio= \"none\")",
+                 sep = "")
+  } else {
+    fun <- paste("splsda.res <- splsda(otable, mdata$",
+                 column1, ", ncomp = ncomp, keepX = select.keepX, logratio= \"CLR\")",
+                 sep = "")
+  }
+  eval(parse(text = fun))
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  flog.info("Plot Individuals...")
+  png(filename = paste(output, "/splsda_indiv_", column1, "_",
+                       rank, ".png", sep = ""), width = 480, height = 480)
+  if (all(axis == c(1, 2))) {
+    fun <- paste("outF$splsda.plotIndiv <- plotIndiv(splsda.res, comp= c(1:2), group = mdata$",
+                 column1,
+                 ",\n   \tind.names=",
+                 ind.names,
+                 ",\n  \tellipse=",
+                 ellipse,
+                 ",\n   \tlegend = TRUE, title = \"sPLS-DA on ",
+                 column1, "\")", sep = "")
+  } else if (all(axis == c(2, 3))) {
+    fun <- paste("outF$splsda.plotIndiv <- plotIndiv(splsda.res, comp= c(2:3), group = mdata$",
+                 column1,
+                 ",\n   \tind.names=",
+                 ind.names,
+                 ",\n  \tellipse=",
+                 ellipse,
+                 ",\n   \tlegend = TRUE, title = \"sPLS-DA on ",
+                 column1, "\")", sep = "")
+  }
+  eval(parse(text = fun))
-  flog.info('Done.')
-  flog.info('SPLSDA performance...')
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  flog.info("SPLSDA performance...")
   perf.splsda <- perf(splsda.res, validation = "Mfold", folds = 5,
-                   dist = 'max.dist', nrepeat = 10,
-                   progressBar = FALSE)
-  png(paste(output,'/splsda_perf_',column1,'_',rank,'.png',sep=''))
+                      dist = "max.dist", nrepeat = 10, progressBar = progressBar)
+  png(paste(output, "/splsda_perf_", column1, "_", rank, ".png",
+            sep = ""))
   plot(perf.splsda, col = color.mixo(5))
   outF[["loadings"]] = list()
-  for (comp in 1:ncomp){
-  	plotLoadings(splsda.res, comp = comp, title = paste('Loadings on comp',comp,sep=''), contrib = 'max', method = 'mean')
+  for (comp in 1:ncomp) {
+    plotLoadings(splsda.res, comp = comp, title = paste("Loadings on comp",
+                                                        comp, sep = ""), contrib = "max", method = "mean")
     outF$loadings[[glue::glue("comp{comp}")]] <- recordPlot()
-    png(paste(output,'/splsda_loadings_',column1,'_',rank,'_comp',comp,'.png',sep=''),width=800,height=800)
+    png(paste(output, "/splsda_loadings_", column1, "_",
+              rank, "_comp", comp, ".png", sep = ""), width = 800,
+        height = 800)
-  	dev.off()
+    dev.off()
-  # plotArrow(splsda.res, legend=T)
-  # outF$splsda.plotArrow <- recordPlot()
-  # invisible(dev.off())
-  #
-  # png(paste(output,'/splsda_arrow_',column1,'_',rank,'.png',sep=''))
-  # replayPlot(outF$splsda.plotArrow)
-  # dev.off()
   outF$splsda.loadings_table = splsda.res$loadings$X
-  write.table(splsda.res$loadings$X,paste(output,'/splsda_table_',column1,'_',rank,'.csv',sep=''),quote=FALSE,sep="\t",col.names=NA)
-  flog.info('Done.')
+  write.table(splsda.res$loadings$X, paste(output, "/splsda_table_",
+                                           column1, "_", rank, ".csv", sep = ""), quote = FALSE,
+              sep = "\t", col.names = NA)
+  flog.info("Done.")
+  outF$splsda.res = splsda.res
+  outF$plsda.res = plsda.res
diff --git a/man/plsda_fun.Rd b/man/plsda_fun.Rd
index 475a46fe374aeb78d90d33c17f4000c3daf4d08f..83184ec5cd17012306ded9e95c99f51ad4ff0976 100644
--- a/man/plsda_fun.Rd
+++ b/man/plsda_fun.Rd
@@ -4,7 +4,17 @@
 \title{PLSDA from MixOmics package}
-plsda_fun(data = data, output = "./plsda/", column1 = "", rank = "ASV")
+  data = data,
+  output = "./plsda/",
+  column1 = "",
+  rank = "ASV",
+  axis = c(1, 2),
+  multilevel = NULL,
+  ind.names = FALSE,
+  ellipse = FALSE,
+  progressBar = FALSE
 \item{data}{A phyloseq object (output from decontam or generate_phyloseq)}
@@ -14,6 +24,16 @@ plsda_fun(data = data, output = "./plsda/", column1 = "", rank = "ASV")
 \item{column1}{Factor to test.}
 \item{rank}{Taxonomy rank to merge features that have same taxonomy at a certain taxonomic rank (among rank_names(data), or 'ASV' for no glom)}
+\item{axis}{Select the axis to plot}
+\item{multilevel}{Factor (metadata column name) used within matrix decomposition for repeated measurements}
+\item{ind.names}{either a character vector of names for the individuals to be plotted, or FALSE for no names. If TRUE, the row names of the first (or second) data matrix is used as names (see mixOmics Details).}
+\item{ellipse}{Logical indicating if ellipse plots should be plotted (see mixOmics Details).}
+\item{progressBar}{Silence the progress bar.}
 Return a list object with plots, and loadings table.