output: github_document
Welcome to the mapMCDA package!
This is just a template. Please remove, add or edit parts as you see fit.
Installing the package
To install the current stable, CRAN version of the package, type:
To benefit from the latest features and bug fixes, install the development, github version of the package using:
Note that this requires the package devtools installed.
What does it do?
The main features of the package include:
An overview and examples of mapMCDA are provided in the vignettes:
The following websites are available:
Getting help online
Bug reports and feature requests should be posted on github using the issue system. All other questions should be posted on the RECON forum:
Contributions are welcome via pull requests.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.