diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 83166ad40026c3ca1d527bd6c9188530b6924e78..ddc168ea1b15e99c13b4118b48bab23a1f319c89 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -28,6 +28,64 @@ theia_dumper publish /data/stac/collection.json       # Publish collection
 theia_dumper publish /data/stac/item_collection.json  # Publish item collection
+## Usage
+### Prerequisites
+The user must be allowed to push files and metadata into the spatial data infrastructure:
+- Files
+- STAC objects
+In order to ask the permission to do so, the user must perform a [merge request](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/) 
+in [this repository](https://gitlab.irstea.fr/umr-tetis/cdos-ops), modifying two files 
+(here we assure that the user is named `jacques.chirac`!):
+- `buckets.json`: add a bucket and a path prefix where the files will be uploaded,
+Typically, one should use the `gdc-sm1` bucket, with a path prefix which is not already 
+used, e.g.:
+    ...,
+    "jacques.chirac": [
+      {
+        "s3_endpoint": "s3-data.meso.umontpellier.fr",
+        "buckets": [
+            "sm1-gdc/collection1234",
+            "sm1-gdc/collection4567", 
+            "sm1-gdc/collection_chirac/1", 
+            "sm1-gdc/collection_chirac/2"
+        ]
+      }
+    ],
+    ...
+- `transations_rules.json`: itemize the STAC collections IDs that will be created and modified.
+    ...,
+    "jacques.chirac": [
+        "collectionXYZ", 
+        "collection123"
+    ],
+    ...
+Note that collections IDs and buckets/paths prefixes are completely independant.
+### CLI
+In the `theia-dumper` CLI, the `--storage_bucket` argument concatenates the actual bucket and 
+the path prefix.
+For instance if jacques wants to upload a collection in `sm1-gdc/collection1234`, he will have to call:
+theia-dumper /home/jacques/stac/collection.json --storage_bucket sm1-gdc/collection1234
 ## Contact
 remi cresson @ inrae