diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index f9ecf226cd49da312a61868c2fe41dd3695dfae9..b56dfd5b4a5af025af82b033390d949839c792dc 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ stages: - install - test - build + - clean-stale-branches - deploy - deploy-stable - releases-nightly @@ -10,13 +11,20 @@ stages: variables: LC_ALL: C.UTF-8 - ANDROID_HOME: "/opt/android" - ANDROID_SDK_ROOT: "/opt/android" + ANDROID_HOME: "/usr/local/android-sdk" # should already be defined in the Docker image + ANDROID_SDK_ROOT: "/usr/local/android-sdk" # should already be defined in the Docker image DEPLOY_HOST_LOGIN: "nghyd@aubes" DEPLOY_URL: "/var/www/html/cassiopee" DEPLOY_STABLE_URL: "/var/www/cassiopee-production" RELEASES_URL: "$DEPLOY_STABLE_URL/cassiopee-releases" +before_script: + # load private key from GitLab CI variable, to deploy on Aubes server + - eval $(ssh-agent -s) + - ssh-add <(echo "$AUBES_B64_AUTHORIZED_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | base64 -d) + - mkdir -p ~/.ssh + - echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config + cache: paths: - node_modules/ @@ -76,6 +84,15 @@ build: script: - npm run build -- --base-href=/cassiopee/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME/ +clean-stale-branches: + stage: clean-stale-branches + only: + - pushes + - tags + - web + script: + - ./scripts/remove-stale-branches.sh $DEPLOY_HOST_LOGIN $DEPLOY_URL + deploy: stage: deploy only: diff --git a/DEVELOPERS.md b/DEVELOPERS.md index 306e7fcf319054e8e42c656cb6b89e13511493c9..02d65fee1dce857da5148a19a51f7fbbdaa878a1 100644 --- a/DEVELOPERS.md +++ b/DEVELOPERS.md @@ -183,6 +183,19 @@ Les options peuvent également contenir : * les identifiants des listes déroulantes * l'aide associée aux résultats (voir ci-dessous) +#### champs + +La liste fields contient les champs à afficher, dans l'ordre. Un champ peut être désigné par sa forme courte (son symbole seulement, ex: `"B"`) ou sa forme longue, comme suit : + +```json +{ + "id": "B", + "allowEmpty": false +} +``` + +Définir `allowEmpty` à `true` permet de lancer le calcul même si la valeur du paramètre est laissée vide. Cette option peut être omise si elle vaut `false` (par défaut). + #### aide contextuelle Différents éléments de la configuration peuvent contenir une clé `help` donnant l'URL de l'aide pour l'élément de l'interface graphique concerné : diff --git a/angular.json b/angular.json index 7671b88cea4e1145f9235c2b4add247a85708a8f..1710de21f02421f7b80876c6c4ba41eeb1bc801f 100644 --- a/angular.json +++ b/angular.json @@ -22,9 +22,21 @@ "src/locale", "src/favicon.ico", "src/.htaccess", - { "glob": "**/*.json", "input": "src/", "output": "/" }, - { "glob": "**/*.md", "input": "src/", "output": "/" }, - { "glob": "**/*.png", "input": "src/", "output": "/" } + { + "glob": "**/*.json", + "input": "src/", + "output": "/" + }, + { + "glob": "**/*.md", + "input": "src/", + "output": "/" + }, + { + "glob": "**/*.png", + "input": "src/", + "output": "/" + } ], "styles": [ "src/styles.scss", @@ -39,14 +51,35 @@ "node_modules/marked/lib/marked.js", "node_modules/katex/dist/katex.min.js" ], - "showCircularDependencies": false + "showCircularDependencies": false, + "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [ + "chartjs-plugin-zoom", + "angular2-chartjs/dist/chart.component", + "angular2-chartjs/dist/chart.module", + "angular2-hotkeys.js", + "base-64", + "he", + "svg-pan-zoom", + "mermaid", + "pako", + "file-saver", + "hammerjs", + "chart.js", + "mousetrap", + "xlsx", + "scope-css", + "lodash", + "graphlibrary", + "dagre-layout", + "dagre-d3-renderer" + ] }, "configurations": { "production": { "budgets": [ { "type": "anyComponentStyle", - "maximumWarning": "6kb" + "maximumWarning": "10kb" } ], "optimization": true, @@ -156,5 +189,8 @@ "@schematics/angular:directive": { "prefix": "app" } + }, + "cli": { + "analytics": false } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config.xml b/config.xml index 7f07f6690dcd502cf0c33b830ff72c1140b810ab..bc6c498dc56be4f6985fc0622443e8e1485ecb13 100644 --- a/config.xml +++ b/config.xml @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> -<widget id="fr.irstea.cassiopee" version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0"> +<widget id="fr.irstea.cassiopee" version="4.10.3" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0"> <name>Cassiopée</name> <description> - A sample Apache Cordova application that responds to the deviceready event. + Hydraulic calculators / Modules de calcul d'hydraulique </description> - <author email="dev@cordova.apache.org" href="http://cordova.io"> - Apache Cordova Team + <author email="bug@cassiopee.g-eau.fr" href="https://cassiopee.g-eau.fr"> + UMR G-EAU </author> <content src="index.html" /> - <icon src="src/android-chrome-512x512.png" /> + <icon src="src/assets/icons/android/icon.png" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="1" /> <access origin="*" /> <allow-intent href="http://*/*" /> @@ -19,11 +19,22 @@ <allow-intent href="geo:*" /> <platform name="android"> <allow-intent href="market:*" /> - <icon 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|---------------------------|----------------:|-------------------------------| | [Weir / orifice Cemagref 88](./cem_88_d.md) | 0.4 | Parallel Structures | | [Weir / undershot gate Cemagref 88](./cem_88_v.md) | 0.6 | Parallel Structures | -| [Cunge 80](./cunge_80.md) | 0.6 | Parallel Structures | +| [Cunge (1980)](./cunge_80.md) | 0.6 | Parallel Structures, Cross walls, Downwall | | [Free flow gate](./vanne_denoyee.md) | 0.6 | Parallel Structures | | [Submerged gate](./vanne_noyee.md) | 0.6 | Parallel Structures | | [Free flow weir](./seuil_denoye.md) | 0.4 | Parallel Structures, Free flow weir stage-discharge laws | diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/baffle_fishway_Fatou_slope_10_.svg b/docs/fr/calculators/par/baffle_fishway_Fatou_slope_10_.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..373eb461367a5bb94869ec62a11fe0c6b8d60a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/baffle_fishway_Fatou_slope_10_.svg @@ -0,0 +1,508 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" 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C 4.445313 -0.0195313 3.925781 0.144531 3.296875 0.148438 C 2.464844 0.144531 1.816406 -0.148438 1.347656 -0.742188 C 0.78125 -1.457031 0.496094 -2.621094 0.5 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 C 1.582031 -2.824219 1.746094 -1.886719 2.074219 -1.417969 C 2.402344 -0.949219 2.808594 -0.714844 3.296875 -0.71875 C 3.777344 -0.714844 4.183594 -0.949219 4.519531 -1.421875 C 4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -2.25 L 1.605469 -2.34375 C 1.683594 -1.804688 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overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.46875 0 L 3.414063 0 L 3.414063 -6.71875 C 3.160156 -6.476563 2.828125 -6.234375 2.414063 -5.996094 C 2 -5.75 1.628906 -5.570313 1.304688 -5.449219 L 1.304688 -6.46875 C 1.894531 -6.742188 2.410156 -7.078125 2.851563 -7.476563 C 3.292969 -7.871094 3.605469 -8.253906 3.789063 -8.625 L 4.46875 -8.625 Z M 4.46875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.039063 -1.015625 L 6.039063 0 L 0.363281 0 C 0.355469 -0.253906 0.394531 -0.496094 0.484375 -0.734375 C 0.628906 -1.117188 0.859375 -1.5 1.179688 -1.875 C 1.492188 -2.25 1.953125 -2.683594 2.5625 -3.175781 C 3.492188 -3.941406 4.125 -4.546875 4.453125 -4.992188 C 4.78125 -5.4375 4.945313 -5.859375 4.945313 -6.265625 C 4.945313 -6.679688 4.792969 -7.03125 4.496094 -7.320313 C 4.191406 -7.601563 3.804688 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.820313 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.59375 2.109375 -7.292969 C 1.804688 -6.984375 1.648438 -6.5625 1.648438 -6.03125 L 0.5625 -6.140625 C 0.632813 -6.945313 0.910156 -7.558594 1.398438 -7.988281 C 1.878906 -8.410156 2.53125 -8.625 3.351563 -8.625 C 4.171875 -8.625 4.824219 -8.394531 5.308594 -7.9375 C 5.789063 -7.480469 6.027344 -6.914063 6.03125 -6.242188 C 6.027344 -5.894531 5.957031 -5.558594 5.820313 -5.226563 C 5.675781 -4.890625 5.441406 -4.539063 5.117188 -4.175781 C 4.789063 -3.804688 4.25 -3.300781 3.492188 -2.664063 C 2.859375 -2.128906 2.453125 -1.769531 2.273438 -1.582031 C 2.09375 -1.394531 1.945313 -1.203125 1.828125 -1.015625 Z M 6.039063 -1.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.503906 -2.265625 L 1.558594 -2.40625 C 1.679688 -1.808594 1.882813 -1.378906 2.175781 -1.113281 C 2.464844 -0.847656 2.820313 -0.714844 3.242188 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.714844 4.152344 -0.886719 4.496094 -1.234375 C 4.832031 -1.574219 5.003906 -2 5.007813 -2.515625 C 5.003906 -2.996094 4.847656 -3.394531 4.535156 -3.710938 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.183594 3.328125 -4.183594 C 3.128906 -4.183594 2.878906 -4.144531 2.585938 -4.066406 L 2.703125 -4.992188 C 2.765625 -4.984375 2.824219 -4.980469 2.871094 -4.980469 C 3.320313 -4.980469 3.722656 -5.097656 4.085938 -5.332031 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.621094 -5.925781 4.625 -6.414063 C 4.621094 -6.800781 4.492188 -7.121094 4.230469 -7.375 C 3.964844 -7.628906 3.625 -7.757813 3.21875 -7.757813 C 2.804688 -7.757813 2.464844 -7.628906 2.191406 -7.371094 C 1.917969 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726563 1.664063 -6.210938 L 0.609375 -6.398438 C 0.738281 -7.105469 1.03125 -7.652344 1.488281 -8.042969 C 1.941406 -8.429688 2.507813 -8.625 3.195313 -8.625 C 3.660156 -8.625 4.09375 -8.523438 4.488281 -8.324219 C 4.878906 -8.121094 5.179688 -7.847656 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.601563 -7.148438 5.707031 -6.777344 5.707031 -6.390625 C 5.707031 -6.019531 5.605469 -5.683594 5.40625 -5.378906 C 5.207031 -5.074219 4.914063 -4.832031 4.523438 -4.652344 C 5.03125 -4.535156 5.425781 -4.289063 5.707031 -3.921875 C 5.988281 -3.546875 6.128906 -3.085938 6.128906 -2.539063 C 6.128906 -1.785156 5.855469 -1.148438 5.308594 -0.628906 C 4.761719 -0.105469 4.070313 0.152344 3.234375 0.152344 C 2.476563 0.152344 1.847656 -0.0703125 1.355469 -0.519531 C 0.855469 -0.96875 0.574219 -1.550781 0.503906 -2.265625 Z M 0.503906 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.4375 -0.921875 C 7.960938 -0.554688 8.449219 -0.289063 8.894531 -0.125 L 8.5625 0.667969 C 7.9375 0.445313 7.324219 0.09375 6.714844 -0.386719 C 6.074219 -0.03125 5.371094 0.144531 4.605469 0.148438 C 3.824219 0.144531 3.117188 -0.0390625 2.488281 -0.414063 C 1.851563 -0.785156 1.363281 -1.3125 1.027344 -1.996094 C 0.683594 -2.671875 0.515625 -3.4375 0.515625 -4.296875 C 0.515625 -5.140625 0.6875 -5.914063 1.03125 -6.609375 C 1.375 -7.304688 1.863281 -7.832031 2.5 -8.195313 C 3.132813 -8.558594 3.84375 -8.742188 4.628906 -8.742188 C 5.421875 -8.742188 6.136719 -8.550781 6.773438 -8.175781 C 7.40625 -7.792969 7.890625 -7.265625 8.226563 -6.59375 C 8.5625 -5.914063 8.730469 -5.152344 8.730469 -4.300781 C 8.730469 -3.59375 8.621094 -2.957031 8.40625 -2.394531 C 8.191406 -1.828125 7.867188 -1.335938 7.4375 -0.921875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 C 5.589844 -2.1875 6.128906 -1.914063 6.554688 -1.554688 C 7.222656 -2.160156 7.558594 -3.078125 7.558594 -4.300781 C 7.558594 -4.996094 7.4375 -5.601563 7.203125 -6.121094 C 6.964844 -6.640625 6.621094 -7.042969 6.167969 -7.332031 C 5.710938 -7.617188 5.199219 -7.761719 4.632813 -7.765625 C 3.785156 -7.761719 3.082031 -7.472656 2.523438 -6.894531 C 1.964844 -6.3125 1.6875 -5.445313 1.6875 -4.296875 C 1.6875 -3.171875 1.960938 -2.316406 2.515625 -1.722656 C 3.0625 -1.125 3.769531 -0.824219 4.632813 -0.828125 C 5.035156 -0.824219 5.417969 -0.902344 5.78125 -1.054688 C 5.425781 -1.28125 5.050781 -1.445313 4.65625 -1.546875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -7.015625 L 0.644531 -7.84375 C 1.265625 -7.621094 1.714844 -7.433594 2 -7.277344 C 1.921875 -7.980469 1.882813 -8.464844 1.882813 -8.734375 L 2.730469 -8.734375 C 2.714844 -8.347656 2.667969 -7.863281 2.59375 -7.28125 C 2.996094 -7.480469 3.457031 -7.667969 3.976563 -7.84375 L 4.25 -7.015625 C 3.75 -6.84375 3.265625 -6.734375 2.789063 -6.6875 C 3.027344 -6.476563 3.363281 -6.109375 3.796875 -5.578125 L 3.09375 -5.078125 C 2.867188 -5.386719 2.597656 -5.808594 2.289063 -6.339844 C 2 -5.789063 1.746094 -5.367188 1.53125 -5.078125 L 0.835938 -5.578125 C 1.285156 -6.132813 1.609375 -6.5 1.8125 -6.6875 C 1.304688 -6.78125 0.828125 -6.890625 0.375 -7.015625 Z M 0.375 -7.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.789063 0 L 0.789063 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -5.507813 C 2.335938 -6.078125 2.957031 -6.363281 3.710938 -6.363281 C 4.164063 -6.363281 4.566406 -6.269531 4.910156 -6.089844 C 5.25 -5.90625 5.492188 -5.65625 5.640625 -5.339844 C 5.785156 -5.015625 5.859375 -4.550781 5.859375 -3.945313 L 5.859375 0 L 4.804688 0 L 4.804688 -3.945313 C 4.804688 -4.46875 4.6875 -4.851563 4.460938 -5.09375 C 4.226563 -5.328125 3.90625 -5.449219 3.492188 -5.453125 C 3.179688 -5.449219 2.882813 -5.367188 2.609375 -5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.878906 0 L 0.878906 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -1.015625 L 6.246094 -1.015625 L 6.246094 0 Z M 0.878906 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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2.433594 -5.289063 C 2.796875 -5.472656 3.183594 -5.566406 3.585938 -5.570313 C 4.289063 -5.566406 4.886719 -5.308594 5.382813 -4.792969 C 5.875 -4.277344 6.121094 -3.609375 6.125 -2.789063 C 6.121094 -2.25 6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 1.664063 -3.335938 1.664063 -2.78125 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.121094 -4.65625 C 1.683594 -4.816406 1.359375 -5.046875 1.148438 -5.34375 C 0.9375 -5.640625 0.832031 -5.996094 0.832031 -6.410156 C 0.832031 -7.035156 1.054688 -7.558594 1.503906 -7.984375 C 1.953125 -8.410156 2.550781 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.042969 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.972656 C 5.566406 -7.535156 5.792969 -7.003906 5.796875 -6.382813 C 5.792969 -5.976563 5.6875 -5.628906 5.480469 -5.339844 C 5.269531 -5.042969 4.953125 -4.816406 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.054688 -4.480469 5.457031 -4.203125 5.734375 -3.824219 C 6.007813 -3.4375 6.144531 -2.980469 6.148438 -2.453125 C 6.144531 -1.714844 5.886719 -1.097656 5.367188 -0.601563 C 4.84375 -0.101563 4.160156 0.144531 3.316406 0.148438 C 2.46875 0.144531 1.785156 -0.101563 1.265625 -0.605469 C 0.742188 -1.105469 0.480469 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.480469 -3.039063 0.621094 -3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.234375 -0.5 C -5.246094 -0.496094 -6.0625 -0.601563 -6.6875 -0.8125 C -7.304688 -1.019531 -7.785156 -1.328125 -8.121094 -1.742188 C -8.457031 -2.152344 -8.625 -2.671875 -8.625 -3.300781 C -8.625 -3.757813 -8.53125 -4.164063 -8.347656 -4.511719 C -8.160156 -4.859375 -7.890625 -5.144531 -7.542969 -5.371094 C -7.191406 -5.59375 -6.765625 -5.773438 -6.265625 -5.90625 C -5.761719 -6.035156 -5.085938 -6.097656 -4.234375 -6.101563 C -3.222656 -6.097656 -2.410156 -5.996094 -1.792969 -5.789063 C -1.175781 -5.578125 -0.695313 -5.265625 -0.359375 -4.859375 C -0.0195313 -4.445313 0.144531 -3.925781 0.148438 -3.296875 C 0.144531 -2.464844 -0.148438 -1.816406 -0.742188 -1.347656 C -1.457031 -0.78125 -2.621094 -0.496094 -4.234375 -0.5 Z M -4.234375 -1.582031 C -2.824219 -1.582031 -1.886719 -1.746094 -1.417969 -2.074219 C -0.949219 -2.402344 -0.714844 -2.808594 -0.71875 -3.296875 C -0.714844 -3.777344 -0.949219 -4.183594 -1.421875 -4.519531 C -1.886719 -4.847656 -2.824219 -5.015625 -4.234375 -5.015625 C -5.648438 -5.015625 -6.589844 -4.847656 -7.054688 -4.519531 C -7.515625 -4.1875 -7.746094 -3.777344 -7.75 -3.289063 C -7.746094 -2.800781 -7.542969 -2.414063 -7.136719 -2.128906 C -6.613281 -1.761719 -5.644531 -1.582031 -4.234375 -1.582031 Z M -4.234375 -1.582031 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> 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8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.0625 0 L 1.0625 -10.308594 L 8.128906 -10.308594 L 8.128906 -8.5625 L 3.144531 -8.5625 L 3.144531 -6.125 L 7.445313 -6.125 L 7.445313 -4.378906 L 3.144531 -4.378906 L 3.144531 0 Z M 1.0625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.457031 -7.46875 L 4.457031 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -2.882813 C 3.105469 -2.273438 3.117188 -1.917969 3.144531 -1.816406 C 3.167969 -1.714844 3.226563 -1.628906 3.320313 -1.566406 C 3.410156 -1.496094 3.523438 -1.464844 3.65625 -1.46875 C 3.835938 -1.464844 4.097656 -1.527344 4.449219 -1.660156 L 4.621094 -0.125 C 4.15625 0.0703125 3.636719 0.164063 3.058594 0.167969 C 2.699219 0.164063 2.375 0.105469 2.09375 -0.0117188 C 1.804688 -0.128906 1.597656 -0.28125 1.464844 -0.472656 C 1.332031 -0.660156 1.238281 -0.917969 1.1875 -1.246094 C 1.144531 -1.472656 1.125 -1.9375 1.125 -2.636719 L 1.125 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -7.46875 L 1.125 -7.46875 L 1.125 -8.949219 L 3.109375 -10.105469 L 3.109375 -7.46875 Z M 4.457031 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 -3.839844 C 0.574219 -4.492188 0.734375 -5.128906 1.0625 -5.742188 C 1.382813 -6.355469 1.839844 -6.824219 2.433594 -7.148438 C 3.023438 -7.472656 3.6875 -7.632813 4.421875 -7.636719 C 5.550781 -7.632813 6.476563 -7.265625 7.199219 -6.535156 C 7.917969 -5.796875 8.277344 -4.871094 8.28125 -3.753906 C 8.277344 -2.621094 7.914063 -1.683594 7.1875 -0.945313 C 6.457031 -0.203125 5.539063 0.164063 4.4375 0.167969 C 3.75 0.164063 3.097656 0.0117188 2.476563 -0.292969 C 1.855469 -0.601563 1.382813 -1.054688 1.0625 -1.652344 C 0.734375 -2.25 0.574219 -2.976563 0.578125 -3.839844 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 C 2.601563 -2.988281 2.777344 -2.421875 3.128906 -2.03125 C 3.480469 -1.636719 3.914063 -1.441406 4.429688 -1.441406 C 4.945313 -1.441406 5.375 -1.636719 5.726563 -2.03125 C 6.070313 -2.421875 6.246094 -2.992188 6.25 -3.746094 C 6.246094 -4.472656 6.070313 -5.035156 5.726563 -5.433594 C 5.375 -5.824219 4.945313 -6.023438 4.429688 -6.027344 C 3.914063 -6.023438 3.480469 -5.824219 3.128906 -5.433594 C 2.777344 -5.035156 2.601563 -4.46875 2.601563 -3.734375 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.949219 0 L 5.949219 -1.117188 C 5.671875 -0.714844 5.316406 -0.402344 4.875 -0.175781 C 4.429688 0.0507813 3.960938 0.164063 3.472656 0.167969 C 2.96875 0.164063 2.519531 0.0585938 2.125 -0.160156 C 1.722656 -0.378906 1.433594 -0.691406 1.257813 -1.089844 C 1.078125 -1.488281 0.988281 -2.039063 0.992188 -2.742188 L 0.992188 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -4.035156 C 2.964844 -2.984375 3 -2.339844 3.074219 -2.105469 C 3.144531 -1.863281 3.277344 -1.675781 3.472656 -1.542969 C 3.664063 -1.402344 3.90625 -1.335938 4.203125 -1.335938 C 4.539063 -1.335938 4.84375 -1.425781 5.109375 -1.613281 C 5.375 -1.792969 5.558594 -2.023438 5.660156 -2.300781 C 5.757813 -2.574219 5.804688 -3.246094 5.808594 -4.316406 L 5.808594 -7.46875 L 7.785156 -7.46875 L 7.785156 0 Z M 5.949219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.667969 0 L 3.691406 0 L 3.691406 -7.445313 C 2.96875 -6.769531 2.117188 -6.269531 1.140625 -5.949219 L 1.140625 -7.742188 C 1.652344 -7.90625 2.210938 -8.226563 2.820313 -8.699219 C 3.421875 -9.167969 3.835938 -9.71875 4.0625 -10.351563 L 5.667969 -10.351563 Z M 5.667969 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.953125 -10.351563 C 4.949219 -10.347656 5.730469 -9.992188 6.292969 -9.28125 C 6.960938 -8.4375 7.292969 -7.035156 7.296875 -5.082031 C 7.292969 -3.128906 6.957031 -1.730469 6.285156 -0.878906 C 5.726563 -0.175781 4.949219 0.175781 3.953125 0.175781 C 2.945313 0.175781 2.136719 -0.207031 1.523438 -0.980469 C 0.910156 -1.746094 0.601563 -3.121094 0.605469 -5.105469 C 0.601563 -7.042969 0.941406 -8.441406 1.617188 -9.296875 C 2.171875 -9.996094 2.949219 -10.347656 3.953125 -10.351563 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 C 3.710938 -8.707031 3.496094 -8.628906 3.3125 -8.480469 C 3.121094 -8.324219 2.976563 -8.054688 2.875 -7.664063 C 2.738281 -7.152344 2.671875 -6.289063 2.671875 -5.082031 C 2.671875 -3.871094 2.730469 -3.042969 2.855469 -2.589844 C 2.972656 -2.136719 3.128906 -1.835938 3.316406 -1.6875 C 3.5 -1.535156 3.710938 -1.457031 3.953125 -1.460938 C 4.1875 -1.457031 4.398438 -1.535156 4.589844 -1.6875 C 4.773438 -1.839844 4.921875 -2.113281 5.027344 -2.511719 C 5.160156 -3.015625 5.226563 -3.871094 5.230469 -5.082031 C 5.226563 -6.289063 5.164063 -7.121094 5.046875 -7.574219 C 4.921875 -8.023438 4.769531 -8.324219 4.585938 -8.480469 C 4.398438 -8.628906 4.1875 -8.707031 3.953125 -8.710938 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 -6.835938 4.96875 -6.152344 4.566406 -5.710938 C 4.15625 -5.261719 3.609375 -5.039063 2.917969 -5.042969 C 2.199219 -5.039063 1.636719 -5.261719 1.234375 -5.707031 C 0.824219 -6.148438 0.621094 -6.832031 0.625 -7.761719 Z M 2.164063 -7.777344 C 2.160156 -7.101563 2.238281 -6.652344 2.398438 -6.425781 C 2.511719 -6.253906 2.675781 -6.167969 2.882813 -6.171875 C 3.09375 -6.167969 3.257813 -6.253906 3.375 -6.425781 C 3.523438 -6.652344 3.597656 -7.101563 3.601563 -7.777344 C 3.597656 -8.441406 3.523438 -8.890625 3.375 -9.121094 C 3.257813 -9.289063 3.09375 -9.375 2.882813 -9.378906 C 2.675781 -9.375 2.511719 -9.289063 2.398438 -9.125 C 2.238281 -8.890625 2.160156 -8.441406 2.164063 -7.777344 Z M 4.386719 0.394531 L 2.925781 0.394531 L 8.417969 -10.484375 L 9.835938 -10.484375 Z M 7.578125 -2.3125 C 7.574219 -3.234375 7.777344 -3.917969 8.1875 -4.367188 C 8.589844 -4.808594 9.144531 -5.03125 9.851563 -5.035156 C 10.554688 -5.03125 11.113281 -4.808594 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0.515625 -5.140625 0.6875 -5.914063 1.03125 -6.609375 C 1.375 -7.304688 1.863281 -7.832031 2.5 -8.195313 C 3.132813 -8.558594 3.84375 -8.742188 4.628906 -8.742188 C 5.421875 -8.742188 6.136719 -8.550781 6.773438 -8.175781 C 7.40625 -7.792969 7.890625 -7.265625 8.226563 -6.59375 C 8.5625 -5.914063 8.730469 -5.152344 8.730469 -4.300781 C 8.730469 -3.59375 8.621094 -2.957031 8.40625 -2.394531 C 8.191406 -1.828125 7.867188 -1.335938 7.4375 -0.921875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 C 5.589844 -2.1875 6.128906 -1.914063 6.554688 -1.554688 C 7.222656 -2.160156 7.558594 -3.078125 7.558594 -4.300781 C 7.558594 -4.996094 7.4375 -5.601563 7.203125 -6.121094 C 6.964844 -6.640625 6.621094 -7.042969 6.167969 -7.332031 C 5.710938 -7.617188 5.199219 -7.761719 4.632813 -7.765625 C 3.785156 -7.761719 3.082031 -7.472656 2.523438 -6.894531 C 1.964844 -6.3125 1.6875 -5.445313 1.6875 -4.296875 C 1.6875 -3.171875 1.960938 -2.316406 2.515625 -1.722656 C 3.0625 -1.125 3.769531 -0.824219 4.632813 -0.828125 C 5.035156 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0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" 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-2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.8125 4.695313 -7.113281 4.523438 -7.304688 C 4.234375 -7.605469 3.882813 -7.757813 3.46875 -7.757813 C 3.132813 -7.757813 2.835938 -7.664063 2.585938 -7.476563 C 2.25 -7.234375 1.988281 -6.878906 1.796875 -6.414063 C 1.605469 -5.949219 1.507813 -5.289063 1.5 -4.429688 C 1.753906 -4.8125 2.0625 -5.097656 2.433594 -5.289063 C 2.796875 -5.472656 3.183594 -5.566406 3.585938 -5.570313 C 4.289063 -5.566406 4.886719 -5.308594 5.382813 -4.792969 C 5.875 -4.277344 6.121094 -3.609375 6.125 -2.789063 C 6.121094 -2.25 6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 1.664063 -3.335938 1.664063 -2.78125 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> 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2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 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-2.136719 -0.949219 -2.421875 C -0.792969 -2.699219 -0.714844 -3.003906 -0.71875 -3.328125 C -0.714844 -3.832031 -0.875 -4.246094 -1.203125 -4.578125 C -1.523438 -4.902344 -1.9375 -5.066406 -2.441406 -5.070313 C -2.945313 -5.066406 -3.367188 -4.898438 -3.703125 -4.5625 C -4.035156 -4.222656 -4.199219 -3.800781 -4.203125 -3.292969 C -4.199219 -2.796875 -4.035156 -2.382813 -3.710938 -2.058594 C -3.378906 -1.730469 -2.96875 -1.570313 -2.476563 -1.570313 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.46875 L 0 -3.414063 L -6.71875 -3.417969 C -6.476563 -3.160156 -6.234375 -2.828125 -5.996094 -2.417969 C -5.75 -2.003906 -5.570313 -1.632813 -5.449219 -1.308594 L -6.46875 -1.308594 C -6.742188 -1.894531 -7.078125 -2.410156 -7.476563 -2.851563 C -7.871094 -3.292969 -8.253906 -3.605469 -8.625 -3.792969 L -8.625 -4.472656 Z M 0 -4.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" 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-0.6875 -0.617188 -1.117188 -0.433594 -1.640625 -0.433594 C -1.945313 -0.433594 -2.222656 -0.5 -2.472656 -0.640625 C -2.722656 -0.777344 -2.925781 -0.960938 -3.082031 -1.1875 C -3.234375 -1.410156 -3.347656 -1.664063 -3.429688 -1.945313 C -3.476563 -2.152344 -3.53125 -2.464844 -3.585938 -2.882813 C -3.6875 -3.734375 -3.808594 -4.359375 -3.949219 -4.765625 C -4.089844 -4.765625 -4.179688 -4.769531 -4.226563 -4.769531 C -4.648438 -4.769531 -4.953125 -4.667969 -5.132813 -4.46875 C -5.371094 -4.199219 -5.488281 -3.800781 -5.492188 -3.269531 C -5.488281 -2.773438 -5.402344 -2.40625 -5.230469 -2.171875 C -5.054688 -1.933594 -4.746094 -1.757813 -4.304688 -1.648438 L -4.445313 -0.617188 C -4.886719 -0.707031 -5.242188 -0.863281 -5.515625 -1.078125 C -5.78125 -1.292969 -5.992188 -1.601563 -6.140625 -2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.878906 L -8.589844 -0.878906 L -8.589844 -2.015625 L -1.011719 -2.015625 L -1.011719 -6.246094 L 0 -6.246094 Z M 0 -0.878906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -3.109375 -0.398438 C -4.261719 -0.398438 -5.117188 -0.71875 -5.671875 -1.359375 C -6.132813 -1.894531 -6.363281 -2.546875 -6.363281 -3.316406 C -6.363281 -4.171875 -6.082031 -4.871094 -5.519531 -5.414063 C -4.957031 -5.953125 -4.183594 -6.222656 -3.199219 -6.226563 C -2.394531 -6.222656 -1.761719 -6.101563 -1.308594 -5.867188 C -0.847656 -5.625 -0.492188 -5.277344 -0.238281 -4.820313 C 0.015625 -4.359375 0.140625 -3.859375 0.140625 -3.316406 C 0.140625 -2.441406 -0.136719 -1.734375 -0.695313 -1.203125 C -1.253906 -0.664063 -2.058594 -0.398438 -3.109375 -0.398438 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 C -2.308594 -1.480469 -1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.0625 0 L 1.0625 -10.308594 L 8.128906 -10.308594 L 8.128906 -8.5625 L 3.144531 -8.5625 L 3.144531 -6.125 L 7.445313 -6.125 L 7.445313 -4.378906 L 3.144531 -4.378906 L 3.144531 0 Z M 1.0625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.457031 -7.46875 L 4.457031 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -2.882813 C 3.105469 -2.273438 3.117188 -1.917969 3.144531 -1.816406 C 3.167969 -1.714844 3.226563 -1.628906 3.320313 -1.566406 C 3.410156 -1.496094 3.523438 -1.464844 3.65625 -1.46875 C 3.835938 -1.464844 4.097656 -1.527344 4.449219 -1.660156 L 4.621094 -0.125 C 4.15625 0.0703125 3.636719 0.164063 3.058594 0.167969 C 2.699219 0.164063 2.375 0.105469 2.09375 -0.0117188 C 1.804688 -0.128906 1.597656 -0.28125 1.464844 -0.472656 C 1.332031 -0.660156 1.238281 -0.917969 1.1875 -1.246094 C 1.144531 -1.472656 1.125 -1.9375 1.125 -2.636719 L 1.125 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -7.46875 L 1.125 -7.46875 L 1.125 -8.949219 L 3.109375 -10.105469 L 3.109375 -7.46875 Z M 4.457031 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 -3.839844 C 0.574219 -4.492188 0.734375 -5.128906 1.0625 -5.742188 C 1.382813 -6.355469 1.839844 -6.824219 2.433594 -7.148438 C 3.023438 -7.472656 3.6875 -7.632813 4.421875 -7.636719 C 5.550781 -7.632813 6.476563 -7.265625 7.199219 -6.535156 C 7.917969 -5.796875 8.277344 -4.871094 8.28125 -3.753906 C 8.277344 -2.621094 7.914063 -1.683594 7.1875 -0.945313 C 6.457031 -0.203125 5.539063 0.164063 4.4375 0.167969 C 3.75 0.164063 3.097656 0.0117188 2.476563 -0.292969 C 1.855469 -0.601563 1.382813 -1.054688 1.0625 -1.652344 C 0.734375 -2.25 0.574219 -2.976563 0.578125 -3.839844 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 C 2.601563 -2.988281 2.777344 -2.421875 3.128906 -2.03125 C 3.480469 -1.636719 3.914063 -1.441406 4.429688 -1.441406 C 4.945313 -1.441406 5.375 -1.636719 5.726563 -2.03125 C 6.070313 -2.421875 6.246094 -2.992188 6.25 -3.746094 C 6.246094 -4.472656 6.070313 -5.035156 5.726563 -5.433594 C 5.375 -5.824219 4.945313 -6.023438 4.429688 -6.027344 C 3.914063 -6.023438 3.480469 -5.824219 3.128906 -5.433594 C 2.777344 -5.035156 2.601563 -4.46875 2.601563 -3.734375 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.949219 0 L 5.949219 -1.117188 C 5.671875 -0.714844 5.316406 -0.402344 4.875 -0.175781 C 4.429688 0.0507813 3.960938 0.164063 3.472656 0.167969 C 2.96875 0.164063 2.519531 0.0585938 2.125 -0.160156 C 1.722656 -0.378906 1.433594 -0.691406 1.257813 -1.089844 C 1.078125 -1.488281 0.988281 -2.039063 0.992188 -2.742188 L 0.992188 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -4.035156 C 2.964844 -2.984375 3 -2.339844 3.074219 -2.105469 C 3.144531 -1.863281 3.277344 -1.675781 3.472656 -1.542969 C 3.664063 -1.402344 3.90625 -1.335938 4.203125 -1.335938 C 4.539063 -1.335938 4.84375 -1.425781 5.109375 -1.613281 C 5.375 -1.792969 5.558594 -2.023438 5.660156 -2.300781 C 5.757813 -2.574219 5.804688 -3.246094 5.808594 -4.316406 L 5.808594 -7.46875 L 7.785156 -7.46875 L 7.785156 0 Z M 5.949219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> 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2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.667969 0 L 3.691406 0 L 3.691406 -7.445313 C 2.96875 -6.769531 2.117188 -6.269531 1.140625 -5.949219 L 1.140625 -7.742188 C 1.652344 -7.90625 2.210938 -8.226563 2.820313 -8.699219 C 3.421875 -9.167969 3.835938 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4.042969 0.175781 C 3.089844 0.175781 2.3125 -0.078125 1.714844 -0.589844 C 1.113281 -1.097656 0.753906 -1.785156 0.640625 -2.652344 Z M 0.640625 -2.652344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 -6.835938 4.96875 -6.152344 4.566406 -5.710938 C 4.15625 -5.261719 3.609375 -5.039063 2.917969 -5.042969 C 2.199219 -5.039063 1.636719 -5.261719 1.234375 -5.707031 C 0.824219 -6.148438 0.621094 -6.832031 0.625 -7.761719 Z M 2.164063 -7.777344 C 2.160156 -7.101563 2.238281 -6.652344 2.398438 -6.425781 C 2.511719 -6.253906 2.675781 -6.167969 2.882813 -6.171875 C 3.09375 -6.167969 3.257813 -6.253906 3.375 -6.425781 C 3.523438 -6.652344 3.597656 -7.101563 3.601563 -7.777344 C 3.597656 -8.441406 3.523438 -8.890625 3.375 -9.121094 C 3.257813 -9.289063 3.09375 -9.375 2.882813 -9.378906 C 2.675781 -9.375 2.511719 -9.289063 2.398438 -9.125 C 2.238281 -8.890625 2.160156 -8.441406 2.164063 -7.777344 Z M 4.386719 0.394531 L 2.925781 0.394531 L 8.417969 -10.484375 L 9.835938 -10.484375 Z M 7.578125 -2.3125 C 7.574219 -3.234375 7.777344 -3.917969 8.1875 -4.367188 C 8.589844 -4.808594 9.144531 -5.03125 9.851563 -5.035156 C 10.554688 -5.03125 11.113281 -4.808594 11.519531 -4.367188 C 11.925781 -3.917969 12.128906 -3.234375 12.128906 -2.3125 C 12.128906 -1.382813 11.925781 -0.695313 11.519531 -0.253906 C 11.113281 0.191406 10.5625 0.410156 9.871094 0.414063 C 9.152344 0.410156 8.589844 0.191406 8.1875 -0.253906 C 7.777344 -0.695313 7.574219 -1.382813 7.578125 -2.3125 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 C 9.117188 -1.648438 9.195313 -1.199219 9.351563 -0.976563 C 9.46875 -0.800781 9.628906 -0.714844 9.835938 -0.71875 C 10.042969 -0.714844 10.203125 -0.796875 10.320313 -0.96875 C 10.472656 -1.195313 10.550781 -1.648438 10.554688 -2.320313 C 10.550781 -2.988281 10.476563 -3.4375 10.328125 -3.671875 C 10.207031 -3.835938 10.042969 -3.917969 9.835938 -3.921875 C 9.621094 -3.917969 9.460938 -3.835938 9.351563 -3.671875 C 9.195313 -3.4375 9.117188 -2.988281 9.121094 -2.320313 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 "/> +</symbol> +</g> +</defs> +<g id="surface21"> +<rect x="0" y="0" width="504" height="504" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 77.101563 416.800781 C 77.101563 420.398438 71.699219 420.398438 71.699219 416.800781 C 71.699219 413.199219 77.101563 413.199219 77.101563 416.800781 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 89.398438 404.699219 C 89.398438 408.300781 83.996094 408.300781 83.996094 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325.613281 L 166.558594 321.835938 L 170.398438 318.070313 L 174.238281 314.324219 L 178.078125 310.59375 L 181.921875 306.878906 L 185.761719 303.179688 L 189.601563 299.5 L 193.441406 295.835938 L 197.28125 292.1875 L 201.121094 288.554688 L 204.960938 284.941406 L 208.800781 281.34375 L 212.640625 277.761719 L 216.480469 274.195313 L 220.320313 270.648438 L 224.160156 267.117188 L 228 263.601563 L 231.839844 260.101563 L 235.679688 256.621094 L 239.519531 253.15625 L 243.359375 249.707031 L 247.199219 246.273438 L 251.039063 242.859375 L 254.878906 239.460938 L 258.71875 236.078125 L 262.558594 232.710938 L 266.398438 229.363281 L 270.238281 226.027344 L 274.078125 222.710938 L 277.921875 219.414063 L 281.761719 216.128906 L 285.601563 212.863281 L 289.441406 209.613281 L 293.28125 206.382813 L 297.121094 203.164063 L 300.960938 199.964844 L 304.800781 196.78125 L 308.640625 193.613281 L 312.480469 190.464844 L 316.320313 187.332031 L 320.160156 184.214844 L 324 181.113281 L 327.839844 178.03125 L 331.679688 174.964844 L 335.519531 171.914063 L 339.359375 168.878906 L 343.199219 165.863281 L 347.039063 162.859375 L 350.878906 159.875 L 354.71875 156.910156 L 358.558594 153.957031 L 362.398438 151.023438 L 366.238281 148.105469 L 370.078125 145.203125 L 373.921875 142.320313 L 377.761719 139.453125 L 381.601563 136.601563 L 385.441406 133.765625 L 389.28125 130.949219 L 393.121094 128.144531 L 396.960938 125.359375 L 400.800781 122.59375 L 404.640625 119.839844 L 408.480469 117.105469 L 412.320313 114.386719 L 416.160156 111.683594 L 420 109 L 423.839844 106.328125 L 427.679688 103.675781 L 431.519531 101.042969 L 435.359375 98.421875 L 439.199219 95.820313 L 443.039063 93.234375 L 446.878906 90.664063 L 450.71875 88.113281 L 454.558594 85.574219 L 458.398438 83.054688 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 70.582031 416.800781 L 78.21875 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-7.757813 3.21875 -7.757813 C 2.804688 -7.757813 2.464844 -7.628906 2.191406 -7.371094 C 1.917969 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726563 1.664063 -6.210938 L 0.609375 -6.398438 C 0.738281 -7.105469 1.03125 -7.652344 1.488281 -8.042969 C 1.941406 -8.429688 2.507813 -8.625 3.195313 -8.625 C 3.660156 -8.625 4.09375 -8.523438 4.488281 -8.324219 C 4.878906 -8.121094 5.179688 -7.847656 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.601563 -7.148438 5.707031 -6.777344 5.707031 -6.390625 C 5.707031 -6.019531 5.605469 -5.683594 5.40625 -5.378906 C 5.207031 -5.074219 4.914063 -4.832031 4.523438 -4.652344 C 5.03125 -4.535156 5.425781 -4.289063 5.707031 -3.921875 C 5.988281 -3.546875 6.128906 -3.085938 6.128906 -2.539063 C 6.128906 -1.785156 5.855469 -1.148438 5.308594 -0.628906 C 4.761719 -0.105469 4.070313 0.152344 3.234375 0.152344 C 2.476563 0.152344 1.847656 -0.0703125 1.355469 -0.519531 C 0.855469 -0.96875 0.574219 -1.550781 0.503906 -2.265625 Z M 0.503906 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path 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-4.996094 7.4375 -5.601563 7.203125 -6.121094 C 6.964844 -6.640625 6.621094 -7.042969 6.167969 -7.332031 C 5.710938 -7.617188 5.199219 -7.761719 4.632813 -7.765625 C 3.785156 -7.761719 3.082031 -7.472656 2.523438 -6.894531 C 1.964844 -6.3125 1.6875 -5.445313 1.6875 -4.296875 C 1.6875 -3.171875 1.960938 -2.316406 2.515625 -1.722656 C 3.0625 -1.125 3.769531 -0.824219 4.632813 -0.828125 C 5.035156 -0.824219 5.417969 -0.902344 5.78125 -1.054688 C 5.425781 -1.28125 5.050781 -1.445313 4.65625 -1.546875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -7.015625 L 0.644531 -7.84375 C 1.265625 -7.621094 1.714844 -7.433594 2 -7.277344 C 1.921875 -7.980469 1.882813 -8.464844 1.882813 -8.734375 L 2.730469 -8.734375 C 2.714844 -8.347656 2.667969 -7.863281 2.59375 -7.28125 C 2.996094 -7.480469 3.457031 -7.667969 3.976563 -7.84375 L 4.25 -7.015625 C 3.75 -6.84375 3.265625 -6.734375 2.789063 -6.6875 C 3.027344 -6.476563 3.363281 -6.109375 3.796875 -5.578125 L 3.09375 -5.078125 C 2.867188 -5.386719 2.597656 -5.808594 2.289063 -6.339844 C 2 -5.789063 1.746094 -5.367188 1.53125 -5.078125 L 0.835938 -5.578125 C 1.285156 -6.132813 1.609375 -6.5 1.8125 -6.6875 C 1.304688 -6.78125 0.828125 -6.890625 0.375 -7.015625 Z M 0.375 -7.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.789063 0 L 0.789063 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -5.507813 C 2.335938 -6.078125 2.957031 -6.363281 3.710938 -6.363281 C 4.164063 -6.363281 4.566406 -6.269531 4.910156 -6.089844 C 5.25 -5.90625 5.492188 -5.65625 5.640625 -5.339844 C 5.785156 -5.015625 5.859375 -4.550781 5.859375 -3.945313 L 5.859375 0 L 4.804688 0 L 4.804688 -3.945313 C 4.804688 -4.46875 4.6875 -4.851563 4.460938 -5.09375 C 4.226563 -5.328125 3.90625 -5.449219 3.492188 -5.453125 C 3.179688 -5.449219 2.882813 -5.367188 2.609375 -5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.878906 0 L 0.878906 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -1.015625 L 6.246094 -1.015625 L 6.246094 0 Z M 0.878906 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.339844 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -6.035156 L 6.339844 -6.035156 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -3.429688 L 6.339844 -3.429688 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.382813 -2.578125 L 0.382813 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -2.578125 Z M 0.382813 -2.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.8125 4.695313 -7.113281 4.523438 -7.304688 C 4.234375 -7.605469 3.882813 -7.757813 3.46875 -7.757813 C 3.132813 -7.757813 2.835938 -7.664063 2.585938 -7.476563 C 2.25 -7.234375 1.988281 -6.878906 1.796875 -6.414063 C 1.605469 -5.949219 1.507813 -5.289063 1.5 -4.429688 C 1.753906 -4.8125 2.0625 -5.097656 2.433594 -5.289063 C 2.796875 -5.472656 3.183594 -5.566406 3.585938 -5.570313 C 4.289063 -5.566406 4.886719 -5.308594 5.382813 -4.792969 C 5.875 -4.277344 6.121094 -3.609375 6.125 -2.789063 C 6.121094 -2.25 6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 1.664063 -3.335938 1.664063 -2.78125 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.878906 0 L 3.878906 -2.054688 L 0.152344 -2.054688 L 0.152344 -3.023438 L 4.070313 -8.589844 L 4.933594 -8.589844 L 4.933594 -3.023438 L 6.09375 -3.023438 L 6.09375 -2.054688 L 4.933594 -2.054688 L 4.933594 0 Z M 3.878906 -3.023438 L 3.878906 -6.898438 L 1.1875 -3.023438 Z M 3.878906 -3.023438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.121094 -4.65625 C 1.683594 -4.816406 1.359375 -5.046875 1.148438 -5.34375 C 0.9375 -5.640625 0.832031 -5.996094 0.832031 -6.410156 C 0.832031 -7.035156 1.054688 -7.558594 1.503906 -7.984375 C 1.953125 -8.410156 2.550781 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.042969 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.972656 C 5.566406 -7.535156 5.792969 -7.003906 5.796875 -6.382813 C 5.792969 -5.976563 5.6875 -5.628906 5.480469 -5.339844 C 5.269531 -5.042969 4.953125 -4.816406 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.054688 -4.480469 5.457031 -4.203125 5.734375 -3.824219 C 6.007813 -3.4375 6.144531 -2.980469 6.148438 -2.453125 C 6.144531 -1.714844 5.886719 -1.097656 5.367188 -0.601563 C 4.84375 -0.101563 4.160156 0.144531 3.316406 0.148438 C 2.46875 0.144531 1.785156 -0.101563 1.265625 -0.605469 C 0.742188 -1.105469 0.480469 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.480469 -3.039063 0.621094 -3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.234375 -0.5 C -5.246094 -0.496094 -6.0625 -0.601563 -6.6875 -0.8125 C -7.304688 -1.019531 -7.785156 -1.328125 -8.121094 -1.742188 C -8.457031 -2.152344 -8.625 -2.671875 -8.625 -3.300781 C -8.625 -3.757813 -8.53125 -4.164063 -8.347656 -4.511719 C -8.160156 -4.859375 -7.890625 -5.144531 -7.542969 -5.371094 C -7.191406 -5.59375 -6.765625 -5.773438 -6.265625 -5.90625 C -5.761719 -6.035156 -5.085938 -6.097656 -4.234375 -6.101563 C -3.222656 -6.097656 -2.410156 -5.996094 -1.792969 -5.789063 C -1.175781 -5.578125 -0.695313 -5.265625 -0.359375 -4.859375 C -0.0195313 -4.445313 0.144531 -3.925781 0.148438 -3.296875 C 0.144531 -2.464844 -0.148438 -1.816406 -0.742188 -1.347656 C -1.457031 -0.78125 -2.621094 -0.496094 -4.234375 -0.5 Z M -4.234375 -1.582031 C -2.824219 -1.582031 -1.886719 -1.746094 -1.417969 -2.074219 C -0.949219 -2.402344 -0.714844 -2.808594 -0.71875 -3.296875 C -0.714844 -3.777344 -0.949219 -4.183594 -1.421875 -4.519531 C -1.886719 -4.847656 -2.824219 -5.015625 -4.234375 -5.015625 C -5.648438 -5.015625 -6.589844 -4.847656 -7.054688 -4.519531 C -7.515625 -4.1875 -7.746094 -3.777344 -7.75 -3.289063 C -7.746094 -2.800781 -7.542969 -2.414063 -7.136719 -2.128906 C -6.613281 -1.761719 -5.644531 -1.582031 -4.234375 -1.582031 Z M -4.234375 -1.582031 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 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C -5.976563 -5.792969 -5.628906 -5.6875 -5.339844 -5.480469 C -5.042969 -5.269531 -4.816406 -4.953125 -4.65625 -4.53125 C -4.480469 -5.054688 -4.203125 -5.457031 -3.824219 -5.734375 C -3.4375 -6.007813 -2.980469 -6.144531 -2.453125 -6.148438 C -1.714844 -6.144531 -1.097656 -5.886719 -0.601563 -5.367188 C -0.101563 -4.84375 0.144531 -4.160156 0.148438 -3.316406 C 0.144531 -2.46875 -0.101563 -1.785156 -0.605469 -1.265625 C -1.105469 -0.746094 -1.734375 -0.484375 -2.484375 -0.488281 C -3.039063 -0.484375 -3.503906 -0.625 -3.886719 -0.910156 C -4.261719 -1.191406 -4.519531 -1.597656 -4.65625 -2.121094 Z M -6.445313 -1.910156 C -6.039063 -1.910156 -5.707031 -2.039063 -5.449219 -2.300781 C -5.191406 -2.5625 -5.0625 -2.902344 -5.0625 -3.324219 C -5.0625 -3.726563 -5.1875 -4.058594 -5.445313 -4.320313 C -5.695313 -4.578125 -6.011719 -4.710938 -6.386719 -4.710938 C -6.773438 -4.710938 -7.097656 -4.574219 -7.363281 -4.308594 C -7.625 -4.039063 -7.757813 -3.707031 -7.757813 -3.3125 C -7.757813 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-6.226563 C -2.394531 -6.222656 -1.761719 -6.101563 -1.308594 -5.867188 C -0.847656 -5.625 -0.492188 -5.277344 -0.238281 -4.820313 C 0.015625 -4.359375 0.140625 -3.859375 0.140625 -3.316406 C 0.140625 -2.441406 -0.136719 -1.734375 -0.695313 -1.203125 C -1.253906 -0.664063 -2.058594 -0.398438 -3.109375 -0.398438 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 C -2.308594 -1.480469 -1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 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2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.0625 0 L 1.0625 -10.308594 L 8.128906 -10.308594 L 8.128906 -8.5625 L 3.144531 -8.5625 L 3.144531 -6.125 L 7.445313 -6.125 L 7.445313 -4.378906 L 3.144531 -4.378906 L 3.144531 0 Z M 1.0625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.457031 -7.46875 L 4.457031 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -2.882813 C 3.105469 -2.273438 3.117188 -1.917969 3.144531 -1.816406 C 3.167969 -1.714844 3.226563 -1.628906 3.320313 -1.566406 C 3.410156 -1.496094 3.523438 -1.464844 3.65625 -1.46875 C 3.835938 -1.464844 4.097656 -1.527344 4.449219 -1.660156 L 4.621094 -0.125 C 4.15625 0.0703125 3.636719 0.164063 3.058594 0.167969 C 2.699219 0.164063 2.375 0.105469 2.09375 -0.0117188 C 1.804688 -0.128906 1.597656 -0.28125 1.464844 -0.472656 C 1.332031 -0.660156 1.238281 -0.917969 1.1875 -1.246094 C 1.144531 -1.472656 1.125 -1.9375 1.125 -2.636719 L 1.125 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -7.46875 L 1.125 -7.46875 L 1.125 -8.949219 L 3.109375 -10.105469 L 3.109375 -7.46875 Z M 4.457031 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 -3.839844 C 0.574219 -4.492188 0.734375 -5.128906 1.0625 -5.742188 C 1.382813 -6.355469 1.839844 -6.824219 2.433594 -7.148438 C 3.023438 -7.472656 3.6875 -7.632813 4.421875 -7.636719 C 5.550781 -7.632813 6.476563 -7.265625 7.199219 -6.535156 C 7.917969 -5.796875 8.277344 -4.871094 8.28125 -3.753906 C 8.277344 -2.621094 7.914063 -1.683594 7.1875 -0.945313 C 6.457031 -0.203125 5.539063 0.164063 4.4375 0.167969 C 3.75 0.164063 3.097656 0.0117188 2.476563 -0.292969 C 1.855469 -0.601563 1.382813 -1.054688 1.0625 -1.652344 C 0.734375 -2.25 0.574219 -2.976563 0.578125 -3.839844 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 C 2.601563 -2.988281 2.777344 -2.421875 3.128906 -2.03125 C 3.480469 -1.636719 3.914063 -1.441406 4.429688 -1.441406 C 4.945313 -1.441406 5.375 -1.636719 5.726563 -2.03125 C 6.070313 -2.421875 6.246094 -2.992188 6.25 -3.746094 C 6.246094 -4.472656 6.070313 -5.035156 5.726563 -5.433594 C 5.375 -5.824219 4.945313 -6.023438 4.429688 -6.027344 C 3.914063 -6.023438 3.480469 -5.824219 3.128906 -5.433594 C 2.777344 -5.035156 2.601563 -4.46875 2.601563 -3.734375 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.949219 0 L 5.949219 -1.117188 C 5.671875 -0.714844 5.316406 -0.402344 4.875 -0.175781 C 4.429688 0.0507813 3.960938 0.164063 3.472656 0.167969 C 2.96875 0.164063 2.519531 0.0585938 2.125 -0.160156 C 1.722656 -0.378906 1.433594 -0.691406 1.257813 -1.089844 C 1.078125 -1.488281 0.988281 -2.039063 0.992188 -2.742188 L 0.992188 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -4.035156 C 2.964844 -2.984375 3 -2.339844 3.074219 -2.105469 C 3.144531 -1.863281 3.277344 -1.675781 3.472656 -1.542969 C 3.664063 -1.402344 3.90625 -1.335938 4.203125 -1.335938 C 4.539063 -1.335938 4.84375 -1.425781 5.109375 -1.613281 C 5.375 -1.792969 5.558594 -2.023438 5.660156 -2.300781 C 5.757813 -2.574219 5.804688 -3.246094 5.808594 -4.316406 L 5.808594 -7.46875 L 7.785156 -7.46875 L 7.785156 0 Z M 5.949219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> 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0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 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-4.234375 C 0.496094 -5.246094 0.601563 -6.0625 0.8125 -6.6875 C 1.019531 -7.304688 1.328125 -7.785156 1.742188 -8.121094 C 2.148438 -8.457031 2.667969 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.164063 -8.53125 4.511719 -8.347656 C 4.855469 -8.160156 5.140625 -7.890625 5.371094 -7.542969 C 5.59375 -7.191406 5.773438 -6.765625 5.90625 -6.265625 C 6.035156 -5.761719 6.097656 -5.085938 6.101563 -4.234375 C 6.097656 -3.226563 5.996094 -2.414063 5.789063 -1.796875 C 5.578125 -1.175781 5.265625 -0.695313 4.859375 -0.359375 C 4.445313 -0.0195313 3.925781 0.144531 3.296875 0.148438 C 2.464844 0.144531 1.816406 -0.148438 1.347656 -0.742188 C 0.78125 -1.457031 0.496094 -2.621094 0.5 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 C 1.582031 -2.824219 1.746094 -1.886719 2.074219 -1.417969 C 2.402344 -0.949219 2.808594 -0.714844 3.296875 -0.71875 C 3.777344 -0.714844 4.183594 -0.949219 4.519531 -1.421875 C 4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.503906 -2.265625 L 1.558594 -2.40625 C 1.679688 -1.808594 1.882813 -1.378906 2.175781 -1.113281 C 2.464844 -0.847656 2.820313 -0.714844 3.242188 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.714844 4.152344 -0.886719 4.496094 -1.234375 C 4.832031 -1.574219 5.003906 -2 5.007813 -2.515625 C 5.003906 -2.996094 4.847656 -3.394531 4.535156 -3.710938 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.183594 3.328125 -4.183594 C 3.128906 -4.183594 2.878906 -4.144531 2.585938 -4.066406 L 2.703125 -4.992188 C 2.765625 -4.984375 2.824219 -4.980469 2.871094 -4.980469 C 3.320313 -4.980469 3.722656 -5.097656 4.085938 -5.332031 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.621094 -5.925781 4.625 -6.414063 C 4.621094 -6.800781 4.492188 -7.121094 4.230469 -7.375 C 3.964844 -7.628906 3.625 -7.757813 3.21875 -7.757813 C 2.804688 -7.757813 2.464844 -7.628906 2.191406 -7.371094 C 1.917969 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726563 1.664063 -6.210938 L 0.609375 -6.398438 C 0.738281 -7.105469 1.03125 -7.652344 1.488281 -8.042969 C 1.941406 -8.429688 2.507813 -8.625 3.195313 -8.625 C 3.660156 -8.625 4.09375 -8.523438 4.488281 -8.324219 C 4.878906 -8.121094 5.179688 -7.847656 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.601563 -7.148438 5.707031 -6.777344 5.707031 -6.390625 C 5.707031 -6.019531 5.605469 -5.683594 5.40625 -5.378906 C 5.207031 -5.074219 4.914063 -4.832031 4.523438 -4.652344 C 5.03125 -4.535156 5.425781 -4.289063 5.707031 -3.921875 C 5.988281 -3.546875 6.128906 -3.085938 6.128906 -2.539063 C 6.128906 -1.785156 5.855469 -1.148438 5.308594 -0.628906 C 4.761719 -0.105469 4.070313 0.152344 3.234375 0.152344 C 2.476563 0.152344 1.847656 -0.0703125 1.355469 -0.519531 C 0.855469 -0.96875 0.574219 -1.550781 0.503906 -2.265625 Z M 0.503906 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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0.144531 1.835938 -0.0703125 1.34375 -0.507813 C 0.84375 -0.941406 0.5625 -1.523438 0.5 -2.25 Z M 0.5 -2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -1.011719 -6.039063 L 0 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-2.128906 -2.859375 -1.769531 -2.453125 -1.582031 -2.273438 C -1.394531 -2.09375 -1.203125 -1.945313 -1.011719 -1.828125 Z M -1.011719 -6.039063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.265625 -0.503906 L -2.40625 -1.558594 C -1.808594 -1.679688 -1.378906 -1.882813 -1.113281 -2.175781 C -0.847656 -2.464844 -0.714844 -2.820313 -0.71875 -3.242188 C -0.714844 -3.734375 -0.886719 -4.152344 -1.234375 -4.496094 C -1.574219 -4.832031 -2 -5.003906 -2.511719 -5.007813 C -2.992188 -5.003906 -3.390625 -4.847656 -3.710938 -4.535156 C -4.023438 -4.21875 -4.183594 -3.816406 -4.183594 -3.328125 C -4.183594 -3.128906 -4.144531 -2.878906 -4.066406 -2.585938 L -4.992188 -2.703125 C -4.984375 -2.769531 -4.980469 -2.828125 -4.980469 -2.871094 C -4.980469 -3.320313 -5.097656 -3.722656 -5.332031 -4.085938 C -5.566406 -4.441406 -5.925781 -4.621094 -6.414063 -4.625 C -6.800781 -4.621094 -7.121094 -4.492188 -7.375 -4.230469 C -7.628906 -3.96875 -7.757813 -3.628906 -7.757813 -3.21875 C -7.757813 -2.804688 -7.628906 -2.464844 -7.371094 -2.191406 C -7.113281 -1.917969 -6.726563 -1.742188 -6.210938 -1.664063 L -6.398438 -0.609375 C -7.105469 -0.738281 -7.652344 -1.03125 -8.042969 -1.488281 C -8.429688 -1.945313 -8.625 -2.511719 -8.625 -3.195313 C -8.625 -3.660156 -8.523438 -4.09375 -8.324219 -4.488281 C -8.121094 -4.882813 -7.847656 -5.183594 -7.5 -5.394531 C -7.148438 -5.601563 -6.777344 -5.707031 -6.390625 -5.707031 C -6.019531 -5.707031 -5.683594 -5.605469 -5.378906 -5.40625 C -5.074219 -5.207031 -4.832031 -4.914063 -4.652344 -4.523438 C -4.535156 -5.03125 -4.289063 -5.425781 -3.921875 -5.707031 C -3.546875 -5.988281 -3.085938 -6.128906 -2.535156 -6.128906 C -1.78125 -6.128906 -1.144531 -5.855469 -0.628906 -5.308594 C -0.105469 -4.761719 0.152344 -4.070313 0.152344 -3.234375 C 0.152344 -2.476563 -0.0703125 -1.847656 -0.519531 -1.355469 C -0.96875 -0.855469 -1.550781 -0.574219 -2.265625 -0.503906 Z M -2.265625 -0.503906 "/> +</symbol> 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-4.0625 -0.6875 L -8.472656 -1.519531 L -8.472656 -5.789063 L -7.464844 -5.789063 L -7.464844 -2.363281 L -5.15625 -1.898438 C -5.515625 -2.414063 -5.695313 -2.953125 -5.695313 -3.523438 C -5.695313 -4.269531 -5.433594 -4.902344 -4.914063 -5.421875 C -4.394531 -5.933594 -3.726563 -6.191406 -2.910156 -6.195313 C -2.132813 -6.191406 -1.460938 -5.964844 -0.894531 -5.515625 C -0.199219 -4.960938 0.144531 -4.210938 0.148438 -3.257813 C 0.144531 -2.476563 -0.0703125 -1.835938 -0.507813 -1.34375 C -0.941406 -0.847656 -1.523438 -0.566406 -2.25 -0.5 Z M -2.25 -0.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.484375 -5.96875 L -6.40625 -4.921875 C -6.8125 -4.828125 -7.113281 -4.695313 -7.304688 -4.523438 C -7.605469 -4.238281 -7.757813 -3.886719 -7.757813 -3.46875 C -7.757813 -3.132813 -7.664063 -2.835938 -7.476563 -2.585938 C -7.234375 -2.25 -6.878906 -1.988281 -6.414063 -1.796875 C -5.949219 -1.605469 -5.289063 -1.507813 -4.429688 -1.5 C -4.8125 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-4.242188 -1.257813 -4.566406 C -1.613281 -4.882813 -2.101563 -5.042969 -2.722656 -5.046875 C -3.3125 -5.042969 -3.78125 -4.886719 -4.125 -4.570313 C -4.46875 -4.25 -4.640625 -3.851563 -4.640625 -3.375 C -4.640625 -2.898438 -4.46875 -2.492188 -4.128906 -2.160156 C -3.785156 -1.828125 -3.335938 -1.664063 -2.78125 -1.664063 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -7.464844 -0.570313 L -8.476563 -0.570313 L -8.476563 -6.128906 L -7.65625 -6.128906 C -7.074219 -5.582031 -6.300781 -5.039063 -5.335938 -4.503906 C -4.371094 -3.964844 -3.378906 -3.550781 -2.359375 -3.257813 C -1.636719 -3.046875 -0.851563 -2.910156 0 -2.851563 L 0 -1.769531 C -0.675781 -1.78125 -1.492188 -1.914063 -2.449219 -2.167969 C -3.402344 -2.421875 -4.324219 -2.785156 -5.214844 -3.261719 C -6.105469 -3.734375 -6.855469 -4.238281 -7.464844 -4.777344 Z M -7.464844 -0.570313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path 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-2.121094 Z M -6.445313 -1.910156 C -6.039063 -1.910156 -5.707031 -2.039063 -5.449219 -2.300781 C -5.191406 -2.5625 -5.0625 -2.902344 -5.0625 -3.324219 C -5.0625 -3.726563 -5.1875 -4.058594 -5.445313 -4.320313 C -5.695313 -4.578125 -6.011719 -4.710938 -6.386719 -4.710938 C -6.773438 -4.710938 -7.097656 -4.574219 -7.363281 -4.308594 C -7.625 -4.039063 -7.757813 -3.707031 -7.757813 -3.3125 C -7.757813 -2.90625 -7.628906 -2.574219 -7.371094 -2.308594 C -7.113281 -2.042969 -6.804688 -1.910156 -6.445313 -1.910156 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 C -2.175781 -1.570313 -1.886719 -1.640625 -1.605469 -1.785156 C -1.324219 -1.925781 -1.105469 -2.136719 -0.949219 -2.421875 C -0.792969 -2.699219 -0.714844 -3.003906 -0.71875 -3.328125 C -0.714844 -3.832031 -0.875 -4.246094 -1.203125 -4.578125 C -1.523438 -4.902344 -1.9375 -5.066406 -2.441406 -5.070313 C -2.945313 -5.066406 -3.367188 -4.898438 -3.703125 -4.5625 C -4.035156 -4.222656 -4.199219 -3.800781 -4.203125 -3.292969 C -4.199219 -2.796875 -4.035156 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-2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 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-1.253906 -0.664063 -2.058594 -0.398438 -3.109375 -0.398438 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 C -2.308594 -1.480469 -1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.644531 -3.789063 L 9.660156 -3.148438 C 9.347656 -2.019531 8.832031 -1.183594 8.117188 -0.640625 C 7.394531 -0.09375 6.484375 0.175781 5.378906 0.175781 C 4.007813 0.175781 2.882813 -0.289063 2.003906 -1.226563 C 1.121094 -2.15625 0.679688 -3.4375 0.683594 -5.0625 C 0.679688 -6.777344 1.121094 -8.109375 2.011719 -9.058594 C 2.894531 -10.007813 4.058594 -10.480469 5.503906 -10.484375 C 6.761719 -10.480469 7.789063 -10.109375 8.578125 -9.367188 C 9.046875 -8.921875 9.398438 -8.289063 9.632813 -7.46875 L 7.574219 -6.976563 C 7.449219 -7.507813 7.195313 -7.929688 6.808594 -8.238281 C 6.421875 -8.546875 5.949219 -8.699219 5.398438 -8.703125 C 4.632813 -8.699219 4.015625 -8.425781 3.539063 -7.878906 C 3.0625 -7.328125 2.824219 -6.441406 2.828125 -5.21875 C 2.824219 -3.910156 3.058594 -2.980469 3.53125 -2.429688 C 3.996094 -1.875 4.605469 -1.597656 5.359375 -1.601563 C 5.910156 -1.597656 6.386719 -1.773438 6.785156 -2.128906 C 7.183594 -2.476563 7.46875 -3.03125 7.644531 -3.789063 Z M 7.644531 -3.789063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.003906 -10.308594 L 3.003906 -6.519531 C 3.636719 -7.261719 4.398438 -7.632813 5.289063 -7.636719 C 5.738281 -7.632813 6.148438 -7.550781 6.515625 -7.382813 C 6.882813 -7.210938 7.15625 -6.992188 7.34375 -6.734375 C 7.523438 -6.46875 7.652344 -6.179688 7.722656 -5.863281 C 7.789063 -5.542969 7.820313 -5.046875 7.824219 -4.378906 L 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.945313 C 5.847656 -4.722656 5.808594 -5.21875 5.738281 -5.433594 C 5.660156 -5.640625 5.527344 -5.808594 5.339844 -5.9375 C 5.144531 -6.058594 4.90625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.292969 -6.121094 4 -6.042969 3.746094 -5.882813 C 3.484375 -5.722656 3.296875 -5.480469 3.179688 -5.164063 C 3.058594 -4.839844 3 -4.367188 3.003906 -3.742188 L 3.003906 0 L 1.027344 0 L 1.027344 -10.308594 Z M 3.003906 -10.308594 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.085938 0 L 0.078125 -7.46875 L 2.152344 -7.46875 L 3.558594 -3.65625 L 3.964844 -2.382813 C 4.070313 -2.703125 4.136719 -2.917969 4.167969 -3.023438 C 4.230469 -3.234375 4.300781 -3.445313 4.378906 -3.65625 L 5.800781 -7.46875 L 7.832031 -7.46875 L 4.867188 0 Z M 3.085938 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.925781 0 L 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -6.40625 C 3.09375 -6.902344 3.375 -7.234375 3.628906 -7.394531 C 3.878906 -7.554688 4.164063 -7.632813 4.484375 -7.636719 C 4.929688 -7.632813 5.363281 -7.507813 5.785156 -7.261719 L 5.175781 -5.539063 C 4.839844 -5.75 4.53125 -5.859375 4.246094 -5.863281 C 3.96875 -5.859375 3.734375 -5.78125 3.542969 -5.632813 C 3.347656 -5.476563 3.195313 -5.203125 3.089844 -4.808594 C 2.976563 -4.40625 2.921875 -3.570313 2.925781 -2.304688 Z M 2.925781 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 -3.839844 C 0.574219 -4.492188 0.734375 -5.128906 1.0625 -5.742188 C 1.382813 -6.355469 1.839844 -6.824219 2.433594 -7.148438 C 3.023438 -7.472656 3.6875 -7.632813 4.421875 -7.636719 C 5.550781 -7.632813 6.476563 -7.265625 7.199219 -6.535156 C 7.917969 -5.796875 8.277344 -4.871094 8.28125 -3.753906 C 8.277344 -2.621094 7.914063 -1.683594 7.1875 -0.945313 C 6.457031 -0.203125 5.539063 0.164063 4.4375 0.167969 C 3.75 0.164063 3.097656 0.0117188 2.476563 -0.292969 C 1.855469 -0.601563 1.382813 -1.054688 1.0625 -1.652344 C 0.734375 -2.25 0.574219 -2.976563 0.578125 -3.839844 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 C 2.601563 -2.988281 2.777344 -2.421875 3.128906 -2.03125 C 3.480469 -1.636719 3.914063 -1.441406 4.429688 -1.441406 C 4.945313 -1.441406 5.375 -1.636719 5.726563 -2.03125 C 6.070313 -2.421875 6.246094 -2.992188 6.25 -3.746094 C 6.246094 -4.472656 6.070313 -5.035156 5.726563 -5.433594 C 5.375 -5.824219 4.945313 -6.023438 4.429688 -6.027344 C 3.914063 -6.023438 3.480469 -5.824219 3.128906 -5.433594 C 2.777344 -5.035156 2.601563 -4.46875 2.601563 -3.734375 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.8125 C 5.847656 -4.613281 5.804688 -5.132813 5.722656 -5.375 C 5.636719 -5.609375 5.5 -5.792969 5.3125 -5.925781 C 5.121094 -6.054688 4.890625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.28125 -6.121094 3.976563 -6.027344 3.703125 -5.84375 C 3.429688 -5.652344 3.242188 -5.40625 3.144531 -5.097656 C 3.042969 -4.785156 2.992188 -4.210938 2.996094 -3.382813 L 2.996094 0 L 1.019531 0 L 1.019531 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -6.371094 C 3.503906 -7.210938 4.324219 -7.632813 5.316406 -7.636719 C 5.746094 -7.632813 6.144531 -7.554688 6.507813 -7.398438 C 6.867188 -7.238281 7.140625 -7.039063 7.328125 -6.796875 C 7.511719 -6.554688 7.640625 -6.277344 7.714844 -5.96875 C 7.785156 -5.65625 7.820313 -5.214844 7.824219 -4.640625 Z M 7.824219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.667969 0 L 3.691406 0 L 3.691406 -7.445313 C 2.96875 -6.769531 2.117188 -6.269531 1.140625 -5.949219 L 1.140625 -7.742188 C 1.652344 -7.90625 2.210938 -8.226563 2.820313 -8.699219 C 3.421875 -9.167969 3.835938 -9.71875 4.0625 -10.351563 L 5.667969 -10.351563 Z M 5.667969 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.953125 -10.351563 C 4.949219 -10.347656 5.730469 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5.164063 -7.121094 5.046875 -7.574219 C 4.921875 -8.023438 4.769531 -8.324219 4.585938 -8.480469 C 4.398438 -8.628906 4.1875 -8.707031 3.953125 -8.710938 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 -6.835938 4.96875 -6.152344 4.566406 -5.710938 C 4.15625 -5.261719 3.609375 -5.039063 2.917969 -5.042969 C 2.199219 -5.039063 1.636719 -5.261719 1.234375 -5.707031 C 0.824219 -6.148438 0.621094 -6.832031 0.625 -7.761719 Z M 2.164063 -7.777344 C 2.160156 -7.101563 2.238281 -6.652344 2.398438 -6.425781 C 2.511719 -6.253906 2.675781 -6.167969 2.882813 -6.171875 C 3.09375 -6.167969 3.257813 -6.253906 3.375 -6.425781 C 3.523438 -6.652344 3.597656 -7.101563 3.601563 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202.191406 L 281.761719 199.136719 L 285.601563 196.097656 L 289.441406 193.074219 L 293.28125 190.058594 L 297.121094 187.0625 L 300.960938 184.078125 L 304.800781 181.109375 L 308.640625 178.152344 L 312.480469 175.207031 L 316.320313 172.28125 L 320.160156 169.363281 L 324 166.464844 L 327.839844 163.574219 L 331.679688 160.703125 L 335.519531 157.84375 L 339.359375 154.996094 L 343.199219 152.164063 L 347.039063 149.347656 L 350.878906 146.542969 L 354.71875 143.75 L 358.558594 140.972656 L 362.398438 138.210938 L 366.238281 135.460938 L 370.078125 132.726563 L 373.921875 130.003906 L 377.761719 127.296875 L 381.601563 124.601563 L 385.441406 121.921875 L 389.28125 119.257813 L 393.121094 116.601563 L 396.960938 113.964844 L 400.800781 111.339844 L 404.640625 108.730469 L 408.480469 106.132813 L 412.320313 103.546875 L 416.160156 100.976563 L 420 98.421875 L 423.839844 95.878906 L 427.679688 93.351563 L 431.519531 90.839844 L 435.359375 88.335938 L 439.199219 85.851563 L 443.039063 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6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 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-3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.757813 2.382813 L 4.757813 -0.664063 C 4.59375 -0.429688 4.363281 -0.238281 4.066406 -0.0859375 C 3.769531 0.0664063 3.457031 0.140625 3.128906 0.140625 C 2.390625 0.140625 1.753906 -0.152344 1.222656 -0.742188 C 0.6875 -1.332031 0.421875 -2.140625 0.421875 -3.171875 C 0.421875 -3.792969 0.527344 -4.355469 0.746094 -4.851563 C 0.957031 -5.34375 1.273438 -5.71875 1.6875 -5.976563 C 2.101563 -6.234375 2.554688 -6.363281 3.046875 -6.363281 C 3.816406 -6.363281 4.421875 -6.039063 4.863281 -5.390625 L 4.863281 -6.222656 L 5.8125 -6.222656 L 5.8125 2.382813 Z M 1.507813 -3.128906 C 1.503906 -2.328125 1.671875 -1.726563 2.011719 -1.328125 C 2.34375 -0.925781 2.746094 -0.726563 3.21875 -0.726563 C 3.664063 -0.726563 4.050781 -0.914063 4.375 -1.296875 C 4.699219 -1.671875 4.863281 -2.253906 4.863281 -3.035156 C 4.863281 -3.863281 4.691406 -4.484375 4.347656 -4.902344 C 4.003906 -5.320313 3.601563 -5.53125 3.148438 -5.53125 C 2.6875 -5.53125 2.300781 -5.335938 1.984375 -4.949219 C 1.664063 -4.558594 1.503906 -3.953125 1.507813 -3.128906 Z M 1.507813 -3.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -7.015625 L 0.644531 -7.84375 C 1.265625 -7.621094 1.714844 -7.433594 2 -7.277344 C 1.921875 -7.980469 1.882813 -8.464844 1.882813 -8.734375 L 2.730469 -8.734375 C 2.714844 -8.347656 2.667969 -7.863281 2.59375 -7.28125 C 2.996094 -7.480469 3.457031 -7.667969 3.976563 -7.84375 L 4.25 -7.015625 C 3.75 -6.84375 3.265625 -6.734375 2.789063 -6.6875 C 3.027344 -6.476563 3.363281 -6.109375 3.796875 -5.578125 L 3.09375 -5.078125 C 2.867188 -5.386719 2.597656 -5.808594 2.289063 -6.339844 C 2 -5.789063 1.746094 -5.367188 1.53125 -5.078125 L 0.835938 -5.578125 C 1.285156 -6.132813 1.609375 -6.5 1.8125 -6.6875 C 1.304688 -6.78125 0.828125 -6.890625 0.375 -7.015625 Z M 0.375 -7.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.789063 0 L 0.789063 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -5.507813 C 2.335938 -6.078125 2.957031 -6.363281 3.710938 -6.363281 C 4.164063 -6.363281 4.566406 -6.269531 4.910156 -6.089844 C 5.25 -5.90625 5.492188 -5.65625 5.640625 -5.339844 C 5.785156 -5.015625 5.859375 -4.550781 5.859375 -3.945313 L 5.859375 0 L 4.804688 0 L 4.804688 -3.945313 C 4.804688 -4.46875 4.6875 -4.851563 4.460938 -5.09375 C 4.226563 -5.328125 3.90625 -5.449219 3.492188 -5.453125 C 3.179688 -5.449219 2.882813 -5.367188 2.609375 -5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.339844 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -6.035156 L 6.339844 -6.035156 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -3.429688 L 6.339844 -3.429688 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.382813 -2.578125 L 0.382813 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -2.578125 Z M 0.382813 -2.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -4.234375 C 0.496094 -5.246094 0.601563 -6.0625 0.8125 -6.6875 C 1.019531 -7.304688 1.328125 -7.785156 1.742188 -8.121094 C 2.148438 -8.457031 2.667969 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.164063 -8.53125 4.511719 -8.347656 C 4.855469 -8.160156 5.140625 -7.890625 5.371094 -7.542969 C 5.59375 -7.191406 5.773438 -6.765625 5.90625 -6.265625 C 6.035156 -5.761719 6.097656 -5.085938 6.101563 -4.234375 C 6.097656 -3.226563 5.996094 -2.414063 5.789063 -1.796875 C 5.578125 -1.175781 5.265625 -0.695313 4.859375 -0.359375 C 4.445313 -0.0195313 3.925781 0.144531 3.296875 0.148438 C 2.464844 0.144531 1.816406 -0.148438 1.347656 -0.742188 C 0.78125 -1.457031 0.496094 -2.621094 0.5 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 C 1.582031 -2.824219 1.746094 -1.886719 2.074219 -1.417969 C 2.402344 -0.949219 2.808594 -0.714844 3.296875 -0.71875 C 3.777344 -0.714844 4.183594 -0.949219 4.519531 -1.421875 C 4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.46875 0 L 3.414063 0 L 3.414063 -6.71875 C 3.160156 -6.476563 2.828125 -6.234375 2.414063 -5.996094 C 2 -5.75 1.628906 -5.570313 1.304688 -5.449219 L 1.304688 -6.46875 C 1.894531 -6.742188 2.410156 -7.078125 2.851563 -7.476563 C 3.292969 -7.871094 3.605469 -8.253906 3.789063 -8.625 L 4.46875 -8.625 Z M 4.46875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -2.25 L 1.605469 -2.34375 C 1.683594 -1.804688 1.871094 -1.398438 2.175781 -1.125 C 2.472656 -0.851563 2.835938 -0.714844 3.257813 -0.71875 C 3.765625 -0.714844 4.195313 -0.90625 4.546875 -1.292969 C 4.898438 -1.671875 5.074219 -2.179688 5.074219 -2.820313 C 5.074219 -3.414063 4.902344 -3.890625 4.566406 -4.242188 C 4.226563 -4.589844 3.785156 -4.761719 3.242188 -4.765625 C 2.898438 -4.761719 2.59375 -4.683594 2.320313 -4.53125 C 2.046875 -4.375 1.832031 -4.175781 1.675781 -3.929688 L 0.6875 -4.0625 L 1.515625 -8.472656 L 5.789063 -8.472656 L 5.789063 -7.464844 L 2.359375 -7.464844 L 1.898438 -5.15625 C 2.414063 -5.515625 2.953125 -5.695313 3.523438 -5.695313 C 4.269531 -5.695313 4.902344 -5.433594 5.421875 -4.914063 C 5.933594 -4.394531 6.191406 -3.726563 6.195313 -2.914063 C 6.191406 -2.132813 5.964844 -1.460938 5.515625 -0.898438 C 4.960938 -0.199219 4.210938 0.144531 3.257813 0.148438 C 2.476563 0.144531 1.835938 -0.0703125 1.34375 -0.507813 C 0.84375 -0.941406 0.5625 -1.523438 0.5 -2.25 Z M 0.5 -2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" 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-2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -3.109375 -0.398438 C -4.261719 -0.398438 -5.117188 -0.71875 -5.671875 -1.359375 C -6.132813 -1.894531 -6.363281 -2.546875 -6.363281 -3.316406 C -6.363281 -4.171875 -6.082031 -4.871094 -5.519531 -5.414063 C -4.957031 -5.953125 -4.183594 -6.222656 -3.199219 -6.226563 C -2.394531 -6.222656 -1.761719 -6.101563 -1.308594 -5.867188 C -0.847656 -5.625 -0.492188 -5.277344 -0.238281 -4.820313 C 0.015625 -4.359375 0.140625 -3.859375 0.140625 -3.316406 C 0.140625 -2.441406 -0.136719 -1.734375 -0.695313 -1.203125 C -1.253906 -0.664063 -2.058594 -0.398438 -3.109375 -0.398438 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 C -2.308594 -1.480469 -1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.644531 -3.789063 L 9.660156 -3.148438 C 9.347656 -2.019531 8.832031 -1.183594 8.117188 -0.640625 C 7.394531 -0.09375 6.484375 0.175781 5.378906 0.175781 C 4.007813 0.175781 2.882813 -0.289063 2.003906 -1.226563 C 1.121094 -2.15625 0.679688 -3.4375 0.683594 -5.0625 C 0.679688 -6.777344 1.121094 -8.109375 2.011719 -9.058594 C 2.894531 -10.007813 4.058594 -10.480469 5.503906 -10.484375 C 6.761719 -10.480469 7.789063 -10.109375 8.578125 -9.367188 C 9.046875 -8.921875 9.398438 -8.289063 9.632813 -7.46875 L 7.574219 -6.976563 C 7.449219 -7.507813 7.195313 -7.929688 6.808594 -8.238281 C 6.421875 -8.546875 5.949219 -8.699219 5.398438 -8.703125 C 4.632813 -8.699219 4.015625 -8.425781 3.539063 -7.878906 C 3.0625 -7.328125 2.824219 -6.441406 2.828125 -5.21875 C 2.824219 -3.910156 3.058594 -2.980469 3.53125 -2.429688 C 3.996094 -1.875 4.605469 -1.597656 5.359375 -1.601563 C 5.910156 -1.597656 6.386719 -1.773438 6.785156 -2.128906 C 7.183594 -2.476563 7.46875 -3.03125 7.644531 -3.789063 Z M 7.644531 -3.789063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.003906 -10.308594 L 3.003906 -6.519531 C 3.636719 -7.261719 4.398438 -7.632813 5.289063 -7.636719 C 5.738281 -7.632813 6.148438 -7.550781 6.515625 -7.382813 C 6.882813 -7.210938 7.15625 -6.992188 7.34375 -6.734375 C 7.523438 -6.46875 7.652344 -6.179688 7.722656 -5.863281 C 7.789063 -5.542969 7.820313 -5.046875 7.824219 -4.378906 L 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.945313 C 5.847656 -4.722656 5.808594 -5.21875 5.738281 -5.433594 C 5.660156 -5.640625 5.527344 -5.808594 5.339844 -5.9375 C 5.144531 -6.058594 4.90625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.292969 -6.121094 4 -6.042969 3.746094 -5.882813 C 3.484375 -5.722656 3.296875 -5.480469 3.179688 -5.164063 C 3.058594 -4.839844 3 -4.367188 3.003906 -3.742188 L 3.003906 0 L 1.027344 0 L 1.027344 -10.308594 Z M 3.003906 -10.308594 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.085938 0 L 0.078125 -7.46875 L 2.152344 -7.46875 L 3.558594 -3.65625 L 3.964844 -2.382813 C 4.070313 -2.703125 4.136719 -2.917969 4.167969 -3.023438 C 4.230469 -3.234375 4.300781 -3.445313 4.378906 -3.65625 L 5.800781 -7.46875 L 7.832031 -7.46875 L 4.867188 0 Z M 3.085938 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.925781 0 L 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -6.40625 C 3.09375 -6.902344 3.375 -7.234375 3.628906 -7.394531 C 3.878906 -7.554688 4.164063 -7.632813 4.484375 -7.636719 C 4.929688 -7.632813 5.363281 -7.507813 5.785156 -7.261719 L 5.175781 -5.539063 C 4.839844 -5.75 4.53125 -5.859375 4.246094 -5.863281 C 3.96875 -5.859375 3.734375 -5.78125 3.542969 -5.632813 C 3.347656 -5.476563 3.195313 -5.203125 3.089844 -4.808594 C 2.976563 -4.40625 2.921875 -3.570313 2.925781 -2.304688 Z M 2.925781 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 -3.839844 C 0.574219 -4.492188 0.734375 -5.128906 1.0625 -5.742188 C 1.382813 -6.355469 1.839844 -6.824219 2.433594 -7.148438 C 3.023438 -7.472656 3.6875 -7.632813 4.421875 -7.636719 C 5.550781 -7.632813 6.476563 -7.265625 7.199219 -6.535156 C 7.917969 -5.796875 8.277344 -4.871094 8.28125 -3.753906 C 8.277344 -2.621094 7.914063 -1.683594 7.1875 -0.945313 C 6.457031 -0.203125 5.539063 0.164063 4.4375 0.167969 C 3.75 0.164063 3.097656 0.0117188 2.476563 -0.292969 C 1.855469 -0.601563 1.382813 -1.054688 1.0625 -1.652344 C 0.734375 -2.25 0.574219 -2.976563 0.578125 -3.839844 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 C 2.601563 -2.988281 2.777344 -2.421875 3.128906 -2.03125 C 3.480469 -1.636719 3.914063 -1.441406 4.429688 -1.441406 C 4.945313 -1.441406 5.375 -1.636719 5.726563 -2.03125 C 6.070313 -2.421875 6.246094 -2.992188 6.25 -3.746094 C 6.246094 -4.472656 6.070313 -5.035156 5.726563 -5.433594 C 5.375 -5.824219 4.945313 -6.023438 4.429688 -6.027344 C 3.914063 -6.023438 3.480469 -5.824219 3.128906 -5.433594 C 2.777344 -5.035156 2.601563 -4.46875 2.601563 -3.734375 Z M 2.601563 -3.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.8125 C 5.847656 -4.613281 5.804688 -5.132813 5.722656 -5.375 C 5.636719 -5.609375 5.5 -5.792969 5.3125 -5.925781 C 5.121094 -6.054688 4.890625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.28125 -6.121094 3.976563 -6.027344 3.703125 -5.84375 C 3.429688 -5.652344 3.242188 -5.40625 3.144531 -5.097656 C 3.042969 -4.785156 2.992188 -4.210938 2.996094 -3.382813 L 2.996094 0 L 1.019531 0 L 1.019531 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -6.371094 C 3.503906 -7.210938 4.324219 -7.632813 5.316406 -7.636719 C 5.746094 -7.632813 6.144531 -7.554688 6.507813 -7.398438 C 6.867188 -7.238281 7.140625 -7.039063 7.328125 -6.796875 C 7.511719 -6.554688 7.640625 -6.277344 7.714844 -5.96875 C 7.785156 -5.65625 7.820313 -5.214844 7.824219 -4.640625 Z M 7.824219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 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4.378906 -10.351563 C 5.160156 -10.347656 5.808594 -10.128906 6.324219 -9.691406 C 6.832031 -9.253906 7.160156 -8.617188 7.304688 -7.785156 Z M 2.828125 -3.472656 C 2.824219 -2.828125 2.972656 -2.332031 3.269531 -1.984375 C 3.5625 -1.632813 3.898438 -1.457031 4.28125 -1.460938 C 4.644531 -1.457031 4.949219 -1.601563 5.195313 -1.890625 C 5.4375 -2.175781 5.558594 -2.644531 5.5625 -3.296875 C 5.558594 -3.964844 5.429688 -4.457031 5.167969 -4.769531 C 4.902344 -5.082031 4.574219 -5.238281 4.183594 -5.238281 C 3.800781 -5.238281 3.476563 -5.085938 3.21875 -4.789063 C 2.953125 -4.488281 2.824219 -4.050781 2.828125 -3.472656 Z M 2.828125 -3.472656 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 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2.074219 -1.417969 C 2.402344 -0.949219 2.808594 -0.714844 3.296875 -0.71875 C 3.777344 -0.714844 4.183594 -0.949219 4.519531 -1.421875 C 4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -2.25 L 1.605469 -2.34375 C 1.683594 -1.804688 1.871094 -1.398438 2.175781 -1.125 C 2.472656 -0.851563 2.835938 -0.714844 3.257813 -0.71875 C 3.765625 -0.714844 4.195313 -0.90625 4.546875 -1.292969 C 4.898438 -1.671875 5.074219 -2.179688 5.074219 -2.820313 C 5.074219 -3.414063 4.902344 -3.890625 4.566406 -4.242188 C 4.226563 -4.589844 3.785156 -4.761719 3.242188 -4.765625 C 2.898438 -4.761719 2.59375 -4.683594 2.320313 -4.53125 C 2.046875 -4.375 1.832031 -4.175781 1.675781 -3.929688 L 0.6875 -4.0625 L 1.515625 -8.472656 L 5.789063 -8.472656 L 5.789063 -7.464844 L 2.359375 -7.464844 L 1.898438 -5.15625 C 2.414063 -5.515625 2.953125 -5.695313 3.523438 -5.695313 C 4.269531 -5.695313 4.902344 -5.433594 5.421875 -4.914063 C 5.933594 -4.394531 6.191406 -3.726563 6.195313 -2.914063 C 6.191406 -2.132813 5.964844 -1.460938 5.515625 -0.898438 C 4.960938 -0.199219 4.210938 0.144531 3.257813 0.148438 C 2.476563 0.144531 1.835938 -0.0703125 1.34375 -0.507813 C 0.84375 -0.941406 0.5625 -1.523438 0.5 -2.25 Z M 0.5 -2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.46875 0 L 3.414063 0 L 3.414063 -6.71875 C 3.160156 -6.476563 2.828125 -6.234375 2.414063 -5.996094 C 2 -5.75 1.628906 -5.570313 1.304688 -5.449219 L 1.304688 -6.46875 C 1.894531 -6.742188 2.410156 -7.078125 2.851563 -7.476563 C 3.292969 -7.871094 3.605469 -8.253906 3.789063 -8.625 L 4.46875 -8.625 Z M 4.46875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.039063 -1.015625 L 6.039063 0 L 0.363281 0 C 0.355469 -0.253906 0.394531 -0.496094 0.484375 -0.734375 C 0.628906 -1.117188 0.859375 -1.5 1.179688 -1.875 C 1.492188 -2.25 1.953125 -2.683594 2.5625 -3.175781 C 3.492188 -3.941406 4.125 -4.546875 4.453125 -4.992188 C 4.78125 -5.4375 4.945313 -5.859375 4.945313 -6.265625 C 4.945313 -6.679688 4.792969 -7.03125 4.496094 -7.320313 C 4.191406 -7.601563 3.804688 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.820313 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.59375 2.109375 -7.292969 C 1.804688 -6.984375 1.648438 -6.5625 1.648438 -6.03125 L 0.5625 -6.140625 C 0.632813 -6.945313 0.910156 -7.558594 1.398438 -7.988281 C 1.878906 -8.410156 2.53125 -8.625 3.351563 -8.625 C 4.171875 -8.625 4.824219 -8.394531 5.308594 -7.9375 C 5.789063 -7.480469 6.027344 -6.914063 6.03125 -6.242188 C 6.027344 -5.894531 5.957031 -5.558594 5.820313 -5.226563 C 5.675781 -4.890625 5.441406 -4.539063 5.117188 -4.175781 C 4.789063 -3.804688 4.25 -3.300781 3.492188 -2.664063 C 2.859375 -2.128906 2.453125 -1.769531 2.273438 -1.582031 C 2.09375 -1.394531 1.945313 -1.203125 1.828125 -1.015625 Z M 6.039063 -1.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.503906 -2.265625 L 1.558594 -2.40625 C 1.679688 -1.808594 1.882813 -1.378906 2.175781 -1.113281 C 2.464844 -0.847656 2.820313 -0.714844 3.242188 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.714844 4.152344 -0.886719 4.496094 -1.234375 C 4.832031 -1.574219 5.003906 -2 5.007813 -2.515625 C 5.003906 -2.996094 4.847656 -3.394531 4.535156 -3.710938 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.183594 3.328125 -4.183594 C 3.128906 -4.183594 2.878906 -4.144531 2.585938 -4.066406 L 2.703125 -4.992188 C 2.765625 -4.984375 2.824219 -4.980469 2.871094 -4.980469 C 3.320313 -4.980469 3.722656 -5.097656 4.085938 -5.332031 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.621094 -5.925781 4.625 -6.414063 C 4.621094 -6.800781 4.492188 -7.121094 4.230469 -7.375 C 3.964844 -7.628906 3.625 -7.757813 3.21875 -7.757813 C 2.804688 -7.757813 2.464844 -7.628906 2.191406 -7.371094 C 1.917969 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726563 1.664063 -6.210938 L 0.609375 -6.398438 C 0.738281 -7.105469 1.03125 -7.652344 1.488281 -8.042969 C 1.941406 -8.429688 2.507813 -8.625 3.195313 -8.625 C 3.660156 -8.625 4.09375 -8.523438 4.488281 -8.324219 C 4.878906 -8.121094 5.179688 -7.847656 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.601563 -7.148438 5.707031 -6.777344 5.707031 -6.390625 C 5.707031 -6.019531 5.605469 -5.683594 5.40625 -5.378906 C 5.207031 -5.074219 4.914063 -4.832031 4.523438 -4.652344 C 5.03125 -4.535156 5.425781 -4.289063 5.707031 -3.921875 C 5.988281 -3.546875 6.128906 -3.085938 6.128906 -2.539063 C 6.128906 -1.785156 5.855469 -1.148438 5.308594 -0.628906 C 4.761719 -0.105469 4.070313 0.152344 3.234375 0.152344 C 2.476563 0.152344 1.847656 -0.0703125 1.355469 -0.519531 C 0.855469 -0.96875 0.574219 -1.550781 0.503906 -2.265625 Z M 0.503906 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.4375 -0.921875 C 7.960938 -0.554688 8.449219 -0.289063 8.894531 -0.125 L 8.5625 0.667969 C 7.9375 0.445313 7.324219 0.09375 6.714844 -0.386719 C 6.074219 -0.03125 5.371094 0.144531 4.605469 0.148438 C 3.824219 0.144531 3.117188 -0.0390625 2.488281 -0.414063 C 1.851563 -0.785156 1.363281 -1.3125 1.027344 -1.996094 C 0.683594 -2.671875 0.515625 -3.4375 0.515625 -4.296875 C 0.515625 -5.140625 0.6875 -5.914063 1.03125 -6.609375 C 1.375 -7.304688 1.863281 -7.832031 2.5 -8.195313 C 3.132813 -8.558594 3.84375 -8.742188 4.628906 -8.742188 C 5.421875 -8.742188 6.136719 -8.550781 6.773438 -8.175781 C 7.40625 -7.792969 7.890625 -7.265625 8.226563 -6.59375 C 8.5625 -5.914063 8.730469 -5.152344 8.730469 -4.300781 C 8.730469 -3.59375 8.621094 -2.957031 8.40625 -2.394531 C 8.191406 -1.828125 7.867188 -1.335938 7.4375 -0.921875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 C 5.589844 -2.1875 6.128906 -1.914063 6.554688 -1.554688 C 7.222656 -2.160156 7.558594 -3.078125 7.558594 -4.300781 C 7.558594 -4.996094 7.4375 -5.601563 7.203125 -6.121094 C 6.964844 -6.640625 6.621094 -7.042969 6.167969 -7.332031 C 5.710938 -7.617188 5.199219 -7.761719 4.632813 -7.765625 C 3.785156 -7.761719 3.082031 -7.472656 2.523438 -6.894531 C 1.964844 -6.3125 1.6875 -5.445313 1.6875 -4.296875 C 1.6875 -3.171875 1.960938 -2.316406 2.515625 -1.722656 C 3.0625 -1.125 3.769531 -0.824219 4.632813 -0.828125 C 5.035156 -0.824219 5.417969 -0.902344 5.78125 -1.054688 C 5.425781 -1.28125 5.050781 -1.445313 4.65625 -1.546875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -7.015625 L 0.644531 -7.84375 C 1.265625 -7.621094 1.714844 -7.433594 2 -7.277344 C 1.921875 -7.980469 1.882813 -8.464844 1.882813 -8.734375 L 2.730469 -8.734375 C 2.714844 -8.347656 2.667969 -7.863281 2.59375 -7.28125 C 2.996094 -7.480469 3.457031 -7.667969 3.976563 -7.84375 L 4.25 -7.015625 C 3.75 -6.84375 3.265625 -6.734375 2.789063 -6.6875 C 3.027344 -6.476563 3.363281 -6.109375 3.796875 -5.578125 L 3.09375 -5.078125 C 2.867188 -5.386719 2.597656 -5.808594 2.289063 -6.339844 C 2 -5.789063 1.746094 -5.367188 1.53125 -5.078125 L 0.835938 -5.578125 C 1.285156 -6.132813 1.609375 -6.5 1.8125 -6.6875 C 1.304688 -6.78125 0.828125 -6.890625 0.375 -7.015625 Z M 0.375 -7.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.789063 0 L 0.789063 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -5.507813 C 2.335938 -6.078125 2.957031 -6.363281 3.710938 -6.363281 C 4.164063 -6.363281 4.566406 -6.269531 4.910156 -6.089844 C 5.25 -5.90625 5.492188 -5.65625 5.640625 -5.339844 C 5.785156 -5.015625 5.859375 -4.550781 5.859375 -3.945313 L 5.859375 0 L 4.804688 0 L 4.804688 -3.945313 C 4.804688 -4.46875 4.6875 -4.851563 4.460938 -5.09375 C 4.226563 -5.328125 3.90625 -5.449219 3.492188 -5.453125 C 3.179688 -5.449219 2.882813 -5.367188 2.609375 -5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.878906 0 L 0.878906 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -1.015625 L 6.246094 -1.015625 L 6.246094 0 Z M 0.878906 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.339844 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -6.035156 L 6.339844 -6.035156 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -3.429688 L 6.339844 -3.429688 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.382813 -2.578125 L 0.382813 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -2.578125 Z M 0.382813 -2.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.8125 4.695313 -7.113281 4.523438 -7.304688 C 4.234375 -7.605469 3.882813 -7.757813 3.46875 -7.757813 C 3.132813 -7.757813 2.835938 -7.664063 2.585938 -7.476563 C 2.25 -7.234375 1.988281 -6.878906 1.796875 -6.414063 C 1.605469 -5.949219 1.507813 -5.289063 1.5 -4.429688 C 1.753906 -4.8125 2.0625 -5.097656 2.433594 -5.289063 C 2.796875 -5.472656 3.183594 -5.566406 3.585938 -5.570313 C 4.289063 -5.566406 4.886719 -5.308594 5.382813 -4.792969 C 5.875 -4.277344 6.121094 -3.609375 6.125 -2.789063 C 6.121094 -2.25 6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 1.664063 -3.335938 1.664063 -2.78125 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.878906 0 L 3.878906 -2.054688 L 0.152344 -2.054688 L 0.152344 -3.023438 L 4.070313 -8.589844 L 4.933594 -8.589844 L 4.933594 -3.023438 L 6.09375 -3.023438 L 6.09375 -2.054688 L 4.933594 -2.054688 L 4.933594 0 Z M 3.878906 -3.023438 L 3.878906 -6.898438 L 1.1875 -3.023438 Z M 3.878906 -3.023438 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-4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path 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-1.582031 C -2.824219 -1.582031 -1.886719 -1.746094 -1.417969 -2.074219 C -0.949219 -2.402344 -0.714844 -2.808594 -0.71875 -3.296875 C -0.714844 -3.777344 -0.949219 -4.183594 -1.421875 -4.519531 C -1.886719 -4.847656 -2.824219 -5.015625 -4.234375 -5.015625 C -5.648438 -5.015625 -6.589844 -4.847656 -7.054688 -4.519531 C -7.515625 -4.1875 -7.746094 -3.777344 -7.75 -3.289063 C -7.746094 -2.800781 -7.542969 -2.414063 -7.136719 -2.128906 C -6.613281 -1.761719 -5.644531 -1.582031 -4.234375 -1.582031 Z M -4.234375 -1.582031 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.089844 L -1.203125 -1.089844 L -1.199219 -2.289063 L 0 -2.289063 Z M 0 -1.089844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -0.152344 L -3.023438 -0.152344 L -8.589844 -4.074219 L -8.589844 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -4.933594 L 0 -4.933594 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 L -6.898438 -3.878906 L -3.023438 -1.191406 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.484375 -5.96875 L -6.40625 -4.921875 C -6.8125 -4.828125 -7.113281 -4.695313 -7.304688 -4.523438 C -7.605469 -4.238281 -7.757813 -3.886719 -7.757813 -3.46875 C -7.757813 -3.132813 -7.664063 -2.835938 -7.476563 -2.585938 C -7.234375 -2.25 -6.878906 -1.988281 -6.414063 -1.796875 C -5.949219 -1.605469 -5.289063 -1.507813 -4.429688 -1.5 C -4.8125 -1.753906 -5.097656 -2.0625 -5.289063 -2.433594 C -5.472656 -2.796875 -5.566406 -3.183594 -5.570313 -3.585938 C -5.566406 -4.289063 -5.308594 -4.886719 -4.792969 -5.382813 C -4.277344 -5.875 -3.609375 -6.121094 -2.789063 -6.125 C -2.25 -6.121094 -1.746094 -6.003906 -1.285156 -5.773438 C -0.816406 -5.539063 -0.460938 -5.222656 -0.21875 -4.816406 C 0.0273438 -4.410156 0.144531 -3.949219 0.148438 -3.433594 C 0.144531 -2.554688 -0.175781 -1.835938 -0.820313 -1.285156 C -1.46875 -0.726563 -2.535156 -0.449219 -4.019531 -0.453125 C -5.675781 -0.449219 -6.882813 -0.757813 -7.640625 -1.371094 C -8.296875 -1.90625 -8.625 -2.625 -8.625 -3.535156 C -8.625 -4.207031 -8.433594 -4.761719 -8.054688 -5.195313 C -7.675781 -5.625 -7.152344 -5.882813 -6.484375 -5.96875 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 C -2.417969 -1.664063 -2.070313 -1.738281 -1.738281 -1.894531 C -1.40625 -2.042969 -1.152344 -2.261719 -0.980469 -2.542969 C -0.800781 -2.820313 -0.714844 -3.109375 -0.71875 -3.414063 C -0.714844 -3.859375 -0.894531 -4.242188 -1.257813 -4.566406 C -1.613281 -4.882813 -2.101563 -5.042969 -2.722656 -5.046875 C -3.3125 -5.042969 -3.78125 -4.886719 -4.125 -4.570313 C -4.46875 -4.25 -4.640625 -3.851563 -4.640625 -3.375 C -4.640625 -2.898438 -4.46875 -2.492188 -4.128906 -2.160156 C -3.785156 -1.828125 -3.335938 -1.664063 -2.78125 -1.664063 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.65625 -2.121094 C 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-1.910156 -5.707031 -2.039063 -5.449219 -2.300781 C -5.191406 -2.5625 -5.0625 -2.902344 -5.0625 -3.324219 C -5.0625 -3.726563 -5.1875 -4.058594 -5.445313 -4.320313 C -5.695313 -4.578125 -6.011719 -4.710938 -6.386719 -4.710938 C -6.773438 -4.710938 -7.097656 -4.574219 -7.363281 -4.308594 C -7.625 -4.039063 -7.757813 -3.707031 -7.757813 -3.3125 C -7.757813 -2.90625 -7.628906 -2.574219 -7.371094 -2.308594 C -7.113281 -2.042969 -6.804688 -1.910156 -6.445313 -1.910156 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 C -2.175781 -1.570313 -1.886719 -1.640625 -1.605469 -1.785156 C -1.324219 -1.925781 -1.105469 -2.136719 -0.949219 -2.421875 C -0.792969 -2.699219 -0.714844 -3.003906 -0.71875 -3.328125 C -0.714844 -3.832031 -0.875 -4.246094 -1.203125 -4.578125 C -1.523438 -4.902344 -1.9375 -5.066406 -2.441406 -5.070313 C -2.945313 -5.066406 -3.367188 -4.898438 -3.703125 -4.5625 C -4.035156 -4.222656 -4.199219 -3.800781 -4.203125 -3.292969 C -4.199219 -2.796875 -4.035156 -2.382813 -3.710938 -2.058594 C -3.378906 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-7.601563 -4.195313 -7.746094 -3.808594 -7.75 -3.328125 C -7.746094 -2.820313 -7.59375 -2.414063 -7.292969 -2.109375 C -6.984375 -1.804688 -6.5625 -1.648438 -6.03125 -1.648438 L -6.140625 -0.5625 C -6.945313 -0.636719 -7.558594 -0.914063 -7.988281 -1.402344 C -8.410156 -1.882813 -8.625 -2.535156 -8.625 -3.351563 C -8.625 -4.175781 -8.394531 -4.828125 -7.9375 -5.308594 C -7.480469 -5.789063 -6.914063 -6.027344 -6.242188 -6.03125 C -5.894531 -6.027344 -5.558594 -5.957031 -5.226563 -5.820313 C -4.890625 -5.675781 -4.539063 -5.441406 -4.175781 -5.117188 C -3.804688 -4.789063 -3.300781 -4.25 -2.664063 -3.492188 C -2.128906 -2.859375 -1.769531 -2.453125 -1.582031 -2.273438 C -1.394531 -2.09375 -1.203125 -1.945313 -1.011719 -1.828125 Z M -1.011719 -6.039063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.789063 L -8.589844 -0.792969 L -8.589844 -1.847656 L -5.507813 -1.847656 C -6.078125 -2.335938 -6.363281 -2.957031 -6.363281 -3.710938 C -6.363281 -4.164063 -6.269531 -4.566406 -6.089844 -4.910156 C -5.90625 -5.25 -5.65625 -5.492188 -5.339844 -5.640625 C -5.015625 -5.785156 -4.550781 -5.859375 -3.941406 -5.859375 L 0 -5.859375 L 0 -4.804688 L -3.941406 -4.804688 C -4.46875 -4.804688 -4.851563 -4.6875 -5.09375 -4.460938 C -5.328125 -4.226563 -5.449219 -3.90625 -5.453125 -3.492188 C -5.449219 -3.179688 -5.367188 -2.882813 -5.210938 -2.609375 C -5.046875 -2.332031 -4.828125 -2.136719 -4.550781 -2.023438 C -4.273438 -1.902344 -3.890625 -1.84375 -3.40625 -1.847656 L 0 -1.84375 Z M 0 -0.789063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.765625 -4.851563 C -0.433594 -4.460938 -0.199219 -4.082031 -0.0625 -3.722656 C 0.0742188 -3.355469 0.140625 -2.96875 0.140625 -2.5625 C 0.140625 -1.875 -0.0234375 -1.351563 -0.359375 -0.984375 C -0.6875 -0.617188 -1.117188 -0.433594 -1.640625 -0.433594 C -1.945313 -0.433594 -2.222656 -0.5 -2.472656 -0.640625 C -2.722656 -0.777344 -2.925781 -0.960938 -3.082031 -1.1875 C -3.234375 -1.410156 -3.347656 -1.664063 -3.429688 -1.945313 C -3.476563 -2.152344 -3.53125 -2.464844 -3.585938 -2.882813 C -3.6875 -3.734375 -3.808594 -4.359375 -3.949219 -4.765625 C -4.089844 -4.765625 -4.179688 -4.769531 -4.226563 -4.769531 C -4.648438 -4.769531 -4.953125 -4.667969 -5.132813 -4.46875 C -5.371094 -4.199219 -5.488281 -3.800781 -5.492188 -3.269531 C -5.488281 -2.773438 -5.402344 -2.40625 -5.230469 -2.171875 C -5.054688 -1.933594 -4.746094 -1.757813 -4.304688 -1.648438 L -4.445313 -0.617188 C -4.886719 -0.707031 -5.242188 -0.863281 -5.515625 -1.078125 C -5.78125 -1.292969 -5.992188 -1.601563 -6.140625 -2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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-1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.976563 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -6.371094 C 3.054688 -6.742188 3.378906 -7.046875 3.789063 -7.285156 C 4.195313 -7.515625 4.648438 -7.632813 5.148438 -7.636719 C 6.011719 -7.632813 6.746094 -7.292969 7.355469 -6.617188 C 7.957031 -5.933594 8.261719 -4.988281 8.261719 -3.777344 C 8.261719 -2.527344 7.957031 -1.558594 7.347656 -0.867188 C 6.738281 -0.179688 6 0.164063 5.132813 0.167969 C 4.71875 0.164063 4.34375 0.0859375 4.011719 -0.078125 C 3.671875 -0.238281 3.320313 -0.519531 2.953125 -0.921875 L 2.953125 2.839844 L 0.976563 2.839844 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 C 2.929688 -3.019531 3.09375 -2.398438 3.429688 -2 C 3.757813 -1.59375 4.164063 -1.394531 4.648438 -1.398438 C 5.101563 -1.394531 5.484375 -1.578125 5.792969 -1.949219 C 6.09375 -2.316406 6.246094 -2.921875 6.25 -3.761719 C 6.246094 -4.542969 6.089844 -5.121094 5.777344 -5.503906 C 5.464844 -5.878906 5.074219 -6.070313 4.613281 -6.074219 C 4.125 -6.070313 3.726563 -5.882813 3.410156 -5.515625 C 3.089844 -5.140625 2.929688 -4.589844 2.933594 -3.859375 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> 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-3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.8125 C 5.847656 -4.613281 5.804688 -5.132813 5.722656 -5.375 C 5.636719 -5.609375 5.5 -5.792969 5.3125 -5.925781 C 5.121094 -6.054688 4.890625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.28125 -6.121094 3.976563 -6.027344 3.703125 -5.84375 C 3.429688 -5.652344 3.242188 -5.40625 3.144531 -5.097656 C 3.042969 -4.785156 2.992188 -4.210938 2.996094 -3.382813 L 2.996094 0 L 1.019531 0 L 1.019531 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -6.371094 C 3.503906 -7.210938 4.324219 -7.632813 5.316406 -7.636719 C 5.746094 -7.632813 6.144531 -7.554688 6.507813 -7.398438 C 6.867188 -7.238281 7.140625 -7.039063 7.328125 -6.796875 C 7.511719 -6.554688 7.640625 -6.277344 7.714844 -5.96875 C 7.785156 -5.65625 7.820313 -5.214844 7.824219 -4.640625 Z M 7.824219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.667969 0 L 3.691406 0 L 3.691406 -7.445313 C 2.96875 -6.769531 2.117188 -6.269531 1.140625 -5.949219 L 1.140625 -7.742188 C 1.652344 -7.90625 2.210938 -8.226563 2.820313 -8.699219 C 3.421875 -9.167969 3.835938 -9.71875 4.0625 -10.351563 L 5.667969 -10.351563 Z M 5.667969 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.953125 -10.351563 C 4.949219 -10.347656 5.730469 -9.992188 6.292969 -9.28125 C 6.960938 -8.4375 7.292969 -7.035156 7.296875 -5.082031 C 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4.960938 -0.199219 4.210938 0.144531 3.257813 0.148438 C 2.476563 0.144531 1.835938 -0.0703125 1.34375 -0.507813 C 0.84375 -0.941406 0.5625 -1.523438 0.5 -2.25 Z M 0.5 -2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.46875 0 L 3.414063 0 L 3.414063 -6.71875 C 3.160156 -6.476563 2.828125 -6.234375 2.414063 -5.996094 C 2 -5.75 1.628906 -5.570313 1.304688 -5.449219 L 1.304688 -6.46875 C 1.894531 -6.742188 2.410156 -7.078125 2.851563 -7.476563 C 3.292969 -7.871094 3.605469 -8.253906 3.789063 -8.625 L 4.46875 -8.625 Z M 4.46875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.039063 -1.015625 L 6.039063 0 L 0.363281 0 C 0.355469 -0.253906 0.394531 -0.496094 0.484375 -0.734375 C 0.628906 -1.117188 0.859375 -1.5 1.179688 -1.875 C 1.492188 -2.25 1.953125 -2.683594 2.5625 -3.175781 C 3.492188 -3.941406 4.125 -4.546875 4.453125 -4.992188 C 4.78125 -5.4375 4.945313 -5.859375 4.945313 -6.265625 C 4.945313 -6.679688 4.792969 -7.03125 4.496094 -7.320313 C 4.191406 -7.601563 3.804688 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.820313 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.59375 2.109375 -7.292969 C 1.804688 -6.984375 1.648438 -6.5625 1.648438 -6.03125 L 0.5625 -6.140625 C 0.632813 -6.945313 0.910156 -7.558594 1.398438 -7.988281 C 1.878906 -8.410156 2.53125 -8.625 3.351563 -8.625 C 4.171875 -8.625 4.824219 -8.394531 5.308594 -7.9375 C 5.789063 -7.480469 6.027344 -6.914063 6.03125 -6.242188 C 6.027344 -5.894531 5.957031 -5.558594 5.820313 -5.226563 C 5.675781 -4.890625 5.441406 -4.539063 5.117188 -4.175781 C 4.789063 -3.804688 4.25 -3.300781 3.492188 -2.664063 C 2.859375 -2.128906 2.453125 -1.769531 2.273438 -1.582031 C 2.09375 -1.394531 1.945313 -1.203125 1.828125 -1.015625 Z M 6.039063 -1.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.503906 -2.265625 L 1.558594 -2.40625 C 1.679688 -1.808594 1.882813 -1.378906 2.175781 -1.113281 C 2.464844 -0.847656 2.820313 -0.714844 3.242188 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.714844 4.152344 -0.886719 4.496094 -1.234375 C 4.832031 -1.574219 5.003906 -2 5.007813 -2.515625 C 5.003906 -2.996094 4.847656 -3.394531 4.535156 -3.710938 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.183594 3.328125 -4.183594 C 3.128906 -4.183594 2.878906 -4.144531 2.585938 -4.066406 L 2.703125 -4.992188 C 2.765625 -4.984375 2.824219 -4.980469 2.871094 -4.980469 C 3.320313 -4.980469 3.722656 -5.097656 4.085938 -5.332031 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.621094 -5.925781 4.625 -6.414063 C 4.621094 -6.800781 4.492188 -7.121094 4.230469 -7.375 C 3.964844 -7.628906 3.625 -7.757813 3.21875 -7.757813 C 2.804688 -7.757813 2.464844 -7.628906 2.191406 -7.371094 C 1.917969 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726563 1.664063 -6.210938 L 0.609375 -6.398438 C 0.738281 -7.105469 1.03125 -7.652344 1.488281 -8.042969 C 1.941406 -8.429688 2.507813 -8.625 3.195313 -8.625 C 3.660156 -8.625 4.09375 -8.523438 4.488281 -8.324219 C 4.878906 -8.121094 5.179688 -7.847656 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.601563 -7.148438 5.707031 -6.777344 5.707031 -6.390625 C 5.707031 -6.019531 5.605469 -5.683594 5.40625 -5.378906 C 5.207031 -5.074219 4.914063 -4.832031 4.523438 -4.652344 C 5.03125 -4.535156 5.425781 -4.289063 5.707031 -3.921875 C 5.988281 -3.546875 6.128906 -3.085938 6.128906 -2.539063 C 6.128906 -1.785156 5.855469 -1.148438 5.308594 -0.628906 C 4.761719 -0.105469 4.070313 0.152344 3.234375 0.152344 C 2.476563 0.152344 1.847656 -0.0703125 1.355469 -0.519531 C 0.855469 -0.96875 0.574219 -1.550781 0.503906 -2.265625 Z M 0.503906 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.4375 -0.921875 C 7.960938 -0.554688 8.449219 -0.289063 8.894531 -0.125 L 8.5625 0.667969 C 7.9375 0.445313 7.324219 0.09375 6.714844 -0.386719 C 6.074219 -0.03125 5.371094 0.144531 4.605469 0.148438 C 3.824219 0.144531 3.117188 -0.0390625 2.488281 -0.414063 C 1.851563 -0.785156 1.363281 -1.3125 1.027344 -1.996094 C 0.683594 -2.671875 0.515625 -3.4375 0.515625 -4.296875 C 0.515625 -5.140625 0.6875 -5.914063 1.03125 -6.609375 C 1.375 -7.304688 1.863281 -7.832031 2.5 -8.195313 C 3.132813 -8.558594 3.84375 -8.742188 4.628906 -8.742188 C 5.421875 -8.742188 6.136719 -8.550781 6.773438 -8.175781 C 7.40625 -7.792969 7.890625 -7.265625 8.226563 -6.59375 C 8.5625 -5.914063 8.730469 -5.152344 8.730469 -4.300781 C 8.730469 -3.59375 8.621094 -2.957031 8.40625 -2.394531 C 8.191406 -1.828125 7.867188 -1.335938 7.4375 -0.921875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 C 5.589844 -2.1875 6.128906 -1.914063 6.554688 -1.554688 C 7.222656 -2.160156 7.558594 -3.078125 7.558594 -4.300781 C 7.558594 -4.996094 7.4375 -5.601563 7.203125 -6.121094 C 6.964844 -6.640625 6.621094 -7.042969 6.167969 -7.332031 C 5.710938 -7.617188 5.199219 -7.761719 4.632813 -7.765625 C 3.785156 -7.761719 3.082031 -7.472656 2.523438 -6.894531 C 1.964844 -6.3125 1.6875 -5.445313 1.6875 -4.296875 C 1.6875 -3.171875 1.960938 -2.316406 2.515625 -1.722656 C 3.0625 -1.125 3.769531 -0.824219 4.632813 -0.828125 C 5.035156 -0.824219 5.417969 -0.902344 5.78125 -1.054688 C 5.425781 -1.28125 5.050781 -1.445313 4.65625 -1.546875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -7.015625 L 0.644531 -7.84375 C 1.265625 -7.621094 1.714844 -7.433594 2 -7.277344 C 1.921875 -7.980469 1.882813 -8.464844 1.882813 -8.734375 L 2.730469 -8.734375 C 2.714844 -8.347656 2.667969 -7.863281 2.59375 -7.28125 C 2.996094 -7.480469 3.457031 -7.667969 3.976563 -7.84375 L 4.25 -7.015625 C 3.75 -6.84375 3.265625 -6.734375 2.789063 -6.6875 C 3.027344 -6.476563 3.363281 -6.109375 3.796875 -5.578125 L 3.09375 -5.078125 C 2.867188 -5.386719 2.597656 -5.808594 2.289063 -6.339844 C 2 -5.789063 1.746094 -5.367188 1.53125 -5.078125 L 0.835938 -5.578125 C 1.285156 -6.132813 1.609375 -6.5 1.8125 -6.6875 C 1.304688 -6.78125 0.828125 -6.890625 0.375 -7.015625 Z M 0.375 -7.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 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0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" 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-7.984375 C 1.953125 -8.410156 2.550781 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.042969 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.972656 C 5.566406 -7.535156 5.792969 -7.003906 5.796875 -6.382813 C 5.792969 -5.976563 5.6875 -5.628906 5.480469 -5.339844 C 5.269531 -5.042969 4.953125 -4.816406 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.054688 -4.480469 5.457031 -4.203125 5.734375 -3.824219 C 6.007813 -3.4375 6.144531 -2.980469 6.148438 -2.453125 C 6.144531 -1.714844 5.886719 -1.097656 5.367188 -0.601563 C 4.84375 -0.101563 4.160156 0.144531 3.316406 0.148438 C 2.46875 0.144531 1.785156 -0.101563 1.265625 -0.605469 C 0.742188 -1.105469 0.480469 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.480469 -3.039063 0.621094 -3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.8125 4.695313 -7.113281 4.523438 -7.304688 C 4.234375 -7.605469 3.882813 -7.757813 3.46875 -7.757813 C 3.132813 -7.757813 2.835938 -7.664063 2.585938 -7.476563 C 2.25 -7.234375 1.988281 -6.878906 1.796875 -6.414063 C 1.605469 -5.949219 1.507813 -5.289063 1.5 -4.429688 C 1.753906 -4.8125 2.0625 -5.097656 2.433594 -5.289063 C 2.796875 -5.472656 3.183594 -5.566406 3.585938 -5.570313 C 4.289063 -5.566406 4.886719 -5.308594 5.382813 -4.792969 C 5.875 -4.277344 6.121094 -3.609375 6.125 -2.789063 C 6.121094 -2.25 6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 1.664063 -3.335938 1.664063 -2.78125 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path 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-1.582031 C -2.824219 -1.582031 -1.886719 -1.746094 -1.417969 -2.074219 C -0.949219 -2.402344 -0.714844 -2.808594 -0.71875 -3.296875 C -0.714844 -3.777344 -0.949219 -4.183594 -1.421875 -4.519531 C -1.886719 -4.847656 -2.824219 -5.015625 -4.234375 -5.015625 C -5.648438 -5.015625 -6.589844 -4.847656 -7.054688 -4.519531 C -7.515625 -4.1875 -7.746094 -3.777344 -7.75 -3.289063 C -7.746094 -2.800781 -7.542969 -2.414063 -7.136719 -2.128906 C -6.613281 -1.761719 -5.644531 -1.582031 -4.234375 -1.582031 Z M -4.234375 -1.582031 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.089844 L -1.203125 -1.089844 L -1.199219 -2.289063 L 0 -2.289063 Z M 0 -1.089844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -1.011719 -6.039063 L 0 -6.039063 L 0 -0.363281 C -0.253906 -0.355469 -0.496094 -0.394531 -0.734375 -0.488281 C -1.117188 -0.628906 -1.5 -0.859375 -1.875 -1.179688 C -2.25 -1.496094 -2.683594 -1.957031 -3.175781 -2.5625 C -3.941406 -3.492188 -4.546875 -4.125 -4.992188 -4.453125 C -5.4375 -4.78125 -5.859375 -4.945313 -6.265625 -4.945313 C -6.679688 -4.945313 -7.03125 -4.792969 -7.320313 -4.496094 C -7.601563 -4.195313 -7.746094 -3.808594 -7.75 -3.328125 C -7.746094 -2.820313 -7.59375 -2.414063 -7.292969 -2.109375 C -6.984375 -1.804688 -6.5625 -1.648438 -6.03125 -1.648438 L -6.140625 -0.5625 C -6.945313 -0.636719 -7.558594 -0.914063 -7.988281 -1.402344 C -8.410156 -1.882813 -8.625 -2.535156 -8.625 -3.351563 C -8.625 -4.175781 -8.394531 -4.828125 -7.9375 -5.308594 C -7.480469 -5.789063 -6.914063 -6.027344 -6.242188 -6.03125 C -5.894531 -6.027344 -5.558594 -5.957031 -5.226563 -5.820313 C -4.890625 -5.675781 -4.539063 -5.441406 -4.175781 -5.117188 C -3.804688 -4.789063 -3.300781 -4.25 -2.664063 -3.492188 C -2.128906 -2.859375 -1.769531 -2.453125 -1.582031 -2.273438 C -1.394531 -2.09375 -1.203125 -1.945313 -1.011719 -1.828125 Z M -1.011719 -6.039063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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-4.277344 -5.875 -3.609375 -6.121094 -2.789063 -6.125 C -2.25 -6.121094 -1.746094 -6.003906 -1.285156 -5.773438 C -0.816406 -5.539063 -0.460938 -5.222656 -0.21875 -4.816406 C 0.0273438 -4.410156 0.144531 -3.949219 0.148438 -3.433594 C 0.144531 -2.554688 -0.175781 -1.835938 -0.820313 -1.285156 C -1.46875 -0.726563 -2.535156 -0.449219 -4.019531 -0.453125 C -5.675781 -0.449219 -6.882813 -0.757813 -7.640625 -1.371094 C -8.296875 -1.90625 -8.625 -2.625 -8.625 -3.535156 C -8.625 -4.207031 -8.433594 -4.761719 -8.054688 -5.195313 C -7.675781 -5.625 -7.152344 -5.882813 -6.484375 -5.96875 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 C -2.417969 -1.664063 -2.070313 -1.738281 -1.738281 -1.894531 C -1.40625 -2.042969 -1.152344 -2.261719 -0.980469 -2.542969 C -0.800781 -2.820313 -0.714844 -3.109375 -0.71875 -3.414063 C -0.714844 -3.859375 -0.894531 -4.242188 -1.257813 -4.566406 C -1.613281 -4.882813 -2.101563 -5.042969 -2.722656 -5.046875 C -3.3125 -5.042969 -3.78125 -4.886719 -4.125 -4.570313 C -4.46875 -4.25 -4.640625 -3.851563 -4.640625 -3.375 C -4.640625 -2.898438 -4.46875 -2.492188 -4.128906 -2.160156 C -3.785156 -1.828125 -3.335938 -1.664063 -2.78125 -1.664063 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.65625 -2.121094 C -4.816406 -1.683594 -5.046875 -1.359375 -5.34375 -1.148438 C -5.640625 -0.9375 -5.996094 -0.832031 -6.410156 -0.832031 C -7.035156 -0.832031 -7.558594 -1.054688 -7.984375 -1.503906 C -8.410156 -1.953125 -8.625 -2.550781 -8.625 -3.300781 C -8.625 -4.046875 -8.40625 -4.652344 -7.972656 -5.109375 C -7.535156 -5.566406 -7.003906 -5.792969 -6.382813 -5.796875 C -5.976563 -5.792969 -5.628906 -5.6875 -5.339844 -5.480469 C -5.042969 -5.269531 -4.816406 -4.953125 -4.65625 -4.53125 C -4.480469 -5.054688 -4.203125 -5.457031 -3.824219 -5.734375 C -3.4375 -6.007813 -2.980469 -6.144531 -2.453125 -6.148438 C -1.714844 -6.144531 -1.097656 -5.886719 -0.601563 -5.367188 C -0.101563 -4.84375 0.144531 -4.160156 0.148438 -3.316406 C 0.144531 -2.46875 -0.101563 -1.785156 -0.605469 -1.265625 C -1.105469 -0.746094 -1.734375 -0.484375 -2.484375 -0.488281 C -3.039063 -0.484375 -3.503906 -0.625 -3.886719 -0.910156 C -4.261719 -1.191406 -4.519531 -1.597656 -4.65625 -2.121094 Z M -6.445313 -1.910156 C -6.039063 -1.910156 -5.707031 -2.039063 -5.449219 -2.300781 C -5.191406 -2.5625 -5.0625 -2.902344 -5.0625 -3.324219 C -5.0625 -3.726563 -5.1875 -4.058594 -5.445313 -4.320313 C -5.695313 -4.578125 -6.011719 -4.710938 -6.386719 -4.710938 C -6.773438 -4.710938 -7.097656 -4.574219 -7.363281 -4.308594 C -7.625 -4.039063 -7.757813 -3.707031 -7.757813 -3.3125 C -7.757813 -2.90625 -7.628906 -2.574219 -7.371094 -2.308594 C -7.113281 -2.042969 -6.804688 -1.910156 -6.445313 -1.910156 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 C -2.175781 -1.570313 -1.886719 -1.640625 -1.605469 -1.785156 C -1.324219 -1.925781 -1.105469 -2.136719 -0.949219 -2.421875 C -0.792969 -2.699219 -0.714844 -3.003906 -0.71875 -3.328125 C -0.714844 -3.832031 -0.875 -4.246094 -1.203125 -4.578125 C -1.523438 -4.902344 -1.9375 -5.066406 -2.441406 -5.070313 C -2.945313 -5.066406 -3.367188 -4.898438 -3.703125 -4.5625 C -4.035156 -4.222656 -4.199219 -3.800781 -4.203125 -3.292969 C -4.199219 -2.796875 -4.035156 -2.382813 -3.710938 -2.058594 C -3.378906 -1.730469 -2.96875 -1.570313 -2.476563 -1.570313 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.46875 L 0 -3.414063 L -6.71875 -3.417969 C -6.476563 -3.160156 -6.234375 -2.828125 -5.996094 -2.417969 C -5.75 -2.003906 -5.570313 -1.632813 -5.449219 -1.308594 L -6.46875 -1.308594 C -6.742188 -1.894531 -7.078125 -2.410156 -7.476563 -2.851563 C -7.871094 -3.292969 -8.253906 -3.605469 -8.625 -3.792969 L -8.625 -4.472656 Z M 0 -4.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.789063 L -8.589844 -0.792969 L -8.589844 -1.847656 L -5.507813 -1.847656 C -6.078125 -2.335938 -6.363281 -2.957031 -6.363281 -3.710938 C -6.363281 -4.164063 -6.269531 -4.566406 -6.089844 -4.910156 C -5.90625 -5.25 -5.65625 -5.492188 -5.339844 -5.640625 C -5.015625 -5.785156 -4.550781 -5.859375 -3.941406 -5.859375 L 0 -5.859375 L 0 -4.804688 L -3.941406 -4.804688 C -4.46875 -4.804688 -4.851563 -4.6875 -5.09375 -4.460938 C -5.328125 -4.226563 -5.449219 -3.90625 -5.453125 -3.492188 C -5.449219 -3.179688 -5.367188 -2.882813 -5.210938 -2.609375 C -5.046875 -2.332031 -4.828125 -2.136719 -4.550781 -2.023438 C -4.273438 -1.902344 -3.890625 -1.84375 -3.40625 -1.847656 L 0 -1.84375 Z M 0 -0.789063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.765625 -4.851563 C -0.433594 -4.460938 -0.199219 -4.082031 -0.0625 -3.722656 C 0.0742188 -3.355469 0.140625 -2.96875 0.140625 -2.5625 C 0.140625 -1.875 -0.0234375 -1.351563 -0.359375 -0.984375 C -0.6875 -0.617188 -1.117188 -0.433594 -1.640625 -0.433594 C -1.945313 -0.433594 -2.222656 -0.5 -2.472656 -0.640625 C -2.722656 -0.777344 -2.925781 -0.960938 -3.082031 -1.1875 C -3.234375 -1.410156 -3.347656 -1.664063 -3.429688 -1.945313 C -3.476563 -2.152344 -3.53125 -2.464844 -3.585938 -2.882813 C -3.6875 -3.734375 -3.808594 -4.359375 -3.949219 -4.765625 C -4.089844 -4.765625 -4.179688 -4.769531 -4.226563 -4.769531 C -4.648438 -4.769531 -4.953125 -4.667969 -5.132813 -4.46875 C -5.371094 -4.199219 -5.488281 -3.800781 -5.492188 -3.269531 C -5.488281 -2.773438 -5.402344 -2.40625 -5.230469 -2.171875 C -5.054688 -1.933594 -4.746094 -1.757813 -4.304688 -1.648438 L -4.445313 -0.617188 C -4.886719 -0.707031 -5.242188 -0.863281 -5.515625 -1.078125 C -5.78125 -1.292969 -5.992188 -1.601563 -6.140625 -2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> 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-2.308594 -1.480469 -1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.976563 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -6.371094 C 3.054688 -6.742188 3.378906 -7.046875 3.789063 -7.285156 C 4.195313 -7.515625 4.648438 -7.632813 5.148438 -7.636719 C 6.011719 -7.632813 6.746094 -7.292969 7.355469 -6.617188 C 7.957031 -5.933594 8.261719 -4.988281 8.261719 -3.777344 C 8.261719 -2.527344 7.957031 -1.558594 7.347656 -0.867188 C 6.738281 -0.179688 6 0.164063 5.132813 0.167969 C 4.71875 0.164063 4.34375 0.0859375 4.011719 -0.078125 C 3.671875 -0.238281 3.320313 -0.519531 2.953125 -0.921875 L 2.953125 2.839844 L 0.976563 2.839844 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 C 2.929688 -3.019531 3.09375 -2.398438 3.429688 -2 C 3.757813 -1.59375 4.164063 -1.394531 4.648438 -1.398438 C 5.101563 -1.394531 5.484375 -1.578125 5.792969 -1.949219 C 6.09375 -2.316406 6.246094 -2.921875 6.25 -3.761719 C 6.246094 -4.542969 6.089844 -5.121094 5.777344 -5.503906 C 5.464844 -5.878906 5.074219 -6.070313 4.613281 -6.074219 C 4.125 -6.070313 3.726563 -5.882813 3.410156 -5.515625 C 3.089844 -5.140625 2.929688 -4.589844 2.933594 -3.859375 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 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1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.8125 C 5.847656 -4.613281 5.804688 -5.132813 5.722656 -5.375 C 5.636719 -5.609375 5.5 -5.792969 5.3125 -5.925781 C 5.121094 -6.054688 4.890625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.28125 -6.121094 3.976563 -6.027344 3.703125 -5.84375 C 3.429688 -5.652344 3.242188 -5.40625 3.144531 -5.097656 C 3.042969 -4.785156 2.992188 -4.210938 2.996094 -3.382813 L 2.996094 0 L 1.019531 0 L 1.019531 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -6.371094 C 3.503906 -7.210938 4.324219 -7.632813 5.316406 -7.636719 C 5.746094 -7.632813 6.144531 -7.554688 6.507813 -7.398438 C 6.867188 -7.238281 7.140625 -7.039063 7.328125 -6.796875 C 7.511719 -6.554688 7.640625 -6.277344 7.714844 -5.96875 C 7.785156 -5.65625 7.820313 -5.214844 7.824219 -4.640625 Z M 7.824219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 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1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 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1.328125 -7.785156 1.742188 -8.121094 C 2.148438 -8.457031 2.667969 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.164063 -8.53125 4.511719 -8.347656 C 4.855469 -8.160156 5.140625 -7.890625 5.371094 -7.542969 C 5.59375 -7.191406 5.773438 -6.765625 5.90625 -6.265625 C 6.035156 -5.761719 6.097656 -5.085938 6.101563 -4.234375 C 6.097656 -3.226563 5.996094 -2.414063 5.789063 -1.796875 C 5.578125 -1.175781 5.265625 -0.695313 4.859375 -0.359375 C 4.445313 -0.0195313 3.925781 0.144531 3.296875 0.148438 C 2.464844 0.144531 1.816406 -0.148438 1.347656 -0.742188 C 0.78125 -1.457031 0.496094 -2.621094 0.5 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 C 1.582031 -2.824219 1.746094 -1.886719 2.074219 -1.417969 C 2.402344 -0.949219 2.808594 -0.714844 3.296875 -0.71875 C 3.777344 -0.714844 4.183594 -0.949219 4.519531 -1.421875 C 4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -2.25 L 1.605469 -2.34375 C 1.683594 -1.804688 1.871094 -1.398438 2.175781 -1.125 C 2.472656 -0.851563 2.835938 -0.714844 3.257813 -0.71875 C 3.765625 -0.714844 4.195313 -0.90625 4.546875 -1.292969 C 4.898438 -1.671875 5.074219 -2.179688 5.074219 -2.820313 C 5.074219 -3.414063 4.902344 -3.890625 4.566406 -4.242188 C 4.226563 -4.589844 3.785156 -4.761719 3.242188 -4.765625 C 2.898438 -4.761719 2.59375 -4.683594 2.320313 -4.53125 C 2.046875 -4.375 1.832031 -4.175781 1.675781 -3.929688 L 0.6875 -4.0625 L 1.515625 -8.472656 L 5.789063 -8.472656 L 5.789063 -7.464844 L 2.359375 -7.464844 L 1.898438 -5.15625 C 2.414063 -5.515625 2.953125 -5.695313 3.523438 -5.695313 C 4.269531 -5.695313 4.902344 -5.433594 5.421875 -4.914063 C 5.933594 -4.394531 6.191406 -3.726563 6.195313 -2.914063 C 6.191406 -2.132813 5.964844 -1.460938 5.515625 -0.898438 C 4.960938 -0.199219 4.210938 0.144531 3.257813 0.148438 C 2.476563 0.144531 1.835938 -0.0703125 1.34375 -0.507813 C 0.84375 -0.941406 0.5625 -1.523438 0.5 -2.25 Z M 0.5 -2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.46875 0 L 3.414063 0 L 3.414063 -6.71875 C 3.160156 -6.476563 2.828125 -6.234375 2.414063 -5.996094 C 2 -5.75 1.628906 -5.570313 1.304688 -5.449219 L 1.304688 -6.46875 C 1.894531 -6.742188 2.410156 -7.078125 2.851563 -7.476563 C 3.292969 -7.871094 3.605469 -8.253906 3.789063 -8.625 L 4.46875 -8.625 Z M 4.46875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.039063 -1.015625 L 6.039063 0 L 0.363281 0 C 0.355469 -0.253906 0.394531 -0.496094 0.484375 -0.734375 C 0.628906 -1.117188 0.859375 -1.5 1.179688 -1.875 C 1.492188 -2.25 1.953125 -2.683594 2.5625 -3.175781 C 3.492188 -3.941406 4.125 -4.546875 4.453125 -4.992188 C 4.78125 -5.4375 4.945313 -5.859375 4.945313 -6.265625 C 4.945313 -6.679688 4.792969 -7.03125 4.496094 -7.320313 C 4.191406 -7.601563 3.804688 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.820313 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.59375 2.109375 -7.292969 C 1.804688 -6.984375 1.648438 -6.5625 1.648438 -6.03125 L 0.5625 -6.140625 C 0.632813 -6.945313 0.910156 -7.558594 1.398438 -7.988281 C 1.878906 -8.410156 2.53125 -8.625 3.351563 -8.625 C 4.171875 -8.625 4.824219 -8.394531 5.308594 -7.9375 C 5.789063 -7.480469 6.027344 -6.914063 6.03125 -6.242188 C 6.027344 -5.894531 5.957031 -5.558594 5.820313 -5.226563 C 5.675781 -4.890625 5.441406 -4.539063 5.117188 -4.175781 C 4.789063 -3.804688 4.25 -3.300781 3.492188 -2.664063 C 2.859375 -2.128906 2.453125 -1.769531 2.273438 -1.582031 C 2.09375 -1.394531 1.945313 -1.203125 1.828125 -1.015625 Z M 6.039063 -1.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.503906 -2.265625 L 1.558594 -2.40625 C 1.679688 -1.808594 1.882813 -1.378906 2.175781 -1.113281 C 2.464844 -0.847656 2.820313 -0.714844 3.242188 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.714844 4.152344 -0.886719 4.496094 -1.234375 C 4.832031 -1.574219 5.003906 -2 5.007813 -2.515625 C 5.003906 -2.996094 4.847656 -3.394531 4.535156 -3.710938 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.183594 3.328125 -4.183594 C 3.128906 -4.183594 2.878906 -4.144531 2.585938 -4.066406 L 2.703125 -4.992188 C 2.765625 -4.984375 2.824219 -4.980469 2.871094 -4.980469 C 3.320313 -4.980469 3.722656 -5.097656 4.085938 -5.332031 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.621094 -5.925781 4.625 -6.414063 C 4.621094 -6.800781 4.492188 -7.121094 4.230469 -7.375 C 3.964844 -7.628906 3.625 -7.757813 3.21875 -7.757813 C 2.804688 -7.757813 2.464844 -7.628906 2.191406 -7.371094 C 1.917969 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726563 1.664063 -6.210938 L 0.609375 -6.398438 C 0.738281 -7.105469 1.03125 -7.652344 1.488281 -8.042969 C 1.941406 -8.429688 2.507813 -8.625 3.195313 -8.625 C 3.660156 -8.625 4.09375 -8.523438 4.488281 -8.324219 C 4.878906 -8.121094 5.179688 -7.847656 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.601563 -7.148438 5.707031 -6.777344 5.707031 -6.390625 C 5.707031 -6.019531 5.605469 -5.683594 5.40625 -5.378906 C 5.207031 -5.074219 4.914063 -4.832031 4.523438 -4.652344 C 5.03125 -4.535156 5.425781 -4.289063 5.707031 -3.921875 C 5.988281 -3.546875 6.128906 -3.085938 6.128906 -2.539063 C 6.128906 -1.785156 5.855469 -1.148438 5.308594 -0.628906 C 4.761719 -0.105469 4.070313 0.152344 3.234375 0.152344 C 2.476563 0.152344 1.847656 -0.0703125 1.355469 -0.519531 C 0.855469 -0.96875 0.574219 -1.550781 0.503906 -2.265625 Z M 0.503906 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.4375 -0.921875 C 7.960938 -0.554688 8.449219 -0.289063 8.894531 -0.125 L 8.5625 0.667969 C 7.9375 0.445313 7.324219 0.09375 6.714844 -0.386719 C 6.074219 -0.03125 5.371094 0.144531 4.605469 0.148438 C 3.824219 0.144531 3.117188 -0.0390625 2.488281 -0.414063 C 1.851563 -0.785156 1.363281 -1.3125 1.027344 -1.996094 C 0.683594 -2.671875 0.515625 -3.4375 0.515625 -4.296875 C 0.515625 -5.140625 0.6875 -5.914063 1.03125 -6.609375 C 1.375 -7.304688 1.863281 -7.832031 2.5 -8.195313 C 3.132813 -8.558594 3.84375 -8.742188 4.628906 -8.742188 C 5.421875 -8.742188 6.136719 -8.550781 6.773438 -8.175781 C 7.40625 -7.792969 7.890625 -7.265625 8.226563 -6.59375 C 8.5625 -5.914063 8.730469 -5.152344 8.730469 -4.300781 C 8.730469 -3.59375 8.621094 -2.957031 8.40625 -2.394531 C 8.191406 -1.828125 7.867188 -1.335938 7.4375 -0.921875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 C 5.589844 -2.1875 6.128906 -1.914063 6.554688 -1.554688 C 7.222656 -2.160156 7.558594 -3.078125 7.558594 -4.300781 C 7.558594 -4.996094 7.4375 -5.601563 7.203125 -6.121094 C 6.964844 -6.640625 6.621094 -7.042969 6.167969 -7.332031 C 5.710938 -7.617188 5.199219 -7.761719 4.632813 -7.765625 C 3.785156 -7.761719 3.082031 -7.472656 2.523438 -6.894531 C 1.964844 -6.3125 1.6875 -5.445313 1.6875 -4.296875 C 1.6875 -3.171875 1.960938 -2.316406 2.515625 -1.722656 C 3.0625 -1.125 3.769531 -0.824219 4.632813 -0.828125 C 5.035156 -0.824219 5.417969 -0.902344 5.78125 -1.054688 C 5.425781 -1.28125 5.050781 -1.445313 4.65625 -1.546875 Z M 4.933594 -2.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -7.015625 L 0.644531 -7.84375 C 1.265625 -7.621094 1.714844 -7.433594 2 -7.277344 C 1.921875 -7.980469 1.882813 -8.464844 1.882813 -8.734375 L 2.730469 -8.734375 C 2.714844 -8.347656 2.667969 -7.863281 2.59375 -7.28125 C 2.996094 -7.480469 3.457031 -7.667969 3.976563 -7.84375 L 4.25 -7.015625 C 3.75 -6.84375 3.265625 -6.734375 2.789063 -6.6875 C 3.027344 -6.476563 3.363281 -6.109375 3.796875 -5.578125 L 3.09375 -5.078125 C 2.867188 -5.386719 2.597656 -5.808594 2.289063 -6.339844 C 2 -5.789063 1.746094 -5.367188 1.53125 -5.078125 L 0.835938 -5.578125 C 1.285156 -6.132813 1.609375 -6.5 1.8125 -6.6875 C 1.304688 -6.78125 0.828125 -6.890625 0.375 -7.015625 Z M 0.375 -7.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.789063 0 L 0.789063 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -8.589844 L 1.84375 -5.507813 C 2.335938 -6.078125 2.957031 -6.363281 3.710938 -6.363281 C 4.164063 -6.363281 4.566406 -6.269531 4.910156 -6.089844 C 5.25 -5.90625 5.492188 -5.65625 5.640625 -5.339844 C 5.785156 -5.015625 5.859375 -4.550781 5.859375 -3.945313 L 5.859375 0 L 4.804688 0 L 4.804688 -3.945313 C 4.804688 -4.46875 4.6875 -4.851563 4.460938 -5.09375 C 4.226563 -5.328125 3.90625 -5.449219 3.492188 -5.453125 C 3.179688 -5.449219 2.882813 -5.367188 2.609375 -5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.878906 0 L 0.878906 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -8.589844 L 2.015625 -1.015625 L 6.246094 -1.015625 L 6.246094 0 Z M 0.878906 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.339844 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -6.035156 L 6.339844 -6.035156 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -3.429688 L 6.339844 -3.429688 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.382813 -2.578125 L 0.382813 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -2.578125 Z M 0.382813 -2.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.878906 0 L 3.878906 -2.054688 L 0.152344 -2.054688 L 0.152344 -3.023438 L 4.070313 -8.589844 L 4.933594 -8.589844 L 4.933594 -3.023438 L 6.09375 -3.023438 L 6.09375 -2.054688 L 4.933594 -2.054688 L 4.933594 0 Z M 3.878906 -3.023438 L 3.878906 -6.898438 L 1.1875 -3.023438 Z M 3.878906 -3.023438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.121094 -4.65625 C 1.683594 -4.816406 1.359375 -5.046875 1.148438 -5.34375 C 0.9375 -5.640625 0.832031 -5.996094 0.832031 -6.410156 C 0.832031 -7.035156 1.054688 -7.558594 1.503906 -7.984375 C 1.953125 -8.410156 2.550781 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.042969 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.972656 C 5.566406 -7.535156 5.792969 -7.003906 5.796875 -6.382813 C 5.792969 -5.976563 5.6875 -5.628906 5.480469 -5.339844 C 5.269531 -5.042969 4.953125 -4.816406 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.054688 -4.480469 5.457031 -4.203125 5.734375 -3.824219 C 6.007813 -3.4375 6.144531 -2.980469 6.148438 -2.453125 C 6.144531 -1.714844 5.886719 -1.097656 5.367188 -0.601563 C 4.84375 -0.101563 4.160156 0.144531 3.316406 0.148438 C 2.46875 0.144531 1.785156 -0.101563 1.265625 -0.605469 C 0.742188 -1.105469 0.480469 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.480469 -3.039063 0.621094 -3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.234375 -0.5 C -5.246094 -0.496094 -6.0625 -0.601563 -6.6875 -0.8125 C -7.304688 -1.019531 -7.785156 -1.328125 -8.121094 -1.742188 C -8.457031 -2.152344 -8.625 -2.671875 -8.625 -3.300781 C -8.625 -3.757813 -8.53125 -4.164063 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-2.535156 -8.625 -3.351563 C -8.625 -4.175781 -8.394531 -4.828125 -7.9375 -5.308594 C -7.480469 -5.789063 -6.914063 -6.027344 -6.242188 -6.03125 C -5.894531 -6.027344 -5.558594 -5.957031 -5.226563 -5.820313 C -4.890625 -5.675781 -4.539063 -5.441406 -4.175781 -5.117188 C -3.804688 -4.789063 -3.300781 -4.25 -2.664063 -3.492188 C -2.128906 -2.859375 -1.769531 -2.453125 -1.582031 -2.273438 C -1.394531 -2.09375 -1.203125 -1.945313 -1.011719 -1.828125 Z M -1.011719 -6.039063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -0.152344 L -3.023438 -0.152344 L -8.589844 -4.074219 L -8.589844 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -4.933594 L 0 -4.933594 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 L -6.898438 -3.878906 L -3.023438 -1.191406 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.484375 -5.96875 L -6.40625 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-8.054688 -5.195313 C -7.675781 -5.625 -7.152344 -5.882813 -6.484375 -5.96875 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 C -2.417969 -1.664063 -2.070313 -1.738281 -1.738281 -1.894531 C -1.40625 -2.042969 -1.152344 -2.261719 -0.980469 -2.542969 C -0.800781 -2.820313 -0.714844 -3.109375 -0.71875 -3.414063 C -0.714844 -3.859375 -0.894531 -4.242188 -1.257813 -4.566406 C -1.613281 -4.882813 -2.101563 -5.042969 -2.722656 -5.046875 C -3.3125 -5.042969 -3.78125 -4.886719 -4.125 -4.570313 C -4.46875 -4.25 -4.640625 -3.851563 -4.640625 -3.375 C -4.640625 -2.898438 -4.46875 -2.492188 -4.128906 -2.160156 C -3.785156 -1.828125 -3.335938 -1.664063 -2.78125 -1.664063 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -4.65625 -2.121094 C -4.816406 -1.683594 -5.046875 -1.359375 -5.34375 -1.148438 C -5.640625 -0.9375 -5.996094 -0.832031 -6.410156 -0.832031 C -7.035156 -0.832031 -7.558594 -1.054688 -7.984375 -1.503906 C -8.410156 -1.953125 -8.625 -2.550781 -8.625 -3.300781 C -8.625 -4.046875 -8.40625 -4.652344 -7.972656 -5.109375 C -7.535156 -5.566406 -7.003906 -5.792969 -6.382813 -5.796875 C -5.976563 -5.792969 -5.628906 -5.6875 -5.339844 -5.480469 C -5.042969 -5.269531 -4.816406 -4.953125 -4.65625 -4.53125 C -4.480469 -5.054688 -4.203125 -5.457031 -3.824219 -5.734375 C -3.4375 -6.007813 -2.980469 -6.144531 -2.453125 -6.148438 C -1.714844 -6.144531 -1.097656 -5.886719 -0.601563 -5.367188 C -0.101563 -4.84375 0.144531 -4.160156 0.148438 -3.316406 C 0.144531 -2.46875 -0.101563 -1.785156 -0.605469 -1.265625 C -1.105469 -0.746094 -1.734375 -0.484375 -2.484375 -0.488281 C -3.039063 -0.484375 -3.503906 -0.625 -3.886719 -0.910156 C -4.261719 -1.191406 -4.519531 -1.597656 -4.65625 -2.121094 Z M -6.445313 -1.910156 C -6.039063 -1.910156 -5.707031 -2.039063 -5.449219 -2.300781 C -5.191406 -2.5625 -5.0625 -2.902344 -5.0625 -3.324219 C -5.0625 -3.726563 -5.1875 -4.058594 -5.445313 -4.320313 C -5.695313 -4.578125 -6.011719 -4.710938 -6.386719 -4.710938 C -6.773438 -4.710938 -7.097656 -4.574219 -7.363281 -4.308594 C -7.625 -4.039063 -7.757813 -3.707031 -7.757813 -3.3125 C -7.757813 -2.90625 -7.628906 -2.574219 -7.371094 -2.308594 C -7.113281 -2.042969 -6.804688 -1.910156 -6.445313 -1.910156 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 C -2.175781 -1.570313 -1.886719 -1.640625 -1.605469 -1.785156 C -1.324219 -1.925781 -1.105469 -2.136719 -0.949219 -2.421875 C -0.792969 -2.699219 -0.714844 -3.003906 -0.71875 -3.328125 C -0.714844 -3.832031 -0.875 -4.246094 -1.203125 -4.578125 C -1.523438 -4.902344 -1.9375 -5.066406 -2.441406 -5.070313 C -2.945313 -5.066406 -3.367188 -4.898438 -3.703125 -4.5625 C -4.035156 -4.222656 -4.199219 -3.800781 -4.203125 -3.292969 C -4.199219 -2.796875 -4.035156 -2.382813 -3.710938 -2.058594 C -3.378906 -1.730469 -2.96875 -1.570313 -2.476563 -1.570313 Z M -2.476563 -1.570313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.46875 L 0 -3.414063 L -6.71875 -3.417969 C -6.476563 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-4.746094 -1.757813 -4.304688 -1.648438 L -4.445313 -0.617188 C -4.886719 -0.707031 -5.242188 -0.863281 -5.515625 -1.078125 C -5.78125 -1.292969 -5.992188 -1.601563 -6.140625 -2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.878906 L -8.589844 -0.878906 L -8.589844 -2.015625 L -1.011719 -2.015625 L -1.011719 -6.246094 L 0 -6.246094 Z M 0 -0.878906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -3.109375 -0.398438 C -4.261719 -0.398438 -5.117188 -0.71875 -5.671875 -1.359375 C -6.132813 -1.894531 -6.363281 -2.546875 -6.363281 -3.316406 C -6.363281 -4.171875 -6.082031 -4.871094 -5.519531 -5.414063 C -4.957031 -5.953125 -4.183594 -6.222656 -3.199219 -6.226563 C -2.394531 -6.222656 -1.761719 -6.101563 -1.308594 -5.867188 C -0.847656 -5.625 -0.492188 -5.277344 -0.238281 -4.820313 C 0.015625 -4.359375 0.140625 -3.859375 0.140625 -3.316406 C 0.140625 -2.441406 -0.136719 -1.734375 -0.695313 -1.203125 C -1.253906 -0.664063 -2.058594 -0.398438 -3.109375 -0.398438 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 C -2.308594 -1.480469 -1.710938 -1.65625 -1.320313 -2.003906 C -0.921875 -2.347656 -0.726563 -2.785156 -0.726563 -3.316406 C -0.726563 -3.839844 -0.925781 -4.273438 -1.324219 -4.621094 C -1.722656 -4.96875 -2.328125 -5.144531 -3.144531 -5.144531 C -3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> 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-1.578125 5.792969 -1.949219 C 6.09375 -2.316406 6.246094 -2.921875 6.25 -3.761719 C 6.246094 -4.542969 6.089844 -5.121094 5.777344 -5.503906 C 5.464844 -5.878906 5.074219 -6.070313 4.613281 -6.074219 C 4.125 -6.070313 3.726563 -5.882813 3.410156 -5.515625 C 3.089844 -5.140625 2.929688 -4.589844 2.933594 -3.859375 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.824219 0 L 5.851563 0 L 5.851563 -3.8125 C 5.847656 -4.613281 5.804688 -5.132813 5.722656 -5.375 C 5.636719 -5.609375 5.5 -5.792969 5.3125 -5.925781 C 5.121094 -6.054688 4.890625 -6.121094 4.625 -6.125 C 4.28125 -6.121094 3.976563 -6.027344 3.703125 -5.84375 C 3.429688 -5.652344 3.242188 -5.40625 3.144531 -5.097656 C 3.042969 -4.785156 2.992188 -4.210938 2.996094 -3.382813 L 2.996094 0 L 1.019531 0 L 1.019531 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -7.46875 L 2.855469 -6.371094 C 3.503906 -7.210938 4.324219 -7.632813 5.316406 -7.636719 C 5.746094 -7.632813 6.144531 -7.554688 6.507813 -7.398438 C 6.867188 -7.238281 7.140625 -7.039063 7.328125 -6.796875 C 7.511719 -6.554688 7.640625 -6.277344 7.714844 -5.96875 C 7.785156 -5.65625 7.820313 -5.214844 7.824219 -4.640625 Z M 7.824219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 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overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path 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-2.566406 3.765625 -2.382813 C 3.597656 -2.191406 3.460938 -2.007813 3.359375 -1.835938 Z M 7.285156 -1.835938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.953125 -10.351563 C 4.949219 -10.347656 5.730469 -9.992188 6.292969 -9.28125 C 6.960938 -8.4375 7.292969 -7.035156 7.296875 -5.082031 C 7.292969 -3.128906 6.957031 -1.730469 6.285156 -0.878906 C 5.726563 -0.175781 4.949219 0.175781 3.953125 0.175781 C 2.945313 0.175781 2.136719 -0.207031 1.523438 -0.980469 C 0.910156 -1.746094 0.601563 -3.121094 0.605469 -5.105469 C 0.601563 -7.042969 0.941406 -8.441406 1.617188 -9.296875 C 2.171875 -9.996094 2.949219 -10.347656 3.953125 -10.351563 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 C 3.710938 -8.707031 3.496094 -8.628906 3.3125 -8.480469 C 3.121094 -8.324219 2.976563 -8.054688 2.875 -7.664063 C 2.738281 -7.152344 2.671875 -6.289063 2.671875 -5.082031 C 2.671875 -3.871094 2.730469 -3.042969 2.855469 -2.589844 C 2.972656 -2.136719 3.128906 -1.835938 3.316406 -1.6875 C 3.5 -1.535156 3.710938 -1.457031 3.953125 -1.460938 C 4.1875 -1.457031 4.398438 -1.535156 4.589844 -1.6875 C 4.773438 -1.839844 4.921875 -2.113281 5.027344 -2.511719 C 5.160156 -3.015625 5.226563 -3.871094 5.230469 -5.082031 C 5.226563 -6.289063 5.164063 -7.121094 5.046875 -7.574219 C 4.921875 -8.023438 4.769531 -8.324219 4.585938 -8.480469 C 4.398438 -8.628906 4.1875 -8.707031 3.953125 -8.710938 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 -6.835938 4.96875 -6.152344 4.566406 -5.710938 C 4.15625 -5.261719 3.609375 -5.039063 2.917969 -5.042969 C 2.199219 -5.039063 1.636719 -5.261719 1.234375 -5.707031 C 0.824219 -6.148438 0.621094 -6.832031 0.625 -7.761719 Z M 2.164063 -7.777344 C 2.160156 -7.101563 2.238281 -6.652344 2.398438 -6.425781 C 2.511719 -6.253906 2.675781 -6.167969 2.882813 -6.171875 C 3.09375 -6.167969 3.257813 -6.253906 3.375 -6.425781 C 3.523438 -6.652344 3.597656 -7.101563 3.601563 -7.777344 C 3.597656 -8.441406 3.523438 -8.890625 3.375 -9.121094 C 3.257813 -9.289063 3.09375 -9.375 2.882813 -9.378906 C 2.675781 -9.375 2.511719 -9.289063 2.398438 -9.125 C 2.238281 -8.890625 2.160156 -8.441406 2.164063 -7.777344 Z M 4.386719 0.394531 L 2.925781 0.394531 L 8.417969 -10.484375 L 9.835938 -10.484375 Z M 7.578125 -2.3125 C 7.574219 -3.234375 7.777344 -3.917969 8.1875 -4.367188 C 8.589844 -4.808594 9.144531 -5.03125 9.851563 -5.035156 C 10.554688 -5.03125 11.113281 -4.808594 11.519531 -4.367188 C 11.925781 -3.917969 12.128906 -3.234375 12.128906 -2.3125 C 12.128906 -1.382813 11.925781 -0.695313 11.519531 -0.253906 C 11.113281 0.191406 10.5625 0.410156 9.871094 0.414063 C 9.152344 0.410156 8.589844 0.191406 8.1875 -0.253906 C 7.777344 -0.695313 7.574219 -1.382813 7.578125 -2.3125 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 C 9.117188 -1.648438 9.195313 -1.199219 9.351563 -0.976563 C 9.46875 -0.800781 9.628906 -0.714844 9.835938 -0.71875 C 10.042969 -0.714844 10.203125 -0.796875 10.320313 -0.96875 C 10.472656 -1.195313 10.550781 -1.648438 10.554688 -2.320313 C 10.550781 -2.988281 10.476563 -3.4375 10.328125 -3.671875 C 10.207031 -3.835938 10.042969 -3.917969 9.835938 -3.921875 C 9.621094 -3.917969 9.460938 -3.835938 9.351563 -3.671875 C 9.195313 -3.4375 9.117188 -2.988281 9.121094 -2.320313 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 "/> +</symbol> +</g> +</defs> +<g id="surface11"> +<rect x="0" y="0" width="504" height="504" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 77.101563 416.800781 C 77.101563 420.398438 71.699219 420.398438 71.699219 416.800781 C 71.699219 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116.640625 363.207031 L 120.480469 358.628906 L 124.320313 354.082031 L 128.160156 349.566406 L 132 345.082031 L 135.839844 340.625 L 139.679688 336.199219 L 143.519531 331.804688 L 147.359375 327.441406 L 151.199219 323.105469 L 155.039063 318.800781 L 158.878906 314.527344 L 162.71875 310.28125 L 166.558594 306.066406 L 170.398438 301.882813 L 174.238281 297.726563 L 178.078125 293.605469 L 181.921875 289.511719 L 185.761719 285.445313 L 189.601563 281.414063 L 193.441406 277.410156 L 197.28125 273.4375 L 201.121094 269.492188 L 204.960938 265.582031 L 208.800781 261.699219 L 212.640625 257.84375 L 216.480469 254.023438 L 220.320313 250.230469 L 224.160156 246.46875 L 228 242.734375 L 231.839844 239.035156 L 235.679688 235.363281 L 239.519531 231.722656 L 243.359375 228.109375 L 247.199219 224.527344 L 251.039063 220.976563 L 254.878906 217.457031 L 258.71875 213.964844 L 262.558594 210.503906 L 266.398438 207.074219 L 270.238281 203.671875 L 274.078125 200.300781 L 277.921875 196.960938 L 281.761719 193.652344 L 285.601563 190.371094 L 289.441406 187.121094 L 293.28125 183.902344 L 297.121094 180.714844 L 300.960938 177.554688 L 304.800781 174.425781 L 308.640625 171.328125 L 312.480469 168.257813 L 316.320313 165.21875 L 320.160156 162.210938 L 324 159.230469 L 327.839844 156.285156 L 331.679688 153.367188 L 335.519531 150.476563 L 339.359375 147.621094 L 343.199219 144.792969 L 347.039063 141.996094 L 350.878906 139.226563 L 354.71875 136.488281 L 358.558594 133.78125 L 362.398438 131.105469 L 366.238281 128.457031 L 370.078125 125.84375 L 373.921875 123.253906 L 377.761719 120.699219 L 381.601563 118.171875 L 385.441406 115.675781 L 389.28125 113.210938 L 393.121094 110.777344 L 396.960938 108.371094 L 400.800781 105.996094 L 404.640625 103.648438 L 408.480469 101.332031 L 412.320313 99.046875 L 416.160156 96.792969 L 420 94.570313 L 423.839844 92.375 L 427.679688 90.210938 L 431.519531 88.074219 L 435.359375 85.972656 L 439.199219 83.898438 L 443.039063 81.855469 L 446.878906 79.839844 L 450.71875 77.855469 L 454.558594 75.902344 L 458.398438 73.980469 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 70.582031 382.996094 L 78.21875 382.996094 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 74.398438 386.816406 L 74.398438 379.179688 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 88.945313 363.113281 L 96.582031 363.113281 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 92.765625 366.929688 L 92.765625 359.292969 "/> +<path 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181.453125 265.148438 L 185.277344 261.386719 L 189.097656 257.660156 L 192.921875 253.964844 L 196.746094 250.308594 L 200.570313 246.683594 L 204.390625 243.09375 L 208.214844 239.535156 L 212.039063 236.015625 L 215.863281 232.527344 L 219.6875 229.074219 L 223.507813 225.65625 L 227.332031 222.269531 L 231.15625 218.921875 L 234.980469 215.605469 L 238.800781 212.324219 L 242.625 209.074219 L 246.449219 205.863281 L 250.273438 202.683594 L 254.09375 199.539063 L 257.917969 196.429688 L 261.742188 193.351563 L 265.566406 190.308594 L 269.386719 187.300781 L 273.210938 184.328125 L 277.035156 181.390625 L 280.859375 178.484375 L 284.683594 175.613281 L 288.503906 172.777344 L 292.328125 169.976563 L 296.152344 167.210938 L 299.976563 164.476563 L 303.796875 161.777344 L 307.621094 159.113281 L 311.445313 156.480469 L 315.269531 153.886719 L 319.089844 151.324219 L 322.914063 148.796875 L 326.738281 146.300781 L 330.5625 143.84375 L 334.382813 141.417969 L 338.207031 139.027344 L 342.03125 136.671875 L 345.855469 134.347656 L 349.679688 132.0625 L 353.5 129.808594 L 357.324219 127.589844 L 361.148438 125.402344 L 364.972656 123.253906 L 368.792969 121.136719 L 372.617188 119.054688 L 376.441406 117.003906 L 380.265625 114.992188 L 384.085938 113.011719 L 387.910156 111.066406 L 391.734375 109.15625 L 395.558594 107.28125 L 399.382813 105.4375 L 403.203125 103.628906 L 407.027344 101.855469 L 410.851563 100.117188 L 414.675781 98.410156 L 418.496094 96.742188 L 422.320313 95.105469 L 426.144531 93.5 L 429.96875 91.933594 L 433.789063 90.398438 L 437.613281 88.898438 L 441.4375 87.433594 L 445.261719 86.003906 L 449.082031 84.605469 L 452.90625 83.246094 L 456.730469 81.917969 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,100%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 231.238281 342.398438 L 252.839844 342.398438 "/> +<path 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-5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.339844 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -6.035156 L 6.339844 -6.035156 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -3.429688 L 6.339844 -3.429688 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.382813 -2.578125 L 0.382813 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -2.578125 Z M 0.382813 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4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.121094 -4.65625 C 1.683594 -4.816406 1.359375 -5.046875 1.148438 -5.34375 C 0.9375 -5.640625 0.832031 -5.996094 0.832031 -6.410156 C 0.832031 -7.035156 1.054688 -7.558594 1.503906 -7.984375 C 1.953125 -8.410156 2.550781 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.042969 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.972656 C 5.566406 -7.535156 5.792969 -7.003906 5.796875 -6.382813 C 5.792969 -5.976563 5.6875 -5.628906 5.480469 -5.339844 C 5.269531 -5.042969 4.953125 -4.816406 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.054688 -4.480469 5.457031 -4.203125 5.734375 -3.824219 C 6.007813 -3.4375 6.144531 -2.980469 6.148438 -2.453125 C 6.144531 -1.714844 5.886719 -1.097656 5.367188 -0.601563 C 4.84375 -0.101563 4.160156 0.144531 3.316406 0.148438 C 2.46875 0.144531 1.785156 -0.101563 1.265625 -0.605469 C 0.742188 -1.105469 0.480469 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.480469 -3.039063 0.621094 -3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 0.570313 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -8.476563 L 6.128906 -7.65625 C 5.582031 -7.074219 5.039063 -6.300781 4.5 -5.335938 C 3.960938 -4.371094 3.546875 -3.378906 3.257813 -2.359375 C 3.046875 -1.636719 2.910156 -0.851563 2.851563 0 L 1.769531 0 C 1.78125 -0.675781 1.914063 -1.492188 2.167969 -2.449219 C 2.417969 -3.402344 2.78125 -4.324219 3.257813 -5.214844 C 3.734375 -6.105469 4.238281 -6.855469 4.773438 -7.464844 Z M 0.570313 -7.464844 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.65625 -1.984375 L 1.671875 -2.078125 C 1.75 -1.601563 1.914063 -1.257813 2.160156 -1.042969 C 2.398438 -0.824219 2.710938 -0.714844 3.09375 -0.71875 C 3.414063 -0.714844 3.695313 -0.789063 3.945313 -0.941406 C 4.1875 -1.085938 4.390625 -1.285156 4.546875 -1.535156 C 4.703125 -1.785156 4.832031 -2.121094 4.9375 -2.542969 C 5.042969 -2.964844 5.097656 -3.394531 5.097656 -3.832031 C 5.097656 -3.878906 5.09375 -3.949219 5.09375 -4.042969 C 4.875 -3.707031 4.585938 -3.433594 4.226563 -3.226563 C 3.859375 -3.015625 3.464844 -2.910156 3.039063 -2.914063 C 2.328125 -2.910156 1.726563 -3.167969 1.238281 -3.6875 C 0.742188 -4.199219 0.496094 -4.878906 0.5 -5.726563 C 0.496094 -6.59375 0.753906 -7.296875 1.269531 -7.828125 C 1.78125 -8.359375 2.425781 -8.625 3.199219 -8.625 C 3.757813 -8.625 4.265625 -8.472656 4.730469 -8.171875 C 5.191406 -7.871094 5.542969 -7.441406 5.785156 -6.886719 C 6.023438 -6.328125 6.144531 -5.523438 6.148438 -4.46875 C 6.144531 -3.371094 6.027344 -2.496094 5.789063 -1.847656 C 5.546875 -1.195313 5.191406 -0.703125 4.722656 -0.363281 C 4.253906 -0.0234375 3.703125 0.144531 3.070313 0.148438 C 2.398438 0.144531 1.847656 -0.0390625 1.421875 -0.410156 C 0.996094 -0.785156 0.742188 -1.308594 0.65625 -1.984375 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 C 4.972656 -6.382813 4.8125 -6.863281 4.492188 -7.21875 C 4.167969 -7.570313 3.78125 -7.746094 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.859375 -7.746094 2.449219 -7.554688 2.101563 -7.175781 C 1.753906 -6.789063 1.582031 -6.292969 1.582031 -5.6875 C 1.582031 -5.136719 1.746094 -4.691406 2.074219 -4.355469 C 2.402344 -4.011719 2.808594 -3.84375 3.296875 -3.84375 C 3.785156 -3.84375 4.1875 -4.011719 4.503906 -4.355469 C 4.816406 -4.691406 4.972656 -5.167969 4.976563 -5.777344 Z M 4.976563 -5.777344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.46875 L 0 -3.414063 L -6.71875 -3.417969 C -6.476563 -3.160156 -6.234375 -2.828125 -5.996094 -2.417969 C -5.75 -2.003906 -5.570313 -1.632813 -5.449219 -1.308594 L -6.46875 -1.308594 C -6.742188 -1.894531 -7.078125 -2.410156 -7.476563 -2.851563 C -7.871094 -3.292969 -8.253906 -3.605469 -8.625 -3.792969 L -8.625 -4.472656 Z M 0 -4.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -1.011719 -6.039063 L 0 -6.039063 L 0 -0.363281 C -0.253906 -0.355469 -0.496094 -0.394531 -0.734375 -0.488281 C -1.117188 -0.628906 -1.5 -0.859375 -1.875 -1.179688 C -2.25 -1.496094 -2.683594 -1.957031 -3.175781 -2.5625 C -3.941406 -3.492188 -4.546875 -4.125 -4.992188 -4.453125 C -5.4375 -4.78125 -5.859375 -4.945313 -6.265625 -4.945313 C -6.679688 -4.945313 -7.03125 -4.792969 -7.320313 -4.496094 C -7.601563 -4.195313 -7.746094 -3.808594 -7.75 -3.328125 C -7.746094 -2.820313 -7.59375 -2.414063 -7.292969 -2.109375 C -6.984375 -1.804688 -6.5625 -1.648438 -6.03125 -1.648438 L -6.140625 -0.5625 C -6.945313 -0.636719 -7.558594 -0.914063 -7.988281 -1.402344 C -8.410156 -1.882813 -8.625 -2.535156 -8.625 -3.351563 C -8.625 -4.175781 -8.394531 -4.828125 -7.9375 -5.308594 C -7.480469 -5.789063 -6.914063 -6.027344 -6.242188 -6.03125 C -5.894531 -6.027344 -5.558594 -5.957031 -5.226563 -5.820313 C -4.890625 -5.675781 -4.539063 -5.441406 -4.175781 -5.117188 C -3.804688 -4.789063 -3.300781 -4.25 -2.664063 -3.492188 C -2.128906 -2.859375 -1.769531 -2.453125 -1.582031 -2.273438 C -1.394531 -2.09375 -1.203125 -1.945313 -1.011719 -1.828125 Z M -1.011719 -6.039063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.265625 -0.503906 L -2.40625 -1.558594 C -1.808594 -1.679688 -1.378906 -1.882813 -1.113281 -2.175781 C -0.847656 -2.464844 -0.714844 -2.820313 -0.71875 -3.242188 C -0.714844 -3.734375 -0.886719 -4.152344 -1.234375 -4.496094 C -1.574219 -4.832031 -2 -5.003906 -2.511719 -5.007813 C -2.992188 -5.003906 -3.390625 -4.847656 -3.710938 -4.535156 C -4.023438 -4.21875 -4.183594 -3.816406 -4.183594 -3.328125 C -4.183594 -3.128906 -4.144531 -2.878906 -4.066406 -2.585938 L -4.992188 -2.703125 C -4.984375 -2.769531 -4.980469 -2.828125 -4.980469 -2.871094 C -4.980469 -3.320313 -5.097656 -3.722656 -5.332031 -4.085938 C -5.566406 -4.441406 -5.925781 -4.621094 -6.414063 -4.625 C -6.800781 -4.621094 -7.121094 -4.492188 -7.375 -4.230469 C -7.628906 -3.96875 -7.757813 -3.628906 -7.757813 -3.21875 C -7.757813 -2.804688 -7.628906 -2.464844 -7.371094 -2.191406 C -7.113281 -1.917969 -6.726563 -1.742188 -6.210938 -1.664063 L -6.398438 -0.609375 C -7.105469 -0.738281 -7.652344 -1.03125 -8.042969 -1.488281 C -8.429688 -1.945313 -8.625 -2.511719 -8.625 -3.195313 C -8.625 -3.660156 -8.523438 -4.09375 -8.324219 -4.488281 C -8.121094 -4.882813 -7.847656 -5.183594 -7.5 -5.394531 C -7.148438 -5.601563 -6.777344 -5.707031 -6.390625 -5.707031 C -6.019531 -5.707031 -5.683594 -5.605469 -5.378906 -5.40625 C -5.074219 -5.207031 -4.832031 -4.914063 -4.652344 -4.523438 C -4.535156 -5.03125 -4.289063 -5.425781 -3.921875 -5.707031 C -3.546875 -5.988281 -3.085938 -6.128906 -2.535156 -6.128906 C -1.78125 -6.128906 -1.144531 -5.855469 -0.628906 -5.308594 C -0.105469 -4.761719 0.152344 -4.070313 0.152344 -3.234375 C 0.152344 -2.476563 -0.0703125 -1.847656 -0.519531 -1.355469 C -0.96875 -0.855469 -1.550781 -0.574219 -2.265625 -0.503906 Z M -2.265625 -0.503906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -0.152344 L -3.023438 -0.152344 L -8.589844 -4.074219 L -8.589844 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -4.933594 L 0 -4.933594 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 L -6.898438 -3.878906 L -3.023438 -1.191406 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.25 -0.5 L -2.34375 -1.605469 C -1.804688 -1.683594 -1.398438 -1.871094 -1.125 -2.175781 C -0.851563 -2.472656 -0.714844 -2.835938 -0.71875 -3.257813 C -0.714844 -3.765625 -0.90625 -4.195313 -1.292969 -4.546875 C -1.671875 -4.898438 -2.179688 -5.074219 -2.816406 -5.074219 C -3.414063 -5.074219 -3.890625 -4.902344 -4.242188 -4.566406 C -4.589844 -4.226563 -4.761719 -3.785156 -4.765625 -3.242188 C -4.761719 -2.898438 -4.683594 -2.59375 -4.53125 -2.320313 C -4.375 -2.046875 -4.175781 -1.832031 -3.929688 -1.675781 L -4.0625 -0.6875 L -8.472656 -1.519531 L -8.472656 -5.789063 L -7.464844 -5.789063 L -7.464844 -2.363281 L -5.15625 -1.898438 C -5.515625 -2.414063 -5.695313 -2.953125 -5.695313 -3.523438 C -5.695313 -4.269531 -5.433594 -4.902344 -4.914063 -5.421875 C -4.394531 -5.933594 -3.726563 -6.191406 -2.910156 -6.195313 C -2.132813 -6.191406 -1.460938 -5.964844 -0.894531 -5.515625 C -0.199219 -4.960938 0.144531 -4.210938 0.148438 -3.257813 C 0.144531 -2.476563 -0.0703125 -1.835938 -0.507813 -1.34375 C -0.941406 -0.847656 -1.523438 -0.566406 -2.25 -0.5 Z M -2.25 -0.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -6.484375 -5.96875 L 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-4.761719 -8.054688 -5.195313 C -7.675781 -5.625 -7.152344 -5.882813 -6.484375 -5.96875 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 C -2.417969 -1.664063 -2.070313 -1.738281 -1.738281 -1.894531 C -1.40625 -2.042969 -1.152344 -2.261719 -0.980469 -2.542969 C -0.800781 -2.820313 -0.714844 -3.109375 -0.71875 -3.414063 C -0.714844 -3.859375 -0.894531 -4.242188 -1.257813 -4.566406 C -1.613281 -4.882813 -2.101563 -5.042969 -2.722656 -5.046875 C -3.3125 -5.042969 -3.78125 -4.886719 -4.125 -4.570313 C -4.46875 -4.25 -4.640625 -3.851563 -4.640625 -3.375 C -4.640625 -2.898438 -4.46875 -2.492188 -4.128906 -2.160156 C -3.785156 -1.828125 -3.335938 -1.664063 -2.78125 -1.664063 Z M -2.78125 -1.664063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.789063 L -8.589844 -0.792969 L -8.589844 -1.847656 L -5.507813 -1.847656 C -6.078125 -2.335938 -6.363281 -2.957031 -6.363281 -3.710938 C -6.363281 -4.164063 -6.269531 -4.566406 -6.089844 -4.910156 C -5.90625 -5.25 -5.65625 -5.492188 -5.339844 -5.640625 C -5.015625 -5.785156 -4.550781 -5.859375 -3.941406 -5.859375 L 0 -5.859375 L 0 -4.804688 L -3.941406 -4.804688 C -4.46875 -4.804688 -4.851563 -4.6875 -5.09375 -4.460938 C -5.328125 -4.226563 -5.449219 -3.90625 -5.453125 -3.492188 C -5.449219 -3.179688 -5.367188 -2.882813 -5.210938 -2.609375 C -5.046875 -2.332031 -4.828125 -2.136719 -4.550781 -2.023438 C -4.273438 -1.902344 -3.890625 -1.84375 -3.40625 -1.847656 L 0 -1.84375 Z M 0 -0.789063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.765625 -4.851563 C -0.433594 -4.460938 -0.199219 -4.082031 -0.0625 -3.722656 C 0.0742188 -3.355469 0.140625 -2.96875 0.140625 -2.5625 C 0.140625 -1.875 -0.0234375 -1.351563 -0.359375 -0.984375 C -0.6875 -0.617188 -1.117188 -0.433594 -1.640625 -0.433594 C -1.945313 -0.433594 -2.222656 -0.5 -2.472656 -0.640625 C -2.722656 -0.777344 -2.925781 -0.960938 -3.082031 -1.1875 C -3.234375 -1.410156 -3.347656 -1.664063 -3.429688 -1.945313 C -3.476563 -2.152344 -3.53125 -2.464844 -3.585938 -2.882813 C -3.6875 -3.734375 -3.808594 -4.359375 -3.949219 -4.765625 C -4.089844 -4.765625 -4.179688 -4.769531 -4.226563 -4.769531 C -4.648438 -4.769531 -4.953125 -4.667969 -5.132813 -4.46875 C -5.371094 -4.199219 -5.488281 -3.800781 -5.492188 -3.269531 C -5.488281 -2.773438 -5.402344 -2.40625 -5.230469 -2.171875 C -5.054688 -1.933594 -4.746094 -1.757813 -4.304688 -1.648438 L -4.445313 -0.617188 C -4.886719 -0.707031 -5.242188 -0.863281 -5.515625 -1.078125 C -5.78125 -1.292969 -5.992188 -1.601563 -6.140625 -2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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-3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.949219 0 L 5.949219 -1.117188 C 5.671875 -0.714844 5.316406 -0.402344 4.875 -0.175781 C 4.429688 0.0507813 3.960938 0.164063 3.472656 0.167969 C 2.96875 0.164063 2.519531 0.0585938 2.125 -0.160156 C 1.722656 -0.378906 1.433594 -0.691406 1.257813 -1.089844 C 1.078125 -1.488281 0.988281 -2.039063 0.992188 -2.742188 L 0.992188 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -4.035156 C 2.964844 -2.984375 3 -2.339844 3.074219 -2.105469 C 3.144531 -1.863281 3.277344 -1.675781 3.472656 -1.542969 C 3.664063 -1.402344 3.90625 -1.335938 4.203125 -1.335938 C 4.539063 -1.335938 4.84375 -1.425781 5.109375 -1.613281 C 5.375 -1.792969 5.558594 -2.023438 5.660156 -2.300781 C 5.757813 -2.574219 5.804688 -3.246094 5.808594 -4.316406 L 5.808594 -7.46875 L 7.785156 -7.46875 L 7.785156 0 Z M 5.949219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.976563 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -6.371094 C 3.054688 -6.742188 3.378906 -7.046875 3.789063 -7.285156 C 4.195313 -7.515625 4.648438 -7.632813 5.148438 -7.636719 C 6.011719 -7.632813 6.746094 -7.292969 7.355469 -6.617188 C 7.957031 -5.933594 8.261719 -4.988281 8.261719 -3.777344 C 8.261719 -2.527344 7.957031 -1.558594 7.347656 -0.867188 C 6.738281 -0.179688 6 0.164063 5.132813 0.167969 C 4.71875 0.164063 4.34375 0.0859375 4.011719 -0.078125 C 3.671875 -0.238281 3.320313 -0.519531 2.953125 -0.921875 L 2.953125 2.839844 L 0.976563 2.839844 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 C 2.929688 -3.019531 3.09375 -2.398438 3.429688 -2 C 3.757813 -1.59375 4.164063 -1.394531 4.648438 -1.398438 C 5.101563 -1.394531 5.484375 -1.578125 5.792969 -1.949219 C 6.09375 -2.316406 6.246094 -2.921875 6.25 -3.761719 C 6.246094 -4.542969 6.089844 -5.121094 5.777344 -5.503906 C 5.464844 -5.878906 5.074219 -6.070313 4.613281 -6.074219 C 4.125 -6.070313 3.726563 -5.882813 3.410156 -5.515625 C 3.089844 -5.140625 2.929688 -4.589844 2.933594 -3.859375 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.925781 0 L 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -6.40625 C 3.09375 -6.902344 3.375 -7.234375 3.628906 -7.394531 C 3.878906 -7.554688 4.164063 -7.632813 4.484375 -7.636719 C 4.929688 -7.632813 5.363281 -7.507813 5.785156 -7.261719 L 5.175781 -5.539063 C 4.839844 -5.75 4.53125 -5.859375 4.246094 -5.863281 C 3.96875 -5.859375 3.734375 -5.78125 3.542969 -5.632813 C 3.347656 -5.476563 3.195313 -5.203125 3.089844 -4.808594 C 2.976563 -4.40625 2.921875 -3.570313 2.925781 -2.304688 Z M 2.925781 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.808594 -2.75 L 0.808594 -4.726563 L 4.691406 -4.726563 L 4.691406 -2.75 Z M 0.808594 -2.75 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.511719 -5.1875 L 0.71875 -5.511719 C 0.917969 -6.230469 1.265625 -6.765625 1.757813 -7.113281 C 2.25 -7.460938 2.980469 -7.632813 3.953125 -7.636719 C 4.832031 -7.632813 5.488281 -7.53125 5.917969 -7.324219 C 6.347656 -7.113281 6.648438 -6.847656 6.828125 -6.527344 C 7 -6.207031 7.089844 -5.617188 7.09375 -4.761719 L 7.074219 -2.453125 C 7.070313 -1.792969 7.101563 -1.308594 7.167969 -1 C 7.226563 -0.6875 7.347656 -0.355469 7.523438 0 L 5.570313 0 C 5.515625 -0.128906 5.453125 -0.320313 5.378906 -0.582031 C 5.34375 -0.695313 5.320313 -0.773438 5.308594 -0.816406 C 4.96875 -0.484375 4.605469 -0.238281 4.222656 -0.078125 C 3.835938 0.0859375 3.425781 0.164063 2.996094 0.167969 C 2.222656 0.164063 1.617188 -0.0429688 1.175781 -0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.542969 -5.257813 L 5.597656 -4.90625 C 5.527344 -5.292969 5.378906 -5.585938 5.148438 -5.785156 C 4.914063 -5.980469 4.613281 -6.082031 4.246094 -6.082031 C 3.75 -6.082031 3.355469 -5.910156 3.066406 -5.570313 C 2.769531 -5.230469 2.625 -4.664063 2.628906 -3.867188 C 2.625 -2.980469 2.773438 -2.351563 3.074219 -1.988281 C 3.371094 -1.621094 3.769531 -1.441406 4.273438 -1.441406 C 4.644531 -1.441406 4.953125 -1.546875 5.195313 -1.761719 C 5.433594 -1.972656 5.601563 -2.339844 5.703125 -2.863281 L 7.644531 -2.53125 C 7.4375 -1.640625 7.050781 -0.964844 6.480469 -0.511719 C 5.910156 -0.0585938 5.144531 0.164063 4.183594 0.167969 C 3.089844 0.164063 2.21875 -0.175781 1.570313 -0.863281 C 0.921875 -1.550781 0.597656 -2.507813 0.597656 -3.726563 C 0.597656 -4.957031 0.921875 -5.914063 1.574219 -6.605469 C 2.222656 -7.289063 3.105469 -7.632813 4.21875 -7.636719 C 5.125 -7.632813 5.847656 -7.4375 6.386719 -7.046875 C 6.921875 -6.652344 7.304688 -6.054688 7.542969 -5.257813 Z M 7.542969 -5.257813 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.457031 -7.46875 L 4.457031 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -2.882813 C 3.105469 -2.273438 3.117188 -1.917969 3.144531 -1.816406 C 3.167969 -1.714844 3.226563 -1.628906 3.320313 -1.566406 C 3.410156 -1.496094 3.523438 -1.464844 3.65625 -1.46875 C 3.835938 -1.464844 4.097656 -1.527344 4.449219 -1.660156 L 4.621094 -0.125 C 4.15625 0.0703125 3.636719 0.164063 3.058594 0.167969 C 2.699219 0.164063 2.375 0.105469 2.09375 -0.0117188 C 1.804688 -0.128906 1.597656 -0.28125 1.464844 -0.472656 C 1.332031 -0.660156 1.238281 -0.917969 1.1875 -1.246094 C 1.144531 -1.472656 1.125 -1.9375 1.125 -2.636719 L 1.125 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -7.46875 L 1.125 -7.46875 L 1.125 -8.949219 L 3.109375 -10.105469 L 3.109375 -7.46875 Z M 4.457031 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 -8.480469 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -8.480469 Z M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -7.46875 L 3.007813 -7.46875 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.085938 0 L 0.078125 -7.46875 L 2.152344 -7.46875 L 3.558594 -3.65625 L 3.964844 -2.382813 C 4.070313 -2.703125 4.136719 -2.917969 4.167969 -3.023438 C 4.230469 -3.234375 4.300781 -3.445313 4.378906 -3.65625 L 5.800781 -7.46875 L 7.832031 -7.46875 L 4.867188 0 Z M 3.085938 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.667969 0 L 3.691406 0 L 3.691406 -7.445313 C 2.96875 -6.769531 2.117188 -6.269531 1.140625 -5.949219 L 1.140625 -7.742188 C 1.652344 -7.90625 2.210938 -8.226563 2.820313 -8.699219 C 3.421875 -9.167969 3.835938 -9.71875 4.0625 -10.351563 L 5.667969 -10.351563 Z M 5.667969 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.953125 -10.351563 C 4.949219 -10.347656 5.730469 -9.992188 6.292969 -9.28125 C 6.960938 -8.4375 7.292969 -7.035156 7.296875 -5.082031 C 7.292969 -3.128906 6.957031 -1.730469 6.285156 -0.878906 C 5.726563 -0.175781 4.949219 0.175781 3.953125 0.175781 C 2.945313 0.175781 2.136719 -0.207031 1.523438 -0.980469 C 0.910156 -1.746094 0.601563 -3.121094 0.605469 -5.105469 C 0.601563 -7.042969 0.941406 -8.441406 1.617188 -9.296875 C 2.171875 -9.996094 2.949219 -10.347656 3.953125 -10.351563 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 C 3.710938 -8.707031 3.496094 -8.628906 3.3125 -8.480469 C 3.121094 -8.324219 2.976563 -8.054688 2.875 -7.664063 C 2.738281 -7.152344 2.671875 -6.289063 2.671875 -5.082031 C 2.671875 -3.871094 2.730469 -3.042969 2.855469 -2.589844 C 2.972656 -2.136719 3.128906 -1.835938 3.316406 -1.6875 C 3.5 -1.535156 3.710938 -1.457031 3.953125 -1.460938 C 4.1875 -1.457031 4.398438 -1.535156 4.589844 -1.6875 C 4.773438 -1.839844 4.921875 -2.113281 5.027344 -2.511719 C 5.160156 -3.015625 5.226563 -3.871094 5.230469 -5.082031 C 5.226563 -6.289063 5.164063 -7.121094 5.046875 -7.574219 C 4.921875 -8.023438 4.769531 -8.324219 4.585938 -8.480469 C 4.398438 -8.628906 4.1875 -8.707031 3.953125 -8.710938 Z M 3.953125 -8.710938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 -6.835938 4.96875 -6.152344 4.566406 -5.710938 C 4.15625 -5.261719 3.609375 -5.039063 2.917969 -5.042969 C 2.199219 -5.039063 1.636719 -5.261719 1.234375 -5.707031 C 0.824219 -6.148438 0.621094 -6.832031 0.625 -7.761719 Z M 2.164063 -7.777344 C 2.160156 -7.101563 2.238281 -6.652344 2.398438 -6.425781 C 2.511719 -6.253906 2.675781 -6.167969 2.882813 -6.171875 C 3.09375 -6.167969 3.257813 -6.253906 3.375 -6.425781 C 3.523438 -6.652344 3.597656 -7.101563 3.601563 -7.777344 C 3.597656 -8.441406 3.523438 -8.890625 3.375 -9.121094 C 3.257813 -9.289063 3.09375 -9.375 2.882813 -9.378906 C 2.675781 -9.375 2.511719 -9.289063 2.398438 -9.125 C 2.238281 -8.890625 2.160156 -8.441406 2.164063 -7.777344 Z M 4.386719 0.394531 L 2.925781 0.394531 L 8.417969 -10.484375 L 9.835938 -10.484375 Z M 7.578125 -2.3125 C 7.574219 -3.234375 7.777344 -3.917969 8.1875 -4.367188 C 8.589844 -4.808594 9.144531 -5.03125 9.851563 -5.035156 C 10.554688 -5.03125 11.113281 -4.808594 11.519531 -4.367188 C 11.925781 -3.917969 12.128906 -3.234375 12.128906 -2.3125 C 12.128906 -1.382813 11.925781 -0.695313 11.519531 -0.253906 C 11.113281 0.191406 10.5625 0.410156 9.871094 0.414063 C 9.152344 0.410156 8.589844 0.191406 8.1875 -0.253906 C 7.777344 -0.695313 7.574219 -1.382813 7.578125 -2.3125 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 C 9.117188 -1.648438 9.195313 -1.199219 9.351563 -0.976563 C 9.46875 -0.800781 9.628906 -0.714844 9.835938 -0.71875 C 10.042969 -0.714844 10.203125 -0.796875 10.320313 -0.96875 C 10.472656 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362.96875 L 116.640625 359.023438 L 120.480469 355.09375 L 124.320313 351.179688 L 128.160156 347.285156 L 132 343.40625 L 135.839844 339.542969 L 139.679688 335.695313 L 143.519531 331.863281 L 147.359375 328.046875 L 151.199219 324.25 L 155.039063 320.464844 L 158.878906 316.699219 L 162.71875 312.949219 L 166.558594 309.214844 L 170.398438 305.496094 L 174.238281 301.792969 L 178.078125 298.109375 L 181.921875 294.4375 L 185.761719 290.785156 L 189.601563 287.148438 L 193.441406 283.527344 L 197.28125 279.921875 L 201.121094 276.335938 L 204.960938 272.761719 L 208.800781 269.207031 L 212.640625 265.667969 L 216.480469 262.144531 L 220.320313 258.636719 L 224.160156 255.144531 L 228 251.667969 L 231.839844 248.210938 L 235.679688 244.769531 L 239.519531 241.339844 L 243.359375 237.929688 L 247.199219 234.539063 L 251.039063 231.160156 L 254.878906 227.796875 L 258.71875 224.453125 L 262.558594 221.121094 L 266.398438 217.808594 L 270.238281 214.511719 L 274.078125 211.230469 L 277.921875 207.96875 L 281.761719 204.71875 L 285.601563 201.488281 L 289.441406 198.269531 L 293.28125 195.070313 L 297.121094 191.886719 L 300.960938 188.71875 L 304.800781 185.570313 L 308.640625 182.433594 L 312.480469 179.316406 L 316.320313 176.214844 L 320.160156 173.125 L 324 170.058594 L 327.839844 167.003906 L 331.679688 163.964844 L 335.519531 160.945313 L 339.359375 157.9375 L 343.199219 154.949219 L 347.039063 151.976563 L 350.878906 149.019531 L 354.71875 146.078125 L 358.558594 143.152344 L 362.398438 140.246094 L 366.238281 137.355469 L 370.078125 134.476563 L 373.921875 131.617188 L 377.761719 128.773438 L 381.601563 125.949219 L 385.441406 123.136719 L 389.28125 120.34375 L 393.121094 117.5625 L 396.960938 114.800781 L 400.800781 112.054688 L 404.640625 109.324219 L 408.480469 106.609375 L 412.320313 103.914063 L 416.160156 101.230469 L 420 98.566406 L 423.839844 95.917969 L 427.679688 93.285156 L 431.519531 90.667969 L 435.359375 88.066406 L 439.199219 85.484375 L 443.039063 82.914063 L 446.878906 80.363281 L 450.71875 77.828125 L 454.558594 75.308594 L 458.398438 72.804688 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 70.582031 416.800781 L 78.21875 416.800781 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 74.398438 420.617188 L 74.398438 412.980469 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 84.53125 398.339844 L 92.171875 398.339844 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 88.351563 402.160156 L 88.351563 394.523438 "/> +<path 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285.933594 L 216.480469 282.847656 L 220.320313 279.78125 L 224.160156 276.734375 L 228 273.699219 L 231.839844 270.6875 L 235.679688 267.691406 L 239.519531 264.710938 L 243.359375 261.75 L 247.199219 258.808594 L 251.039063 255.882813 L 254.878906 252.976563 L 258.71875 250.085938 L 262.558594 247.214844 L 266.398438 244.359375 L 270.238281 241.519531 L 274.078125 238.703125 L 277.921875 235.898438 L 281.761719 233.117188 L 285.601563 230.351563 L 289.441406 227.601563 L 293.28125 224.871094 L 297.121094 222.15625 L 300.960938 219.460938 L 304.800781 216.78125 L 308.640625 214.121094 L 312.480469 211.480469 L 316.320313 208.855469 L 320.160156 206.25 L 324 203.660156 L 327.839844 201.085938 L 331.679688 198.53125 L 335.519531 195.996094 L 339.359375 193.476563 L 343.199219 190.976563 L 347.039063 188.492188 L 350.878906 186.027344 L 354.71875 183.578125 L 358.558594 181.148438 L 362.398438 178.734375 L 366.238281 176.339844 L 370.078125 173.960938 L 373.921875 171.601563 L 377.761719 169.261719 L 381.601563 166.9375 L 385.441406 164.628906 L 389.28125 162.339844 L 393.121094 160.070313 L 396.960938 157.816406 L 400.800781 155.578125 L 404.640625 153.359375 L 408.480469 151.160156 L 412.320313 148.976563 L 416.160156 146.8125 L 420 144.664063 L 423.839844 142.535156 L 427.679688 140.421875 L 431.519531 138.328125 L 435.359375 136.25 L 439.199219 134.191406 L 443.039063 132.148438 L 446.878906 130.125 L 450.71875 128.117188 L 454.558594 126.128906 L 458.398438 124.160156 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,100%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 231.238281 342.398438 L 252.839844 342.398438 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,100%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 231.238281 371.199219 L 252.839844 371.199219 "/> +<path 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-5.210938 C 2.328125 -5.046875 2.132813 -4.828125 2.019531 -4.550781 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.839844 -3.890625 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.789063 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.851563 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.433594 4.082031 -0.199219 3.722656 -0.0625 C 3.355469 0.0742188 2.96875 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.351563 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.6875 0.433594 -1.117188 0.433594 -1.640625 C 0.433594 -1.945313 0.5 -2.222656 0.640625 -2.472656 C 0.777344 -2.722656 0.960938 -2.925781 1.1875 -3.082031 C 1.410156 -3.234375 1.664063 -3.347656 1.945313 -3.429688 C 2.152344 -3.476563 2.464844 -3.53125 2.882813 -3.585938 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.808594 4.765625 -3.949219 C 4.765625 -4.089844 4.769531 -4.179688 4.769531 -4.226563 C 4.769531 -4.648438 4.667969 -4.953125 4.46875 -5.132813 C 4.199219 -5.371094 3.800781 -5.488281 3.269531 -5.492188 C 2.769531 -5.488281 2.402344 -5.402344 2.167969 -5.230469 C 1.933594 -5.054688 1.757813 -4.746094 1.648438 -4.304688 L 0.617188 -4.445313 C 0.707031 -4.886719 0.863281 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.289063 -5.78125 1.597656 -5.992188 2.007813 -6.140625 C 2.410156 -6.289063 2.882813 -6.363281 3.421875 -6.363281 C 3.953125 -6.363281 4.382813 -6.300781 4.714844 -6.175781 C 5.046875 -6.050781 5.292969 -5.890625 5.449219 -5.703125 C 5.605469 -5.511719 5.714844 -5.273438 5.777344 -4.984375 C 5.808594 -4.804688 5.824219 -4.480469 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.824219 -1.625 5.847656 -1.003906 5.894531 -0.746094 C 5.941406 -0.484375 6.03125 -0.238281 6.164063 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.953125 -0.21875 4.882813 -0.472656 4.851563 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.375 -2.964844 3.800781 -2.832031 3.039063 -2.726563 C 2.605469 -2.660156 2.300781 -2.589844 2.121094 -2.515625 C 1.941406 -2.433594 1.800781 -2.320313 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.605469 -2.019531 1.558594 -1.851563 1.558594 -1.671875 C 1.558594 -1.386719 1.664063 -1.152344 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.085938 -0.777344 2.398438 -0.683594 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.683594 3.578125 -0.773438 3.894531 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445313 -1.371094 4.59375 -1.679688 C 4.707031 -1.917969 4.761719 -2.269531 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 0.148438 L 2.492188 -8.734375 L 3.335938 -8.734375 L 0.851563 0.148438 Z M 0 0.148438 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.339844 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -5.050781 L 0.667969 -6.035156 L 6.339844 -6.035156 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -2.445313 L 0.667969 -3.429688 L 6.339844 -3.429688 Z M 6.339844 -2.445313 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.382813 -2.578125 L 0.382813 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -3.640625 L 3.621094 -2.578125 Z M 0.382813 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4.847656 -1.886719 5.015625 -2.824219 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.589844 4.519531 -7.054688 C 4.183594 -7.515625 3.773438 -7.746094 3.289063 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.746094 2.414063 -7.542969 2.125 -7.136719 C 1.761719 -6.613281 1.582031 -5.644531 1.582031 -4.234375 Z M 1.582031 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.089844 0 L 1.089844 -1.203125 L 2.289063 -1.203125 L 2.289063 0 Z M 1.089844 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.8125 4.695313 -7.113281 4.523438 -7.304688 C 4.234375 -7.605469 3.882813 -7.757813 3.46875 -7.757813 C 3.132813 -7.757813 2.835938 -7.664063 2.585938 -7.476563 C 2.25 -7.234375 1.988281 -6.878906 1.796875 -6.414063 C 1.605469 -5.949219 1.507813 -5.289063 1.5 -4.429688 C 1.753906 -4.8125 2.0625 -5.097656 2.433594 -5.289063 C 2.796875 -5.472656 3.183594 -5.566406 3.585938 -5.570313 C 4.289063 -5.566406 4.886719 -5.308594 5.382813 -4.792969 C 5.875 -4.277344 6.121094 -3.609375 6.125 -2.789063 C 6.121094 -2.25 6.003906 -1.746094 5.773438 -1.285156 C 5.539063 -0.820313 5.222656 -0.46875 4.816406 -0.222656 C 4.410156 0.0234375 3.949219 0.144531 3.433594 0.148438 C 2.554688 0.144531 1.835938 -0.175781 1.285156 -0.820313 C 0.726563 -1.46875 0.449219 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.019531 C 0.449219 -5.675781 0.757813 -6.882813 1.371094 -7.640625 C 1.902344 -8.296875 2.621094 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.761719 -8.433594 5.195313 -8.054688 C 5.625 -7.675781 5.882813 -7.152344 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 C 1.664063 -2.417969 1.738281 -2.070313 1.894531 -1.738281 C 2.042969 -1.40625 2.261719 -1.152344 2.542969 -0.980469 C 2.820313 -0.800781 3.109375 -0.714844 3.414063 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.714844 4.242188 -0.894531 4.566406 -1.257813 C 4.882813 -1.613281 5.042969 -2.101563 5.046875 -2.726563 C 5.042969 -3.316406 4.886719 -3.785156 4.570313 -4.128906 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851563 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.898438 -4.640625 2.492188 -4.46875 2.160156 -4.128906 C 1.828125 -3.785156 1.664063 -3.335938 1.664063 -2.78125 Z M 1.664063 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.121094 -4.65625 C 1.683594 -4.816406 1.359375 -5.046875 1.148438 -5.34375 C 0.9375 -5.640625 0.832031 -5.996094 0.832031 -6.410156 C 0.832031 -7.035156 1.054688 -7.558594 1.503906 -7.984375 C 1.953125 -8.410156 2.550781 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.042969 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.972656 C 5.566406 -7.535156 5.792969 -7.003906 5.796875 -6.382813 C 5.792969 -5.976563 5.6875 -5.628906 5.480469 -5.339844 C 5.269531 -5.042969 4.953125 -4.816406 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.054688 -4.480469 5.457031 -4.203125 5.734375 -3.824219 C 6.007813 -3.4375 6.144531 -2.980469 6.148438 -2.453125 C 6.144531 -1.714844 5.886719 -1.097656 5.367188 -0.601563 C 4.84375 -0.101563 4.160156 0.144531 3.316406 0.148438 C 2.46875 0.144531 1.785156 -0.101563 1.265625 -0.605469 C 0.742188 -1.105469 0.480469 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.480469 -3.039063 0.621094 -3.503906 0.910156 -3.886719 C 1.191406 -4.261719 1.597656 -4.519531 2.121094 -4.65625 Z M 1.910156 -6.445313 C 1.910156 -6.039063 2.039063 -5.707031 2.300781 -5.449219 C 2.5625 -5.191406 2.902344 -5.0625 3.320313 -5.0625 C 3.722656 -5.0625 4.054688 -5.1875 4.320313 -5.445313 C 4.578125 -5.695313 4.710938 -6.011719 4.710938 -6.386719 C 4.710938 -6.773438 4.574219 -7.097656 4.308594 -7.363281 C 4.035156 -7.625 3.703125 -7.757813 3.3125 -7.757813 C 2.90625 -7.757813 2.574219 -7.628906 2.308594 -7.371094 C 2.042969 -7.113281 1.910156 -6.804688 1.910156 -6.445313 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 C 1.570313 -2.175781 1.640625 -1.886719 1.785156 -1.605469 C 1.925781 -1.324219 2.136719 -1.105469 2.421875 -0.949219 C 2.699219 -0.792969 3.003906 -0.714844 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.832031 -0.714844 4.246094 -0.878906 4.578125 -1.207031 C 4.902344 -1.53125 5.066406 -1.941406 5.070313 -2.445313 C 5.066406 -2.945313 4.898438 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.222656 -4.035156 3.800781 -4.199219 3.292969 -4.203125 C 2.792969 -4.199219 2.378906 -4.035156 2.058594 -3.710938 C 1.730469 -3.378906 1.570313 -2.96875 1.570313 -2.476563 Z M 1.570313 -2.476563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.398438 -4.042969 L 0.316406 -4.042969 L 2.382813 -8.734375 L 3.234375 -8.734375 L 5.3125 -4.042969 L 4.253906 -4.042969 L 2.804688 -7.539063 Z M 1.398438 -4.042969 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.007813 -1.390625 L 3.007813 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -3.742188 L 0.667969 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -4.726563 L 3.007813 -7.066406 L 4 -7.066406 L 4 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -4.726563 L 6.339844 -3.742188 L 4 -3.742188 L 4 -1.390625 Z M 3.007813 -1.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.570313 -7.464844 L 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C -7.871094 -3.292969 -8.253906 -3.605469 -8.625 -3.792969 L -8.625 -4.472656 Z M 0 -4.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -1.011719 -6.039063 L 0 -6.039063 L 0 -0.363281 C -0.253906 -0.355469 -0.496094 -0.394531 -0.734375 -0.488281 C -1.117188 -0.628906 -1.5 -0.859375 -1.875 -1.179688 C -2.25 -1.496094 -2.683594 -1.957031 -3.175781 -2.5625 C -3.941406 -3.492188 -4.546875 -4.125 -4.992188 -4.453125 C -5.4375 -4.78125 -5.859375 -4.945313 -6.265625 -4.945313 C -6.679688 -4.945313 -7.03125 -4.792969 -7.320313 -4.496094 C -7.601563 -4.195313 -7.746094 -3.808594 -7.75 -3.328125 C -7.746094 -2.820313 -7.59375 -2.414063 -7.292969 -2.109375 C -6.984375 -1.804688 -6.5625 -1.648438 -6.03125 -1.648438 L -6.140625 -0.5625 C -6.945313 -0.636719 -7.558594 -0.914063 -7.988281 -1.402344 C -8.410156 -1.882813 -8.625 -2.535156 -8.625 -3.351563 C -8.625 -4.175781 -8.394531 -4.828125 -7.9375 -5.308594 C -7.480469 -5.789063 -6.914063 -6.027344 -6.242188 -6.03125 C -5.894531 -6.027344 -5.558594 -5.957031 -5.226563 -5.820313 C -4.890625 -5.675781 -4.539063 -5.441406 -4.175781 -5.117188 C -3.804688 -4.789063 -3.300781 -4.25 -2.664063 -3.492188 C -2.128906 -2.859375 -1.769531 -2.453125 -1.582031 -2.273438 C -1.394531 -2.09375 -1.203125 -1.945313 -1.011719 -1.828125 Z M -1.011719 -6.039063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.265625 -0.503906 L -2.40625 -1.558594 C -1.808594 -1.679688 -1.378906 -1.882813 -1.113281 -2.175781 C -0.847656 -2.464844 -0.714844 -2.820313 -0.71875 -3.242188 C -0.714844 -3.734375 -0.886719 -4.152344 -1.234375 -4.496094 C -1.574219 -4.832031 -2 -5.003906 -2.511719 -5.007813 C -2.992188 -5.003906 -3.390625 -4.847656 -3.710938 -4.535156 C -4.023438 -4.21875 -4.183594 -3.816406 -4.183594 -3.328125 C -4.183594 -3.128906 -4.144531 -2.878906 -4.066406 -2.585938 L -4.992188 -2.703125 C -4.984375 -2.769531 -4.980469 -2.828125 -4.980469 -2.871094 C -4.980469 -3.320313 -5.097656 -3.722656 -5.332031 -4.085938 C -5.566406 -4.441406 -5.925781 -4.621094 -6.414063 -4.625 C -6.800781 -4.621094 -7.121094 -4.492188 -7.375 -4.230469 C -7.628906 -3.96875 -7.757813 -3.628906 -7.757813 -3.21875 C -7.757813 -2.804688 -7.628906 -2.464844 -7.371094 -2.191406 C -7.113281 -1.917969 -6.726563 -1.742188 -6.210938 -1.664063 L -6.398438 -0.609375 C -7.105469 -0.738281 -7.652344 -1.03125 -8.042969 -1.488281 C -8.429688 -1.945313 -8.625 -2.511719 -8.625 -3.195313 C -8.625 -3.660156 -8.523438 -4.09375 -8.324219 -4.488281 C -8.121094 -4.882813 -7.847656 -5.183594 -7.5 -5.394531 C -7.148438 -5.601563 -6.777344 -5.707031 -6.390625 -5.707031 C -6.019531 -5.707031 -5.683594 -5.605469 -5.378906 -5.40625 C -5.074219 -5.207031 -4.832031 -4.914063 -4.652344 -4.523438 C -4.535156 -5.03125 -4.289063 -5.425781 -3.921875 -5.707031 C -3.546875 -5.988281 -3.085938 -6.128906 -2.535156 -6.128906 C -1.78125 -6.128906 -1.144531 -5.855469 -0.628906 -5.308594 C -0.105469 -4.761719 0.152344 -4.070313 0.152344 -3.234375 C 0.152344 -2.476563 -0.0703125 -1.847656 -0.519531 -1.355469 C -0.96875 -0.855469 -1.550781 -0.574219 -2.265625 -0.503906 Z M -2.265625 -0.503906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -3.878906 L -2.054688 -0.152344 L -3.023438 -0.152344 L -8.589844 -4.074219 L -8.589844 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -4.933594 L -3.023438 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -6.09375 L -2.054688 -4.933594 L 0 -4.933594 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 L -6.898438 -3.878906 L -3.023438 -1.191406 Z M -3.023438 -3.878906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -2.25 -0.5 L -2.34375 -1.605469 C -1.804688 -1.683594 -1.398438 -1.871094 -1.125 -2.175781 C -0.851563 -2.472656 -0.714844 -2.835938 -0.71875 -3.257813 C -0.714844 -3.765625 -0.90625 -4.195313 -1.292969 -4.546875 C -1.671875 -4.898438 -2.179688 -5.074219 -2.816406 -5.074219 C -3.414063 -5.074219 -3.890625 -4.902344 -4.242188 -4.566406 C -4.589844 -4.226563 -4.761719 -3.785156 -4.765625 -3.242188 C -4.761719 -2.898438 -4.683594 -2.59375 -4.53125 -2.320313 C -4.375 -2.046875 -4.175781 -1.832031 -3.929688 -1.675781 L -4.0625 -0.6875 L -8.472656 -1.519531 L -8.472656 -5.789063 L -7.464844 -5.789063 L -7.464844 -2.363281 L -5.15625 -1.898438 C -5.515625 -2.414063 -5.695313 -2.953125 -5.695313 -3.523438 C -5.695313 -4.269531 -5.433594 -4.902344 -4.914063 -5.421875 C -4.394531 -5.933594 -3.726563 -6.191406 -2.910156 -6.195313 C -2.132813 -6.191406 -1.460938 -5.964844 -0.894531 -5.515625 C -0.199219 -4.960938 0.144531 -4.210938 0.148438 -3.257813 C 0.144531 -2.476563 -0.0703125 -1.835938 -0.507813 -1.34375 C -0.941406 -0.847656 -1.523438 -0.566406 -2.25 -0.5 Z M -2.25 -0.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.789063 L -8.589844 -0.792969 L -8.589844 -1.847656 L -5.507813 -1.847656 C -6.078125 -2.335938 -6.363281 -2.957031 -6.363281 -3.710938 C -6.363281 -4.164063 -6.269531 -4.566406 -6.089844 -4.910156 C -5.90625 -5.25 -5.65625 -5.492188 -5.339844 -5.640625 C -5.015625 -5.785156 -4.550781 -5.859375 -3.941406 -5.859375 L 0 -5.859375 L 0 -4.804688 L -3.941406 -4.804688 C -4.46875 -4.804688 -4.851563 -4.6875 -5.09375 -4.460938 C -5.328125 -4.226563 -5.449219 -3.90625 -5.453125 -3.492188 C -5.449219 -3.179688 -5.367188 -2.882813 -5.210938 -2.609375 C -5.046875 -2.332031 -4.828125 -2.136719 -4.550781 -2.023438 C -4.273438 -1.902344 -3.890625 -1.84375 -3.40625 -1.847656 L 0 -1.84375 Z M 0 -0.789063 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.765625 -4.851563 C -0.433594 -4.460938 -0.199219 -4.082031 -0.0625 -3.722656 C 0.0742188 -3.355469 0.140625 -2.96875 0.140625 -2.5625 C 0.140625 -1.875 -0.0234375 -1.351563 -0.359375 -0.984375 C -0.6875 -0.617188 -1.117188 -0.433594 -1.640625 -0.433594 C -1.945313 -0.433594 -2.222656 -0.5 -2.472656 -0.640625 C -2.722656 -0.777344 -2.925781 -0.960938 -3.082031 -1.1875 C -3.234375 -1.410156 -3.347656 -1.664063 -3.429688 -1.945313 C -3.476563 -2.152344 -3.53125 -2.464844 -3.585938 -2.882813 C -3.6875 -3.734375 -3.808594 -4.359375 -3.949219 -4.765625 C -4.089844 -4.765625 -4.179688 -4.769531 -4.226563 -4.769531 C -4.648438 -4.769531 -4.953125 -4.667969 -5.132813 -4.46875 C -5.371094 -4.199219 -5.488281 -3.800781 -5.492188 -3.269531 C -5.488281 -2.773438 -5.402344 -2.40625 -5.230469 -2.171875 C -5.054688 -1.933594 -4.746094 -1.757813 -4.304688 -1.648438 L -4.445313 -0.617188 C -4.886719 -0.707031 -5.242188 -0.863281 -5.515625 -1.078125 C -5.78125 -1.292969 -5.992188 -1.601563 -6.140625 -2.011719 C -6.289063 -2.414063 -6.363281 -2.886719 -6.363281 -3.421875 C -6.363281 -3.953125 -6.300781 -4.382813 -6.175781 -4.714844 C -6.050781 -5.046875 -5.890625 -5.292969 -5.703125 -5.449219 C -5.511719 -5.605469 -5.273438 -5.714844 -4.984375 -5.777344 C -4.804688 -5.808594 -4.480469 -5.824219 -4.015625 -5.828125 L -2.605469 -5.828125 C -1.625 -5.824219 -1.003906 -5.847656 -0.746094 -5.894531 C -0.480469 -5.941406 -0.234375 -6.03125 0 -6.164063 L 0 -5.0625 C -0.21875 -4.953125 -0.472656 -4.882813 -0.765625 -4.851563 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 C -2.960938 -4.375 -2.828125 -3.800781 -2.726563 -3.039063 C -2.660156 -2.605469 -2.589844 -2.300781 -2.515625 -2.121094 C -2.433594 -1.941406 -2.320313 -1.800781 -2.171875 -1.703125 C -2.019531 -1.605469 -1.851563 -1.558594 -1.671875 -1.558594 C -1.386719 -1.558594 -1.152344 -1.664063 -0.964844 -1.875 C -0.773438 -2.085938 -0.679688 -2.398438 -0.683594 -2.8125 C -0.679688 -3.21875 -0.769531 -3.578125 -0.949219 -3.894531 C -1.128906 -4.210938 -1.371094 -4.445313 -1.679688 -4.59375 C -1.917969 -4.707031 -2.269531 -4.761719 -2.734375 -4.765625 Z M -3.121094 -4.765625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.148438 0 L -8.734375 -2.492188 L -8.734375 -3.335938 L 0.148438 -0.851563 Z M 0.148438 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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-3.914063 -5.144531 -4.496094 -4.96875 -4.894531 -4.617188 C -5.289063 -4.265625 -5.488281 -3.832031 -5.492188 -3.316406 C -5.488281 -2.789063 -5.292969 -2.351563 -4.898438 -2.003906 C -4.5 -1.65625 -3.902344 -1.480469 -3.109375 -1.484375 Z M -3.109375 -1.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -4.867188 L -0.914063 -4.867188 C -0.210938 -4.378906 0.140625 -3.722656 0.140625 -2.894531 C 0.140625 -2.527344 0.0703125 -2.183594 -0.0703125 -1.867188 C -0.210938 -1.546875 -0.386719 -1.308594 -0.597656 -1.15625 C -0.808594 -1 -1.070313 -0.894531 -1.382813 -0.832031 C -1.589844 -0.789063 -1.917969 -0.765625 -2.367188 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -0.769531 L -6.222656 -1.824219 L -2.773438 -1.824219 C -2.21875 -1.820313 -1.847656 -1.84375 -1.65625 -1.886719 C -1.378906 -1.949219 -1.160156 -2.089844 -1.003906 -2.308594 C -0.839844 -2.523438 -0.761719 -2.789063 -0.765625 -3.105469 C -0.761719 -3.417969 -0.84375 -3.714844 -1.007813 -3.996094 C -1.171875 -4.273438 -1.390625 -4.46875 -1.671875 -4.585938 C -1.945313 -4.699219 -2.351563 -4.757813 -2.886719 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -4.757813 L -6.222656 -5.8125 L 0 -5.8125 Z M 0 -4.867188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.800781 0 L 1.800781 -9 L 9 -9 L 9 0 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -0.226563 L 8.773438 -8.773438 L 2.023438 -8.773438 Z M 2.023438 -0.226563 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.519531 -3.355469 L 2.546875 -3.550781 C 2.664063 -2.871094 2.910156 -2.371094 3.285156 -2.050781 C 3.65625 -1.730469 4.160156 -1.570313 4.796875 -1.574219 C 5.464844 -1.570313 5.96875 -1.710938 6.308594 -2 C 6.648438 -2.28125 6.820313 -2.613281 6.820313 -2.996094 C 6.820313 -3.234375 6.746094 -3.441406 6.605469 -3.617188 C 6.457031 -3.785156 6.207031 -3.933594 5.855469 -4.0625 C 5.609375 -4.144531 5.054688 -4.296875 4.191406 -4.515625 C 3.070313 -4.789063 2.289063 -5.128906 1.84375 -5.535156 C 1.207031 -6.097656 0.890625 -6.789063 0.894531 -7.609375 C 0.890625 -8.128906 1.039063 -8.617188 1.339844 -9.078125 C 1.632813 -9.53125 2.0625 -9.882813 2.625 -10.125 C 3.183594 -10.363281 3.859375 -10.480469 4.65625 -10.484375 C 5.945313 -10.480469 6.917969 -10.199219 7.574219 -9.632813 C 8.226563 -9.0625 8.570313 -8.304688 8.605469 -7.363281 L 6.523438 -7.269531 C 6.429688 -7.796875 6.238281 -8.179688 5.949219 -8.414063 C 5.652344 -8.644531 5.214844 -8.757813 4.632813 -8.761719 C 4.027344 -8.757813 3.554688 -8.632813 3.214844 -8.386719 C 2.992188 -8.222656 2.882813 -8.011719 2.882813 -7.75 C 2.882813 -7.503906 2.984375 -7.292969 3.191406 -7.121094 C 3.453125 -6.898438 4.089844 -6.671875 5.105469 -6.433594 C 6.113281 -6.191406 6.863281 -5.941406 7.351563 -5.691406 C 7.832031 -5.433594 8.210938 -5.085938 8.488281 -4.644531 C 8.761719 -4.199219 8.898438 -3.652344 8.902344 -3.003906 C 8.898438 -2.410156 8.734375 -1.855469 8.410156 -1.34375 C 8.078125 -0.824219 7.613281 -0.441406 7.015625 -0.191406 C 6.414063 0.0585938 5.667969 0.179688 4.773438 0.183594 C 3.46875 0.179688 2.46875 -0.117188 1.769531 -0.71875 C 1.070313 -1.320313 0.652344 -2.199219 0.519531 -3.355469 Z M 0.519531 -3.355469 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.949219 0 L 5.949219 -1.117188 C 5.671875 -0.714844 5.316406 -0.402344 4.875 -0.175781 C 4.429688 0.0507813 3.960938 0.164063 3.472656 0.167969 C 2.96875 0.164063 2.519531 0.0585938 2.125 -0.160156 C 1.722656 -0.378906 1.433594 -0.691406 1.257813 -1.089844 C 1.078125 -1.488281 0.988281 -2.039063 0.992188 -2.742188 L 0.992188 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -7.46875 L 2.96875 -4.035156 C 2.964844 -2.984375 3 -2.339844 3.074219 -2.105469 C 3.144531 -1.863281 3.277344 -1.675781 3.472656 -1.542969 C 3.664063 -1.402344 3.90625 -1.335938 4.203125 -1.335938 C 4.539063 -1.335938 4.84375 -1.425781 5.109375 -1.613281 C 5.375 -1.792969 5.558594 -2.023438 5.660156 -2.300781 C 5.757813 -2.574219 5.804688 -3.246094 5.808594 -4.316406 L 5.808594 -7.46875 L 7.785156 -7.46875 L 7.785156 0 Z M 5.949219 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.976563 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -7.46875 L 2.820313 -6.371094 C 3.054688 -6.742188 3.378906 -7.046875 3.789063 -7.285156 C 4.195313 -7.515625 4.648438 -7.632813 5.148438 -7.636719 C 6.011719 -7.632813 6.746094 -7.292969 7.355469 -6.617188 C 7.957031 -5.933594 8.261719 -4.988281 8.261719 -3.777344 C 8.261719 -2.527344 7.957031 -1.558594 7.347656 -0.867188 C 6.738281 -0.179688 6 0.164063 5.132813 0.167969 C 4.71875 0.164063 4.34375 0.0859375 4.011719 -0.078125 C 3.671875 -0.238281 3.320313 -0.519531 2.953125 -0.921875 L 2.953125 2.839844 L 0.976563 2.839844 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 C 2.929688 -3.019531 3.09375 -2.398438 3.429688 -2 C 3.757813 -1.59375 4.164063 -1.394531 4.648438 -1.398438 C 5.101563 -1.394531 5.484375 -1.578125 5.792969 -1.949219 C 6.09375 -2.316406 6.246094 -2.921875 6.25 -3.761719 C 6.246094 -4.542969 6.089844 -5.121094 5.777344 -5.503906 C 5.464844 -5.878906 5.074219 -6.070313 4.613281 -6.074219 C 4.125 -6.070313 3.726563 -5.882813 3.410156 -5.515625 C 3.089844 -5.140625 2.929688 -4.589844 2.933594 -3.859375 Z M 2.933594 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.359375 -2.375 L 7.328125 -2.046875 C 7.070313 -1.320313 6.667969 -0.773438 6.125 -0.398438 C 5.578125 -0.0234375 4.898438 0.164063 4.078125 0.167969 C 2.777344 0.164063 1.816406 -0.257813 1.195313 -1.105469 C 0.703125 -1.78125 0.457031 -2.636719 0.457031 -3.675781 C 0.457031 -4.910156 0.777344 -5.882813 1.425781 -6.585938 C 2.070313 -7.285156 2.890625 -7.632813 3.882813 -7.636719 C 4.988281 -7.632813 5.863281 -7.265625 6.507813 -6.535156 C 7.148438 -5.796875 7.457031 -4.675781 7.433594 -3.164063 L 2.480469 -3.164063 C 2.492188 -2.578125 2.652344 -2.121094 2.960938 -1.796875 C 3.261719 -1.46875 3.640625 -1.304688 4.097656 -1.308594 C 4.402344 -1.304688 4.664063 -1.390625 4.878906 -1.558594 C 5.085938 -1.726563 5.246094 -1.996094 5.359375 -2.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 C 5.453125 -4.941406 5.308594 -5.375 5.027344 -5.675781 C 4.746094 -5.972656 4.402344 -6.121094 4 -6.125 C 3.566406 -6.121094 3.210938 -5.964844 2.933594 -5.652344 C 2.648438 -5.335938 2.507813 -4.910156 2.515625 -4.375 Z M 5.46875 -4.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.925781 0 L 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -7.46875 L 2.785156 -6.40625 C 3.09375 -6.902344 3.375 -7.234375 3.628906 -7.394531 C 3.878906 -7.554688 4.164063 -7.632813 4.484375 -7.636719 C 4.929688 -7.632813 5.363281 -7.507813 5.785156 -7.261719 L 5.175781 -5.539063 C 4.839844 -5.75 4.53125 -5.859375 4.246094 -5.863281 C 3.96875 -5.859375 3.734375 -5.78125 3.542969 -5.632813 C 3.347656 -5.476563 3.195313 -5.203125 3.089844 -4.808594 C 2.976563 -4.40625 2.921875 -3.570313 2.925781 -2.304688 Z M 2.925781 0 "/> +</symbol> 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-0.457031 C 0.730469 -0.871094 0.507813 -1.398438 0.511719 -2.039063 C 0.507813 -2.460938 0.609375 -2.835938 0.8125 -3.167969 C 1.011719 -3.496094 1.292969 -3.75 1.660156 -3.925781 C 2.019531 -4.101563 2.546875 -4.253906 3.234375 -4.386719 C 4.15625 -4.558594 4.792969 -4.71875 5.152344 -4.871094 L 5.152344 -5.070313 C 5.148438 -5.445313 5.054688 -5.71875 4.871094 -5.882813 C 4.679688 -6.042969 4.328125 -6.121094 3.8125 -6.125 C 3.457031 -6.121094 3.183594 -6.054688 2.988281 -5.917969 C 2.789063 -5.777344 2.628906 -5.53125 2.511719 -5.1875 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 C 4.894531 -3.5 4.496094 -3.398438 3.949219 -3.285156 C 3.402344 -3.164063 3.042969 -3.046875 2.875 -2.9375 C 2.613281 -2.75 2.484375 -2.519531 2.488281 -2.242188 C 2.484375 -1.964844 2.585938 -1.726563 2.796875 -1.523438 C 3 -1.320313 3.265625 -1.21875 3.585938 -1.222656 C 3.941406 -1.21875 4.28125 -1.335938 4.605469 -1.574219 C 4.84375 -1.75 5 -1.96875 5.078125 -2.230469 C 5.125 -2.394531 5.148438 -2.714844 5.152344 -3.191406 Z M 5.152344 -3.585938 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.542969 -5.257813 L 5.597656 -4.90625 C 5.527344 -5.292969 5.378906 -5.585938 5.148438 -5.785156 C 4.914063 -5.980469 4.613281 -6.082031 4.246094 -6.082031 C 3.75 -6.082031 3.355469 -5.910156 3.066406 -5.570313 C 2.769531 -5.230469 2.625 -4.664063 2.628906 -3.867188 C 2.625 -2.980469 2.773438 -2.351563 3.074219 -1.988281 C 3.371094 -1.621094 3.769531 -1.441406 4.273438 -1.441406 C 4.644531 -1.441406 4.953125 -1.546875 5.195313 -1.761719 C 5.433594 -1.972656 5.601563 -2.339844 5.703125 -2.863281 L 7.644531 -2.53125 C 7.4375 -1.640625 7.050781 -0.964844 6.480469 -0.511719 C 5.910156 -0.0585938 5.144531 0.164063 4.183594 0.167969 C 3.089844 0.164063 2.21875 -0.175781 1.570313 -0.863281 C 0.921875 -1.550781 0.597656 -2.507813 0.597656 -3.726563 C 0.597656 -4.957031 0.921875 -5.914063 1.574219 -6.605469 C 2.222656 -7.289063 3.105469 -7.632813 4.21875 -7.636719 C 5.125 -7.632813 5.847656 -7.4375 6.386719 -7.046875 C 6.921875 -6.652344 7.304688 -6.054688 7.542969 -5.257813 Z M 7.542969 -5.257813 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.457031 -7.46875 L 4.457031 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -5.890625 L 3.109375 -2.882813 C 3.105469 -2.273438 3.117188 -1.917969 3.144531 -1.816406 C 3.167969 -1.714844 3.226563 -1.628906 3.320313 -1.566406 C 3.410156 -1.496094 3.523438 -1.464844 3.65625 -1.46875 C 3.835938 -1.464844 4.097656 -1.527344 4.449219 -1.660156 L 4.621094 -0.125 C 4.15625 0.0703125 3.636719 0.164063 3.058594 0.167969 C 2.699219 0.164063 2.375 0.105469 2.09375 -0.0117188 C 1.804688 -0.128906 1.597656 -0.28125 1.464844 -0.472656 C 1.332031 -0.660156 1.238281 -0.917969 1.1875 -1.246094 C 1.144531 -1.472656 1.125 -1.9375 1.125 -2.636719 L 1.125 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -5.890625 L 0.21875 -7.46875 L 1.125 -7.46875 L 1.125 -8.949219 L 3.109375 -10.105469 L 3.109375 -7.46875 Z M 4.457031 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 -8.480469 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -8.480469 Z M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -7.46875 L 3.007813 -7.46875 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.085938 0 L 0.078125 -7.46875 L 2.152344 -7.46875 L 3.558594 -3.65625 L 3.964844 -2.382813 C 4.070313 -2.703125 4.136719 -2.917969 4.167969 -3.023438 C 4.230469 -3.234375 4.300781 -3.445313 4.378906 -3.65625 L 5.800781 -7.46875 L 7.832031 -7.46875 L 4.867188 0 Z M 3.085938 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.949219 0 L 0.949219 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -10.308594 L 2.925781 -6.59375 C 3.53125 -7.285156 4.253906 -7.632813 5.089844 -7.636719 C 5.996094 -7.632813 6.75 -7.304688 7.347656 -6.648438 C 7.941406 -5.988281 8.238281 -5.042969 8.242188 -3.8125 C 8.238281 -2.535156 7.933594 -1.550781 7.328125 -0.863281 C 6.71875 -0.175781 5.980469 0.164063 5.117188 0.167969 C 4.6875 0.164063 4.269531 0.0585938 3.855469 -0.152344 C 3.441406 -0.363281 3.082031 -0.675781 2.785156 -1.097656 L 2.785156 0 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 C 2.90625 -3.117188 3.027344 -2.546875 3.277344 -2.179688 C 3.613281 -1.652344 4.070313 -1.386719 4.640625 -1.390625 C 5.074219 -1.386719 5.445313 -1.574219 5.753906 -1.949219 C 6.058594 -2.320313 6.210938 -2.90625 6.214844 -3.710938 C 6.210938 -4.5625 6.054688 -5.179688 5.75 -5.558594 C 5.4375 -5.933594 5.042969 -6.121094 4.5625 -6.125 C 4.085938 -6.121094 3.691406 -5.9375 3.378906 -5.570313 C 3.0625 -5.199219 2.90625 -4.640625 2.910156 -3.894531 Z M 2.910156 -3.894531 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.167969 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -7.46875 L 1.265625 -8.03125 C 1.265625 -8.65625 1.332031 -9.125 1.464844 -9.433594 C 1.597656 -9.742188 1.84375 -9.992188 2.203125 -10.191406 C 2.5625 -10.382813 3.015625 -10.480469 3.566406 -10.484375 C 4.125 -10.480469 4.675781 -10.398438 5.21875 -10.230469 L 4.949219 -8.851563 C 4.632813 -8.925781 4.332031 -8.964844 4.042969 -8.964844 C 3.753906 -8.964844 3.546875 -8.894531 3.425781 -8.761719 C 3.300781 -8.625 3.238281 -8.371094 3.242188 -7.996094 L 3.242188 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -7.46875 L 4.71875 -5.914063 L 3.242188 -5.914063 L 3.242188 0 L 1.265625 0 L 1.265625 -5.914063 L 0.167969 -5.914063 Z M 0.167969 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.035156 0 L 1.035156 -10.308594 L 3.007813 -10.308594 L 3.007813 0 Z M 1.035156 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.335938 -2.128906 L 2.320313 -2.433594 C 2.402344 -2.042969 2.570313 -1.75 2.832031 -1.554688 C 3.085938 -1.351563 3.449219 -1.253906 3.917969 -1.257813 C 4.425781 -1.253906 4.808594 -1.347656 5.070313 -1.539063 C 5.238281 -1.667969 5.324219 -1.84375 5.328125 -2.066406 C 5.324219 -2.214844 5.277344 -2.339844 5.1875 -2.441406 C 5.085938 -2.53125 4.867188 -2.617188 4.527344 -2.699219 C 2.929688 -3.046875 1.917969 -3.367188 1.496094 -3.664063 C 0.902344 -4.0625 0.609375 -4.625 0.613281 -5.34375 C 0.609375 -5.988281 0.863281 -6.53125 1.378906 -6.972656 C 1.886719 -7.414063 2.679688 -7.632813 3.753906 -7.636719 C 4.773438 -7.632813 5.53125 -7.46875 6.03125 -7.136719 C 6.523438 -6.800781 6.867188 -6.308594 7.058594 -5.660156 L 5.195313 -5.316406 C 5.113281 -5.601563 4.960938 -5.824219 4.742188 -5.980469 C 4.515625 -6.132813 4.199219 -6.210938 3.789063 -6.214844 C 3.265625 -6.210938 2.894531 -6.136719 2.671875 -5.996094 C 2.519531 -5.890625 2.441406 -5.757813 2.445313 -5.597656 C 2.441406 -5.453125 2.507813 -5.335938 2.644531 -5.238281 C 2.816406 -5.105469 3.433594 -4.917969 4.488281 -4.683594 C 5.539063 -4.441406 6.273438 -4.148438 6.695313 -3.804688 C 7.105469 -3.449219 7.3125 -2.960938 7.3125 -2.335938 C 7.3125 -1.648438 7.023438 -1.058594 6.453125 -0.570313 C 5.878906 -0.078125 5.035156 0.164063 3.917969 0.167969 C 2.898438 0.164063 2.09375 -0.0390625 1.5 -0.449219 C 0.90625 -0.859375 0.515625 -1.417969 0.335938 -2.128906 Z M 0.335938 -2.128906 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.597656 -5.738281 L 0.597656 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -7.550781 L 7.804688 -5.738281 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 L 0.597656 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -4.4375 L 7.804688 -2.617188 Z M 0.597656 -2.617188 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.667969 0 L 3.691406 0 L 3.691406 -7.445313 C 2.96875 -6.769531 2.117188 -6.269531 1.140625 -5.949219 L 1.140625 -7.742188 C 1.652344 -7.90625 2.210938 -8.226563 2.820313 -8.699219 C 3.421875 -9.167969 3.835938 -9.71875 4.0625 -10.351563 L 5.667969 -10.351563 Z M 5.667969 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.640625 -2.652344 L 2.609375 -2.855469 C 2.660156 -2.40625 2.828125 -2.054688 3.105469 -1.796875 C 3.382813 -1.535156 3.699219 -1.40625 4.0625 -1.40625 C 4.472656 -1.40625 4.824219 -1.570313 5.109375 -1.90625 C 5.394531 -2.238281 5.535156 -2.746094 5.539063 -3.425781 C 5.535156 -4.054688 5.394531 -4.527344 5.113281 -4.847656 C 4.828125 -5.160156 4.460938 -5.320313 4.007813 -5.324219 C 3.4375 -5.320313 2.925781 -5.070313 2.480469 -4.570313 L 0.878906 -4.800781 L 1.890625 -10.167969 L 7.117188 -10.167969 L 7.117188 -8.316406 L 3.390625 -8.316406 L 3.078125 -6.566406 C 3.515625 -6.785156 3.96875 -6.894531 4.429688 -6.898438 C 5.304688 -6.894531 6.046875 -6.578125 6.660156 -5.941406 C 7.265625 -5.300781 7.570313 -4.472656 7.574219 -3.460938 C 7.570313 -2.609375 7.324219 -1.851563 6.835938 -1.1875 C 6.160156 -0.277344 5.230469 0.175781 4.042969 0.175781 C 3.089844 0.175781 2.3125 -0.078125 1.714844 -0.589844 C 1.113281 -1.097656 0.753906 -1.785156 0.640625 -2.652344 Z M 0.640625 -2.652344 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 -7.761719 C 0.621094 -8.683594 0.824219 -9.367188 1.234375 -9.816406 C 1.636719 -10.257813 2.1875 -10.480469 2.882813 -10.484375 C 3.597656 -10.480469 4.15625 -10.261719 4.566406 -9.820313 C 4.96875 -9.375 5.171875 -8.6875 5.175781 -7.761719 C 5.171875 -6.835938 4.96875 -6.152344 4.566406 -5.710938 C 4.15625 -5.261719 3.609375 -5.039063 2.917969 -5.042969 C 2.199219 -5.039063 1.636719 -5.261719 1.234375 -5.707031 C 0.824219 -6.148438 0.621094 -6.832031 0.625 -7.761719 Z M 2.164063 -7.777344 C 2.160156 -7.101563 2.238281 -6.652344 2.398438 -6.425781 C 2.511719 -6.253906 2.675781 -6.167969 2.882813 -6.171875 C 3.09375 -6.167969 3.257813 -6.253906 3.375 -6.425781 C 3.523438 -6.652344 3.597656 -7.101563 3.601563 -7.777344 C 3.597656 -8.441406 3.523438 -8.890625 3.375 -9.121094 C 3.257813 -9.289063 3.09375 -9.375 2.882813 -9.378906 C 2.675781 -9.375 2.511719 -9.289063 2.398438 -9.125 C 2.238281 -8.890625 2.160156 -8.441406 2.164063 -7.777344 Z M 4.386719 0.394531 L 2.925781 0.394531 L 8.417969 -10.484375 L 9.835938 -10.484375 Z M 7.578125 -2.3125 C 7.574219 -3.234375 7.777344 -3.917969 8.1875 -4.367188 C 8.589844 -4.808594 9.144531 -5.03125 9.851563 -5.035156 C 10.554688 -5.03125 11.113281 -4.808594 11.519531 -4.367188 C 11.925781 -3.917969 12.128906 -3.234375 12.128906 -2.3125 C 12.128906 -1.382813 11.925781 -0.695313 11.519531 -0.253906 C 11.113281 0.191406 10.5625 0.410156 9.871094 0.414063 C 9.152344 0.410156 8.589844 0.191406 8.1875 -0.253906 C 7.777344 -0.695313 7.574219 -1.382813 7.578125 -2.3125 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 C 9.117188 -1.648438 9.195313 -1.199219 9.351563 -0.976563 C 9.46875 -0.800781 9.628906 -0.714844 9.835938 -0.71875 C 10.042969 -0.714844 10.203125 -0.796875 10.320313 -0.96875 C 10.472656 -1.195313 10.550781 -1.648438 10.554688 -2.320313 C 10.550781 -2.988281 10.476563 -3.4375 10.328125 -3.671875 C 10.207031 -3.835938 10.042969 -3.917969 9.835938 -3.921875 C 9.621094 -3.917969 9.460938 -3.835938 9.351563 -3.671875 C 9.195313 -3.4375 9.117188 -2.988281 9.121094 -2.320313 Z M 9.121094 -2.320313 "/> +</symbol> +</g> +</defs> +<g id="surface36"> +<rect x="0" y="0" width="504" height="504" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 77.101563 403.992188 C 77.101563 407.589844 71.699219 407.589844 71.699219 403.992188 C 71.699219 400.390625 77.101563 400.390625 77.101563 403.992188 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 94.464844 385.695313 C 94.464844 389.292969 89.0625 389.292969 89.0625 385.695313 C 89.0625 382.09375 94.464844 382.09375 94.464844 385.695313 "/> +<path 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307.367188 L 166.558594 303.414063 L 170.398438 299.480469 L 174.238281 295.570313 L 178.078125 291.6875 L 181.921875 287.828125 L 185.761719 283.988281 L 189.601563 280.175781 L 193.441406 276.386719 L 197.28125 272.621094 L 201.121094 268.878906 L 204.960938 265.160156 L 208.800781 261.464844 L 212.640625 257.792969 L 216.480469 254.144531 L 220.320313 250.523438 L 224.160156 246.921875 L 228 243.347656 L 231.839844 239.792969 L 235.679688 236.265625 L 239.519531 232.761719 L 243.359375 229.28125 L 247.199219 225.824219 L 251.039063 222.390625 L 254.878906 218.980469 L 258.71875 215.59375 L 262.558594 212.230469 L 266.398438 208.894531 L 270.238281 205.578125 L 274.078125 202.289063 L 277.921875 199.019531 L 281.761719 195.777344 L 285.601563 192.558594 L 289.441406 189.363281 L 293.28125 186.1875 L 297.121094 183.039063 L 300.960938 179.917969 L 304.800781 176.816406 L 308.640625 173.738281 L 312.480469 170.683594 L 316.320313 167.65625 L 320.160156 164.648438 L 324 161.667969 L 327.839844 158.707031 L 331.679688 155.773438 L 335.519531 152.863281 L 339.359375 149.976563 L 343.199219 147.113281 L 347.039063 144.273438 L 350.878906 141.457031 L 354.71875 138.664063 L 358.558594 135.894531 L 362.398438 133.152344 L 366.238281 130.429688 L 370.078125 127.730469 L 373.921875 125.058594 L 377.761719 122.410156 L 381.601563 119.785156 L 385.441406 117.179688 L 389.28125 114.601563 L 393.121094 112.046875 L 396.960938 109.515625 L 400.800781 107.007813 L 404.640625 104.527344 L 408.480469 102.066406 L 412.320313 99.628906 L 416.160156 97.21875 L 420 94.828125 L 423.839844 92.464844 L 427.679688 90.125 L 431.519531 87.808594 L 435.359375 85.511719 L 439.199219 83.242188 L 443.039063 80.996094 L 446.878906 78.777344 L 450.71875 76.578125 L 454.558594 74.402344 L 458.398438 72.25 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 70.582031 416.800781 L 78.21875 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378.898438 L 108.960938 374.960938 L 112.800781 371.054688 L 116.640625 367.179688 L 120.480469 363.328125 L 124.320313 359.511719 L 128.160156 355.71875 L 132 351.957031 L 135.839844 348.222656 L 139.679688 344.519531 L 143.519531 340.84375 L 147.359375 337.199219 L 151.199219 333.582031 L 155.039063 329.992188 L 158.878906 326.433594 L 162.71875 322.902344 L 166.558594 319.398438 L 170.398438 315.925781 L 174.238281 312.480469 L 178.078125 309.066406 L 181.921875 305.679688 L 185.761719 302.324219 L 189.601563 298.996094 L 193.441406 295.695313 L 197.28125 292.425781 L 201.121094 289.183594 L 204.960938 285.96875 L 208.800781 282.785156 L 212.640625 279.632813 L 216.480469 276.503906 L 220.320313 273.40625 L 224.160156 270.339844 L 228 267.300781 L 231.839844 264.289063 L 235.679688 261.308594 L 239.519531 258.355469 L 243.359375 255.429688 L 247.199219 252.535156 L 251.039063 249.671875 L 254.878906 246.832031 L 258.71875 244.027344 L 262.558594 241.246094 L 266.398438 238.496094 L 270.238281 235.773438 L 274.078125 233.082031 L 277.921875 230.417969 L 281.761719 227.785156 L 285.601563 225.175781 L 289.441406 222.601563 L 293.28125 220.050781 L 297.121094 217.535156 L 300.960938 215.042969 L 304.800781 212.582031 L 308.640625 210.148438 L 312.480469 207.746094 L 316.320313 205.371094 L 320.160156 203.027344 L 324 200.710938 L 327.839844 198.421875 L 331.679688 196.164063 L 335.519531 193.933594 L 339.359375 191.730469 L 343.199219 189.558594 L 347.039063 187.414063 L 350.878906 185.300781 L 354.71875 183.214844 L 358.558594 181.160156 L 362.398438 179.132813 L 366.238281 177.132813 L 370.078125 175.164063 L 373.921875 173.222656 L 377.761719 171.308594 L 381.601563 169.425781 L 385.441406 167.570313 L 389.28125 165.746094 L 393.121094 163.949219 L 396.960938 162.183594 L 400.800781 160.445313 L 404.640625 158.734375 L 408.480469 157.054688 L 412.320313 155.402344 L 416.160156 153.777344 L 420 152.183594 L 423.839844 150.617188 L 427.679688 149.082031 L 431.519531 147.574219 L 435.359375 146.097656 L 439.199219 144.644531 L 443.039063 143.226563 L 446.878906 141.832031 L 450.71875 140.472656 L 454.558594 139.136719 L 458.398438 137.832031 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,100%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 231.238281 342.398438 L 252.839844 342.398438 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,100%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 231.238281 371.199219 L 252.839844 371.199219 "/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:0.75;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 244.738281 328 C 244.738281 331.601563 239.339844 331.601563 239.339844 328 C 239.339844 324.398438 244.738281 324.398438 244.738281 328 "/> +<path 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Les types de passes à ralentisseurs supportés sont: + +- [passes à ralentisseurs plans](theorie_plans.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs "Fatou"](theorie_fatou.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs à fonds suractifs](theorie_suractif.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs mixtes](theorie_mixte.md). + +Voir [l'ensemble des formules utilisées pour les passes à ralentisseurs](formules.md). + +## Calage hydraulique de la passe + +L'outil permet de calculer l'une des valeurs suivantes : + +- le débit passant dans la passe (m<sup>3</sup>/s) ; +- la charge en amont de la passe (m) ; +- la largeur de la passe (m) pour les types ralentisseurs plans et Fatou . + +Compte tenu des paramètres obligatoires suivants : + +- le type de passe (Plans, Fatou, fonds suractifs ou mixtes) ; +- [la pente (m/m)](../hsl/pente.md). + +Le paramètre "Espacement entre les ralentisseurs (m)" est facultatif. S'il n'est pas renseigné, Sa valeur standard est alors calculée. S'il est fourni, si sa valeur s'écarte de plus de 10% de la valeur standard, une erreur est générée. + +## Calage altimétrique de la passe + +Les paramètres de calage altimétriques (cote de l'eau amont et cote de l'eau aval) sont facultatifs et permettent de calculer: + +- la longueur longitudinale et au fil de l'eau de la passe +- le nombre de ralentisseurs +- les cotes de radier et de déversement à l'amont et à l'aval de la passe +- les cotes d'arase des murs latéraux à l'amont de la passe. + +## Génération d'un module de simulation de passe à ralentisseurs + +Les résultats d'une passe calée en altimétrie peuvent servir à générer un module de [simulation de passe à ralentisseurs](simulation.md) à l'aide du bouton ad hoc. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/formules.md b/docs/fr/calculators/par/formules.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fea7ece753462a1ddc0930ff4f9effa96db09cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/formules.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# Formules de calcul des passes à ralentisseurs + +Pour le calcul de : + +- la charge amont \(ha\) ; +- la hauteur d'eau dans la passe \(h\) ; +- du débit \(Q\) ; +- de la vitesse débitante \(V\) ; +- la cote de radier amont \(Z_{r1}\) ; +- la cote d'arase minimale des murs latéraux \(Z_m\) + +Se référer aux formules propres à chaque type de passe à ralentisseurs: + +- [passes à ralentisseurs plans](theorie_plans.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs "Fatou"](theorie_fatou.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs à fonds suractifs](theorie_suractif.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs mixtes](theorie_mixte.md). + +## Cote de l'eau à l'amont de la passe \(Z_1\) + +$$Z_{1} = Z_{d1} + h_a$$ + +Avec \(Z_{d1}\) la cote de déversement du premier ralentisseur amont, \(h_a\) la charge amont. + +## Longueur de la passe + +La longueur de la passe le long d'une ligne d'eau parallèle à la pente de la passe \(L_w\) est égale à + +$$L_w = (Z_1 - Z_2)\dfrac{\sqrt{1 + S^2}}{S}$$ + +avec \(Z_1\) et \(Z_2\) les cotes de l'eau à l'amont et l'aval de la passe, \(S\) la pente. + +La longueur de la passe le long de la pente \(L_S\) doit être un multiple de la longueur entre les ralentisseurs \(P\) arrondi à l'entier supérieur : + +$$L_S = \lceil (L_w - \epsilon) / P \rceil \times P $$ + +Avec \(\epsilon\) = 1 mm pour laisser une marge avant le rajout d'un ralentisseur supplémentaire. + +La projection horizontale de la longueur de la passe \(L_h\) est alors égale à : + +$$L_h = \dfrac{L_S}{\sqrt{1 + S^2}} $$ + +## Nombre de ralentisseurs \(N_b\) + +Pour les types plans et Fatou : + +$$N_b = L_S / P + 1$$ + +Pour les types à fonds suractifs et mixtes : + +$$N_b = L_S / P$$ + +## Cotes de radier à l'aval \(Z_{r2}\) et de déversement à l'aval \(Z_{d2}\) + +$$Z_{r2} = Z_{r1} - \dfrac{L_S \times S}{\sqrt{1 + S^2}}$$ + +$$Z_{d2} = Z_{r2} + Z_{d1} - Z_{r1}$$ diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/simulation.md b/docs/fr/calculators/par/simulation.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6005c2334bf787698920a2fa9188150e0b8c2db --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/simulation.md @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# Simulation d'une passe à ralentisseurs + +Ce module permet de calculer différentes conditions hydrauliques sur une passe à ralentisseur dont la géométrie est connue. Cette géométrie provient de mesures topographiques ou du [résultat d'un calage de passe à ralentisseurs](calage.md). + +Les types de passes à ralentisseurs supportés sont: + +- [passes à ralentisseurs plans](theorie_plans.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs "Fatou"](theorie_fatou.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs à fonds suractifs](theorie_suractif.md) ; +- [passes à ralentisseurs mixtes](theorie_mixte.md). + +Voir [l'ensemble des formules utilisées pour les passes à ralentisseurs](formules.md). + +L'outil permet de calculer l'une des valeurs suivantes : + +- le débit passant dans la passe (m<sup>3</sup>/s) ; +- la cote de l'eau en amont de la passe (m) ; +- la cote de déversement en amont de la passe (m). + +Compte tenu des paramètres obligatoires suivants : + +- le type de passe (Plans, Fatou, fonds suractifs ou mixtes) ; +- [la pente (m/m)](../hsl/pente.md) ; +- la largeur de la passe (m) ; +- la cote de déversement ou la cote de radier à l'amont (m) ; +- la cote de déversement ou la cote de radier à l'aval (m) . diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_fatou.md b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_fatou.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8948bfc40b1cb7e3cf8306b37084d6917db5514 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_fatou.md @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# Passe à ralentisseurs "Fatou" + +## Caractéristiques géométriques + + + +*Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1]* + +## Lois hydrauliques issues des abaques + +Les expériences effectuées par Larinier, 2002[^1] ont permis d'établir des abaques permettant de relier le débit adimensionnel \(Q^*\) : + +$$ Q^* = \dfrac{Q}{\sqrt{g}L^{2,5}} $$ + + à la charge amont \(ha\) et le niveau d'eau moyen dans la passe \(h\) : + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs Fatou pour une pente de 10% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs Fatou pour une pente de 15% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs Fatou pour une pente de 20% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + +Pour effectuer les calculs pour toutes les pentes entre 8% et 22%, les coefficients de polynômes des abaques ci-dessus sont eux-mêmes ajustés sous le forme de polynômes dépendant de la pente \(S\). + +On a donc : + +$$ ha/L = a_2(S) Q^{*2} + a_1(S) Q^* + a_0(S) $$ + +$$a_2(S) = - 783.592S^2 + 269.991S - 25.2637$$ + +$$a_1(S) = 302.623S^2 - 106.203S + 13.2957$$ + +$$a_0(S) = 15.8096S^2 - 5.19282S + 0.465827$$ + +Et : + +$$ h/L = b_2(S) Q^{*2} + b_1(S) Q^* + b_0 $$ + +$$b_2(S) = - 73.4829S^2 + 54.6733S - 14.0622$$ + +$$b_1(S) = 42.4113S^2 - 24.4941S + 8.84146$$ + +$$b_0(S) = - 3.56494S^2 + 0.450262S + 0.0407576$$ + +## Calcul de \(ha\), \(h\) et \(Q\) + +On peut ensuite utilise ces coefficients pour calculer \(ha\), \(h\) et \(Q^*\) : + +$$ ha = L \left( a_2 (Q^*)^2 + a_1 Q^* + a_0 \right)$$ + +$$ h = L \left( b_2 (Q^*)^2 + b_1 Q^* + b_0 \right)$$ + +En utilisant la fonction inverse positive en fonction de \(ha/L\), on obtient: + +$$ Q^* = \dfrac{-a_1 + \sqrt{a_1^2 - 4 a_2 (a_0 - h_a/L)}}{2 a_2}$$ + +Et on a enfin : + +$$ Q = Q^* \sqrt{g} L^{2,5} $$ + +Les limites de calcul de \(Q^*\), \(ha/L\) et \(h/L\) sont fixées à partir des extrémités des courbes des abaques. + +## Vitesse débitante + +La vitesse débitante \(V\) va correspondre à la vitesse moyenne d'écoulement compte tenu de la section d'écoulement \(A_w\) au droit du ralentisseur : + +$$ V = \dfrac{Q}{A_w} $$ + +pour les passes à ralentisseurs Fatou en utilisation les notations du schéma ci-dessus, on aura : + +$$ A_w = B \times h $$ + +Ce qui donne avec les proportions standards : + +$$ A_w = 0.6hL $$ + +## Cote de radier amont \(Z_{r1}\) + +$$ Z_{r1} = Z_{d1} + \frac{0.3 S - 0.2}{\sqrt{1 + S^2}} $$ + +## Cote d'arase minimale des murs latéraux \(Z_m\) + +$$ Z_m = Z_{r1} + \frac{4 L}{3 \sqrt{1 + S^2}} $$ + +[^1]: Larinier, M. 2002. “BAFFLE FISHWAYS.†Bulletin Français de La Pêche et de La Pisciculture, no. 364: 83–101. doi:[10.1051/kmae/2002109](https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2002109). diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_fatou_schema.png b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_fatou_schema.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36e32a67245d6a04746cfdd59638c267741f19e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_fatou_schema.png differ diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_mixte.md b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_mixte.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9c77c5107a76bcb5668f065ebffb79d80293223 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_mixte.md @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +# Passe à ralentisseurs mixte ou à chevrons + + + +*Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1]* + +## Lois hydrauliques issues des abaques + +Les expériences effectuées par Larinier, 2002[^1] ont permis d'établir des abaques permettant de relier le débit adimensionnel \(q^*\) : + +$$ q^* = \dfrac{Q/L}{\sqrt{2g}a^{1,5}} $$ + + à la charge amont \(ha\) et le niveau d'eau moyen dans la passe \(h\) : + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs mixte pour une pente de 10% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs mixte pour une pente de 15% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + +Pour effectuer les calculs pour toutes les pentes entre 8% et 22%, les coefficients de polynômes des abaques ci-dessus sont eux-mêmes ajustés sous le forme de polynômes dépendant de la pente \(S\). + +On a donc : + +$$ ha/a = a_2(S) q^{*2} + a_1(S) q^* + a_0(S) $$ + +$$a_2(S) = 0.188324S - 0.0427461$$ + +$$a_1(S) = - 2.47998S + 1.25363$$ + +$$a_0(S) = 5.02138S + 0.709434$$ + +Et : + +$$ h/a = b_2(S) q^{*2} + b_1(S) q^* + b_0 $$ + +$$b_2(S) = - 0.0733832S - 0.00839864$$ + +$$b_1(S) = 0.176261S + 0.661656$$ + +$$b_0(S) = - 4.97686S + 1.30546$$ + +## Calcul de \(ha\), \(h\) et \(Q\) + +On peut ensuite utilise ces coefficients pour calculer \(ha\), \(h\) et \(q^*\) : + +$$ ha = a \left( a_2 (q^*)^2 + a_1 q^* + a_0 \right)$$ + +$$ h = a \left( b_2 (q^*)^2 + b_1 q^* + b_0 \right)$$ + +En utilisant la fonction inverse positive en fonction de \(ha/L\), on obtient: + +$$ q^* = \dfrac{-a_1 + \sqrt{a_1^2 - 4 a_2 (a_0 - h_a/a)}}{2 a_2}$$ + +Et on a enfin : + +$$ Q = L q^* \sqrt{g} a^{1,5} $$ + +Les limites de calcul de \(q^*\), \(ha/a\) et \(h/a\) sont fixées à partir des extrémités des courbes des abaques. + +## Vitesse débitante + +La vitesse débitante \(V\) va correspondre à la vitesse moyenne d'écoulement compte tenu de la section d'écoulement \(A_w\) au droit du ralentisseur : + +$$ V = \dfrac{Q}{A_w} $$ + +pour les passes à ralentisseurs mixte en utilisation les notations du schéma ci-dessus, on aura : + +$$ A_w = h \times L$$ + +## Cote de radier amont \(Z_{r1}\) + +$$ Z_{r1} = Z_{d1} + \frac{3 a S - a}{\sqrt{1 + S^2}} $$ + +[^1]: Larinier, M. 2002. “BAFFLE FISHWAYS.†Bulletin Français de La Pêche et de La Pisciculture, no. 364: 83–101. doi:[10.1051/kmae/2002109](https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2002109). + diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_mixte_schema.png b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_mixte_schema.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..400c43e8eaebe4fb753b91bc51276975adb24b8d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_mixte_schema.png differ diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_plans.md b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_plans.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6905b2eff881e21d95eda68c2374ac7d9c54a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_plans.md @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +# Passe à ralentisseurs plans (Denil) + +## Caractéristiques géométriques + + + +*Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1]* + +## Lois hydrauliques issues des abaques + +Les expériences effectuées par Larinier, 2002[^1] ont permis d'établir des abaques permettant de relier le débit adimensionnel \(Q^*\) : + +$$ Q^* = \dfrac{Q}{\sqrt{g}L^{2,5}} $$ + + à la charge amont \(ha\) et le niveau d'eau moyen dans la passe \(h\) : + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs plans (Denil) pour une pente de 10% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs plans (Denil) pour une pente de 15% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs plans (Denil) pour une pente de 20% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + +Pour effectuer les calculs pour toutes les pentes entre 8% et 22%, les coefficients de polynômes des abaques ci-dessus sont eux-mêmes ajustés sous le forme de polynômes dépendant de la pente \(S\). + +On a donc : + +$$ ha/L = a_2(S) Q^{*2} + a_1(S) Q^* + a_0(S) $$ + +$$a_2(S) = 315.110S^2 - 115.164S + 6.85371$$ + +$$a_1(S) = - 184.043S^2 + 59.7073S - 0.530737$$ + +$$a_0(S) = 15.2115S^2 - 5.22606S + 0.633654$$ + +Et : + +$$ h/L = b_2(S) Q^{*2} + b_1(S) Q^* + b_0 $$ + +$$b_2(S) = 347.368S^2 - 130.698S + 8.14521$$ + +$$b_1(S) = - 139.382S^2 + 47.2186S + 0.0547598$$ + +$$b_0(S) = 16.7218S^2 - 6.09624S + 0.834851$$ + +## Calcul de \(ha\), \(h\) et \(Q\) + +On peut ensuite utilise ces coefficients pour calculer \(ha\), \(h\) et \(Q^*\) : + +$$ ha = L \left( a_2 (Q^*)^2 + a_1 Q^* + a_0 \right)$$ + +$$ h = L \left( b_2 (Q^*)^2 + b_1 Q^* + b_0 \right)$$ + +En utilisant la fonction inverse positive en fonction de \(ha/L\), on obtient: + +$$ Q^* = \dfrac{-a_1 + \sqrt{a_1^2 - 4 a_2 (a_0 - h_a/L)}}{2 a_2}$$ + +Et on a enfin : + +$$ Q = Q^* \sqrt{g} L^{2,5} $$ + +Les limites de calcul de \(Q^*\), \(ha/L\) et \(h/L\) sont fixées à partir des extrémités des courbes des abaques. + +## Vitesse débitante + +La vitesse débitante \(V\) va correspondre à la vitesse moyenne d'écoulement compte tenu de la section d'écoulement \(A_w\) au droit du ralentisseur : + +$$ V = \dfrac{Q}{A_w} $$ + +pour les passes à ralentisseurs plans en utilisation les notations du schéma ci-dessus, on aura : + +$$ A_w = B \times \left( h - \dfrac{C+D}{2} \sin(45°) \right)$$ + +Ce qui donne avec les proportions standards : + +$$ A_w = L \left(0.583 h - 0.146L \right) $$ + +## Cote de radier amont \(Z_{r1}\) + +$$ Z_{r1} = Z_{d1} - D \sin(45° + \arctan(S)) $$ + +## Cote d'arase minimale des murs latéraux \(Z_m\) + +$$ Z_m = Z_{r1} + - H_{min} \sin(45° + \arctan(S)) $$ + +[^1]: Larinier, M. 2002. “BAFFLE FISHWAYS.†Bulletin Français de La Pêche et de La Pisciculture, no. 364: 83–101. doi:[10.1051/kmae/2002109](https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2002109). diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_plans_schema.png b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_plans_schema.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a25abf5b7a92c69db30199bdfb3daa19cd32be1f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_plans_schema.png differ diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_suractif.md b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_suractif.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5cb6167d684b02f43dfcbc3b43dab9658655134 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_suractif.md @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# Passe à ralentisseurs à fonds suractif + + + +*Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1]* + +## Lois hydrauliques issues des abaques + +Les expériences effectuées par Larinier, 2002[^1] ont permis d'établir des abaques permettant de relier le débit adimensionnel \(q^*\) : + +$$ q^* = \dfrac{Q/L}{\sqrt{2g}a^{1,5}} $$ + + à la charge amont \(ha\) et le niveau d'eau moyen dans la passe \(h\) : + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs à fond suractif pour une pente de 10% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + + + +*Abaques d'une passe à ralentisseurs à fond suractif pour une pente de 15% (Extrait de Larinier, 2002[^1])* + +Pour effectuer les calculs pour toutes les pentes entre 8% et 22%, les coefficients de polynômes des abaques ci-dessus sont eux-mêmes ajustés sous le forme de polynômes dépendant de la pente \(S\). + +On a donc : + +$$ ha/a = a_2(S) q^{*2} + a_1(S) q^* + a_0(S) $$ + +$$a_2(S) = - 0.354624S - 0.0153156$$ + +$$a_1(S) = 0.514953S + 1.25460$$ + +$$a_0(S) = - 2.22434S + 0.596682$$ + +Et : + +$$ h/a = b_2(S) q^{*2} + b_1(S) q^* + b_0 $$ + +$$b_2(S) = - 0.559218S + 0.000504060$$ + +$$b_1(S) = 1.15807S + 1.07554$$ + +$$b_0(S) = - 2.62712S + 0.601348$$ + +## Calcul de \(ha\), \(h\) et \(Q\) + +On peut ensuite utilise ces coefficients pour calculer \(ha\), \(h\) et \(q^*\) : + +$$ ha = a \left( a_2 (q^*)^2 + a_1 q^* + a_0 \right)$$ + +$$ h = a \left( b_2 (q^*)^2 + b_1 q^* + b_0 \right)$$ + +En utilisant la fonction inverse positive en fonction de \(ha/L\), on obtient: + +$$ q^* = \dfrac{-a_1 + \sqrt{a_1^2 - 4 a_2 (a_0 - h_a/a)}}{2 a_2}$$ + +Et on a enfin : + +$$ Q = L q^* \sqrt{g} a^{1,5} $$ + +Les limites de calcul de \(q^*\), \(ha/a\) et \(h/a\) sont fixées à partir des extrémités des courbes des abaques. + +## Vitesse débitante + +La vitesse débitante \(V\) va correspondre à la vitesse moyenne d'écoulement compte tenu de la section d'écoulement \(A_w\) au droit du ralentisseur : + +$$ V = \dfrac{Q}{A_w} $$ + +pour les passes à ralentisseurs à fond suractif en utilisation les notations du schéma ci-dessus, on aura : + +$$ A_w = h \times L$$ + +## Cote de radier amont \(Z_{r1}\) + +$$ Z_{r1} = Z_{d1} + \frac{2.6 a S - a}{\sqrt{1 + S^2}} $$ + +[^1]: Larinier, M. 2002. “BAFFLE FISHWAYS.†Bulletin Français de La Pêche et de La Pisciculture, no. 364: 83–101. doi:[10.1051/kmae/2002109](https://doi.org/10.1051/kmae/2002109). diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_suractif_schema.png b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_suractif_schema.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53898288de611721cfc3fa08d5a8cd5a34f6521b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fr/calculators/par/theorie_suractif_schema.png differ diff --git a/docs/fr/calculators/structures/liste.md b/docs/fr/calculators/structures/liste.md index 878a45b6f4e0b1c7c21850e10f58164cb864a403..b818193a943dd9e23d16047d7645ef76b67d7d44 100644 --- a/docs/fr/calculators/structures/liste.md +++ b/docs/fr/calculators/structures/liste.md @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ | Équation | Coefficient de débit par défaut | Disponible dans | |---------------------------|----------------:|-------------------------------| -| [Dévesoir / orifice Cemagref 88](./cem_88_d.md) | 0.4 | Lois d'ouvrages | -| [Dévesoir / vanne de fond Cemagref 88](./cem_88_v.md) | 0.6 | Lois d'ouvrages | -| [Cunge 80](./cunge_80.md) | 0.6 | Lois d'ouvrages | +| [Déversoir / orifice Cemagref 88](./cem_88_d.md) | 0.4 | Lois d'ouvrages | +| [Déversoir / vanne de fond Cemagref 88](./cem_88_v.md) | 0.6 | Lois d'ouvrages | +| [Cunge (1980)](./cunge_80.md) | 1 | Lois d'ouvrages, Cloisons, Cloison aval | | [Vanne dénoyée](./vanne_denoyee.md) | 0.6 | Lois d'ouvrages | | [Vanne noyée](./vanne_noyee.md) | 0.6 | Lois d'ouvrages | | [Seuil dénoyé](./seuil_denoye.md) | 0.4 | Lois d'ouvrages, Lois de déversoirs dénoyés | diff --git a/e2e/calculate-all-params.e2e-spec.ts b/e2e/calculate-all-params.e2e-spec.ts index f261a8df7469a6b74f28fa7566bfd8576c8e4dbc..83f4f0a187a5bcb5d16729efad716d3d5100bb9a 100644 --- a/e2e/calculate-all-params.e2e-spec.ts +++ b/e2e/calculate-all-params.e2e-spec.ts @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { ListPage } from "./list.po"; import { CalculatorPage } from "./calculator.po"; import { Navbar } from "./navbar.po"; import { PreferencesPage } from "./preferences.po"; -import { browser } from "protractor"; +import { browser, element, by, ElementFinder } from "protractor"; import { testedCalcTypes } from "./tested_calctypes"; /** @@ -52,7 +52,9 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate all parameters of all calculators", async () => { if (inputs.length > 0) { // for each param - for (const input of inputs) { + for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { + // grab input again because calculating the module just refreshed all the fieldsets + const input = (await calcPage.getParamInputsHavingCalcMode())[i]; // click "calc" mode button for this parameter await calcPage.setParamMode(input, "cal"); // check that only 1 button is in "calc" state @@ -67,6 +69,15 @@ describe("ngHyd − calculate all parameters of all calculators", async () => { // check that result is not empty const hasResults = await calcPage.hasResults(); expect(hasResults).toBe(true); + // for PreBarrage only: go back to "input" view after results are displayed, + // or input parameters will stay hidden + if (ct === 30) { + const inputResultsSwitchLinks = element.all(by.css("#pb-data-results-selector a")); + const inputLink = inputResultsSwitchLinks.get(0); + await browser.executeScript("window.scrollTo(0, 0);"); + await inputLink.click(); + await browser.sleep(2000); + } } } else { // module has no calculable params, just click the "compute" button diff --git a/e2e/calculator.po.ts b/e2e/calculator.po.ts index 1edff79f83ad3391330cd1fa6f4453999dd5a94b..1f6459a1ab5f4f92125b3db2cf707ddb77fa2f13 100644 --- a/e2e/calculator.po.ts +++ b/e2e/calculator.po.ts @@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ export class CalculatorPage { || await element(by.css("pab-results pab-results-table")).isPresent() || + await element(by.css("pb-results pb-results-table")).isPresent() + || await element(by.css("macrorugo-compound-results macrorugo-compound-results-table")).isPresent() || await element(by.css("jet-results .fixed-results-container")).isPresent() diff --git a/e2e/check-translations.e2e-spec.ts b/e2e/check-translations.e2e-spec.ts index b16c9a56dceadd44a37b68e37045df64bcbea75d..ddcd763d363899deed0de4c3cd7bfcab52bc40ce 100644 --- a/e2e/check-translations.e2e-spec.ts +++ b/e2e/check-translations.e2e-spec.ts @@ -77,7 +77,11 @@ describe("ngHyd − check translation of all calculators", () => { } // check absence of "*** message not found" in whole DOM - expect(await browser.getPageSource()).not.toContain("*** message not found"); + const ps = await browser.getPageSource(); + expect(ps).not.toContain("*** message not found"); + /* const pos = ps.indexOf("*** message not found"); + const bout = ps.substring(pos - 50, pos + 50); + console.log("------------ BOUT ---------------", bout); */ // empty session await navBar.clickMenuButton(); diff --git a/e2e/tested_calctypes.ts b/e2e/tested_calctypes.ts index 9b86493e2a295a54dcab657ee7b032efad09cc7e..49b141aac5d19ed56855fb12f27d73186eac4428 100644 --- a/e2e/tested_calctypes.ts +++ b/e2e/tested_calctypes.ts @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ export const testedCalcTypes = [ // omit 16 - CloisonAval 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, // omit 26 - YAXN - 27 + 27, 28, 29, 30 + // omit 31 - PbCloison and 32 - PbBassin ]; diff --git a/electron-builder.yml b/electron-builder.yml index b74f49dd256a8cb56b69a2806f00bd28797fa165..74a71839f19e7909915eef5dddb711e63341b2e1 100644 --- a/electron-builder.yml +++ b/electron-builder.yml @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ linux: icon: dist deb: - maintainer: irstea + maintainer: Inrae mac: target: zip diff --git a/jalhyd_branch b/jalhyd_branch index 989a067631a5a23d1dfcc75faf797ac88a647873..22284ff354bd375daf96c4516cffb189fc611602 100644 --- a/jalhyd_branch +++ b/jalhyd_branch @@ -1,2 +1 @@ -214-regime-uniforme-conduite-circulaire-provoquer-une-erreur-fatale-si-la-conduite-est-en-charge - +32-ajout-de-l-outil-prebarrage diff --git a/main.js b/main.js index 7bcc982e912591e2a4023a56ab44c4fc3840c0a6..be62978dbae0804457f54794950c3c8ba1a87fb7 100644 --- a/main.js +++ b/main.js @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ const lookForUpdates = function() { } } // else you already have the latest version - }) + }); } else { console.error("error fetching releases information"); } diff --git a/mkdocs-fr.yml b/mkdocs-fr.yml index f1a4bcc6b19f6c9d0ad0fc776e64e329b8e0140e..20a6b9fa6902f91be1b4031ef37f57648e91346e 100644 --- a/mkdocs-fr.yml +++ b/mkdocs-fr.yml @@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ nav: - calculators/pam/macrorugo_theorie.md - calculators/pam/macrorugo_complexe.md - calculators/pam/concentration.md + - Passes à ralentisseurs: + - calculators/par/calage.md + - calculators/par/simulation.md + - calculators/par/formules.md + - calculators/par/theorie_plans.md + - calculators/par/theorie_fatou.md + - calculators/par/theorie_suractif.md + - calculators/par/theorie_mixte.md - Dévalaison: - Perte de charge sur grille de prise d'eau: calculators/devalaison/grille.md - Impact de jet: calculators/devalaison/jet.md diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 7bf928081227bf1a3008db5f3d3fe12e51ca3f33..83e77b7e5fcf80655a0f6122202e217196022126 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -11,1764 +11,512 @@ "dev": true }, "@angular-devkit/architect": { - "version": "0.900.6", - "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@angular-devkit/architect/-/architect-0.900.6.tgz", - "integrity": "sha512-WK8e09DgNP1NHP1gqVQ9w+9rlRMVDJxAh4qZGJRjZBXd3LY7y84WWRmTpfuhOSu+82fR3/n76+urxraU3ZVphw==", + "version": "0.1000.1", + "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@angular-devkit/architect/-/architect-0.1000.1.tgz", + "integrity": "sha512-GpoJ+p38feerxwfpJgrjwv/2c47qIX+TMdfKVqbswxLnzK21hXjd0zn6UfovAFwLeL1hRu2O00NDsmQn01gdoA==", "dev": true, "requires": { - "@angular-devkit/core": "9.0.6", - "rxjs": "6.5.3" + "@angular-devkit/core": "10.0.1", + "rxjs": "6.5.5" }, "dependencies": { "rxjs": { - 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e54a3f038683ae001e56f8dccef1cabdfcd37bd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/bump-cordova-version.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +'use strict'; + +const fs = require('fs'); + +const path = "./config.xml"; +const version = require("../package.json").version; +const contents = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8"); + +fs.writeFileSync(path, contents.replace(/version="[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"/, 'version="' + version + '"')); diff --git a/scripts/release-version.sh b/scripts/release-version.sh index 128616f6f8d64d600977b099bb84f9c726a356a2..9952d413406c8dcddf72199ad1a83ef9a29b62b7 100755 --- a/scripts/release-version.sh +++ b/scripts/release-version.sh @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ rm "./$TMP_RELEASES_FILE" scp "release/Cassiopée Setup $VERSION.exe" "release/fr.irstea.cassiopee_${VERSION}_amd64.deb" "release/cassiopee-$VERSION.apk" "release/Cassiopée-${VERSION}-mac.zip" "$HOST_LOGIN:$RELEASES_DIR/" # symlink "latest" version for each platform -ssh $HOST_LOGIN /bin/bash << "EOF" +ssh $HOST_LOGIN /bin/bash << EOF cd "$RELEASES_DIR" ln -sf "Cassiopée Setup $VERSION.exe" "windows-latest.exe" ln -sf "fr.irstea.cassiopee_${VERSION}_amd64.deb" "linux-latest.deb" diff --git a/scripts/remove-stale-branches.sh b/scripts/remove-stale-branches.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12d3562c5e24a9250a8c2dc6f53455dd9e69347c --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/remove-stale-branches.sh @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# Supprime du serveur Web les "builds" de Cassiopée correspondant à des branches ou des +# tags qui n'existent plus dans le dépôt. +# Conçu pour être utilisé par Gitlab CI/CD + +if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then + echo "usage: $0 login@server /var/www/deploy_dir" + exit 1 +fi + +HOST_LOGIN="$1" +DEPLOY_DIR="$2" +# DEPLOY_DIR="/tmp/cassiopee" # debug + +echo "remove-stale-branches.sh: cleaning directory $DEPLOY_DIR on host $HOST_LOGIN" + +nghyd_branches=$(git ls-remote --heads origin|awk '{print $2}'|awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"} {print $3}') +nghyd_tags=$(git tag) +TNB="$nghyd_branches $nghyd_tags" + +ssh $HOST_LOGIN /bin/bash << EOF + cd $DEPLOY_DIR + LOCALTNB="$TNB" + for d in \$(ls -d *); do + found=0 + for tag_or_branch in \$LOCALTNB; do + if [[ \$d == \$tag_or_branch ]]; then + found=1 + break + fi + done + if (( \$found == 0 )); then + echo "suppression de branche/tag obsolète \$d" + rm -rf \$d + fi + done +EOF diff --git a/src/app/app.component.ts b/src/app/app.component.ts index 19b8696818fdd102a39627999877f289c3b9e176..a5f015149ee14dd9fa5530df95c1a0c9e5d652f1 100644 --- a/src/app/app.component.ts +++ b/src/app/app.component.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, HostListener, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, HostListener, ViewChild, ElementRef, isDevMode } from "@angular/core"; import { Router, Event, NavigationEnd, ActivationEnd } from "@angular/router"; import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog"; import { MatSidenav } from "@angular/material/sidenav"; @@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ import { CdkDragDrop, moveItemInArray } from "@angular/cdk/drag-drop"; import { Observer, jalhydDateRev, jalhydVersion, CalculatorType, Session } from "jalhyd"; -import { environment } from "../environments/environment"; import { I18nService } from "./services/internationalisation.service"; -import { ErrorService } from "./services/error.service"; import { FormulaireService } from "./services/formulaire.service"; import { FormulaireDefinition } from "./formulaire/definition/form-definition"; import { ServiceFactory } from "./services/service-factory"; @@ -44,8 +42,7 @@ declare let device: any; @Component({ selector: "nghyd-app", templateUrl: "./app.component.html", - styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"], - providers: [ErrorService] + styleUrls: ["./app.component.scss"] }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { @@ -82,7 +79,6 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { constructor( private intlService: I18nService, private appSetupService: ApplicationSetupService, - private errorService: ErrorService, private router: Router, private formulaireService: FormulaireService, private httpService: HttpService, @@ -280,12 +276,10 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { */ ngOnInit() { this.formulaireService.addObserver(this); - this.subscribeErrorService(); this._innerWidth = window.innerWidth; } ngOnDestroy() { - this.unsubscribeErrorService(); this.formulaireService.removeObserver(this); } @@ -412,17 +406,6 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { return fits; } - /** - * abonnement au service d'erreurs - */ - private subscribeErrorService() { - this.errorService.addObserver(this); - } - - private unsubscribeErrorService() { - this.errorService.removeObserver(this); - } - public get enableHeaderDoc(): boolean { return this.currentRoute === "/list" && this._calculators.length === 0; } @@ -654,12 +637,12 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { }); } - public loadSessionFile(f: File, info?: any) { + public async loadSessionFile(f: File, info?: any) { // notes merge detection: was there already some notes ? const existingNotes = Session.getInstance().documentation; // load - this.formulaireService.loadSession(f, info) - .then((data) => { + try { + const data = await this.formulaireService.loadSession(f, info); if (data.hasErrors) { this.notificationsService.notify(this.intlService.localizeText("ERROR_PROBLEM_LOADING_SESSION"), 3500); } else { @@ -678,13 +661,12 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { } } } - }) - .catch((err) => { + } catch (err) { this.notificationsService.notify(this.intlService.localizeText("ERROR_LOADING_SESSION"), 3500); console.error("error loading session - ", err); // rollback to ensure session is clean this.doEmptySession(); - }); + } } /** @@ -864,7 +846,7 @@ export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, Observer { @HostListener("window:beforeunload", [ "$event" ]) confirmExit($event) { if ( this.appSetupService.warnBeforeTabClose - && environment.production // otherwise prevents dev server to reload app after recompiling + && ! isDevMode() // otherwise prevents dev server to reload app after recompiling ) { // affecter une valeur différente de null provoque l'affichage d'un dialogue de confirmation, mais le texte n'est pas affiché $event.returnValue = "Your data will be lost !"; diff --git a/src/app/app.module.ts b/src/app/app.module.ts index 8509d10d659747afc9c1163d6986006598ee6060..053e0ddcf123ee4a9fb21ea964114beb098f43d5 100644 --- a/src/app/app.module.ts +++ b/src/app/app.module.ts @@ -67,12 +67,13 @@ import { FixedVarResultsComponent } from "./components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar import { SectionResultsComponent } from "./components/section-results/section-results.component"; import { GenericCalculatorComponent } from "./components/generic-calculator/calculator.component"; import { CalculatorNameComponent } from "./components/generic-calculator/calc-name.component"; -import { CalcCanvasComponent } from "./components/canvas/canvas.component"; import { SectionCanvasComponent } from "./components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component"; import { RemousResultsComponent } from "./components/remous-results/remous-results.component"; import { ResultsChartComponent } from "./components/results-chart/results-chart.component"; import { PabResultsComponent } from "./components/pab-results/pab-results.component"; import { PabResultsTableComponent } from "./components/pab-results/pab-results-table.component"; +import { PbResultsComponent } from "./components/pb-results/pb-results.component"; +import { PbResultsTableComponent } from "./components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component"; import { ChartTypeSelectComponent } from "./components/results-chart/chart-type.component"; import { LogComponent } from "./components/log/log.component"; import { CalculatorListComponent } from "./components/calculator-list/calculator-list.component"; @@ -85,6 +86,8 @@ import { ParamLinkComponent } from "./components/param-link/param-link.component import { SelectModelFieldLineComponent } from "./components/select-model-field-line/select-model-field-line.component"; import { PabProfileChartComponent } from "./components/pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart.component"; import { PabTableComponent } from "./components/pab-table/pab-table.component"; +import { PbSchemaComponent } from "./components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component"; +import { PbCloisonResultsComponent } from "./components/pb-results/pb-cloison-results.component"; import { VariableResultsSelectorComponent } from "./components/variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component"; import { QuicknavComponent } from "./components/quicknav/quicknav.component"; import { ModulesDiagramComponent } from "./components/modules-diagram/modules-diagram.component"; @@ -100,9 +103,11 @@ import { DialogEditPabComponent } from "./components/dialog-edit-pab/dialog-edit import { DialogEditParamComputedComponent } from "./components/dialog-edit-param-computed/dialog-edit-param-computed.component"; import { DialogEditParamValuesComponent } from "./components/dialog-edit-param-values/dialog-edit-param-values.component"; import { DialogGeneratePABComponent } from "./components/dialog-generate-pab/dialog-generate-pab.component"; +import { DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent } from "./components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component"; import { DialogLoadSessionComponent } from "./components/dialog-load-session/dialog-load-session.component"; import { DialogLogEntriesDetailsComponent } from "./components/dialog-log-entries-details/dialog-log-entries-details.component"; import { DialogSaveSessionComponent } from "./components/dialog-save-session/dialog-save-session.component"; +import { DialogNewPbCloisonComponent } from "./components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component"; import { JalhydAsyncModelValidationDirective } from "./directives/jalhyd-async-model-validation.directive"; import { @@ -179,7 +184,6 @@ const appRoutes: Routes = [ AppComponent, ApplicationSetupComponent, BaseParamInputComponent, - CalcCanvasComponent, CalculatorListComponent, CalculatorNameComponent, CalculatorResultsComponent, @@ -189,9 +193,11 @@ const appRoutes: Routes = [ DialogEditParamComputedComponent, DialogEditParamValuesComponent, DialogGeneratePABComponent, + DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent, DialogLoadSessionComponent, DialogLogEntriesDetailsComponent, DialogSaveSessionComponent, + DialogNewPbCloisonComponent, FieldSetComponent, FieldsetContainerComponent, FixedResultsComponent, @@ -216,6 +222,10 @@ const appRoutes: Routes = [ PabResultsComponent, PabResultsTableComponent, PabTableComponent, + PbResultsComponent, + PbCloisonResultsComponent, + PbResultsTableComponent, + PbSchemaComponent, VariableResultsSelectorComponent, MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent, MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent, @@ -240,7 +250,9 @@ const appRoutes: Routes = [ DialogEditParamComputedComponent, DialogEditParamValuesComponent, DialogGeneratePABComponent, + DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent, DialogSaveSessionComponent, + DialogNewPbCloisonComponent, DialogLoadSessionComponent, DialogLogEntriesDetailsComponent ], diff --git a/src/app/calculators/cloisons/config.json b/src/app/calculators/cloisons/config.json index bb5e3cd4fed6e1e92b812acb37e8f67bb6154191..e9b9a8c9bb0cdc3948f101da6e12d919de0aa693 100644 --- a/src/app/calculators/cloisons/config.json +++ b/src/app/calculators/cloisons/config.json @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ "Orifice_OrificeSubmerged": "structures/orifice_noye.html", "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "structures/kivi.html", "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "structures/fente_noyee.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "structures/cunge_80.html", + "VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "structures/cunge_80.html", "SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirFree": "structures/dever_triang.html", "SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirBroad": "structures/dever_triang.html", "SeuilTriangulaireTrunc_TriangularTruncWeirFree": "structures/dever_triang_tronque.html" @@ -41,9 +43,11 @@ }, "h1", "L", + "W", "CdWSL", "CdWR", "CdGR", + "CdCunge", "CdT", "S", "alpha2", diff --git a/src/app/calculators/cloisons/en.json b/src/app/calculators/cloisons/en.json index 997eae6e8ef546f4148ae0e473ba235708ac3794..2a41cd7cf134e047a9369211cb88e120b0f95bf6 100644 --- a/src/app/calculators/cloisons/en.json +++ b/src/app/calculators/cloisons/en.json @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "Q": "Total discharge", "P": "Sill", + "W": "Gate opening", "ZR": "Upstream bed elevation", "PB": "Pool mean depth", "h1": "Head", @@ -9,12 +10,16 @@ "select_structure_SeuilTriangulaireTrunc": "Truncated triangular weir", "select_structure_Orifice": "Orifice", "select_structure_SeuilRectangulaire": "Rectangular weir", + "select_structure_VanneRectangulaire": "Rectangular gate", + + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "select_loidebit_Orifice_OrificeSubmerged": "Submerged orifice", "select_loidebit_Orifice_OrificeFree": "Free orifice", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Submerged slot (Larinier 1992)", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "Villemonte 1947", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirFree": "V-notch sharp-crested weir (Villemonte)", "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirBroad": "V-notch broad-crested weir (Bos)", diff --git a/src/app/calculators/cloisons/fr.json b/src/app/calculators/cloisons/fr.json index c7a58c66e63be5e3b06df224610663a2d5f12e9f..bf30fb990e193a7ab9ee85903d74e85db7d313e8 100644 --- a/src/app/calculators/cloisons/fr.json +++ b/src/app/calculators/cloisons/fr.json @@ -1,17 +1,22 @@ { "Q": "Débit total", "P": "Pelle", + "W": "Ouverture de vanne", "select_structure_SeuilTriangulaire": "Seuil triangulaire", "select_structure_SeuilTriangulaireTrunc": "Seuil triangulaire tronqué", "select_structure_Orifice": "Orifice", "select_structure_SeuilRectangulaire": "Seuil rectangulaire", + "select_structure_VanneRectangulaire": "Vanne rectangulaire", + + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "select_loidebit_Orifice_OrificeSubmerged": "Orifice noyé", "select_loidebit_Orifice_OrificeFree": "Orifice dénoyé", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Fente noyée (Larinier 1992)", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "Villemonte 1947", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirFree": "Déversoir triangulaire mince (Villemonte)", "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirBroad": "Déversoir triangulaire épais (Bos)", diff --git a/src/app/calculators/par/config.json b/src/app/calculators/par/config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7acb87971174519e337c64ff5e5dd17aace74a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/par/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +[ + { + "id": "fs_param_hydro", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + "Q", + { + "id": "Z1", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + { + "id": "Z2", + "allowEmpty": true + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fs_geometry", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + { + "type": "select", + "id": "select_par_type", + "property": "parType", + "default": "PLANE" + }, + "ha", + "S", + { + "id": "P", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + "L", + "a", + "N", + "M" + ] + }, + { + "type": "options", + "selectIds": [ "select_par_type" ], + "help": "par/calage.html" + } +] diff --git a/src/app/calculators/par/en.json b/src/app/calculators/par/en.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dea01abe13097116f170ca6856f73f80ec61062d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/par/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "fs_param_hydro": "Hydraulic parameters", + + "Q": "Flow", + "Z1": "Upstream water elevation", + "Z2": "Downstream water elevation", + + "fs_geometry": "Pass geometry", + + "ha": "Upstream head", + "S": "Slope", + "P": "Space between baffles", + "L": "Total width of baffle / pattern (superactive)", + "a": "Height of the pattern / height and thickness of the chevron (chevrons)", + "N": "Number of patterns", + "M": "Number of longitudinal strips", + + "h": "Water level in the pass", + "ZD1": "Upstream spilling elevation", + "qStar": "Dimensionless flow", + "V": "Flow velocity", + "Nb": "Number of baffles", + "ZR1": "Upstream apron elevation", + "ZD2": "Downstream spilling elevation", + "ZR2": "Downstream apron elevation", + "ZM": "Minimal rake height of upstream side walls", + "LPI": "Pass length following the slope", + "LPH": "Pass length in horizontal projection", + "A": "A", + "B": "Internal width of the baffle / channel (chevrons)", + "C": "Height from the base of the baffle to the base of the triangle", + "D": "Height from the base of the baffle to its tipping point", + "H": "Baffle height", + "Hmin": "Minimal baffle height", + "Hmax": "Maximal baffle height", + + "select_par_type": "Type de passe", + "select_par_type_0": "Plane baffles", + "select_par_type_1": "Fatou", + "select_par_type_2": "Superactive", + "select_par_type_3": "Mixed / chevrons", + + "UNIT_ZD1": "m", + "UNIT_S": "m/m", + "UNIT_P": "m", + "UNIT_L": "m", + "UNIT_a": "m", + "UNIT_N": "", + "UNIT_M": "", + + "UNIT_H": "m", + "UNIT_HA": "m", + "UNIT_QSTAR": "m³/s", + "UNIT_V": "m/s", + "UNIT_ZM": "m", + "UNIT_ZR1": "m", + "UNIT_A": "m", + "UNIT_B": "m", + "UNIT_C": "m", + "UNIT_D": "m", + "UNIT_HMIN": "m", + "UNIT_HMAX": "m", + "UNIT_NB": "", + "UNIT_ZD2": "m", + "UNIT_ZR2": "m", + "UNIT_LPI": "m", + "UNIT_LPH": "m" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/app/calculators/par/fr.json b/src/app/calculators/par/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 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en suivant la pente", + "LPH": "Longueur de la passe en projection horizontale", + "A": "A", + "B": "Largeur interne du ralentisseur / du chenal (chevrons)", + "C": "Hauteur de la base du ralentisseur jusqu’à la base du triangle", + "D": "Hauteur de la base du ralentisseur jusqu’à sa pointe déversante", + "H": "Hauteur du ralentisseur", + "Hmin": "Hauteur minimale du ralentisseur", + "Hmax": "Hauteur maximale du ralentisseur", + + "select_par_type": "Type de passe", + "select_par_type_0": "Ralentisseurs plans", + "select_par_type_1": "Fatou", + "select_par_type_2": "Ralentisseurs suractifs", + "select_par_type_3": "Mixte / chevrons", + + "UNIT_ZD1": "m", + "UNIT_S": "m/m", + "UNIT_P": "m", + "UNIT_L": "m", + "UNIT_a": "m", + "UNIT_N": "", + "UNIT_M": "", + + "UNIT_H": "m", + "UNIT_HA": "m", + "UNIT_QSTAR": "m³/s", + "UNIT_V": "m/s", + "UNIT_ZM": "m", + "UNIT_ZR1": "m", + "UNIT_A": "m", + "UNIT_B": "m", + "UNIT_C": "m", + "UNIT_D": "m", + "UNIT_HMIN": "m", + "UNIT_HMAX": "m", + 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"structures/orifice_denoye.html", "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "structures/fente_noyee.html", @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ "CdWSL", "CdWR", "CdGR", + "CdCunge", "CdT", "CdO", "alpha", diff --git a/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/en.json b/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/en.json index 3e2e7fc8e3d5f47755edc09cc68dbcc58ad062d0..9b4431705381ed425ee37be97281ca9c40386aa1 100644 --- a/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/en.json +++ b/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/en.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88d": "Weir/Orifice Cemagref 88", "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88v": "Weir/Undershot gate Cemagref 88", - "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge 80", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeFree": "Free flow gate", "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeSubmerged": "Submerged gate", @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "Villemonte 1957", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirFree": "Free flow weir", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_KIVI": "Kindsvater-Carter and Villemonte", - "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge 80", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "UNIT_Q": "m³/s" } diff --git a/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/fr.json b/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/fr.json index 75c23e0b158ef85ce2be1cdbff4a576206fd8381..e4cf67bfbf17624610fe95049186489bbba52f0d 100644 --- a/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/fr.json +++ b/src/app/calculators/parallelstructure/fr.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88d": "Déversoir/Orifice Cemagref 88", "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88v": "Déversoir/Vanne de fond Cemagref 88", - "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge 80", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeFree": "Vanne dénoyée", "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeSubmerged": "Vanne noyée", @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "Villemonte 1957", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirFree": "Seuil dénoyé", "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_KIVI": "Kindsvater-Carter et Villemonte", - "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge 80", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", "UNIT_Q": "m³/s" } diff --git a/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/config.json b/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2720ea4f46f81c801684a75dd4d9bfe767ce119 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +[ + { + "id": "fs_param_hydro", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + "Q", + "Z1", + { + "id": "Z2", + "allowEmpty": true + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fs_geometry", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + { + "type": "select", + "id": "select_par_type", + "property": "parType", + "default": "PLANE" + }, + "L", + "S", + { + "id": "P", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + { + "id": "Nb", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + { + "id": "ZD1", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + { + "id": "ZR1", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + { + "id": "ZD2", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + { + "id": "ZR2", + "allowEmpty": true + }, + "a", + "N", + "M" + ] + }, + { + "type": "options", + "selectIds": [ "select_par_type" ], + "help": "par/simulation.html" + } +] diff --git a/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/en.json b/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/en.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1872b2949eed2712c4b8c175a05d535498b1f4d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "fs_param_hydro": "Hydraulic parameters", + + "Q": "Flow", + "Z1": "Upstream water elevation", + "Z2": "Downstream water elevation", + + 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height", + "Hmax": "Maximal baffle height", + + "select_par_type": "Type de passe", + "select_par_type_0": "Plane baffles", + "select_par_type_1": "Fatou", + "select_par_type_2": "Superactive", + "select_par_type_3": "Mixed / chevrons", + + "UNIT_ZD1": "m", + "UNIT_S": "m/m", + "UNIT_P": "m", + "UNIT_NB": "", + "UNIT_L": "m", + "UNIT_a": "m", + "UNIT_N": "", + "UNIT_M": "", + + "UNIT_H": "m", + "UNIT_HA": "m", + "UNIT_QSTAR": "m³/s", + "UNIT_V": "m/s", + "UNIT_ZM": "m", + "UNIT_ZR1": "m", + "UNIT_A": "m", + "UNIT_B": "m", + "UNIT_C": "m", + "UNIT_D": "m", + "UNIT_HMIN": "m", + "UNIT_HMAX": "m", + "UNIT_ZD2": "m", + "UNIT_ZR2": "m", + "UNIT_LPI": "m", + "UNIT_LPH": "m" +} diff --git a/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/fr.json b/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b6c772b63a09529d30069c8d352ea3f01ed8919 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/parsimulation/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "fs_param_hydro": "Paramètres hydrauliques", + + "Q": "Débit", + "Z1": "Cote de l'eau amont", + "Z2": "Cote de leau aval", + + "fs_geometry": "Géométrie de la passe", + + "ZD1": "Cote de déversement à l'amont", + "ZR1": "Cote de radier à l'amont", + "ZD2": "Cote de déversement à l'aval", + "ZR2": "Cote de radier à l'aval", + "S": "Pente", + "P": "Espacement entre les ralentisseurs", + "Nb": "Nombre de ralentisseurs", + "L": "Largeur totale du ralentisseur / du motif (suractifs)", + "a": "Hauteur du motif / hauteur et épaisseur du chevron (chevrons)", + "N": "Nombre de motifs", + "M": "Nombre de bandes longitudinales", + + "h": "Hauteur d'eau dans la passe", + "ha": "Charge amont", + "qStar": "Débit adimensionnel", + "V": "Vitesse débitante", + "ZM": "Cote d'arase minimale des murs latéraux à l'amont", + "LPI": "Longueur de la passe en suivant la pente", + "LPH": "Longueur de la passe en projection horizontale", + "A": "A", + "B": "Largeur interne du ralentisseur / du chenal (chevrons)", + "C": "Hauteur de la base du ralentisseur jusqu’à la base du triangle", + "D": "Hauteur de la base du ralentisseur jusqu’à sa pointe déversante", + "H": "Hauteur du ralentisseur", + "Hmin": "Hauteur minimale du ralentisseur", + "Hmax": "Hauteur maximale du ralentisseur", + + "select_par_type": "Type de passe", + "select_par_type_0": "Ralentisseurs plans", + "select_par_type_1": "Fatou", + "select_par_type_2": "Ralentisseurs suractifs", + "select_par_type_3": "Mixte / chevrons", + + "UNIT_ZD1": "m", + "UNIT_S": "m/m", + "UNIT_P": "m", + "UNIT_NB": "", + "UNIT_L": "m", + "UNIT_a": "m", + "UNIT_N": "", + "UNIT_M": "", + + "UNIT_H": "m", + "UNIT_HA": "m", + "UNIT_QSTAR": "m³/s", + "UNIT_V": "m/s", + "UNIT_ZM": "m", + "UNIT_ZR1": "m", + "UNIT_A": "m", + "UNIT_B": "m", + "UNIT_C": "m", + "UNIT_D": "m", + "UNIT_HMIN": "m", + "UNIT_HMAX": "m", + "UNIT_ZD2": "m", + "UNIT_ZR2": "m", + "UNIT_LPI": "m", + "UNIT_LPH": "m" +} diff --git a/src/app/calculators/pbbassin/en.json b/src/app/calculators/pbbassin/en.json 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"select_upstream_basin": "Upstream basin", + "select_downstream_basin": "Downstream basin", + + "select_structure_Orifice": "Orifice", + "select_structure_VanneRectangulaire": "Rectangular gate", + "select_structure_SeuilRectangulaire": "Rectangular weir", + "select_structure_SeuilTriangulaire": "Triangular weir", + "select_structure_SeuilTriangulaireTrunc": "Truncated triangular weir", + + "select_loidebit_Orifice_OrificeSubmerged": "Submerged orifice", + "select_loidebit_Orifice_OrificeFree": "Free orifice", + + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88d": "Weir/Orifice Cemagref 88", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88v": "Weir/Undershot gate Cemagref 88", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "Cunge (1980)", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeFree": "Free flow gate", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeSubmerged": "Submerged gate", + + "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirFree": "V-notch sharp-crested 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(1980)", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeFree": "Vanne dénoyée", + "select_loidebit_VanneRectangulaire_RectangularOrificeSubmerged": "Vanne noyée", + + "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirFree": "Déversoir triangulaire mince (Villemonte)", + "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirBroad": "Déversoir triangulaire épais (Bos)", + + "select_loidebit_SeuilTriangulaireTrunc_TriangularTruncWeirFree": "Déversoir triangulaire tronqué (Villemonte)", + + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCem88d": "Déversoir/Orifice Cemagref 88", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCem88v": "Déversoir/Vanne de fond Cemagref 88", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Fente noyée (Larinier 1992)", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmerged": "Seuil noyé", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "Villemonte 1957", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirFree": "Seuil dénoyé", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_KIVI": "Kindsvater-Carter et Villemonte", + "select_loidebit_SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "Cunge (1980)" +} diff --git a/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/config.json b/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/config.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e68895e291af3cf9940b5503fde58dc46a5c783a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +[ + { + "id": "schema_interactif_pb", + "type": "pb_schema" + }, + { + "id": "subform_river", + "type": "subform", + "config": [ + { + "id": "fs_river_params", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + "Q", + "Z1", + "Z2" + ] + }, + { + "type": "options", + "selectIds": [ ] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "subform_basin", + "type": "subform", + "config": [ + { + "id": "fs_basin_params", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + "S", + "ZF" + ] + }, + { + "type": "options", + "selectIds": [ ] + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "subform_wall", + "type": "subform", + "config": [ + { + "id": "fs_ouvrage", + "type": "fieldset_template", + "calcType": "Structure", + "defaultStructType": "SeuilRectangulaire", + "defaultLoiDebit": "WeirSubmergedLarinier", + "fields": [ + { + "id": "select_structure", + "type": "select", + "property": "structureType", + "source": "device_structure_type" + }, + { + "id": "select_loidebit", + "type": "select", + "property": "loiDebit", + "source": "device_loi_debit", + "help": { + "SeuilRectangulaire_KIVI": "structures/kivi.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirVillemonte": "structures/kivi.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCem88d": "structures/cem_88_d.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCem88v": "structures/cem_88_v.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirCunge80": "structures/cunge_80.html", + "VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88d": "structures/cem_88_d.html", + "VanneRectangulaire_GateCem88v": "structures/cem_88_v.html", + "VanneRectangulaire_GateCunge80": "structures/cunge_80.html", + "Orifice_OrificeSubmerged": "structures/orifice_noye.html", + "Orifice_OrificeFree": "structures/orifice_denoye.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "structures/fente_noyee.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirSubmerged": "structures/seuil_noye.html", + "SeuilRectangulaire_WeirFree": "structures/seuil_denoye.html", + "SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirFree": "structures/dever_triang.html", + "SeuilTriangulaire_TriangularWeirBroad": "structures/dever_triang.html", + "SeuilTriangulaireTrunc_TriangularTruncWeirFree": "structures/dever_triang_tronque.html" + } + }, + { + "id": "S", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "ZDV", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "L", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "W", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdWS", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdWSL", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdWR", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdGR", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdCunge", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdT", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "CdO", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "alpha", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "beta", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "ZRAM", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "alpha2", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "BT", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "ZT", + "calculable": false + }, + { + "id": "Zco", + "calculable": false + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "fs_wall_params", + "type": "fieldset", + "fields": [ + { + "id": "select_upstream_basin", + "type": "select_reference", + "reference": "nub", + "source": "upstream_basin" + }, + { + "id": "select_downstream_basin", + "type": "select_reference", + "reference": "nub", + "source": "downstream_basin" + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "struct_container", + "type": "template_container", + "templates": [ + "fs_ouvrage" + ] + }, + { + "type": "options", + "upstreamBasinSelectId": "select_upstream_basin", + "downstreamBasinSelectId": "select_downstream_basin", + "selectIds": [ "select_structure", "select_loidebit" ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "options", + "selectIds": [ ], + "upstreamSelectId": "select_upstream", + "downstreamSelectId": "select_downstream", + "_help": "prebarrage.html" + } +] diff --git a/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/en.json b/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/en.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fb6bf3da2587bc5a824aeb2337cecda4dacb55e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "fs_river_params": "River parameters", + + "Q": "Flow", + "Z1": "Upstream water elevation", + "Z2": "Downstream water elevation", + + "Z": "Water elevation", + "S": "Surface", + "ZF": "Bottom elevation", + "PV": "Dissipated power", + "YMOY": "Mean depth", + + "UNIT_Q": "m³/s", + "UNIT_S": "m²", + "UNIT_Z": "m", + "UNIT_ZF": "m", + "UNIT_YMOY": "m", + "UNIT_PV": "W/m³" +} diff --git a/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/fr.json b/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/fr.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b3f06d22fed9d55444f5741c2338c9896482d8c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/calculators/prebarrage/fr.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "fs_river_params": "Paramètres de la rivière", + + "Q": "Débit", + "Z1": "Cote de l'eau amont", + "Z2": "Cote de l'eau aval", + + "Z": "Cote de l'eau", + "S": "Surface", + "ZF": "Cote de fond", + "PV": "Puissance dissipée", + "YMOY": "Profondeur moyenne", + + "UNIT_Q": "m³/s", + "UNIT_S": "m²", + "UNIT_Z": "m", + "UNIT_ZF": "m", + "UNIT_YMOY": "m", + "UNIT_PV": "W/m³" +} diff --git a/src/app/components/app-setup/app-setup.component.ts b/src/app/components/app-setup/app-setup.component.ts index 85b0d4512ae6dcdbddd9cd44990c14f9ff3da40d..9e2c917ef0465be0ba4514cc4bb524fbccc4f4c9 100644 --- a/src/app/components/app-setup/app-setup.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/app-setup/app-setup.component.ts @@ -133,12 +133,11 @@ export class ApplicationSetupComponent implements Observer, OnInit { }); } - public restoreDefaultValues() { + public async restoreDefaultValues() { const text = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_SNACKBAR_DEFAULT_SETTINGS_RESTORED"); - this.appSetupService.restoreDefaultValues().then(() => { - this.snackBar.open(text, "OK", { - duration: 2500 - }); + await this.appSetupService.restoreDefaultValues(); + this.snackBar.open(text, "OK", { + duration: 2500 }); } diff --git a/src/app/components/calculator-list/calculator-list.component.ts b/src/app/components/calculator-list/calculator-list.component.ts index f014d75c8e2b0e24febe6038a02b7c53b4f21d7a..81b255b73d9f806a57d2dbce210d5921278f2425 100644 --- a/src/app/components/calculator-list/calculator-list.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/calculator-list/calculator-list.component.ts @@ -87,10 +87,14 @@ export class CalculatorListComponent implements OnInit { for (const t of unusedCalculators) { if ( // those sub-Nub types cannot be built outside a parent - t !== CalculatorType.Structure - && t !== CalculatorType.Section - && t !== CalculatorType.CloisonAval - && t !== CalculatorType.YAXN + ! [ + CalculatorType.Structure, + CalculatorType.Section, + CalculatorType.CloisonAval, + CalculatorType.YAXN, + CalculatorType.PbBassin, + CalculatorType.PbCloison + ].includes(t) ) { unusedTheme.calculators.push({ type: t, @@ -106,53 +110,49 @@ export class CalculatorListComponent implements OnInit { } } - public create(t: CalculatorType) { - const p: Promise<FormulaireDefinition> = ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.createFormulaire(t); - p.then(f => { - this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); - return f; - }).then(f => { - // on ajoute un ouvrage après l'ouverture du module de calcul "ouvrages parallèles" - if (f instanceof FormulaireParallelStructure) { - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { - e.addFromTemplate(0); - break; - } + public async create(t: CalculatorType) { + const f: FormulaireDefinition = await ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.createFormulaire(t); + await this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); + // on ajoute un ouvrage après l'ouverture du module de calcul "ouvrages parallèles" + if (f instanceof FormulaireParallelStructure) { + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + e.addFromTemplate(0); + break; } } - // on ajoute un ouvrage après l'ouverture du module de calcul "passe à bassins" - if (f instanceof FormulairePab) { - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { - e.addFromTemplate(0); - break; - } + } + // on ajoute un ouvrage après l'ouverture du module de calcul "passe à bassins" + if (f instanceof FormulairePab) { + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + e.addFromTemplate(0); + break; } } - // adding GUI for default apron, in MacroRugoCompound - if (f instanceof FormulaireMacrorugoCompound) { - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { - e.addFromTemplate(0, 0, f.currentNub.getChildren()[0]); - break; - } + } + // adding GUI for default apron, in MacroRugoCompound + if (f instanceof FormulaireMacrorugoCompound) { + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + e.addFromTemplate(0, 0, f.currentNub.getChildren()[0]); + break; } } - // on ajoute un YAXN après l'ouverture du module de calcul "somme / produit de puissances" - if (f instanceof FormulaireSPP) { - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { - e.addFromTemplate(0); - break; - } + } + // on ajoute un YAXN après l'ouverture du module de calcul "somme / produit de puissances" + if (f instanceof FormulaireSPP) { + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + e.addFromTemplate(0); + break; } } + } - if (this.appSetupService.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit) { - f.emptyFields(); - } - }); + if (this.appSetupService.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit) { + f.emptyFields(); + } } public get nbOpenCalculators() { @@ -191,18 +191,23 @@ export class CalculatorListComponent implements OnInit { { label: this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PERR"), path: "perr.json" + }, + { + label: this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PB"), + path: "prebarrage.json" } ]; } - public loadExample(path: string) { + public async loadExample(path: string) { const realPath = "app/examples/" + path; - this.httpService.httpGetBlobRequestPromise(realPath).then((d) => { + try { + const d = await this.httpService.httpGetBlobRequestPromise(realPath); const f: any = new Blob([d], { type: "application/json" }); this.appComponent.loadSessionFile(f); - }).catch((e) => { + } catch (e) { console.error("could not load session file", e); - }); + } } public get uitextWelcomeTitle() { diff --git a/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.html b/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.html index e15f90423460d877543169dc7b5081eb4446e809..bc3ccaa7b5a0f2a6c1b19a722022a4d8a33b88e9 100644 --- a/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.html @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ <div> - <section-results></section-results> - <remous-results></remous-results> - <pab-results></pab-results> - <macrorugo-compound-results></macrorugo-compound-results> - <jet-results></jet-results> - <fixedvar-results></fixedvar-results> + <section-results *ngIf="isSP" [results]=formResultsArray></section-results> + <remous-results *ngIf="isRemous" [results]=formResultsArray></remous-results> + <pab-results *ngIf="isPAB" [results]=formResultsArray></pab-results> + <pb-results *ngIf="isPB" [results]=formResultsArray></pb-results> + <macrorugo-compound-results *ngIf="isMRC" [results]=formResultsArray></macrorugo-compound-results> + <jet-results *ngIf="isJet" [results]=formResultsArray></jet-results> + <fixedvar-results *ngIf="! isJet" [results]=formResultsArray></fixedvar-results> </div> diff --git a/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.ts index 133296818a2482eb22bfc51a1d02da28a7601fa9..41a6e20d10524336b4e7417223692336f2b7eaf6 100644 --- a/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/calculator-results/calculator-results.component.ts @@ -1,12 +1,7 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, Output, EventEmitter, AfterViewChecked, Inject, forwardRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, Output, EventEmitter, AfterViewChecked, Inject, forwardRef } from "@angular/core"; -import { FixedVarResultsComponent } from "../../components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component"; -import { SectionResultsComponent } from "../../components/section-results/section-results.component"; -import { RemousResultsComponent } from "../../components/remous-results/remous-results.component"; -import { PabResultsComponent } from "../../components/pab-results/pab-results.component"; -import { MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent } from "../macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component"; import { FormulaireDefinition } from "../../formulaire/definition/form-definition"; -import { JetResultsComponent } from "../jet-results/jet-results.component"; +import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; import { GenericCalculatorComponent } from "../generic-calculator/calculator.component"; @Component({ @@ -17,45 +12,7 @@ export class CalculatorResultsComponent implements AfterViewChecked { private _formulaire: FormulaireDefinition; - /** - * composant d'affichage des résultats de paramètres fixés/variables - */ - @ViewChild(FixedVarResultsComponent, { static: true }) - private fixedVarResultsComponent: FixedVarResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant d'affichage des résultats des sections paramétrées - */ - @ViewChild(SectionResultsComponent, { static: true }) - private sectionResultsComponent: SectionResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant d'affichage des résultats des courbes de remous - */ - @ViewChild(RemousResultsComponent, { static: true }) - private remousResultsComponent: RemousResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant d'affichage des résultats des passes à bassins - */ - @ViewChild(PabResultsComponent, { static: true }) - private pabResultsComponent: PabResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant d'affichage des résultats des passes à macrorugosités complexes - */ - @ViewChild(MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent, { static: true }) - private mrcResultsComponent: MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant d'affichage des résultats des impacts de jet - */ - @ViewChild(JetResultsComponent, { static: true }) - private jetResultsComponent: JetResultsComponent; - - /** - * événement émis à la fin du dessin de la vue - */ + /** notify CalculatorComponent that it may scroll down to results panel */ @Output() private afterViewChecked = new EventEmitter(); @@ -63,45 +20,45 @@ export class CalculatorResultsComponent implements AfterViewChecked { @Inject(forwardRef(() => GenericCalculatorComponent)) private calculatorComponent: GenericCalculatorComponent ) { } + // @TODO @Input() ? public set formulaire(f: FormulaireDefinition) { this._formulaire = f; - if (this._formulaire === undefined) { - this.fixedVarResultsComponent.results = undefined; - this.sectionResultsComponent.results = undefined; - this.remousResultsComponent.results = undefined; - this.pabResultsComponent.results = undefined; - this.mrcResultsComponent.results = undefined; - this.jetResultsComponent.results = undefined; - } else { - this.sectionResultsComponent.results = f.results; - this.remousResultsComponent.results = f.results; - this.pabResultsComponent.results = f.results; - this.mrcResultsComponent.results = f.results; - // FixedVar and Jet are mutually incompatible (the 2nd extend the 1st) - if (this.isJet) { - this.jetResultsComponent.results = f.results; - this.fixedVarResultsComponent.results = undefined; - } else { - this.fixedVarResultsComponent.results = f.results; - this.jetResultsComponent.results = undefined; - } - } } - public updateView() { - this.fixedVarResultsComponent.updateView(); - this.sectionResultsComponent.updateView(); - this.remousResultsComponent.updateView(); - this.pabResultsComponent.updateView(); - this.mrcResultsComponent.updateView(); - this.jetResultsComponent.updateView(); + public get formResultsArray(): CalculatorResults[] { + let r: CalculatorResults[] = []; + if (this._formulaire !== undefined) { + r = this._formulaire.results; + } + return r; } public ngAfterViewChecked() { this.afterViewChecked.emit(); } + public get isSP() { + return this.calculatorComponent.isSP; + } + + public get isRemous() { + return this.calculatorComponent.isRemous; + } + + public get isPAB() { + return this.calculatorComponent.isPAB; + } + + public get isPB() { + return this.calculatorComponent.isPB; + } + + public get isMRC() { + return this.calculatorComponent.isMRC; + } + public get isJet() { return this.calculatorComponent.isJet; } + } diff --git a/src/app/components/canvas/canvas.component.ts b/src/app/components/canvas/canvas.component.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 2035e886e543b1b0846c3e043fd0464a1c902f01..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/src/app/components/canvas/canvas.component.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -import { Component, Input, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core"; - -@Component({ - selector: "calc-canvas", - template: `<canvas #canvas - [attr.width]="width" - [attr.height]="height"> - </canvas> - ` -}) -export class CalcCanvasComponent implements AfterViewInit { - - public get width(): number { - return this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.width; - } - - @Input() - public set width(w: number) { - this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.width = w; - } - - public get height(): number { - return this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.height; - } - - @Input() - public set height(h: number) { - this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.height = h; - } - - private _context2d: CanvasRenderingContext2D; - - @ViewChild("canvas", { static: true }) - private _calcCanvas: ElementRef; - - ngAfterViewInit() { // wait for the view to init before using the element - this._context2d = this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.getContext("2d"); - } - - public clear() { - if (this._context2d) { - this._context2d.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); - } - } - - public setStrokeColor(r: number, g: number, b: number) { - const col: string = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; - this._context2d.strokeStyle = col; - } - - public setFillColor(r: number, g: number, b: number) { - const col: string = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; - this._context2d.fillStyle = col; - } - - public setFont(f: string) { - this._context2d.font = f; - } - - public fillText(s: string, x: number, y: number, align?: any) { - if (align) { - this._context2d.textAlign = align; - } - this._context2d.fillText(s, x, y); - } - - public setLineWidth(w: number) { - this._context2d.lineWidth = w; - } - - public setLineDash(d: number[]) { - this._context2d.setLineDash(d); - } - - public resetLineDash() { - this._context2d.setLineDash([]); - } - - public drawRect(x1: number, y1: number, w: number, h: number) { - this._context2d.strokeRect(x1, y1, w, h); - } - - public drawLine(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) { - this._context2d.beginPath(); - this._context2d.moveTo(x1, y1); - this._context2d.lineTo(x2, y2); - this._context2d.stroke(); - } - - /** - * - * @param x The x axis of the coordinate for the ellipse's center. - * @param y The y axis of the coordinate for the ellipse's center. - * @param radiusX The ellipse's major-axis radius. - * @param radiusY The ellipse's minor-axis radius. - * @param rotation The rotation for this ellipse, expressed in radians - * @param startAngle The starting point, measured from the x axis, from which it will be drawn, expressed in radians - * @param endAngle The end ellipse's angle to which it will be drawn, expressed in radians - */ - public drawEllipse(x: number, y: number, radiusX: number, radiusY: number, rotation: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number) { - this._context2d.beginPath(); - this._context2d.ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle); - this._context2d.stroke(); - } - - public get context2d(): CanvasRenderingContext2D { - return this._context2d; - } -} diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-edit-param-values/dialog-edit-param-values.component.ts b/src/app/components/dialog-edit-param-values/dialog-edit-param-values.component.ts index 7da1e632c09e9dcb65956a268df582f92131a3a1..3c419f000945cd25d2e946e2d8518ad516727484 100644 --- a/src/app/components/dialog-edit-param-values/dialog-edit-param-values.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-edit-param-values/dialog-edit-param-values.component.ts @@ -215,7 +215,10 @@ export class DialogEditParamValuesComponent implements OnInit { if (this.param.paramDefinition.step === 0) { return 0; } else { - return Math.max(0, Math.ceil((this.param.paramDefinition.max - this.param.paramDefinition.min) / this.param.paramDefinition.step) + 1); + return Math.max( + 0, + Math.ceil((this.param.paramDefinition.max - this.param.paramDefinition.min) / this.param.paramDefinition.step) + 1 + ); } } catch (e) { // min > max or something, silent fail diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.html b/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f42734c8ba1676103d58b21cb70f5c59d028367 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<h1 mat-dialog-title [innerHTML]="uitextGeneratePARSimulation"></h1> + +<form id="form-generate-par-simulation"> + + <div mat-dialog-content> + <div id="generate-par-sim-desc"> + {{ uitextDescription }} + </div> + <mat-form-field> + <mat-select id="select-combination" [placeholder]="label" [(value)]="selectedValue"> + <mat-option *ngFor="let e of entries" [value]="e" [title]="entryLabel(e)"> + {{ entryLabel(e) }} + </mat-option> + </mat-select> + </mat-form-field> + </div> + + <div mat-dialog-actions [attr.align]="'end'"> + <button mat-raised-button color="primary" [mat-dialog-close]="false" cdkFocusInitial> + {{ uitextCancel }} + </button> + <button mat-raised-button type="submit" color="warn" (click)="generatePARSimulation()" id="do-generate" + [disabled]=""> + {{ uitextGenerate }} + </button> + </div> + +</form> diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.scss b/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6fc6108653aeea19fa6a67d5741c50a28d4ad0ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#form-generate-par-simulation { + max-width: 500px; +} + +mat-form-field { + width: 100%; +} + +#generate-par-sim-desc { + margin-bottom: 1em; +} diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.ts b/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7fcdeff8c273a49e605438509699745f595e8a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from "@angular/material/dialog"; +import { Inject, Component } from "@angular/core"; + +import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; +import { MultiDimensionResults } from "../../results/multidimension-results"; +import { longestVarParam, fv } from "../../util"; + +@Component({ + selector: "dialog-generate-par-simulation", + templateUrl: "dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.html", + styleUrls: ["dialog-generate-par-simulation.component.scss"] +}) +export class DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent { + + public selectedValue: number; + + /** résultats de la ParCalage */ + private _results: MultiDimensionResults; + + /** size of the longest variable value */ + private size = 0; + + /** inferred extended values list for each variating parameter */ + private varValues = []; + + constructor( + public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent>, + private intlService: I18nService, + @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any + ) { + this._results = data.results; + this.selectedValue = 0; + + if (this._results) { + // pre-extract variable parameters values + this.varValues = []; + // find longest list + const lvp = longestVarParam(this._results.variatedParameters); + this.size = lvp.size; + // get extended values lists for each variable parameter + for (const v of this._results.variatedParameters) { + const vv = []; + const iter = v.param.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); + while (iter.hasNext) { + const nv = iter.next(); + vv.push(fv(nv.value)); + } + this.varValues.push(vv); + } + } + } + + public generatePARSimulation() { + this.dialogRef.close({ + generate: true, + selected: this.selectedValue, + size: this.size + }); + } + + public get uitextDescription() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_DIALOG_PARSIM_DESC"); + } + + public get uitextGeneratePARSimulation() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAR_SIMULATION"); + } + + public get uitextGenerate() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_OPTION_GENERATE"); + } + + public get uitextCancel() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_OPTION_CANCEL"); + } + + public get entries(): number[] { + const ret: number[] = []; + for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) { + ret.push(i); + } + return ret; + } + + protected entryLabel(index: number): string { + const kv = []; + for (let i = 0; i < this.varValues.length; i++) { + const vv = this.varValues[i]; + const vp = this._results.variatedParameters[i]; + let symbol = vp.param.symbol; + // is vp a parameter of a child Nub ? + if ( + vp.param.parentNub + && vp.param.parentNub !== vp.param.originNub + ) { + const pos = vp.param.parentNub.findPositionInParent() + 1; + symbol = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_RADIER_N_COURT") + pos + "_" + symbol; + } + kv.push(`${symbol} = ${vv[index]}`); + } + return kv.join(", "); + } + + public get label() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_PARAMFIELD_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS"); + } + +} diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-load-session/dialog-load-session.component.ts b/src/app/components/dialog-load-session/dialog-load-session.component.ts index a8f7aa8170bd9f4921dd8a0dcde1a70e79dde4a4..3f1af0f0df08a5c5c4e56c282e2baa347b5ecb58 100644 --- a/src/app/components/dialog-load-session/dialog-load-session.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-load-session/dialog-load-session.component.ts @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ export class DialogLoadSessionComponent { this.checkLinkedParamsAndModelsDependencies(); } - public onFileSelected(event: any) { + public async onFileSelected(event: any) { if (event.target.files && event.target.files.length) { this.file = event.target.files[0]; // reinit file infos @@ -149,23 +149,22 @@ export class DialogLoadSessionComponent { this.loadingComplete = false; const formService = ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService; - formService.calculatorInfosFromSessionFile(this.file).then( - calcInfos => { - this.fileFormatVersion = calcInfos.formatVersion; - this.calculators = calcInfos.nubs; - for (const n of this.calculators) { - n.selected = true; - // if no title was given, generate a default one - if (! n.title) { - n.title = decode(formService.getLocalisedShortTitleFromCalculatorType(n.type)); - } + try { + const calcInfos: any = await formService.calculatorInfosFromSessionFile(this.file); + this.fileFormatVersion = calcInfos.formatVersion; + this.calculators = calcInfos.nubs; + for (const n of this.calculators) { + n.selected = true; + // if no title was given, generate a default one + if (! n.title) { + n.title = decode(formService.getLocalisedShortTitleFromCalculatorType(n.type)); } - this.loadingComplete = true; } - ).catch((err) => { + this.loadingComplete = true; + } catch (err) { console.error(err); this.loadingError = true; - }); + } } } diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.html b/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6587c7730d3cf912b851df5f0e55f237fd3bb87 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +<h1 mat-dialog-title>{{ uitextSelectBasins }}</h1> + +<form> + <mat-form-field> + <mat-select [placeholder]="uiTextUpstreambasin" [(value)]="upstreamIndex" required> + <mat-option *ngFor="let b of availableUpstreamIndexes" [value]="b" [disabled]="! basinIsSelectable(b, false)"> + {{ basinDescription(b, uitextRiverUpstream) }} + </mat-option> + </mat-select> + </mat-form-field> + + <mat-form-field> + <mat-select [placeholder]="uiTextDownstreambasin" [(value)]="downstreamIndex" required> + <mat-option *ngFor="let b of availableDownstreamIndexes" [value]="b" [disabled]="! basinIsSelectable(b, true)"> + {{ basinDescription(b, uitextRiverDownstream) }} + </mat-option> + </mat-select> + </mat-form-field> + + <div mat-dialog-actions [attr.align]="'end'"> + <button mat-raised-button color="primary" [mat-dialog-close]="true" cdkFocusInitial> + {{ uitextCancel }} + </button> + <button mat-raised-button color="warn" (click)="onValidate()" [disabled]="! enableValidate"> + {{ uitextValidate }} + </button> + </div> +</form> diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.scss b/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc080522ee974e20200905fc9ed90970fd2c1fee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +mat-form-field { + display: block; + margin-top: 0.5em; +} diff --git a/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.ts b/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a249ca8149f3b335e8acfc01ef0d9178a54ffd44 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +import { MatDialogRef, MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from "@angular/material/dialog"; +import { Inject, Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; + +import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; + +import { PbBassin } from "jalhyd"; + +@Component({ + selector: "dialog-new-pb-cloison", + templateUrl: "dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.html", + styleUrls: ["dialog-new-pb-cloison.component.scss"] +}) +export class DialogNewPbCloisonComponent implements OnInit { + + /** the selected upstream basin */ + public upstreamIndex: number; + + /** the selected downstream basin */ + public downstreamIndex: number; + + /** list of connectable basins, plus reiver upstream / downstrem */ + protected availableBasins: PbBassin[]; + + constructor( + public dialogRef: MatDialogRef<DialogNewPbCloisonComponent>, + private i18nService: I18nService, + @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any + ) { + this.availableBasins = data.basins; + this.upstreamIndex = 0; + this.downstreamIndex = 0; + } + + public get availableUpstreamIndexes(): number[] { + // add river upstream as "0" + const ab: number[] = [ 0 ]; + for (let i = 0; i < this.availableBasins.length; i++) { + ab.push(i + 1); + } + return ab; + } + + public get availableDownstreamIndexes(): number[] { + const ab: number[] = [ ]; + for (let i = 0; i < this.availableBasins.length; i++) { + ab.push(i + 1); + } + // add river downstream as "0" + ab.push(0); + return ab; + } + + /** + * Returns true if a basin is selectable in the possible upstream basins list, + * considering which downstream basin is currently selected + * @param index index of basin + * @param downstream if true, inverts the test + */ + public basinIsSelectable(index: number, downstream: boolean = false): boolean { + if (downstream) { + return (this.upstreamIndex === 0 || index > this.upstreamIndex); + } else { + return (this.downstreamIndex === 0 || index < this.downstreamIndex); + } + } + + public basinDescription(i: number, fallback: string): string { + if (i === 0) { + return fallback; + } else { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_BASSIN_N") + i; + } + } + + // @TODO redundant with lists filtering, useless + public get enableValidate(): boolean { + return ( + this.upstreamIndex !== this.downstreamIndex + || this.upstreamIndex === 0 // river upstream to river downstream direct connection is allowed + ); + } + + public onValidate(close = true) { + if (close) { + this.dialogRef.close({ + up: this.upstreamIndex, + down: this.downstreamIndex, + }); + } + return true; + } + + public ngOnInit() { + // this.initVariableValues(); + } + + public get uitextSelectBasins(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_SELECT_BASINS"); + } + + public get uiTextUpstreambasin(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_UP_BASIN"); + } + + public get uiTextDownstreambasin(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_DOWN_BASIN"); + } + + public get uitextRiverUpstream(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_AMONT"); + } + + public get uitextRiverDownstream(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_AVAL"); + } + + public get uitextValidate() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_OPTION_VALIDATE"); + } + + public get uitextCancel() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_OPTION_CANCEL"); + } +} diff --git a/src/app/components/fieldset-container/fieldset-container.component.ts b/src/app/components/fieldset-container/fieldset-container.component.ts index 65bdb84ebfe9ffb7d4d42053cfd5f58e5ca3ab67..45b87262e5329b8039177d1b4a22fe2014f720b5 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fieldset-container/fieldset-container.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/fieldset-container/fieldset-container.component.ts @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export class FieldsetContainerComponent implements DoCheck, AfterViewInit { private updateValidity() { this._isValid = false; - if (this._fieldsetComponents !== undefined && this._fieldsetComponents.length > 0) { + if (this._fieldsetComponents?.length > 0) { this._isValid = this._fieldsetComponents.reduce( // callback ( diff --git a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.html b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.html index 723677e79fb13a4e5c7fa563f1e70426865ec8bc..8971e115c6bbe80c36bae71c11246022e8e12734 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.html @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ <div class="fixed-results-container" *ngIf="hasFixedParameters"> - <div class="fixed-results-buttons"> <button mat-icon-button (click)="exportAsSpreadsheet()" [title]="uitextExportAsSpreadsheet"> <mat-icon color="primary">file_download</mat-icon> </button> </div> - <!-- table des résultats fixés --> <div class="fixed-results-inner-container" #tableContainer> <table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSet" [trackBy]="tbIndex"> diff --git a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.ts index 3c7c350becf4d51e9b198dcf0af696289dd392ef..ccd3040d25eef7298c5a2faa3dff255dc7938498 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.ts @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input } from "@angular/core"; import { FixedResults } from "../../results/fixed-results"; -import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; -import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; import { FormulaireService } from "../../services/formulaire.service"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "./results.component"; import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; +import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; -import { capitalize } from "jalhyd"; +import { capitalize, Result, ResultElement } from "jalhyd"; import { sprintf } from "sprintf-js"; @@ -20,8 +19,9 @@ import { sprintf } from "sprintf-js"; ] }) export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { + /** résultats non mis en forme */ - private _fixedResults: FixedResults; + protected _fixedResults: FixedResults; @ViewChild("tableContainer") table: ElementRef; @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { super(); } + @Input() public set results(r: FixedResults) { this._fixedResults = r; } @@ -63,10 +64,6 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { return this._fixedResults && this._fixedResults.fixedParameters.length > 0; } - public formattedLabel(p: NgParameter): string { - return CalculatorResults.paramLabel(p, false); - } - /** * Returns a set of parameters and results for mat-table */ @@ -107,7 +104,7 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { label += this._fixedResults.getHelpLink(symbol); data.push({ label: label, - value: this.formattedValue(fp), + value: this.getFixedParamValue(fp), isCalcResult: false // for CSS }); } @@ -118,23 +115,23 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { if ( res && res.resultElements.length > 0 - && res.resultElement - && res.resultElement.count() > 0 + && this.getResultElement(res) + && this.getResultElement(res).count() > 0 ) { const sn = this._fixedResults.result.sourceNub; let found = false; // 2.1 all results - for (const k of res.resultElement.keys) { + for (const k of this.getResultElement(res).keys) { if (k === symbol) { found = true; - const er: number = res.resultElement.getValue(k); + const er: number = this.getResultElement(res).getValue(k); // calculator type for translation let ct = sn.calcType; if (sn.parent) { ct = sn.parent.calcType; } - let unit; + let unit: string; // is k the calculated parameter ? If so, extract its unit try { const p = res.sourceNub.getParameter(k); @@ -156,9 +153,9 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { if (! found) { for (const c of sn.getChildren()) { if (c.result) { - for (const k of c.result.resultElement.keys) { + for (const k of this.getResultElement(c.result).keys) { if (k === symbol) { - const er: number = c.result.resultElement.getValue(k); + const er: number = this.getResultElement(c.result).getValue(k); // calculator type for translation let ct = sn.calcType; if (sn.parent) { @@ -197,7 +194,6 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { // add child type and position before label if (nub && nub.parent && nub.parent.childrenType) { const pos = nub.findPositionInParent(); - // label = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_OUVRAGE") + " n°" + (pos + 1) + ": " + label; const cn = capitalize(this.intlService.childName(nub.parent)); label = sprintf(this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_STUFF_N"), cn) + (pos + 1) + ": " + label; @@ -205,7 +201,7 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { label += this._fixedResults.getHelpLink(fp.symbol); data.push({ label: label, - value: this.formattedValue(fp), + value: this.getFixedParamValue(fp), isCalcResult: false // for CSS }); } @@ -214,20 +210,20 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { if ( res && res.resultElements.length > 0 - && res.resultElement - && res.resultElement.count() > 0 + && this.getResultElement(res) + && this.getResultElement(res).count() > 0 ) { const sn = this._fixedResults.result.sourceNub; // 2.1 all results - for (const k of res.resultElement.keys) { - const er: number = res.resultElement.getValue(k); + for (const k of this.getResultElement(res).keys) { + const er: number = this.getResultElement(res).getValue(k); // calculator type for translation let ct = sn.calcType; if (sn.parent) { ct = sn.parent.calcType; } - let unit; + let unit: string; // is k the calculated parameter ? If so, extract its unit try { const p = res.sourceNub.getParameter(k); @@ -247,8 +243,8 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { // 2.2. children results for (const c of sn.getChildren()) { if (c.result) { - for (const k of c.result.resultElement.keys) { - const er: number = c.result.resultElement.getValue(k); + for (const k of this.getResultElement(c.result).keys) { + const er: number = this.getResultElement(c.result).getValue(k); // calculator type for translation let ct = sn.calcType; if (sn.parent) { @@ -271,6 +267,22 @@ export class FixedResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { return data; } + /** + * Retourne la valeur du paramètre fixe; redéfini + * dans PbCloisonResultsComponent notamment + */ + protected getFixedParamValue(fp: NgParameter): string { + return this.formattedValue(fp); + } + + /** + * Retourne l'élément de résultat en cours pour le résultat donné; + * redéfini dans PbCloisonResultsComponent notamment + */ + protected getResultElement(r: Result): ResultElement { + return r.resultElement; + } + public exportAsSpreadsheet() { AppComponent.exportAsSpreadsheet(this.table.nativeElement, true); } diff --git a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.html b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.html index 7676b026859cc72cbef157cf5b94edaa9a57d1d4..271a255087c96d893af18ff4988ba741125d3e68 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ <div class="container"> <!-- journal --> - <log></log> + <log [log]=mergedGlobalLogs></log> - <results-chart [hidden]="! showVarResultsChart"></results-chart> + <results-chart [hidden]="! showVarResultsChart" [results]=varResults [resultData]=varResults?.result></results-chart> <div> <!-- table des résultats fixés --> diff --git a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.ts index 84d2cda255813c5d5c3e4a76b7938931af3c525f..d93bcc55c48d40acd98a23d556a7ce1b8a838c69 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component.ts @@ -1,14 +1,9 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, DoCheck } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core"; -import { LogComponent } from "../../components/log/log.component"; import { FixedResults } from "../../results/fixed-results"; import { VarResults } from "../../results/var-results"; -import { ResultsChartComponent } from "../results-chart/results-chart.component"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; import { Result, cLog } from "jalhyd"; -import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; -import { FixedResultsComponent } from "./fixed-results.component"; -import { VarResultsComponent } from "./var-results.component"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "./results.component"; @Component({ @@ -18,36 +13,14 @@ import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "./results.component"; "./fixedvar-results.component.scss" ] }) -export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements DoCheck { +export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { /** * résultats non mis en forme */ protected _fixedResults: FixedResults; protected _varResults: VarResults; - /** - * true si les résultats doiventt être remis à jour - */ - protected _doUpdate = false; - - @ViewChild(FixedResultsComponent) - private fixedResultsComponent: FixedResultsComponent; - - @ViewChild(VarResultsComponent) - private varResultsComponent: VarResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant journal - */ - @ViewChild(LogComponent) - private logComponent: LogComponent; - - /** - * graphique dans le cas d'un paramètre à varier - */ - @ViewChild(ResultsChartComponent) - private resultsChartComponent: ResultsChartComponent; - + @Input() public set results(rs: CalculatorResults[]) { this._fixedResults = undefined; this._varResults = undefined; @@ -60,40 +33,6 @@ export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implemen } } } - this.updateView(); - } - - public updateView() { - if (this.logComponent) { - this.logComponent.log = undefined; - } - if (this.fixedResultsComponent) { - this.fixedResultsComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.varResultsComponent) { - this.varResultsComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.resultsChartComponent) { - this.resultsChartComponent.results = undefined; - } - - // set _doUpdate flag so that results are rebuilt on the next Angular display cycle - this._doUpdate = false; - if (this._fixedResults !== undefined) { - this._doUpdate = this._fixedResults.hasResults || this._fixedResults.hasLog; - } - if (this._varResults !== undefined) { - this._doUpdate = this._doUpdate || this._varResults.hasResults || this._varResults.hasLog; - } - } - - public ngDoCheck() { - if (this._doUpdate) { - // clodo trick @see nghyd#308 - setTimeout(() => { - this._doUpdate = !this.updateResults(); - }, 10); - } } private mergeLog(result: Result, log: cLog) { @@ -106,7 +45,7 @@ export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implemen } } - private get mergedGlobalLogs(): cLog { + public get mergedGlobalLogs(): cLog { const res = new cLog(); if (this._fixedResults) { this.mergeLog(this._fixedResults.result, res); @@ -117,42 +56,6 @@ export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implemen return res; } - /** - * met à jour l'affichage des résultats - * @returns true si les résultats ont pu être mis à jour - */ - protected updateResults() { - const fixedUpdated = this._fixedResults !== undefined && this.fixedResultsComponent !== undefined; - if (fixedUpdated) { - this.fixedResultsComponent.results = this._fixedResults; - } - - let graphUpdated: boolean; - let varUpdated: boolean; - if (this._varResults && this._varResults.hasResults) { - varUpdated = this.varResultsComponent !== undefined; - if (varUpdated) { - this.varResultsComponent.results = this._varResults; - } - - graphUpdated = this.resultsChartComponent !== undefined; - if (graphUpdated) { - this.resultsChartComponent.results = this._varResults; - this.resultsChartComponent.updateView(); - } - } else { - varUpdated = true; - graphUpdated = true; - } - - const logUpdated = this.logComponent !== undefined; - if (logUpdated) { - this.logComponent.log = this.mergedGlobalLogs; - } - - return fixedUpdated && varUpdated && logUpdated && graphUpdated; - } - /** * affichage de la table des résultats fixés */ @@ -171,7 +74,7 @@ export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implemen * affichage du graphique des résultats variés */ public get showVarResultsChart(): boolean { - return this._varResults && this._varResults.hasPlottableResults; + return this._varResults && this._varResults.hasPlottableResults(); } public getFixedResultClass(i: number) { @@ -187,15 +90,11 @@ export class FixedVarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implemen return this._fixedResults; } - public formattedLabel(p: NgParameter): string { - return CalculatorResults.paramLabel(p, false); - } - public get varResults() { return this._varResults; } public get hasResults(): boolean { - return this._fixedResults !== undefined && this._fixedResults.hasResults; + return this._fixedResults?.hasResults; } } diff --git a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/results.component.ts b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/results.component.ts index e1829e929bf3b587e1d41e3859b592e12931034a..aa3ce1e25765232407df79655c6f67ba3e008002 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/results.component.ts @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import { Screenfull } from "screenfull"; // @see https://github.com/sindresorhus import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; import { ServiceFactory } from "../../services/service-factory"; import { fv } from "../../util"; +import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; + import { Directive } from "@angular/core"; /** @@ -27,21 +29,19 @@ export class ResultsComponentDirective { } } - public setFullscreen(element): Promise<void> { + public async setFullscreen(element): Promise<void> { const sf = <Screenfull>screenfull; if (sf.isEnabled) { - return sf.request(element).then(() => { - this.fullscreenChange(true); - }); + await sf.request(element); + this.fullscreenChange(true); } } - public exitFullscreen(): Promise<void> { + public async exitFullscreen(): Promise<void> { const sf = <Screenfull>screenfull; if (sf.isEnabled) { - return sf.exit().then(() => { - this.fullscreenChange(false); - }); + await sf.exit(); + this.fullscreenChange(false); } } @@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ export class ResultsComponentDirective { ]; } + public formattedLabel(p: NgParameter): string { + return CalculatorResults.paramLabel(p, false); + } + /** * Formats (rounds) the given number (or the value of the given parameter) with the * number of decimals specified in app preferences; if given number is too low and diff --git a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/var-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/var-results.component.ts index b5a66d7742b80b81043d9c725441be162ccaeed1..7493401d2776c1760fbe9c616232aa62ceefecea 100644 --- a/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/var-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/fixedvar-results/var-results.component.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input } from "@angular/core"; import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog"; @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "./results.component"; import { DialogLogEntriesDetailsComponent } from "../dialog-log-entries-details/dialog-log-entries-details.component"; import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; -import { longestVarNgParam } from "../../../app/util"; +import { longestVarParam } from "../../../app/util"; @Component({ selector: "var-results", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export class VarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { } /** Refreshes results and builds the dataset */ + @Input() public set results(r: VarResults) { this._varResults = r; this._results = []; @@ -68,12 +69,12 @@ export class VarResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { // C. pre-extract variable parameters values const varValues = []; // find longest list - const lvp = longestVarNgParam(this._varResults.variatedParameters); + const lvp = longestVarParam(this._varResults.variatedParameters); this.size = lvp.size; // get extended values lists for each variable parameter for (const v of this._varResults.variatedParameters) { const vv = []; - const iter = v.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); + const iter = v.param.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); while (iter.hasNext) { const nv = iter.next(); vv.push(this.formattedValue(nv.value)); diff --git a/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.html b/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.html index aacbb2d19d9ca88faf903de2ce91232d640d2ee7..ceb091d1417f0fe93a20801e67222ba2cfac5c71 100644 --- a/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.html @@ -38,7 +38,18 @@ </mat-card-header> - <quicknav [fxHide.gt-sm]="! isWide" [items]="quicknavItems" [currentItem]="'input'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> + <quicknav *ngIf="! isPB" [fxHide.gt-sm]="! isWide" [items]="quicknavItems" [currentItem]="'input'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> + + <div *ngIf="isPB" class="fake-quicknav" id="pb-data-results-selector"> + <div class="drs-row"> + <div class="drs-item" [class.current]="showPBInputData"> + <a (click)="showPBInputData = true;">{{ uitextInputData }}</a> + </div> + <div class="drs-item" [class.current]="! showPBInputData"> + <a (click)="showPBInputData = false;">{{ uitextResults }}</a> + </div> + </div> + </div> <form> @@ -58,21 +69,69 @@ [fxFlex.lt-md]="isWide ? '1 0 auto' : '1 0 500px'" [fxFlex.lt-sm]="isWide ? '1 0 auto' : '1 0 300px'"> - <ng-template ngFor let-fe [ngForOf]="formElements"> - <field-set *ngIf="isFieldset(fe)" [style.display]="getElementStyleDisplay(fe.id)" [fieldSet]=fe - (radio)=onRadioClick($event) (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) - (tabPressed)="onTabPressed($event)"> - </field-set> - - <fieldset-container *ngIf="isFieldsetContainer(fe)" [style.display]="getElementStyleDisplay(fe.id)" [_container]=fe - (radio)=onRadioClick($event) (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) - (tabPressed)="onTabPressed($event)"> - </fieldset-container> - - <pab-table *ngIf="isPabTable(fe)" [pabTable]=fe (radio)=onRadioClick($event) - (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event)> - </pab-table> - </ng-template> + <div id="calc-card-field-sets-container" [fxLayout]="isPB ? 'row wrap' : 'column'"> + + <!-- PB specific template --> + <div *ngIf="isPB" id="pb-schema-container" + fxFlex.gt-sm="1 0 400px" + fxFlex.lt-md="1 0 500px" + fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + + <!-- without this loop, injecting formElements[0] in <pb-schema> makes it not + trigger lifecycle hooks when switching from a PreBarrage module to another… --> + <ng-template ngFor let-fe [ngForOf]="formElements"> + <pb-schema *ngIf="isPbSchema(fe)" [pbSchema]="fe" (radio)=onRadioClick($event) + (validChange)=onElementValid() (nodeSelected)="onPBNodeSelected($event)"> + </pb-schema> + </ng-template> + + <div fxHide.sm fxFlex.gt-sm="0 0 16px"></div> + </div> + <!-- PB specific template (2) --> + <div *ngIf="isPB" id="pb-form-container" [hidden]="! showPBInputData" + fxFlex.gt-sm="1 0 400px" + fxFlex.lt-md="1 0 500px" + fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + + <ng-template ngFor let-fe [ngForOf]="formElements"> + <field-set *ngIf="isFieldset(fe)" + [style.display]="getElementStyleDisplay(fe.id)" [fieldSet]=fe + (radio)=onRadioClick($event) (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) + (tabPressed)="onTabPressed($event)"> + </field-set> + + <fieldset-container *ngIf="isFieldsetContainer(fe)" + [style.display]="getElementStyleDisplay(fe.id)" [_container]=fe + (radio)=onRadioClick($event) (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) + (tabPressed)="onTabPressed($event)"> + </fieldset-container> + </ng-template> + </div> + + <!-- generic template --> + <ng-template *ngIf="! isPB" ngFor let-fe [ngForOf]="formElements"> + <field-set *ngIf="isFieldset(fe)" + [style.display]="getElementStyleDisplay(fe.id)" [fieldSet]=fe + (radio)=onRadioClick($event) (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) + (tabPressed)="onTabPressed($event)" + fxFlex.gt-sm="1 0 auto" + fxFlex.lt-md="1 0 auto" + fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 auto"> + </field-set> + + <fieldset-container *ngIf="isFieldsetContainer(fe)" + [style.display]="getElementStyleDisplay(fe.id)" [_container]=fe + (radio)=onRadioClick($event) (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) + (tabPressed)="onTabPressed($event)" + fxFlex="1 0 auto"> + </fieldset-container> + + <pab-table *ngIf="isPabTable(fe)" [pabTable]=fe (radio)=onRadioClick($event) + (validChange)=onElementValid() (inputChange)=onInputChange($event) + fxFlex="1 0 auto"> + </pab-table> + </ng-template> + </div> <mat-card-actions> <!-- bouton calculer --> @@ -84,16 +143,16 @@ <!-- résultats --> <mat-card id="calc-card-results" - [class.pab-results]="isWide" + [class.pab-results]="isWide" [hidden]="isPB && showPBInputData" [fxFlex.gt-sm]="isWide ? '1 0 auto' : '1 0 400px'" [fxFlex.lt-md]="isWide ? '1 0 auto' : '1 0 500px'" [fxFlex.lt-sm]="isWide ? '1 0 auto' : '1 0 300px'"> <div id="fake-results-anchor"></div> - <quicknav [ngClass.lt-xs]="'extraSmall'" [fxHide.gt-sm]="! isWide" [items]="quicknavItems" [currentItem]="'results'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> + <quicknav *ngIf="! isPB" [ngClass.lt-xs]="'extraSmall'" [fxHide.gt-sm]="! isWide" [items]="quicknavItems" [currentItem]="'results'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> - <mat-card-header *ngIf="! isWide" [fxHide.lt-md]="! isWide"> + <mat-card-header *ngIf="! isWide" [fxHide.lt-md]="! isPB && ! isWide"> <mat-card-title> <h1 [innerHTML]="uitextResultsTitle"></h1> </mat-card-title> @@ -120,6 +179,11 @@ {{ uitextGenerateRuSp }} </button> + <button mat-raised-button color="accent" id="generate-par-simulation" *ngIf="isPAR" (click)="generatePARSimulation()" + [disabled]="! generatePARSimulationEnabled" [title]="uitextGenerateParSimulationTitle"> + {{ uitextGeneratePARSimulation }} + </button> + <mat-card-content> <calc-results id="resultsComp" (afterViewChecked)="onCalcResultsViewChecked()"></calc-results> </mat-card-content> diff --git a/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.scss b/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.scss index 8507212be600d28ec94077a2719b865c8bf67a79..da2c0f0217967cf1fe51a0b3517d6735e8770912 100644 --- a/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.scss +++ b/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.scss @@ -22,6 +22,63 @@ margin-top: -54px; } +#pb-schema-container { + display: block; +} + +#pb-form-container { + display: block; +} + +/** copy of quicknav style */ +#pb-data-results-selector { + + @import "../../../theme.scss"; + + display: block; + margin-bottom: .5em; + width: 100%; + + .drs-item { + display: inline; + padding: 0 .5em 3px .5em; + text-transform: uppercase; + font-size: 18px; + font-weight: normal; + + &.current { + @extend .border-accent; + border-bottom-width: 2px; + border-bottom-style: solid; + font-size: 24px; + + a { + // font-weight: bold; + @extend .color-accent; + } + } + + a { + cursor: pointer; + color: #cbcbcb; + &:focus { + outline: none; + } + &:hover { + color: #707070; + } + } + } + + .drs-item:first-of-type { + padding-left: 0; + } + + .drs-item:last-of-type { + padding-right: 0; + } +} + mat-card { margin-bottom: 2em; diff --git a/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.ts b/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.ts index a4873f7885807436970347b29cdccf8ae8c295a7..0590ec7324d4104a6c432f072b40a57374e27b2e 100644 --- a/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/generic-calculator/calculator.component.ts @@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ import { ParamDefinition, round, Nub, - RegimeUniforme + RegimeUniforme, + Par, + ParSimulationParams, + ParSimulation, + VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; import { generateValuesCombination } from "../../util"; @@ -37,7 +41,13 @@ import { PabTableComponent } from "../pab-table/pab-table.component"; import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog"; import { DialogConfirmCloseCalcComponent } from "../dialog-confirm-close-calc/dialog-confirm-close-calc.component"; import { DialogGeneratePABComponent } from "../dialog-generate-pab/dialog-generate-pab.component"; +import { DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent } from "../dialog-generate-par-simulation/dialog-generate-par-simulation.component"; import { PabTable } from "../../formulaire/elements/pab-table"; +import { MultiDimensionResults } from "../../results/multidimension-results"; +import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; +import { PbSchema } from "../../formulaire/elements/pb-schema"; +import { PbSchemaComponent } from "../pb-schema/pb-schema.component"; +import { FormulairePrebarrage } from "../../formulaire/definition/form-prebarrage"; import { HotkeysService, Hotkey } from "angular2-hotkeys"; @@ -67,6 +77,12 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe @ViewChild(PabTableComponent) private _pabTableComponent: PabTableComponent; + /** + * PbSchemaComponent if any + */ + @ViewChild(PbSchemaComponent) + private _pbSchemaComponent: PbSchemaComponent; + /** * composant d'affichage des résultats */ @@ -115,12 +131,28 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe } } + /** For PreBarrage only: if true, show input data in the right panel, else show results */ + public get showPBInputData(): boolean { + if (this.isPB) { + return (this._formulaire as FormulairePrebarrage).showInputData; + } else { + return false; // whatever, should never happen + } + } + + public set showPBInputData(v: boolean) { + if (this.isPB) { + (this._formulaire as FormulairePrebarrage).showInputData = v; + } // else do nothing, should never happen + } + constructor( @Inject(forwardRef(() => AppComponent)) private appComponent: AppComponent, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private confirmCloseCalcDialog: MatDialog, private generatePABDialog: MatDialog, + private generatePARSimulationDialog: MatDialog, private _elementRef: ElementRef, private hotkeysService: HotkeysService, private appSetupService: ApplicationSetupService, @@ -150,27 +182,26 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe return this._formulaire.kids as FormulaireElement[]; } - /** - * détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type FieldSet - */ + /** détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type FieldSet */ public isFieldset(fe: any): boolean { return fe instanceof FieldSet; } - /** - * détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type FieldsetContainer - */ + /** détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type FieldsetContainer */ public isFieldsetContainer(fe: any): boolean { return fe instanceof FieldsetContainer; } - /** - * détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type PabTable - */ + /** détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type PabTable */ public isPabTable(fe: any): boolean { return fe instanceof PabTable; } + /** détermine si un FormulaireElement est du type PbSchema */ + public isPbSchema(fe: any): boolean { + return fe instanceof PbSchema; + } + public get hasForm() { return this._formulaire !== undefined; } @@ -216,6 +247,10 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_RU_SP"); } + public get uitextGeneratePARSimulation() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAR_SIMULATION"); + } + public get uitextOpenHelp() { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATOR_OPEN_HELP"); } @@ -236,6 +271,14 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATOR_USED_BY"); } + public get uitextInputData() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_QUICKNAV_INPUT"); + } + + public get uitextResults() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_QUICKNAV_RESULTS"); + } + public get quicknavItems() { const elts = [ "input", "results" ]; if (this.isWide && this.hasResults) { @@ -327,10 +370,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe this._formulaire.resetResults([]); this.appComponent.showProgressBar = true; this._computeClicked = true; - // send resetForm to clear log - this._formulaire.notifyObservers({ - "action": "resetForm", - }, this._formulaire); + this.showPBInputData = false; // calculate module setTimeout(() => { this._formulaire.doCompute(); @@ -382,22 +422,6 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe } } - private setForm(f: FormulaireDefinition) { - if (this._formulaire !== undefined) { - this._formulaire.removeObserver(this); - } - this._formulaire = f; - if (this._formulaire !== undefined) { - this._formulaire.addObserver(this); - } - } - - private updateFormulaireResults(uid: string) { - if (this._formulaire.uid === uid) { - this.resultsComponent.updateView(); - } - } - // interface Observer update(sender: any, data: any): void { @@ -405,22 +429,11 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe switch (data["action"]) { case "currentFormChanged": const uid: string = data["formId"]; - this.setForm(this.formulaireService.getFormulaireFromId(uid)); + this._formulaire = (this.formulaireService.getFormulaireFromId(uid)); this.resultsComponent.formulaire = this._formulaire; this._calculatorNameComponent.model = this._formulaire; // reload localisation in all cases this.formulaireService.loadUpdateFormulaireLocalisation(this._formulaire); - // call Form init hook - this._formulaire.onCalculatorInit(); - break; - } - } else if (sender instanceof FormulaireDefinition) { - let f: FormulaireDefinition; - switch (data["action"]) { - case "resetForm": // réinitialisation du formulaire - case "resultsUpdated": - f = sender as FormulaireDefinition; - this.updateFormulaireResults(f.uid); break; } } @@ -473,6 +486,10 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe if (this._pabTableComponent !== undefined) { this._isUIValid = this._isUIValid && this._pabTableComponent.isValid; } + + if (this._pbSchemaComponent !== undefined) { + this._isUIValid = this._isUIValid && this._pbSchemaComponent.isValid; + } } public getElementStyleDisplay(id: string) { @@ -492,8 +509,6 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe */ public onInputChange(event: any) { this._formulaire.resetResults([], (event ? event.symbol : undefined)); - // to refresh log components, that are fed manually (!) - this.resultsComponent.updateView(); } /** @@ -534,6 +549,13 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe elt.select(); } + /** réception d'un événement de clic sur un nœud du schéma de PréBarrage */ + public onPBNodeSelected(event: any) { + // show proper form (actually subform elements) or proper results, + // depending on what was clicked + (this._formulaire as FormulairePrebarrage).nodeSelected(event.node); + } + public openHelp() { window.open("assets/docs/" + this.appSetupService.language + "/calculators/" + this._formulaire.helpLink, "_blank"); } @@ -556,7 +578,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe // for "one wide column" layout public get isWide() { - return (this.isPAB || this.isMRC); + return (this.isPAB || this.isMRC || (this.isPB && this.showPBInputData)); } // true if current Nub is Solveur @@ -574,6 +596,11 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe return this.is(CalculatorType.MacroRugoCompound); } + // true if current Nub is PreBarrage + public get isPB() { + return this.is(CalculatorType.PreBarrage); + } + // true if current Nub is Jet public get isJet() { return this.is(CalculatorType.Jet); @@ -594,19 +621,37 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe return this.is(CalculatorType.RegimeUniforme); } + // true if current Nub is PAR + public get isPAR() { + return this.is(CalculatorType.Par); + } + + // true if current Nub is PAR + public get isSP() { + return this.is(CalculatorType.SectionParametree); + } + + // true if current Nub is PAR + public get isRemous() { + return this.is(CalculatorType.CourbeRemous); + } + /** - * Returns true if no parameter is varying + * Returns true if no parameter is varying; ignores parameters having + * one of the given {except} symbols, if any */ - private allParamsAreFixed() { + private allParamsAreFixed(except: string[] = []) { let ret = true; for (const p of this._formulaire.currentNub.parameterIterator) { - if (p.valueMode === ParamValueMode.LINK) { - ret = ret && (! p.hasMultipleValues); - } else { - // avoid calling hasMultipleValues here, because changing parameter mode in GUI - // switches valueMode before setting min/max/step or valuesList, and iterator - // checker fails to count values that do not exist yet - ret = ret && (! [ ParamValueMode.LISTE, ParamValueMode.MINMAX ].includes(p.valueMode)); + if (! except.includes(p.symbol)) { + if (p.valueMode === ParamValueMode.LINK) { + ret = ret && (! p.hasMultipleValues); + } else { + // avoid calling hasMultipleValues here, because changing parameter mode in GUI + // switches valueMode before setting min/max/step or valuesList, and iterator + // checker fails to count values that do not exist yet + ret = ret && (! [ ParamValueMode.LISTE, ParamValueMode.MINMAX ].includes(p.valueMode)); + } } } return ret; @@ -621,7 +666,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe public get uitextGeneratePabTitle() { if (! this.hasResults) { - return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULER_D_ABORD"); + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST"); } if (! this.allParamsAreFixed()) { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_PARAMETRES_FIXES"); @@ -646,10 +691,10 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe disableClose: false } ); - dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { + dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(async result => { if (result) { if (result.generate) { - this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.Pab).then((f: FormulaireDefinition) => { + const f: FormulaireDefinition = await this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.Pab); const pab = (f.currentNub as Pab); const params = pab.prms; // paramètres hydrauliques @@ -661,7 +706,6 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe pab.addCloisonsFromModel(this._formulaire.currentNub as Cloisons, result.nbBassins); // go to new PAB this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); - }); } } }); @@ -687,7 +731,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe public get uitextGenerateSPAmontTitle(): string { if (! this.generateSPAmontEnabled) { - return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULER_D_ABORD"); + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST"); } else { return ""; } @@ -695,7 +739,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe public get uitextGenerateSPAvalTitle(): string { if (! this.generateSPAvalEnabled) { - return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULER_D_ABORD"); + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST"); } else { return ""; } @@ -758,7 +802,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe * @param Ys tirant(s) d'eau * @param Ifs pente(s) */ - private generateBiefSP(Ys: number | number[], Ifs: number | number[]) { + private async generateBiefSP(Ys: number | number[], Ifs: number | number[]) { const bief = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Bief); const serialisedSection = bief.section.serialise(); const sectionCopy = Session.getInstance().unserialiseSingleNub(serialisedSection, false).nub; @@ -776,17 +820,14 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe } } - this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.SectionParametree, secParam) - .then((f: FormulaireDefinition) => { - const sp = (f.currentNub as SectionParametree); - sp.section.prms.Y.setValues(Ys); - sp.section.prms.If.setValues(Ifs); - // calculate - f.doCompute(); - // go to new SP - this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]).then(); - } - ); + const f: FormulaireDefinition = await this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.SectionParametree, secParam); + const sp = (f.currentNub as SectionParametree); + sp.section.prms.Y.setValues(Ys); + sp.section.prms.If.setValues(Ifs); + // calculate + f.doCompute(); + // go to new SP + this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); } public get generateRuSpEnabled(): boolean { @@ -795,7 +836,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe public get uitextGenerateRuSpTitle(): string { if (! this.generateRuSpEnabled) { - return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULER_D_ABORD"); + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST"); } else { return ""; } @@ -804,7 +845,7 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe /** * Génère une SectionParametree à partir du module RegimeUniforme en cours */ - public generateRuSp() { + public async generateRuSp() { const ru = (this._formulaire.currentNub as RegimeUniforme); // copy section const serialisedSection = ru.section.serialise(); @@ -820,16 +861,128 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe } Session.getInstance().registerNub(secParam); - this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.SectionParametree, secParam) - .then((f: FormulaireDefinition) => { - // calculate - f.doCompute(); - // go to new SP - this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]).then(); - } + const f: FormulaireDefinition = await this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.SectionParametree, secParam); + // calculate + f.doCompute(); + // go to new SP + } + + public get generatePARSimulationEnabled(): boolean { + const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par); + return ( + this.hasResults + && ! parCalage.result.hasErrorMessages() + && parCalage.prms.Z1.isDefined + && parCalage.prms.Z2.isDefined ); } + public get uitextGenerateParSimulationTitle(): string { + const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par); + if (! this.hasResults || parCalage.result.hasErrorMessages()) { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST"); + } + if ( + parCalage.prms.Z1.isDefined + || parCalage.prms.Z2.isDefined + ) { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_Z1_Z2_MUST_BE_DEFINED"); + } + return ""; + } + + /** + * Génère une simulation de passe à ralentisseurs à partir du calage en cours; si + * au moins un paramètre varie, propose de choisir parmi les combinaisons de valeurs + */ + public generatePARSimulation() { + const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par); + const pcal = parCalage.prms; + let pres: { [key: string]: number } = parCalage.result.values; + + const varParams: VariatedDetails[] = this._formulaire.getVariatedParameters(); + if (varParams.length > 0) { + // open popup to choose combination of varying parameters + const mdParResults = new MultiDimensionResults(); + mdParResults.variatedParameters = varParams; + const dialogRef = this.generatePARSimulationDialog.open( + DialogGeneratePARSimulationComponent, + { + data: { + results: mdParResults + }, + disableClose: false + } + ); + dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { + if (result && result.generate) { + const i = result.selected; + const s = result.size; // longest variating series, ie. number of iterations + pres = parCalage.result.resultElements[i].values; + // generate set of fixed values from chosen iteration i + this.doGenerateParSimWithValues({ + Q: pcal.Q.isCalculated ? pres.Q : (pcal.Q.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.Q.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.Q.V), + Z1: pcal.Z1.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.Z1.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.Z1.V, + Z2: pcal.Z2.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.Z2.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.Z2.V, + S: pcal.S.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.S.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.S.V, + P: pcal.P.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.P.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.P.V, + L: pcal.L.isCalculated ? pres.L : (pcal.L.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.L.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.L.V), + N: pcal.N.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.N.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.N.V, + M: pcal.M.hasMultipleValues ? pcal.M.getInferredValuesList(s)[i] : pcal.M.V, + Nb: pres.Nb, + ZR1: pres.ZR1, + ZD1: pres.ZD1, + ZR2: pres.ZR2, + ZD2: pres.ZD2, + a: pres.a + }); + } + }); + } else { + // no parameter is varyng, generate directly + this.doGenerateParSimWithValues({ + Q: pcal.Q.V, + Z1: pcal.Z1.singleValue, + Z2: pcal.Z2.singleValue, + S: pcal.S.singleValue, + P: pcal.P.singleValue, + L: pcal.L.V, + N: pcal.Q.singleValue, + M: pcal.Q.singleValue, + Nb: pres.Nb, + ZR1: pres.ZR1, + ZD1: pres.ZD1, + ZR2: pres.ZR2, + ZD2: pres.ZD2, + a: pres.a + }); + } + } + + /** + * Creates a new Formulaire with a ParSimulation Nub, using given + * values as parameters + */ + protected async doGenerateParSimWithValues(v: any) { + const parCalage = (this._formulaire.currentNub as Par); + const psim = new ParSimulationParams( + round(v.Q, 3), round(v.Z1, 3), round(v.Z2, 3), + round(v.S, 3), round(v.P, 3), round(v.Nb, 3), + round(v.ZR1, 3), round(v.ZD1, 3), round(v.ZR2, 3), + round(v.ZD2, 3), round(v.L, 3), round(v.a, 3), + round(v.N, 3), round(v.M, 3) + ); + const parSimulation = new ParSimulation(psim); + parSimulation.parType = parCalage.parType; + Session.getInstance().registerNub(parSimulation); + + const f: FormulaireDefinition = await this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(CalculatorType.ParSimulation, parSimulation); + // calculate + f.doCompute(); + // go to new ParSimulation + this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); + } + public saveCalculator() { this.formulaireService.saveForm(this._formulaire); } @@ -854,11 +1007,10 @@ export class GenericCalculatorComponent implements OnInit, DoCheck, AfterViewChe /** * Duplicates the current calculator form */ - public cloneCalculator() { + public async cloneCalculator() { const serialisedNub: string = this._formulaire.currentNub.serialise({ title: this._formulaire.calculatorName }); const nubPointer = Session.getInstance().unserialiseSingleNub(serialisedNub); - this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(nubPointer.nub.calcType, nubPointer.nub, nubPointer.meta.title).then((f) => { - this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); - }); + const f = await this.formulaireService.createFormulaire(nubPointer.nub.calcType, nubPointer.nub, nubPointer.meta.title); + this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); } } diff --git a/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.html b/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.html index ee434e04fa718f113acf60554f64e5db8156cb15..f3680821b57ef749b4521e1c6707b0dbd78bbdea 100644 --- a/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.html @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ <!-- journal --> <log></log> - <results-chart *ngIf="showVarResults" [hidden]="! showVarResultsChart"></results-chart> + <results-chart *ngIf="showVarResults" [hidden]="! showVarResultsChart" [results]=varResults [resultData]=varResults?.result></results-chart> - <jet-trajectory-chart [hidden]="! hasValidResults"></jet-trajectory-chart> + <jet-trajectory-chart [hidden]="! hasValidResults" [results]=trajectoryResults?.result></jet-trajectory-chart> <div> <!-- table des résultats fixés --> diff --git a/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.ts index 50d8a1a1df5782adedfe615da6cd47490d1ebdd3..0374ea4ac28858c2cad0505a74d9bfa8fb727df2 100644 --- a/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/jet-results/jet-results.component.ts @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component } from "@angular/core"; import { FixedVarResultsComponent } from "../fixedvar-results/fixedvar-results.component"; -import { JetTrajectoryChartComponent } from "../jet-trajectory-chart/jet-trajectory-chart.component"; +import { FixedResults } from "../../results/fixed-results"; +import { VarResults } from "../../results/var-results"; @Component({ selector: "jet-results", @@ -12,15 +13,11 @@ import { JetTrajectoryChartComponent } from "../jet-trajectory-chart/jet-traject }) export class JetResultsComponent extends FixedVarResultsComponent { - /** graphique de trajectoire */ - @ViewChild(JetTrajectoryChartComponent) - private jetTrajectoryChartComponent: JetTrajectoryChartComponent; - public get hasResults(): boolean { return ( - (this._fixedResults !== undefined && this._fixedResults.hasResults) + (this._fixedResults?.hasResults) || - (this._varResults !== undefined && this._varResults.hasResults) + (this._varResults?.hasResults) ); } @@ -28,38 +25,17 @@ export class JetResultsComponent extends FixedVarResultsComponent { return this.hasResults && ( this._fixedResults && this._fixedResults.result && this._fixedResults.result.sourceNub.result.ok || - this._varResults&& this._varResults.result && this._varResults.result.sourceNub.result.ok + this._varResults && this._varResults.result && this._varResults.result.sourceNub.result.ok ); } - public updateView() { - if (this.jetTrajectoryChartComponent) { - this.jetTrajectoryChartComponent.results = undefined; + public get trajectoryResults(): FixedResults | VarResults { + // draw chart whether params are variating or not, + // hence different Results object for each case + if (this._varResults && this._varResults.hasResults) { + return this._varResults; + } else { + return this._fixedResults; } - super.updateView(); - } - - /** - * met à jour l'affichage des résultats - * @returns true si les résultats ont pu être mis à jour - */ - protected updateResults() { - const superUpdated = super.updateResults(); - - let trajectoryChartUpdated: boolean; - trajectoryChartUpdated = this.jetTrajectoryChartComponent !== undefined; - - if (trajectoryChartUpdated) { - // draw chart whether params are variating or not, - // hence different Results object for each case - if (this._varResults && this._varResults.hasResults) { - this.jetTrajectoryChartComponent.results = this._varResults; - } else { - this.jetTrajectoryChartComponent.results = this._fixedResults; - } - this.jetTrajectoryChartComponent.updateView(); - } - - return superUpdated && trajectoryChartUpdated; } } diff --git a/src/app/components/jet-trajectory-chart/jet-trajectory-chart.component.ts b/src/app/components/jet-trajectory-chart/jet-trajectory-chart.component.ts index d04c5a3d2200e258c708de2cc0ec4f47f8df1aba..3e4d1e9dba6b22ced8afff31725cde3bec33b3c1 100644 --- a/src/app/components/jet-trajectory-chart/jet-trajectory-chart.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/jet-trajectory-chart/jet-trajectory-chart.component.ts @@ -1,16 +1,14 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef, Input, OnChanges } from "@angular/core"; import { ChartComponent } from "angular2-chartjs"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; import { IYSeries } from "../../results/y-series"; -import { FixedResults } from "../../results/fixed-results"; -import { VarResults } from "../../results/var-results"; import { fv } from "../../util"; import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; -import { Jet } from "jalhyd"; +import { Jet, Result } from "jalhyd"; @Component({ selector: "jet-trajectory-chart", @@ -19,12 +17,12 @@ import { Jet } from "jalhyd"; "./jet-trajectory-chart.component.scss" ] }) -export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { +export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements OnChanges { @ViewChild(ChartComponent) private chartComponent; - private _results: FixedResults | VarResults; + private _results: Result; private _zoomWasChanged = false; @@ -34,7 +32,7 @@ export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { public displayChart = true; /* - * config du graphe + * config du graphique */ public graph_data: { datasets: any[] }; public graph_options: any = { @@ -132,12 +130,17 @@ export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { }, 10); } - public set results(r: FixedResults | VarResults) { + @Input() + public set results(r: Result) { this.forceRebuild(); // used for forcing redefinition of xAxes[0].ticks.min/max in generateScatterChart() this._results = r; + } - if (this._results && this._results.result) { - const nub = this._results.result.sourceNub as Jet; + // redessine le graphique dès qu'une entrée change + public ngOnChanges() { + console.log("----> regenerate trajectory chart !!"); + if (this._results) { + const nub = this._results.sourceNub as Jet; const length = nub.variatingLength(); // extract variable values list for legend if (nub.resultHasMultipleValues()) { @@ -158,6 +161,7 @@ export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { } } } + this.generateScatterChart(); } } @@ -170,16 +174,12 @@ export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { return this._zoomWasChanged; } - public updateView() { - this.generateScatterChart(); - } - /** - * génère les données d'un graphe de type "scatter" + * génère les données d'un graphique de type "scatter" */ private generateScatterChart() { const ySeries = this.getYSeries(); - const nub = (this._results.result.sourceNub as Jet); + const nub = (this._results.sourceNub as Jet); this.graph_data = { datasets: [] @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ export class JetTrajectoryChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { private getYSeries(): IYSeries[] { const ret: IYSeries[] = []; const palette = ResultsComponentDirective.distinctColors; - const nub = (this._results.result.sourceNub as Jet); + const nub = (this._results.sourceNub as Jet); const trajectories = nub.generateTrajectories(); for (let i = 0; i < trajectories.length; i++) { diff --git a/src/app/components/log/log.component.html b/src/app/components/log/log.component.html index 4d3d0424a7c33bd9da1816c6f61e0c749bcacfef..5920817ec90af8c9dae78dbca027e29197cd7071 100644 --- a/src/app/components/log/log.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/log/log.component.html @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ <!-- titre --> <div class="titre">{{ uitextTitreJournal }}</div> <!-- entrées du journal --> - <log-entry *ngFor="let m of messages" [_message]="m"></log-entry> + <log-entry *ngFor="let m of _log?.messages" [_message]="m"></log-entry> </div> </div> diff --git a/src/app/components/log/log.component.ts b/src/app/components/log/log.component.ts index 622fdd914984ab8da3955b5b6147be420a9a7f5f..5235954b292f906d989c0f62f544a75f64134480 100644 --- a/src/app/components/log/log.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/log/log.component.ts @@ -34,13 +34,18 @@ export class LogComponent { } public get hasEntries(): boolean { - return this._log !== undefined && this._log.messages.length !== 0; + return this._log?.messages?.length > 0; } - public get messages(): Message[] { - return this._log.messages; - } + /* public get messages(): Message[] { + let m: Message[] = []; + if (this._log !== undefined) { + m = this._log.messages; + } + return m; + } */ + @Input() public set log(log: cLog) { this._log = log; } diff --git a/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results-table.component.ts b/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results-table.component.ts index abe858dcc5a426d6f7eb832759192c329a16ce3e..bf70492bf1b76785f94acbc9409326e0fada2b0e 100644 --- a/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results-table.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results-table.component.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input, OnChanges } from "@angular/core"; import { MacroRugo } from "jalhyd"; @@ -15,10 +15,15 @@ import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; "./macrorugo-compound-results-table.component.scss" ] }) -export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { +export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements OnChanges { /** résultats non mis en forme */ - private _mrcResults: MacrorugoCompoundResults; + @Input() + public results: MacrorugoCompoundResults; + + /** index de l'élément de résultat à afficher (modifié par le sélecteur de conditions limites) */ + @Input() + public variableIndex = 0; /** entêtes des colonnes */ private _headers: string[]; @@ -36,21 +41,19 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDire super(); } - public set results(r: MacrorugoCompoundResults) { - this._mrcResults = r; - + public ngOnChanges() { + // rebuild dataset every time results or variableIndex change this._dataSet = []; if ( - this._mrcResults - && this._mrcResults.childrenResults - && this._mrcResults.childrenResults.length > 0 - && ! this._mrcResults.hasOnlyErrors() + this.results + && this.results.childrenResults + && this.results.childrenResults.length > 0 + && ! this.results.hasOnlyErrors() ) { - const pr = this._mrcResults; + const pr = this.results; const nDigits = this.appSetupService.displayPrecision; // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter // values to build the data from - const vi = pr.variableIndex; // refresh headers here if language changed this._headers = pr.headers; @@ -58,13 +61,13 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDire // lines 1 - n-1 (aprons) for (let i = 0; i < pr.childrenResults.length; i++) { // protect loop contents with if(vCalc) ? Will hide erroneous apron results.. - const res = pr.childrenResults[i].resultElements[vi].values; + const res = pr.childrenResults[i].resultElements[this.variableIndex].values; const nub = (pr.childrenResults[i].sourceNub as MacroRugo); // does ZF1 or B vary ? let zf1: number; try { if (nub.prms.ZF1.hasMultipleValues) { - zf1 = nub.prms.ZF1.getInferredValuesList()[vi]; + zf1 = nub.prms.ZF1.getInferredValuesList()[this.variableIndex]; } else { zf1 = nub.prms.ZF1.singleValue; } @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDire let b: number; try { if (nub.prms.B.hasMultipleValues) { - b = nub.prms.B.getInferredValuesList()[vi]; + b = nub.prms.B.getInferredValuesList()[this.variableIndex]; } else { b = nub.prms.B.singleValue; } @@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDire let Y: number; try { if (nub.prms.Y.hasMultipleValues) { - Y = nub.prms.Y.getInferredValuesList()[vi]; + Y = nub.prms.Y.getInferredValuesList()[this.variableIndex]; } else { Y = nub.prms.Y.singleValue; } @@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDire this._dataSet.push([ this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_TOTAL"), "", "", "", - pr.result.resultElements[vi].vCalc.toFixed(nDigits), + pr.result.resultElements[this.variableIndex].vCalc.toFixed(nDigits), "", "", "", "", "", "" ]); } diff --git a/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.html b/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.html index bfbf59270881f8afaf8f0123df4f283e3e67a9e9..d299d02a3a41f49649e3bdd9eeb17f5f47a77e4d 100644 --- a/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.html @@ -1,15 +1,17 @@ <div class="container"> - <log #generalLog [logTitle]="uitextGeneralLogTitle">log général</log> + <log [logTitle]="uitextGeneralLogTitle" [log]=globalLog>log général</log> - <variable-results-selector [results]="mrcResults" (indexChange)="variableIndexChanged()"> + <variable-results-selector [results]=mrcResults [variatedParameters]=mrcResults?.variatedParameters> </variable-results-selector> - <log #iterationLog></log> + <log [log]=iterationLog></log> <div> <!-- tableau de résultats --> - <macrorugo-compound-results-table *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [results]="mrcResults"></macrorugo-compound-results-table> + <macrorugo-compound-results-table *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" + [results]=mrcResults [variableIndex]=mrcResults?.variableIndex> + </macrorugo-compound-results-table> </div> <div id="mrcLateralInclination" *ngIf="isInclined"> @@ -20,9 +22,8 @@ [currentItem]="'charts'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> <div id="macrorugo-compound-graphs-container" class="container" fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="space-around start"> - <!-- <pab-profile-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> - </pab-profile-chart> --> - <results-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + <results-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [results]=mrcResults [resultData]=mrcResults?.result + [variableIndex]=mrcResults?.variableIndex fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> </results-chart> </div> diff --git a/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.ts index e15ade96ce9b65c46e9d84486fd714cbb3e7036b..232f0c436caa9e177defbe862dbdb940a4f7fd39 100644 --- a/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/macrorugo-compound-results/macrorugo-compound-results.component.ts @@ -1,20 +1,15 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, DoCheck } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core"; import { Result, cLog, Message, MessageCode, MessageSeverity, MRCInclination } from "jalhyd"; import { fv } from "../../../app/util"; -import { LogComponent } from "../../components/log/log.component"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; import { ApplicationSetupService } from "../../services/app-setup.service"; -import { PlottableData } from "../../results/plottable-data"; -import { ResultsChartComponent } from "../results-chart/results-chart.component"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; -import { VariableResultsSelectorComponent } from "../variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component"; -import { MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent } from "./macrorugo-compound-results-table.component"; import { MacrorugoCompoundResults } from "../../results/macrorugo-compound-results"; -import { PlottableMacrorugoCompoundResults } from "../../results/plottable-macrorugo-compound-results"; +import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; @Component({ selector: "macrorugo-compound-results", @@ -23,83 +18,24 @@ import { PlottableMacrorugoCompoundResults } from "../../results/plottable-macro "./macrorugo-compound-results.component.scss" ] }) -export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent implements DoCheck { +export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { /** résultats non mis en forme */ private _mrcResults: MacrorugoCompoundResults; - /** résultats mis en forme pour le graphique de données (classique) */ - private _plottableResults: PlottableMacrorugoCompoundResults; - - /** true si les résultats doiventt être remis à jour */ - private _doUpdate = false; - - @ViewChild(MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent) - private mrcResultsTableComponent: MacrorugoCompoundResultsTableComponent; - - @ViewChild(VariableResultsSelectorComponent) - private variableResultsSelectorComponent: VariableResultsSelectorComponent; - - @ViewChild("generalLog") - private generalLogComponent: LogComponent; - - @ViewChild("iterationLog") - private iterationLogComponent: LogComponent; - - @ViewChild(ResultsChartComponent) - private resultsChartComponent: ResultsChartComponent; - constructor( private appSetupService: ApplicationSetupService, private i18nService: I18nService, ) { - this._plottableResults = new PlottableMacrorugoCompoundResults(); + super(); } + @Input() public set results(rs: CalculatorResults[]) { this._mrcResults = undefined; if (rs.length > 0 && rs[0] instanceof MacrorugoCompoundResults) { this._mrcResults = rs[0] as MacrorugoCompoundResults; } - this.updateView(); - } - - /** - * update results table and chart when the variable index changed (event sent by - * VariableResultsSelectorComponent); variable index is already set in - * mrcResults at this time - */ - public variableIndexChanged() { - this.updateView(); - } - - public updateView() { - if (this.iterationLogComponent) { - this.iterationLogComponent.log = undefined; - } - if (this.generalLogComponent) { - this.generalLogComponent.log = undefined; - } - if (this.mrcResultsTableComponent) { - this.mrcResultsTableComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.variableResultsSelectorComponent) { - this.variableResultsSelectorComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.resultsChartComponent) { - this.resultsChartComponent.results = undefined; - } - // set _doUpdate flag so that results are rebuilt on the next Angular display cycle - this._doUpdate = false; - if (this._mrcResults !== undefined) { - this._doUpdate = this._doUpdate || this._mrcResults.hasResults || this._mrcResults.hasLog; - } - } - - public ngDoCheck() { - if (this._doUpdate) { - this._doUpdate = !this.updateResults(); - } } private mergeGlobalLog(result: Result, log: cLog) { @@ -175,7 +111,7 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent implements DoCheck { * du sélecteur d'itération : messages globaux et / ou résumé des messages * spécifiques à chaque ResultElement */ - private get globalLog(): cLog { + public get globalLog(): cLog { const l = new cLog(); if (this._mrcResults && this.mrcResults.variatedParameters.length > 0) { this.mergeGlobalLog(this._mrcResults.result, l); @@ -197,11 +133,11 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent implements DoCheck { } /** - * Retourne les logs à afficher dans le composant de log global, au dessus - * du sélecteur d'itération : messages globaux et / ou résumé des messages - * spécifiques à chaque ResultElement + * Retourne les logs à afficher dans le composant de log local, en dessous + * du sélecteur d'itération : messages concernant l'itération (le ResultElement) + * en cours */ - private get iterationLog(): cLog { + public get iterationLog(): cLog { const l = new cLog(); if (this._mrcResults) { if (this.mrcResults.variatedParameters.length > 0) { @@ -236,54 +172,10 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent implements DoCheck { return l; } - /** - * met à jour l'affichage des résultats - * @returns true si les résultats ont pu être mis à jour - */ - private updateResults() { - let mrcUpdated: boolean; - let resultsChartUpdated: boolean; - let selectorUpdated: boolean; - - // results or not, there might be a log - const logUpdated = (this.iterationLogComponent !== undefined || this.generalLogComponent !== undefined); // gne ? - if (logUpdated) { - // order of logs is important ! - this.iterationLogComponent.log = this.iterationLog; - this.generalLogComponent.log = this.globalLog; - } - - if (this.hasResults) { - mrcUpdated = this.mrcResultsTableComponent !== undefined; - if (mrcUpdated) { - this.mrcResultsTableComponent.results = this._mrcResults; - } - selectorUpdated = this.variableResultsSelectorComponent !== undefined; - if (selectorUpdated) { - this.variableResultsSelectorComponent.results = this._mrcResults; - } - resultsChartUpdated = this.resultsChartComponent !== undefined; - if (resultsChartUpdated) { - this.resultsChartComponent.results = this.plottableResults; - this.resultsChartComponent.updateView(); - } - } else { - mrcUpdated = true; - resultsChartUpdated = true; - selectorUpdated = true; - } - - return mrcUpdated && logUpdated && resultsChartUpdated && selectorUpdated; - } - public get mrcResults() { return this._mrcResults; } - public formattedLabel(p: NgParameter): string { - return CalculatorResults.paramLabel(p, false); - } - public formattedValue(p: NgParameter): string { const nDigits = this.appSetupService.displayPrecision; return p.getValue().toFixed(nDigits); @@ -330,10 +222,4 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResultsComponent implements DoCheck { return fv(lincl); } - /** builds a set of PlottableData from MacrorugoCompoundResults, to feed the chart */ - protected get plottableResults(): PlottableData { - this._plottableResults.setMrcResults(this.mrcResults); - return this._plottableResults; - } - } diff --git a/src/app/components/modules-diagram/modules-diagram.component.ts b/src/app/components/modules-diagram/modules-diagram.component.ts index b701aeac988e740c29a50945eff8cc63718fb7bb..363c9fd3752e368470014117ed717f078e0b7221 100644 --- a/src/app/components/modules-diagram/modules-diagram.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/modules-diagram/modules-diagram.component.ts @@ -105,41 +105,47 @@ export class ModulesDiagramComponent implements AfterContentInit, AfterViewCheck } public ngAfterViewInit(): void { - // add click listener on every calculator node in the graph, that - // corresponds to an open module - this.nativeElement.querySelectorAll("g.node").forEach(item => { - if (item.id && this.formIsOpen(item.id)) { - item.style.cursor = "pointer"; - item.addEventListener("click", () => { - this.openCalc(item.id); - }); - } - }); + setTimeout(() => { // clodo trick + // add click listener on every calculator node in the graph, that + // corresponds to an open module + this.nativeElement.querySelectorAll("g.node").forEach(item => { + if (item.id && this.formIsOpen(item.id)) { + item.style.cursor = "pointer"; + item.addEventListener("click", () => { + this.openCalc(item.id); + }); + } + }); + }, 20); // @WARNING keep timeout > the one in ngAfterContentInit() below } public ngAfterContentInit(): void { this.error = false; - mermaid.initialize({ - // theme: "forest" - flowchart: { - curve: "basis" - } - }); - this.nativeElement = this.diagram.nativeElement; - - if (this.hasModules) { - // generate graph description - const graphDefinition = this.graphDefinition(); - // draw - try { - mermaid.render("graphDiv", graphDefinition, (svgCode, bindFunctions) => { - this.nativeElement.innerHTML = svgCode; - }); - } catch (e) { - console.error(e); - this.error = true; + // clodo trick or displaying modules diagram coming from a + // PreBarrage module results in a blank diagram + setTimeout(() => { + mermaid.initialize({ + // theme: "forest" + flowchart: { + curve: "basis" + } + }); + this.nativeElement = this.diagram.nativeElement; + + if (this.hasModules) { + // generate graph description + const graphDefinition = this.graphDefinition(); + // draw + try { + mermaid.render("graphDiv", graphDefinition, (svgCode, bindFunctions) => { + this.nativeElement.innerHTML = svgCode; + }); + } catch (e) { + console.error(e); + this.error = true; + } } - } + }, 10); } public resetZoom() { diff --git a/src/app/components/pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart.component.ts b/src/app/components/pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart.component.ts index b54fe19b137e4daf25abe77e5a6b588860aa1f9f..5d9220b27bded151a062f9bdd91f1a6bfb813e72 100644 --- a/src/app/components/pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart.component.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, ChangeDetectorRef, Input, OnChanges } from "@angular/core"; import { ChartComponent } from "angular2-chartjs"; @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; import { PabResults } from "../../results/pab-results"; import { IYSeries } from "../../results/y-series"; -import { fv, longestVarNgParam } from "../../util"; +import { fv, longestVarParam } from "../../util"; import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; import { CloisonAval, Cloisons, LoiDebit } from "jalhyd"; @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import { sprintf } from "sprintf-js"; "./pab-profile-chart.component.scss" ] }) -export class PabProfileChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { +export class PabProfileChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements OnChanges { @ViewChild(ChartComponent) private chartComponent; @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class PabProfileChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { private _zoomWasChanged = false; /* - * config du graphe + * config du graphique */ public graph_data: { datasets: any[] }; public graph_options = { @@ -125,25 +125,30 @@ export class PabProfileChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { }; } + @Input() public set results(r: PabResults) { this._results = r; + } + // redessine le graphique dès qu'une entrée change + public ngOnChanges() { // pre-extract variable parameters values if (this._results) { this.varValues = []; // find longest list - const lvp = longestVarNgParam(this._results.variatedParameters); + const lvp = longestVarParam(this._results.variatedParameters); this.size = lvp.size; // get extended values lists for each variable parameter for (const v of this._results.variatedParameters) { const vv = []; - const iter = v.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); + const iter = v.param.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); while (iter.hasNext) { const nv = iter.next(); vv.push(fv(nv.value)); } this.varValues.push(vv); } + this.generateScatterChart(); } } @@ -156,12 +161,8 @@ export class PabProfileChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { return this._zoomWasChanged; } - public updateView() { - this.generateScatterChart(); - } - /** - * génère les données d'un graphe de type "scatter" + * génère les données d'un graphique de type "scatter" */ private generateScatterChart() { const ySeries = this.getYSeries(); @@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ export class PabProfileChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { i++; let value = "0"; value = vv[n]; - return `${vp.symbol} = ${value}`; + return `${vp.param.symbol} = ${value}`; }).join(", "); } } diff --git a/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results-table.component.ts b/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results-table.component.ts index 8fb591b99806f6ecffefe634dab2c12a673b2313..cbfe9b63cb31b33948e7b2a2eaf5eb914d077de6 100644 --- a/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results-table.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results-table.component.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input, OnChanges } from "@angular/core"; import { CloisonAval, Result } from "jalhyd"; @@ -15,10 +15,15 @@ import { fv } from "../../util"; "./pab-results-table.component.scss" ] }) -export class PabResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { +export class PabResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements OnChanges { /** résultats non mis en forme */ - private _pabResults: PabResults; + @Input() + public results: PabResults; + + /** index de l'élément de résultat à afficher (modifié par le sélecteur de conditions limites) */ + @Input() + public variableIndex = 0; /** entêtes des colonnes */ private _headers: string[]; @@ -35,33 +40,15 @@ export class PabResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { super(); } - private getJetTypes(re: Result, vi: number): string { - // jet type for each device - const devices = re.sourceNub.getChildren(); - const jetTypes: string[] = devices.map((device) => { - const jt = device.result.resultElements[vi].getValue("ENUM_StructureJetType"); - let jetType = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREJETTYPE_" + jt); - if (devices.length > 1) { - // evil HTML injection in table cell (simpler) - jetType = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_FS_OUVRAGE") + " n°" - + (device.findPositionInParent() + 1) + ": " + jetType; - } - return jetType; - }); - return `<div class="inner-cell-line">` + jetTypes.join(`, </div><div class="inner-cell-line">`) + `</div>`; - } - - public set results(r: PabResults) { - this._pabResults = r; - + public ngOnChanges() { this._dataSet = []; if ( - this._pabResults - && this._pabResults.cloisonsResults - && this._pabResults.cloisonsResults.length > 0 - && ! this._pabResults.hasOnlyErrors() + this.results + && this.results.cloisonsResults + && this.results.cloisonsResults.length > 0 + && ! this.results.hasOnlyErrors() ) { - const pr = this._pabResults; + const pr = this.results; // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter // values to build the data from const vi = pr.variableIndex; @@ -134,6 +121,22 @@ export class PabResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { } } + private getJetTypes(re: Result, vi: number): string { + // jet type for each device + const devices = re.sourceNub.getChildren(); + const jetTypes: string[] = devices.map((device) => { + const jt = device.result.resultElements[vi].getValue("ENUM_StructureJetType"); + let jetType = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREJETTYPE_" + jt); + if (devices.length > 1) { + // evil HTML injection in table cell (simpler) + jetType = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_FS_OUVRAGE") + " n°" + + (device.findPositionInParent() + 1) + ": " + jetType; + } + return jetType; + }); + return `<div class="inner-cell-line">` + jetTypes.join(`, </div><div class="inner-cell-line">`) + `</div>`; + } + public get headers() { return this._headers; } diff --git a/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.html b/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.html index 78f7d98451f94d60873f316ca54f794f29fcdb40..c2191ca1ef0d2acac12bf48b4e598adb9cf4b87b 100644 --- a/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.html @@ -1,24 +1,27 @@ <div class="container"> - <log #generalLog [logTitle]="uitextGeneralLogTitle">log général</log> + <log [logTitle]="uitextGeneralLogTitle" [log]=globalLog>log général</log> - <variable-results-selector [results]="pabResults" (indexChange)="variableIndexChanged()"> + <variable-results-selector [results]="pabResults" [variatedParameters]=pabResults?.variatedParameters> </variable-results-selector> - <log #iterationLog></log> + <log [log]=iterationLog></log> <div> <!-- tableau de résultats --> - <pab-results-table *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [results]="pabResults"></pab-results-table> + <pab-results-table *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" + [results]=pabResults [variableIndex]=pabResults?.variableIndex> + </pab-results-table> </div> <quicknav *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [items]="[ 'input', 'results', 'charts' ]" [currentItem]="'charts'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> <div id="pab-graphs-container" class="container" fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="space-around start"> - <pab-profile-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + <pab-profile-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [results]=pabResults fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> </pab-profile-chart> - <results-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + <results-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [results]=pabResults [resultData]=pabResults?.result + [variableIndex]=pabResults?.variableIndex fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> </results-chart> </div> diff --git a/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.ts index fe282c196d568946b38992b4ee82ab2d97d5e6d1..bb190be6a1e861fcf81ffa3a2079ef2efd85ad72 100644 --- a/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/pab-results/pab-results.component.ts @@ -1,18 +1,11 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, DoCheck } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core"; import { Result, cLog, Message, MessageCode, MessageSeverity } from "jalhyd"; -import { LogComponent } from "../../components/log/log.component"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; -import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; -import { PabResultsTableComponent } from "./pab-results-table.component"; import { PabResults } from "../../results/pab-results"; -import { VariableResultsSelectorComponent } from "../variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component"; -import { PlottableData } from "../../results/plottable-data"; -import { PlottablePabResults } from "../../results/plottable-pab-results"; -import { ResultsChartComponent } from "../results-chart/results-chart.component"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; -import { PabProfileChartComponent } from "../pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart.component"; +import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; @Component({ selector: "pab-results", @@ -21,88 +14,23 @@ import { PabProfileChartComponent } from "../pab-profile-chart/pab-profile-chart "./pab-results.component.scss" ] }) -export class PabResultsComponent implements DoCheck { +export class PabResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { /** résultats non mis en forme */ private _pabResults: PabResults; - /** résultats mis en forme pour le graphique de données (classique) */ - private _plottableResults: PlottablePabResults; - - /** true si les résultats doiventt être remis à jour */ - private _doUpdate = false; - - @ViewChild(PabResultsTableComponent) - private pabResultsTableComponent: PabResultsTableComponent; - - @ViewChild(VariableResultsSelectorComponent) - private variableResultsSelectorComponent: VariableResultsSelectorComponent; - - @ViewChild("generalLog") - private generalLogComponent: LogComponent; - - @ViewChild("iterationLog") - private iterationLogComponent: LogComponent; - - @ViewChild(ResultsChartComponent) - private resultsChartComponent: ResultsChartComponent; - - @ViewChild(PabProfileChartComponent) - private profileChartComponent: PabProfileChartComponent; - constructor( private i18nService: I18nService, ) { - this._plottableResults = new PlottablePabResults(); + super(); } + @Input() public set results(rs: CalculatorResults[]) { this._pabResults = undefined; if (rs.length > 0 && rs[0] instanceof PabResults) { this._pabResults = rs[0] as PabResults; } - this.updateView(); - } - - /** - * update results table and chart when the variable index changed (event sent by - * PabVariableResultsSelectorComponent); variable index is already set in - * pabResults at this time - */ - public variableIndexChanged() { - this.updateView(); - } - - public updateView() { - if (this.iterationLogComponent) { - this.iterationLogComponent.log = undefined; - } - if (this.generalLogComponent) { - this.generalLogComponent.log = undefined; - } - if (this.pabResultsTableComponent) { - this.pabResultsTableComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.variableResultsSelectorComponent) { - this.variableResultsSelectorComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.resultsChartComponent) { - this.resultsChartComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.profileChartComponent) { - this.profileChartComponent.results = undefined; - } - // set _doUpdate flag so that results are rebuilt on the next Angular display cycle - this._doUpdate = false; - if (this._pabResults !== undefined) { - this._doUpdate = this._doUpdate || this._pabResults.hasResults || this._pabResults.hasLog; - } - } - - public ngDoCheck() { - if (this._doUpdate) { - this._doUpdate = !this.updateResults(); - } } private mergeGlobalLog(result: Result, log: cLog) { @@ -198,7 +126,7 @@ export class PabResultsComponent implements DoCheck { * du sélecteur d'itération : messages globaux et / ou résumé des messages * spécifiques à chaque ResultElement */ - private get globalLog(): cLog { + public get globalLog(): cLog { const l = new cLog(); if (this._pabResults && this.pabResults.variatedParameters.length > 0) { this.mergeGlobalLog(this._pabResults.result, l); @@ -220,11 +148,11 @@ export class PabResultsComponent implements DoCheck { } /** - * Retourne les logs à afficher dans le composant de log global, au dessus - * du sélecteur d'itération : messages globaux et / ou résumé des messages - * spécifiques à chaque ResultElement + * Retourne les logs à afficher dans le composant de log local, en dessous + * du sélecteur d'itération : messages concernant l'itération (le ResultElement) + * en cours */ - private get iterationLog(): cLog { + public get iterationLog(): cLog { const l = new cLog(); if (this._pabResults) { if (this.pabResults.variatedParameters.length > 0) { @@ -265,61 +193,10 @@ export class PabResultsComponent implements DoCheck { return l; } - /** - * met à jour l'affichage des résultats - * @returns true si les résultats ont pu être mis à jour - */ - private updateResults() { - let pabUpdated: boolean; - let resultsChartUpdated: boolean; - let profileChartUpdated: boolean; - let selectorUpdated: boolean; - - // results or not, there might be a log - const logUpdated = (this.iterationLogComponent !== undefined || this.generalLogComponent !== undefined); // gne ? - if (logUpdated) { - // order of logs is important ! - this.iterationLogComponent.log = this.iterationLog; - this.generalLogComponent.log = this.globalLog; - } - - if (this.hasResults) { - pabUpdated = this.pabResultsTableComponent !== undefined; - if (pabUpdated) { - this.pabResultsTableComponent.results = this._pabResults; - } - selectorUpdated = this.variableResultsSelectorComponent !== undefined; - if (selectorUpdated) { - this.variableResultsSelectorComponent.results = this._pabResults; - } - resultsChartUpdated = this.resultsChartComponent !== undefined; - if (resultsChartUpdated) { - this.resultsChartComponent.results = this.plottableResults; - this.resultsChartComponent.updateView(); - } - profileChartUpdated = this.profileChartComponent !== undefined; - if (profileChartUpdated) { - this.profileChartComponent.results = this._pabResults; - this.profileChartComponent.updateView(); - } - } else { - pabUpdated = true; - resultsChartUpdated = true; - profileChartUpdated = true; - selectorUpdated = true; - } - - return pabUpdated && logUpdated && resultsChartUpdated && profileChartUpdated && selectorUpdated; - } - public get pabResults() { return this._pabResults; } - public formattedLabel(p: NgParameter): string { - return CalculatorResults.paramLabel(p, false); - } - public get hasResults(): boolean { return this._pabResults && this._pabResults.hasResults; } @@ -343,10 +220,4 @@ export class PabResultsComponent implements DoCheck { return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_TITREJOURNAL_GLOBAL"); } - /** builds a set of PlottableData from PabResults, to feed the chart */ - protected get plottableResults(): PlottableData { - this._plottableResults.setPabResults(this.pabResults); - return this._plottableResults; - } - } diff --git a/src/app/components/pab-table/pab-table.component.ts b/src/app/components/pab-table/pab-table.component.ts index a73cac1dd232653f79e953b51306026c5f001fc7..d46aae632a7525ba79bbaa8a04c5855ff8d1b824 100644 --- a/src/app/components/pab-table/pab-table.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/pab-table/pab-table.component.ts @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ export class PabTableComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnInit { /** returns true if the cell has an underlying model (ie. is editable) */ public hasModel(cell: any): boolean { - return (cell !== undefined && cell.model !== undefined); + return (cell?.model !== undefined); } /** returns true if the cell is an editable number */ @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ export class PabTableComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnInit { /** "title" tooltip to display in a cell */ public cellTitle(cell: any) { - if (cell !== undefined && cell.title !== undefined) { + if (cell?.title !== undefined) { return cell.title; } else { return ""; @@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ export class PabTableComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnInit { } public rowSpan(cell: any) { - if (cell !== undefined && cell.rowspan) { + if (cell?.rowspan) { return cell.rowspan; } return undefined; } public colSpan(cell: any) { - if (cell !== undefined && cell.colspan) { + if (cell?.colspan) { return cell.colspan; } return undefined; diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-cloison-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-cloison-results.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a59b6a8b1f0581e7ff07e706f24459e6e7df5ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-cloison-results.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core"; + +import { FixedResultsComponent } from "../fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component"; +import { NgParameter } from "../../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; +import { getIthValue } from "../../util"; +import { PbCloisonResults } from "../../results/pb-cloison-results"; + +import { Result, ResultElement } from "jalhyd"; + +@Component({ + selector: "pb-cloison-results", + templateUrl: "../fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.html", + styleUrls: [ + "../fixedvar-results/fixed-results.component.scss" + ] +}) +export class PbCloisonResultsComponent extends FixedResultsComponent { + + @Input() + public set results(r: PbCloisonResults) { + this._fixedResults = r; + } + + public get results(): PbCloisonResults { + return this._fixedResults as PbCloisonResults; + } + + /** Retourne la valeur du paramètre fixe… qui n'en est pas forcément un ici ! */ + protected getFixedParamValue(fp: NgParameter): string { + let val: string; + if (fp.paramDefinition.hasMultipleValues) { + val = getIthValue(fp.paramDefinition, this.results.variableIndex, this.results.size); + } else { + val = this.formattedValue(fp.getValue()); + } + return val; + } + + /** Retourne l'élément de résultat en cours, en fonction de l'index variable */ + protected getResultElement(r: Result): ResultElement { + return r.resultElements[this.results.variableIndex]; + } +} diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.html b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75f0451ffc692eaf760d382fc2f1f57d05be633a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +<div class="pb-results-table-container" #pbResultsTable fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="center center"> + <div fxFlex="1 1 100%"> + <div class="pb-results-table-buttons"> + <button mat-icon-button (click)="exportAsSpreadsheet()" [title]="uitextExportAsSpreadsheet"> + <mat-icon color="primary">file_download</mat-icon> + </button> + <button mat-icon-button *ngIf="! isFullscreen" (click)="setFullscreen(pbResultsTable)" [title]="uitextEnterFSTitle"> + <mat-icon color="primary" class="scaled12">fullscreen</mat-icon> + </button> + <button mat-icon-button *ngIf="isFullscreen" (click)="exitFullscreen()" [title]="uitextExitFSTitle"> + <mat-icon color="primary" class="scaled12">fullscreen_exit</mat-icon> + </button> + </div> + + <div class="pb-results-table-scrollable-container" [ngClass]="{'full-height': isFullscreen}"> + <!-- scrollable --> + <div class="pb-results-table-inner-container" #tableContainer> + <table mat-table [dataSource]="dataSet"> + <ng-container *ngFor="let h of headers; let i = index" [matColumnDef]="h"> + <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef [innerHTML]="h"></th> + <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element" [innerHTML]="element[i]"></td> + </ng-container> + + <tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="headers"></tr> + <tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: headers;"></tr> + </table> + </div> + </div> + </div> +</div> diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.scss b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e49c5ca0d3a6dc21ed1e49e943311bff2a49307 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/** @see additional styles in src/styles.css */ + +:host { + display: block; + margin-bottom: 1.5em; +} + +.pb-results-table-container { + background-color: white; +} + +.pb-results-table-buttons { + padding-right: 4px; + padding-top: 4px; + text-align: right; + background-color: white; + + button { + margin-left: 3px; + width: auto; + + mat-icon { + &.scaled12 { + transform: scale(1.2) + } + } + } +} + +.pb-results-table-scrollable-container { + overflow-x: scroll; + border: solid #ccc 1px; + + &.full-height { + height: calc(100vh - 40px); // rend le mode plein-écran scrollable verticalement, sinon ça dépasse + } +} + +table.mat-table { + + .mat-header-row { + height: 40px; + } + + .mat-row { + height: 32px; + + &:nth-child(odd) { + background-color: #f4f4f4; + } + } +} diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.ts b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5d8dff4d32791788ce5c62a4e40b1a6acce13da --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results-table.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input } from "@angular/core"; + +import { PreBarrage, PbBassin } from "jalhyd"; + +import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; +import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; +import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; +import { fv, getIthValue } from "../../util"; +import { PrebarrageResults } from "../../results/prebarrage-results"; + +@Component({ + selector: "pb-results-table", + templateUrl: "./pb-results-table.component.html", + styleUrls: [ + "./pb-results-table.component.scss" + ] +}) +export class PbResultsTableComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { + + /** résultats non mis en forme */ + private _pbResults: PrebarrageResults; + + /** entêtes des colonnes */ + private _headers: string[]; + + /** résultats mis en forme */ + private _dataSet: any[]; + + @ViewChild("tableContainer") + table: ElementRef; + + constructor( + protected intlService: I18nService + ) { + super(); + } + + @Input() + public set results(r: PrebarrageResults) { + this._pbResults = r; + + this._dataSet = []; + if ( + this._pbResults + && this._pbResults.bassinsResults + && this._pbResults.bassinsResults.length > 0 + && ! this._pbResults.hasOnlyErrors() + ) { + const pr = this._pbResults; + const pb = pr.result.sourceNub as PreBarrage; + // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter + // values to build the data from + const vi = pr.variableIndex; + + // @TODO results.size ? To extend values lists… + + // refresh headers here if language changed + this._headers = pr.headers; + + // upstream line + if (pr.result.resultElements[vi].vCalc) { // le calcul peut avoir échoué + this._dataSet.push([ + this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_AMONT"), + "", "", + getIthValue(pb.prms.Z1, vi, this._pbResults.size), + "", "", + getIthValue(pb.prms.Q, vi, this._pbResults.size), + ]); + } + + // basins 1 - n + for (let i = 0; i < pr.bassinsResults.length; i++) { + if ( + Object.keys(pr.bassinsResults[i].resultElements[vi].values).length > 0 // no vCalc in this case + ) { + const rb = pr.bassinsResults[i].resultElements[vi].values; + const basin = pr.bassinsResults[i].sourceNub as PbBassin; + this._dataSet.push([ + i + 1, // n° cloison + fv(basin.prms.S.V), + fv(basin.prms.ZF.V), + fv(rb.Z), + fv(rb.PV), + fv(rb.YMOY), + fv(rb.Q) + ]); + } + } + + // downstream line + if (pr.result.resultElements[vi].vCalc) { // le calcul peut avoir échoué + this._dataSet.push([ + this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_AVAL"), + "", "", + getIthValue(pb.prms.Z2, vi, this._pbResults.size), + "", "", + getIthValue(pb.prms.Q, vi, this._pbResults.size), + ]); + } + } + } + + public get headers() { + return this._headers; + } + + /** + * Returns a combination of parameters and results for mat-table + */ + public get dataSet() { + return this._dataSet; + } + + public exportAsSpreadsheet() { + AppComponent.exportAsSpreadsheet(this.table.nativeElement); + } + + public get uitextExportAsSpreadsheet() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_RESULTS_EXPORT_AS_SPREADSHEET"); + } + + public get uitextEnterFSTitle() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CHART_BUTTON_TITLE_ENTER_FS"); + } + + public get uitextExitFSTitle() { + return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_CHART_BUTTON_TITLE_EXIT_FS"); + } +} diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.html b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae300910591b90d0c0ca1b78533013200d91d379 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +<div class="container"> + <log [logTitle]="uitextGeneralLogTitle" [log]=globalLog>log général</log> + + <variable-results-selector [results]=pbResults> + </variable-results-selector> + + <log [log]=iterationLog></log> + + <!-- tableau de résultats des bassins --> + <pb-results-table *ngIf="hasBasinResults" [results]=pbResults></pb-results-table> + + <!-- table des résultats fixés --> + <pb-cloison-results *ngIf="hasWallResults" [results]=pbResults.cloisonResults></pb-cloison-results> + + <!-- <quicknav *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" [items]="[ 'input', 'results', 'charts' ]" + [currentItem]="'charts'" [align]="'left'"></quicknav> --> + + <!-- <div id="pb-graphs-container" class="container" fxLayout="row wrap" fxLayoutAlign="space-around start"> + <pb-profile-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + </pb-profile-chart> + <results-chart *ngIf="hasDisplayableResults" fxFlex.gt-xs="1 0 400px" fxFlex.lt-sm="1 0 300px"> + </results-chart> + </div> --> + +</div> diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.scss b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..446313ba6da367fde3da7c3b760e39086f71a804 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +results-chart { + margin-left: 1em; + margin-right: 1em; +} diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b502c4e40fe2335c1688ddc7028aa7112bc105c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-results/pb-results.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core"; + +import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; +import { PrebarrageResults } from "../../results/prebarrage-results"; +import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; + +import { cLog } from "jalhyd"; + +@Component({ + selector: "pb-results", + templateUrl: "./pb-results.component.html", + styleUrls: [ + "./pb-results.component.scss" + ] +}) +export class PbResultsComponent { + + /** résultats des bassins, non mis en forme */ + private _pbResults: PrebarrageResults; + + constructor( + private i18nService: I18nService, + ) { } + + @Input() + public set results(rs: CalculatorResults[]) { + this._pbResults = undefined; + for (const r of rs) { + if (r instanceof PrebarrageResults) { + this._pbResults = r as PrebarrageResults; + } + } + } + + public get pbResults() { + return this._pbResults; + } + + // true if any result is present + public get hasResults(): boolean { + return this._pbResults && this._pbResults.hasResults; + } + + // true if basin results are present + public get hasBasinResults(): boolean { + return this._pbResults && this._pbResults.hasBasinResults; + } + + // true if wall results are present + public get hasWallResults(): boolean { + return this._pbResults && this._pbResults.hasWallResults; + } + + /* private mergeGlobalLog(result: Result, log: cLog) { + if (result) { + if (result.hasGlobalLog()) { + log.addLog(result.globalLog); + } + // if no parameter is varying, 1st element log is considered "global" + if (this.pbResults.variatedParameters.length === 0) { + if (result.hasResultElements() && result.resultElement.hasLog()) { + log.addLog(result.log); + } + } + } + } */ + + /** + * Returns the number of errors, warnings, infos among children logs + */ + /* private logStats(): any { + const ret = { + info: 0, + warning: 0, + error: 0 + }; + if (this._pbResults.result && this._pbResults.result.hasLog()) { + for (const re of this._pbResults.result.resultElements) { + if (re.hasLog()) { + for (const m of re.log.messages) { + const s = m.getSeverity(); + switch (s) { + case MessageSeverity.INFO: + ret.info ++; + break; + case MessageSeverity.WARNING: + ret.warning ++; + break; + case MessageSeverity.ERROR: + ret.error ++; + break; + } + } + } + } + } + for (const cr of this._pbResults.cloisonsResults) { + if (cr && cr.hasLog()) { + for (const re of cr.resultElements) { + if (re.hasLog()) { + for (const m of re.log.messages) { + const s = m.getSeverity(); + switch (s) { + case MessageSeverity.INFO: + ret.info ++; + break; + case MessageSeverity.WARNING: + ret.warning ++; + break; + case MessageSeverity.ERROR: + ret.error ++; + break; + } + } + } + } + } + } + if (this._pbResults.cloisonAvalResults && this._pbResults.cloisonAvalResults.hasLog()) { + for (const re of this._pbResults.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements) { + if (re.hasLog()) { + for (const m of re.log.messages) { + const s = m.getSeverity(); + switch (s) { + case MessageSeverity.INFO: + ret.info ++; + break; + case MessageSeverity.WARNING: + ret.warning ++; + break; + case MessageSeverity.ERROR: + ret.error ++; + break; + } + } + } + } + } + return ret; + } */ + + /* + * Retourne les logs à afficher dans le composant de log global, au dessus + * du sélecteur d'itération : messages globaux et / ou résumé des messages + * spécifiques à chaque ResultElement + */ + public get globalLog(): cLog { + const l = new cLog(); + /* if (this._pbResults && this.pbResults.variatedParameters.length > 0) { + this.mergeGlobalLog(this._pbResults.result, l); + // un problème avec la PAB en général / les cloisons, à une étape quelconque ? + if ( + (this.pbResults.hasLog) + && l.messages.length === 0 // existing global messages make generic message below useless + ) { + const logStats = this.logStats(); + const m = new Message(MessageCode.WARNING_PROBLEMS_ENCOUNTERED); + m.extraVar.info = "" + logStats.info; // to avoid displaying fixed number of digits + m.extraVar.warning = "" + logStats.warning; + m.extraVar.error = "" + logStats.error; + l.add(m); + // l.add(new Message(MessageCode.WARNING_PROBLEMS_ENCOUNTERED)); + } + } // sinon pas de log global (aucun paramètre ne varie) */ + return l; + } + + /** + * Retourne les logs à afficher dans le composant de log local, en dessous + * du sélecteur d'itération : messages concernant l'itération (le ResultElement) + * en cours + */ + public get iterationLog(): cLog { + const l = new cLog(); + /* if (this._pabResults) { + if (this.pabResults.variatedParameters.length > 0) { + // A. si un paramètre varie + const vi = this._pabResults.variableIndex; + // log de la PAB pour l'itération en cours + if ( + this._pabResults.result + && this._pabResults.result.hasResultElements() + && this._pabResults.result.resultElements[vi] + && this._pabResults.result.resultElements[vi].hasLog() + ) { + l.addLog(this._pabResults.result.resultElements[vi].log); + } + // logs des enfants pour l'itération en cours + for (const cr of this._pabResults.cloisonsResults) { + if (cr && cr.hasResultElements() && cr.resultElements[vi].hasLog()) { + l.addLog(cr.resultElements[vi].log); + } + } + if (this._pabResults.cloisonAvalResults && this._pabResults.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].hasLog()) { + l.addLog(this._pabResults.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].log); + } + } else { + // B. si aucun paramètre ne varie + this.mergeGlobalLog(this._pabResults.result, l); // faut bien mettre le log global quelque part + // logs des enfants + for (const cr of this._pabResults.cloisonsResults) { + if (cr && cr.hasResultElements() && cr.resultElement.hasLog()) { + l.addLog(cr.resultElement.log); + } + } + if (this._pabResults.cloisonAvalResults && this._pabResults.cloisonAvalResults.resultElement.hasLog()) { + l.addLog(this._pabResults.cloisonAvalResults.resultElement.log); + } + } + } */ + return l; + } + + public get uitextGeneralLogTitle(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_TITREJOURNAL_GLOBAL"); + } + +} diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.html b/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9314c653190799eee8a29ec3d40acae2f9002e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +<mat-card-header class="mat-card-header-text-margin-0 bg-accent-light" [ngClass]="{'side': ! showInputData}"> + <mat-card-title> + {{ title }} + </mat-card-title> +</mat-card-header> + +<mat-card-content> + + <div id="pb-schema-toolbar"> + + <button type="button" id="add-basin" mat-raised-button color="accent" (click)="onAddBasinClick()"> + {{ uitextAddBasin }} + </button> + + <button type="button" id="add-wall" mat-raised-button color="accent" (click)="onAddWallClick()" [disabled]="! enableAddWallButton"> + {{ uitextAddWall }} + </button> + + <div class="hyd-window-btns"> + <span class="related-entity-title"> + {{ prefixedItemDescription }} + </span> + <button type="button" mat-icon-button color="primary" [disabled]="! enableCopyButton" (click)="onCopyClick()" + [title]="uitextCopy"> + <mat-icon>content_copy</mat-icon> + </button> + | + <button type="button" mat-icon-button color="primary" [disabled]="! enableRemoveButton" (click)="onRemoveClick()" + [title]="uitextRemove"> + <mat-icon>delete</mat-icon> + </button> + <button type="button" mat-icon-button [disabled]="! enableUpButton" (click)="onMoveBasinUpClick()" [title]="uitextMoveBasinUp"> + <mat-icon>arrow_upward</mat-icon> + </button> + <button type="button" mat-icon-button [disabled]="! enableDownButton" (click)="onMoveBasinDownClick()" [title]="uitextMoveBasinDown"> + <mat-icon>arrow_downward</mat-icon> + </button> + <!-- + | + <button type="button" mat-icon-button color="primary" (click)="exportAsSpreadsheet()" + [title]="uitextExportAsSpreadsheet"> + <mat-icon color="primary">file_download</mat-icon> + </button> --> + </div> + </div> + + <div id="schema" #schema></div> + + <pre id="debug">{{ graphDef }} </pre> + +</mat-card-content> diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.scss b/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72baa1eddf75dd87f56fcb64057f22af2bab8d93 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/** @see additional styles in src/styles.css */ + +:host { + display: block; + width: 100%; +} + +mat-card-header { + margin-left: -16px; + margin-right: -16px; + padding-left: 16px; + padding-top: 8px; + color: white; + + &.side { + margin-right: -32px; + } + + mat-card-title { + font-size: 16px !important; + margin-bottom: 8px; + } +} + +mat-card-content { + margin-top: 1em; +} + +#pb-schema-toolbar { + #add-basin { + float: left; + } + #add-wall { + float: left; + margin-left: .5em; + } + .related-entity-title { + vertical-align: middle; + font-weight: bold; + display: none; // @TODO show it in a way that doesn't make the buttons fall on the next line ? + } + .hyd-window-btns { + text-align: right; + + #add-many-children { + width: 3em; + vertical-align: middle; + } + + button.mat-icon-button { + width: 32px; + } + } +} + +#schema { + margin-top: .5em; + margin-bottom: .5em; + text-align: center; +} + +#debug { + display: none; +} diff --git a/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.ts b/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a9ed20fefa5dcd666d319d21865d2ff55a81bbd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/pb-schema/pb-schema.component.ts @@ -0,0 +1,530 @@ +import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ViewChild, Inject, forwardRef, AfterContentInit } from "@angular/core"; +import { MatDialog } from "@angular/material/dialog"; + +import { + PreBarrage, PbBassin, PbBassinParams, PbCloison, Observer, IObservable + } from "jalhyd"; + +import * as mermaid from "mermaid"; + +import { HotkeysService, Hotkey } from "angular2-hotkeys"; + +import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; +import { PbSchema } from "../../formulaire/elements/pb-schema"; +import { DialogNewPbCloisonComponent } from "../dialog-new-pb-cloison/dialog-new-pb-cloison.component"; +import { GenericCalculatorComponent } from "../generic-calculator/calculator.component"; +import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; + +/** + * The interactive schema for calculator type "PreBarrage" (component) + */ +@Component({ + selector: "pb-schema", + templateUrl: "./pb-schema.component.html", + styleUrls: [ + "./pb-schema.component.scss" + ] +}) +export class PbSchemaComponent implements AfterViewInit, AfterContentInit, OnInit, Observer { + + @Input() + private pbSchema: PbSchema; + + @ViewChild("schema", { static: true }) + public schema: any; + + /** handle on SVG container */ + private nativeElement: any; + + /** flag de validité du composant */ + private _isValid = false; + + private upstreamId = "amont"; + + private downstreamId = "aval"; + + /** événément de changement de validité */ + @Output() + private validChange = new EventEmitter(); + + /** événément de sélection d'un nœud du graphique Mermaid */ + @Output() + private nodeSelected = new EventEmitter(); + + /** underlying PB */ + private model: PreBarrage; + + /** Latest clicked item: a PbCloison, a PbBassin or undefined if river "Upstream" or "Downstream" was clicked */ + private _selectedItem: PbCloison | PbBassin; + + /** Records existing walls as they are built, to detect if multiple walls connect the same pair of basins */ + private existingWalls: { [key: string]: number }; + + public constructor( + @Inject(forwardRef(() => GenericCalculatorComponent)) private calculatorComponent: GenericCalculatorComponent, + private i18nService: I18nService, + private hotkeysService: HotkeysService, + private newPbCloisonDialog: MatDialog + ) { + this.hotkeysService.add(new Hotkey("del", AppComponent.onHotkey(this.removeOnHotkey, this))); + } + + public get selectedItem(): any { + return this._selectedItem; + } + + public ngAfterContentInit(): void { + mermaid.initialize({ + flowchart: { + curve: "basis" + } + }); + this.nativeElement = this.schema.nativeElement; + this.render(); + // restore previously selected item + this._selectedItem = this.pbSchema.form.selectedItem; + if (this._selectedItem !== undefined) { + // @WARNING clodo timeout to prevent ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError + // and select schema node after schema is refreshed by ngAfterViewInit() + setTimeout(() => { + this.selectNodeOnSchema(this._selectedItem); + }, 20); // timeout has to be greater than the 10ms of ngAfterViewInit() + } + } + + private render() { + this.nativeElement.innerHTML = ""; // or diagram goes blank when refreshing… + // generate graph description + const graphDefinition = this.graphDefinition(); + // draw + try { + mermaid.render("graphDiv", graphDefinition, (svgCode, bindFunctions) => { + this.nativeElement.innerHTML = svgCode; + }); + } catch (e) { + console.error(e); + } + } + + /** + * Builds the interactive schema from the PreBarrage model + */ + private refresh() { + this.render(); + this.refreshEventListeners(); + this.updateValidity(); + } + + public ngAfterViewInit(): void { + // subscribe to "refresh" event passed indirectly by FormulairePbCloison (change upstream/downstream basin) + this.pbSchema.addObserver(this); + // @WARNING clodo trick to prevent blank diagram when switching from a PreBarrage to another + setTimeout(() => { + this.refresh(); + }, 10); + } + + /** Add click listener on every node and link in the graph */ + private refreshEventListeners() { + this.nativeElement.querySelectorAll("g.node").forEach(item => { + item.style.cursor = "pointer"; + item.addEventListener("click", () => { + this.selectNode(item); + }); + }); + } + + /** + * Builds a Mermaid graph text definition, using Nodes + * to represent basins as well as walls; sorts connexions + * to prevent lines crossings + */ + private graphDefinition() { + this.existingWalls = {}; + this.pbSchema.wallsSuffixes = {}; + const def: string[] = [ "graph TB" ]; + + // river upstream / downstream + def.push(`${this.upstreamId}("${this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_AMONT")}")`); + def.push(`${this.downstreamId}("${this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_AVAL")}")`); + + // styles + def.push("classDef wall fill:#e8e8e8,stroke-width:0;"); + def.push("classDef basin fill:#e0f3fb,stroke:#003A80;"); // irstea-ocean 50 / 500 + def.push("classDef node-highlighted fill:#4DBBE9;"); // irstea-ocean (material "accent"), 300 + + const sortedWalls: PbCloison[] = []; + for (const c of this.model.children) { + if (c instanceof PbBassin) { + def.push(`${c.uid}("${this.itemDescription(c)}")`); // rounded edges + def.push(`class ${c.uid} basin;`); + } else if (c instanceof PbCloison) { + // store, to draw later + sortedWalls.push(c); + } + } + // sort then draw walls + sortedWalls.sort(this.triCloisonsGaucheDroite); + for (const c of sortedWalls) { + const upstreamBasinId = c.bassinAmont === undefined ? this.upstreamId : c.bassinAmont.uid; + const downstreamBasinId = c.bassinAval === undefined ? this.downstreamId : c.bassinAval.uid; + // record this wall + const basinsPair = upstreamBasinId + "-" + downstreamBasinId; + if (! (basinsPair in this.existingWalls)) { + this.existingWalls[basinsPair] = 0; + } + // affect suffix if needed + if (this.existingWalls[basinsPair] > 0) { + this.pbSchema.wallsSuffixes[c.uid] = this.existingWalls[basinsPair]; + } + this.existingWalls[basinsPair]++; + // draw wall Node + def.push(`${c.uid}["${this.itemDescription(c)}"]`); // square edges + def.push(`class ${c.uid} wall;`); + // draw "arrow" with 2 lines + def.push(`${upstreamBasinId}---${c.uid}-->${downstreamBasinId}`); + } + + return def.join("\n"); + } + + /** gauche d'abord, droite ensuite */ + private triCloisonsGaucheDroite(a: PbCloison, b: PbCloison) { + // ultra-gauchistes + if (a.bassinAmont === undefined && a.bassinAval === undefined) { + return -1; + } + if (b.bassinAmont === undefined && b.bassinAval === undefined) { + return 1; + } + // si A est un super-gauchiste + if (a.bassinAmont === undefined || a.bassinAval === undefined) { + // B est-il aussi un super-gauchiste ? + if (b.bassinAmont === undefined || b.bassinAval === undefined) { + // comparer le bassin restant + const bassinA = (a.bassinAmont === undefined ? a.bassinAval : a.bassinAmont); + const bassinB = (b.bassinAmont === undefined ? b.bassinAval : b.bassinAmont); + return (bassinA.findPositionInParent() <= bassinB.findPositionInParent()) ? -1 : 1; + } + // sinon A gagne + return -1; + } + // si B est un super-gauchiste + if (b.bassinAmont === undefined || b.bassinAval === undefined) { + // B gagne (le cas de A super-gauchiste est éliminé avant) + return 1; + } + // sinon, aucun des deux n'est super-gauchiste, comparaison des bassins amont et aval + const sommeA = a.bassinAmont.findPositionInParent() + a.bassinAval.findPositionInParent(); + const sommeB = b.bassinAmont.findPositionInParent() + b.bassinAval.findPositionInParent(); + return (sommeA <= sommeB ? -1 : 1); + } + + private selectNode(item: any) { + // highlight clicked element + this.clearHighlightedItems(); + item.classList.add("node-highlighted"); + // find what was clicked + if ([ this.upstreamId, this.downstreamId ].includes(item.id)) { + this._selectedItem = undefined; + } else { + this._selectedItem = this.model.findChild(item.id); + } + // show proper form and hide results + this.nodeSelected.emit({ + node: this._selectedItem + }); + } + + // for debug only + public get graphDef(): string { + return this.graphDefinition(); + } + + public get title(): string { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_SCHEMA"); + } + + /** Global Pb validity */ + public get isValid() { + return this._isValid; + } + + /** used for a cosmetics CSS trick only (mat-card-header right margin) */ + public get showInputData(): boolean { + return this.calculatorComponent.showPBInputData; + } + + public get prefixedItemDescription(): string { + let desc = this.itemDescription(this._selectedItem); + if (this._selectedItem instanceof PbCloison) { + desc = this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_CLOISON") + " " + desc; + } + if (desc !== "") { + desc += " : "; + } + return desc; + } + + /** Returns a short description of the given item: wall or basin */ + private itemDescription(item: PbCloison | PbBassin): string { + let desc = ""; + if (item !== undefined) { + desc = this.i18nService.localizeMessage(item.description); + if (item instanceof PbCloison) { + // there might be multiple walls between the same pair of basins + if (item.uid in this.pbSchema.wallsSuffixes) { + desc += " (" + this.pbSchema.wallsSuffixes[item.uid] + ")"; + } + } + } + return desc; + } + + /** + * Selects and highlights on the schema the given wall or basin + */ + private selectNodeOnSchema(element: PbBassin | PbCloison) { + this.nativeElement.querySelectorAll("g.node").forEach(item => { + if (item.id === element.uid) { + this.selectNode(item); + } + }); + } + + // at this time @Input data is supposed to be already populated + public ngOnInit() { + this.model = this.pbSchema.pb; + } + + public get enableRemoveButton() { + if (this._selectedItem === undefined) { + return false; + } + // if deleting a PbCloison would replace it by a new one at + // the same place (@see onRemoveClick), make it not deletable + if (this._selectedItem instanceof PbCloison) { + if (( + this._selectedItem.bassinAmont !== undefined + && this._selectedItem.bassinAmont.cloisonsAval.length === 1 + && this._selectedItem.bassinAval === undefined + ) || ( + this._selectedItem.bassinAval !== undefined + && this._selectedItem.bassinAval.cloisonsAmont.length === 1 + && this._selectedItem.bassinAmont === undefined + )) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + + /** Removes a basin or wall, and all related items */ + public onRemoveClick() { + this.model.deleteChild(this._selectedItem.findPositionInParent()); + // never let an unconnected basin ! (not done in model to prevent unwanted + // automatic child addition when clearing children) + if (this._selectedItem instanceof PbCloison) { + // if no downstream connections remain, connect to river downstream + if (this._selectedItem.bassinAmont?.cloisonsAval.length === 0) { + this.model.addChild(new PbCloison(this._selectedItem.bassinAmont, undefined)); + } + // if no upstream connections remain, connect to river upstream + if (this._selectedItem.bassinAval?.cloisonsAmont.length === 0) { + this.model.addChild(new PbCloison(undefined, this._selectedItem.bassinAval)); + } + } + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + this.clearResults(); + } + + public get uitextRemove() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_FIELDSET_REMOVE"); + } + + // listener for "del" hotkey + protected removeOnHotkey() { + if (this.enableRemoveButton) { + this.onRemoveClick(); + } + } + + public get enableCopyButton() { + return (this._selectedItem !== undefined && this._selectedItem instanceof PbCloison); + } + + /** Copies a wall */ + public onCopyClick() { + const wall = this._selectedItem as PbCloison; + const wallCopy = new PbCloison(wall.bassinAmont, wall.bassinAval); + wallCopy.loadObjectRepresentation(wall.objectRepresentation()); + this.model.addChild(wallCopy); + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + this.selectNodeOnSchema(wallCopy); + this.clearResults(); + } + + public get uitextCopy() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_FIELDSET_COPY"); + } + + /** Adds a new lone basin */ + public onAddBasinClick() { + const newBasin = new PbBassin(new PbBassinParams(20, 99)); + this.model.addChild(newBasin); + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + this.selectNodeOnSchema(newBasin); + this.clearResults(); + } + + public get uitextAddBasin() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_ADD_BASIN"); + } + + public get enableAddWallButton(): boolean { + return (this.model.bassins.length > 0); + } + + /** Adds a new lone wall, opening a modal to choose connected basins */ + public onAddWallClick() { + // open dialog + const dialogRef = this.newPbCloisonDialog.open( + DialogNewPbCloisonComponent, + { + data: { + basins: this.model.bassins + }, + disableClose: true + } + ); + // apply modifications + dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(result => { + if (result.up !== undefined && result.down !== undefined) { + const wall = new PbCloison( + result.up === 0 ? undefined : this.model.bassins[result.up - 1], + result.down === 0 ? undefined : this.model.bassins[result.down - 1] + ); + this.model.addChild(wall); + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + this.selectNodeOnSchema(wall); + this.clearResults(); + } + }); + } + + public get uitextAddWall() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_ADD_WALL"); + } + + public get enableUpButton() { + return ( + this._selectedItem instanceof PbBassin + && this.model.findBasinPosition(this._selectedItem.uid) !== 0 + && this.isStandaloneBasin(this._selectedItem) + ); + } + + public onMoveBasinUpClick() { + if (this._selectedItem instanceof PbBassin) { + this.model.moveBasin(this._selectedItem.uid, this.model.findBasinPosition(this._selectedItem.uid) - 1); + } + const basin = this._selectedItem; + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + this.selectNodeOnSchema(basin); + this.clearResults(); + } + + public get uitextMoveBasinUp() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_MOVE_BASIN_UP"); + } + + public get enableDownButton() { + return ( + this._selectedItem instanceof PbBassin + && this.model.findBasinPosition(this._selectedItem.uid) !== this.model.bassins.length - 1 + && this.isStandaloneBasin(this._selectedItem) + ); + } + + public onMoveBasinDownClick() { + if (this._selectedItem instanceof PbBassin) { + this.model.moveBasin(this._selectedItem.uid, this.model.findBasinPosition(this._selectedItem.uid) + 1); + } + const basin = this._selectedItem; + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + this.selectNodeOnSchema(basin); + this.clearResults(); + } + + public get uitextMoveBasinDown() { + return this.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_PB_MOVE_BASIN_DOWN"); + } + + /** + * Returns true if given basin is either connected to nothing, or only to + * river upstream or downstream + */ + private isStandaloneBasin(basin: PbBassin) { + return ( + ( + basin.cloisonsAmont.length === 0 + || basin.cloisonsAmont.map(c => c.bassinAmont).every(e => e === undefined) + ) && ( + basin.cloisonsAval.length === 0 + || basin.cloisonsAval.map(c => c.bassinAval).every(e => e === undefined) + ) + ); + } + + /** + * Computes the global Pab validity : validity of every cell of every row + */ + private updateValidity() { + // check that at least 1 basin is present and a route from river + // upstream to river downstream exists (2nd check includes 1st) + this._isValid = ( + this.model.hasUpDownConnection() + && ! this.model.hasBasinNotConnected() + ); + this.validChange.emit(); + } + + private clearHighlightedItems() { + this.nativeElement.querySelectorAll("g.node").forEach(item => { + item.classList.remove("node-highlighted"); + }); + } + + private unselect() { + this._selectedItem = undefined; + this.clearHighlightedItems(); + this.nodeSelected.emit({}); // nothing selected + } + + /** clear all PB form results whenever the basins / walls layout is changed */ + private clearResults() { + this.pbSchema.form.reset(); + } + + // interface Observer + + public update(sender: IObservable, data: any) { + if (sender instanceof PbSchema) { + if (data.action === "refresh") { + this.unselect(); + this.refresh(); + // select a node on the schema ? + if (data.value !== undefined) { + this.selectNodeOnSchema(this.model.findChild(data.value)); + } + } + } + } + +} diff --git a/src/app/components/remous-results/line-and-chart-data.ts b/src/app/components/remous-results/line-and-chart-data.ts index d59b2bf704d42b64ae7cb2849174640cb2e638ab..c0c7b1d17b1a6292f905fb1de97de6efba3f2e85 100644 --- a/src/app/components/remous-results/line-and-chart-data.ts +++ b/src/app/components/remous-results/line-and-chart-data.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * données pour une ligne dans le graphe + * données pour une ligne dans le graphique */ export class LineData { /** @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export class LineData { private _ty: any[] = []; /** - * graphe auquel aapartient la ligne + * graphique auquel appartient la ligne */ private _parentChart: ChartData; @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ export class ChartData { } /** - * crée une ligne dans le graphe + * crée une ligne dans le graphique * @param z profondeur de la lign */ public newLine(z: number): LineData { diff --git a/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.html b/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.html index 8a51ef96d4ae095aa02c782e212979b90b08f040..7d40b0fa66e6a4a3d487d35ded97491edd852208 100644 --- a/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.html @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ <!-- journal --> -<log></log> +<log [log]=log></log> -<div [hidden]="! hasData"><!-- *ngIf breaks @ViewChild availability--> +<div *ngIf="hasData"> <!-- résultats numériques --> - <var-results></var-results> + <var-results [results]=varResults></var-results> </div> diff --git a/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts index 78a522357adb1972cceaa335c9f69b73ec83cf5f..b39505299078fd465949b1f8c178625e459fc299 100644 --- a/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/remous-results/remous-results.component.ts @@ -1,17 +1,16 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, DoCheck } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from "@angular/core"; -import { INumberIterator, CourbeRemousParams, CourbeRemous, ParamDefinition, ParamDomain, ParamDomainValue } from "jalhyd"; +import { INumberIterator, CourbeRemousParams, CourbeRemous, ParamDefinition, ParamDomainValue, cLog } from "jalhyd"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; -import { LogComponent } from "../../components/log/log.component"; import { RemousResults } from "../../results/remous-results"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; -import { VarResultsComponent } from "../fixedvar-results/var-results.component"; import { FormulaireService } from "../../services/formulaire.service"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; import { LineData, ChartData } from "./line-and-chart-data"; import { fv } from "../../util"; +import { VarResults } from "../../results/var-results"; @Component({ selector: "remous-results", @@ -20,19 +19,19 @@ import { fv } from "../../util"; "./remous-results.component.scss" ] }) -export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements DoCheck { +export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements OnChanges { private _remousResults: RemousResults; /* - * config du graphe principal + * config du graphique principal */ public graph1_type = "scatter"; public graph1_data = {}; public graph1_options = {}; /* - * config du graphe secondaire (paramètre supplémentaire sauf Hs, Hsc, Ycor, Ycon) + * config du graphique secondaire (paramètre supplémentaire sauf Hs, Hsc, Ycor, Ycon) */ public graph2_type = "line"; public graph2_data = {}; @@ -43,23 +42,6 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements */ private _tableHeaders: string[]; - /** - * true si les résultats doivent être mis à jour - */ - private _doUpdate = false; - - /** - * composant des résultats variables - */ - @ViewChild(VarResultsComponent) - private varResultsComponent: VarResultsComponent; - - /** - * composant journal - */ - @ViewChild(LogComponent) - private logComponent: LogComponent; - constructor( private intlService: I18nService, private formService: FormulaireService @@ -67,7 +49,11 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements super(); } - private get uitextLigneFluviale() { + public get remousResults() { + return this._remousResults; + } + + public get uitextLigneFluviale() { // calculator type for translation const sn = this._remousResults.result.sourceNub; let ct = sn.calcType; @@ -77,7 +63,7 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements return this.formService.expandVariableNameAndUnit(ct, "FLU"); } - private get uitextLigneTorrentielle() { + public get uitextLigneTorrentielle() { // calculator type for translation const sn = this._remousResults.result.sourceNub; let ct = sn.calcType; @@ -87,23 +73,23 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements return this.formService.expandVariableNameAndUnit(ct, "TOR"); } - private get uitextAbscisse() { + public get uitextAbscisse() { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_ABSCISSE"); } - private get uitextFond() { + public get uitextFond() { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_FOND"); } - private get uitextBerge() { + public get uitextBerge() { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_BERGE"); } - private get uitextTirantNormal() { + public get uitextTirantNormal() { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_TIRANTNORMAL"); } - private get uitextTirantCritique() { + public get uitextTirantCritique() { return this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_TIRANTCRITIQUE"); } @@ -141,19 +127,15 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements return this._tableHeaders; } - public getResultClass(i: number) { - // tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise - return "result_id_" + String(i & 1); - } - public get hasResults(): boolean { - return this._remousResults !== undefined && this._remousResults.hasResults; + return this._remousResults?.hasResults; } public get hasData(): boolean { return this._remousResults && this._remousResults.result && this._remousResults.result.ok; } + @Input() public set results(rs: CalculatorResults[]) { this._remousResults = undefined; if (rs !== undefined) { @@ -164,43 +146,25 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements } } } - this.updateView(); } - public updateView() { - this.graph1_data = {}; - this.graph1_options = {}; - this.graph2_data = {}; - this.graph2_options = {}; - if (this.varResultsComponent !== undefined) { - this.varResultsComponent.results = undefined; - } - if (this.logComponent !== undefined) { - this.logComponent.log = undefined; - } - this._tableHeaders = []; - - if (this._remousResults !== undefined) { - this._doUpdate = this._remousResults.hasResults; + public ngOnChanges(s: SimpleChanges) { + // console.log("_________> RRC onChanges", s); + if (this._remousResults && this._remousResults.result) { + this.generateChart(); } } - /** - * appelé pour gérer les changements non détectés par Angular - */ - public ngDoCheck() { - if (this._doUpdate) { - this._doUpdate = !this.updateResults(); + public get log(): cLog { + if (this._remousResults !== undefined) { + return this._remousResults.log; } } - private updateResults() { - if (this.logComponent !== undefined && this._remousResults !== undefined) { - this.logComponent.log = this._remousResults.log; - this.generateChart(); - return true; + public get varResults(): VarResults { + if (this._remousResults !== undefined) { + return this._remousResults.varResults; } - return false; } /** @@ -273,11 +237,7 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements private generateChart() { // http://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/charts/line.html // le dernier dataset de la liste datasets est dessiné en 1er - this._remousResults.update(); - if (this.varResultsComponent) { - this.varResultsComponent.results = this._remousResults.varResults; - } const nub = this._remousResults.result.sourceNub as CourbeRemous; const params = nub.prms as CourbeRemousParams; @@ -320,7 +280,7 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements } // hauteur normale - if (this._remousResults.hautNormale !== undefined && this._remousResults.hautNormale.ok) { + if (this._remousResults.hautNormale?.ok) { const Yn = this._remousResults.hautNormale.vCalc; gr1.drawSimpleLine(Yn + ZF1, Yn + ZF2, 5, "#A4C537", this.uitextTirantNormal @@ -328,7 +288,7 @@ export class RemousResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements } // hauteur critique - if (this._remousResults.hautCritique !== undefined && this._remousResults.hautCritique.ok) { + if (this._remousResults.hautCritique?.ok) { const Yc = this._remousResults.hautCritique.vCalc; gr1.drawSimpleLine(Yc + ZF1, Yc + ZF2, 6, "#FF0000", this.uitextTirantCritique diff --git a/src/app/components/results-chart/results-chart.component.ts b/src/app/components/results-chart/results-chart.component.ts index 6a94fc5c6da1f5f4057a7e7d70cc78a37cd5cd14..d41858fe728c13c5f9a40072b9d8ee5f8aa621e3 100644 --- a/src/app/components/results-chart/results-chart.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/results-chart/results-chart.component.ts @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, AfterContentInit, ChangeDetectorRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, AfterContentInit, ChangeDetectorRef, Input, OnChanges } from "@angular/core"; import { ChartComponent } from "angular2-chartjs"; -import { Observer, ParamFamily } from "jalhyd"; +import { Observer, ParamFamily, Result } from "jalhyd"; import { ChartTypeSelectComponent } from "./chart-type.component"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; "./results-chart.component.scss" ] }) -export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements AfterContentInit, Observer { +export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements AfterContentInit, Observer, OnChanges { @ViewChild(ChartComponent) private chartComponent; @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements private _graphTypeComponent: ChartTypeSelectComponent; /* - * config du graphe + * config du graphique */ public graph_type: string; public graph_data: any = {}; @@ -90,23 +90,33 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements }; } + @Input() public set results(r: PlottableData) { - this.forceRebuild(); this._results = r; if (this._results && this._graphTypeComponent) { - this._graphTypeComponent.selectedValue = r.graphType; + this._graphTypeComponent.selectedValue = r.chartType; } } - public get availableXAxis() { + @Input() + public set resultData(r: Result) { + // trick to trigger onChanges when results data changes + } + + @Input() + public set variableIndex(v: number) { + // trick to trigger onChanges when variable index changes + } + + public get availableXAxis(): string[] { if (this._results) { return this._results.getAvailableXAxis(); } } - public get availableYAxis() { + public get availableYAxis(): string[] { if (this._results) { - if (this._results.graphType !== ChartType.Scatter) { + if (this._results.chartType !== ChartType.Scatter) { // do not use real Y axis (that include families), if chart cannot display multiple series return this._results.getAvailableXAxis(); } else { @@ -124,9 +134,8 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements public set chartX(X) { if (X !== this.chartX) { this._results.chartX = X; - this.forceRebuild(); // refresh chart - this.updateView(); + this.drawChart(); } } @@ -139,9 +148,8 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements public set chartY(Y) { if (Y !== this.chartY) { this._results.chartY = Y; - this.forceRebuild(); // refresh chart - this.updateView(); + this.drawChart(); } } @@ -169,23 +177,29 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements return this._zoomWasChanged; } - public updateView() { - // (re)generate chart - switch (this._graphTypeComponent.selectedValue) { - case ChartType.Histogram: - this.graph_type = "bar"; - this.generateBarChart(); - break; - - case ChartType.Dots: - this.graph_type = "line"; - this.generateLineChart(); - break; - - default: - this.graph_type = "scatter"; - this.generateScatterChart(); - break; + public ngOnChanges() { + // redessiner le graphique chaque fois qu'une entrée change + this.drawChart(); + } + + public drawChart() { + if (this._results && this._results.hasPlottableResults()) { + switch (this._graphTypeComponent.selectedValue) { + case ChartType.Histogram: + this.graph_type = "bar"; + this.generateBarChart(); + break; + + case ChartType.Dots: + this.graph_type = "line"; + this.generateLineChart(); + break; + + default: + this.graph_type = "scatter"; + this.generateScatterChart(); + break; + } } } @@ -212,17 +226,8 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements return l; } - /** forces Angular to rebuild the chart @see bug #137 */ - private forceRebuild() { - this.displayChart = false; - const that = this; - setTimeout(() => { // trick - that.displayChart = true; - }, 10); - } - /** - * génère les données d'un graphe de type "bar" + * génère les données d'un graphique de type "bar" */ private generateBarChart() { const labs = []; @@ -299,7 +304,7 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements } /** - * génère les données d'un graphe de type "line" + * génère les données d'un graphique de type "line" */ private generateLineChart() { // same as bar chart (histogram) @@ -311,7 +316,7 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements } /** - * génère les données d'un graphe de type "scatter" + * génère les données d'un graphique de type "scatter" */ private generateScatterChart() { this.graph_data = { @@ -479,9 +484,9 @@ export class ResultsChartComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements update(sender: any, data: any) { if (sender instanceof ChartTypeSelectComponent) { if (data.action === "graphTypeChanged") { - this._results.graphType = data.value; + this._results.chartType = data.value; } } - this.updateView(); + this.drawChart(); } } diff --git a/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.html b/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..da242b966d3d4eb18ed9873ad32e8779fec1ce6b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.html @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +<canvas #canvas [attr.width]="width" [attr.height]="height"> +</canvas> diff --git a/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.scss b/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.scss new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f26ddcb550343c65fbc953a2c7b73b6440c0eae --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.scss @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +:host { + display: block; +} diff --git a/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.ts b/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.ts index 3475f8842d495cac9f058e195fb93a101d4081f2..81b4c45dde483584e6234ca028bf5cef1ae2d5cf 100644 --- a/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/section-canvas/section-canvas.component.ts @@ -1,27 +1,30 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ViewChild, Input, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; import { acSection, cSnTrapez, ParamsSectionTrapez, cSnRectang, ParamsSectionRectang, cSnCirc, ParamsSectionCirc, cSnPuiss, ParamsSectionPuiss, Result } from "jalhyd"; -import { CalcCanvasComponent } from "../canvas/canvas.component"; +import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; @Component({ selector: "section-canvas", - template: `<calc-canvas #calcCanvas - [width]="size" - [height]="size"> - </calc-canvas> - ` + templateUrl: "./section-canvas.component.html", + styleUrls: [ + "./section-canvas.component.scss" + ] }) -export class SectionCanvasComponent { - - /** default square size, supposed to match device size (computed at contruct time) */ - public originalSize: number; - - /** taille (pixels) du canvas (c'est un carré) */ - public size = 400; +export class SectionCanvasComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements AfterViewInit, OnChanges { + + private static labelColors: { [key: string]: any; } = { + "Hs": { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }, + "Hsc": { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }, + "Yn": { r: 16, g: 128, b: 16 }, + "Ycor": { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, + "Yc": { r: 255, g: 128, b: 0 }, + "Ycon": { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255 }, + "Y": { r: 50, g: 50, b: 50 } + }; /** marges gauche/droite pour le texte (pixels) */ private _textMargin = 90; @@ -35,42 +38,59 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { private _section: acSection; + private _result: Result; + + private _size: number; + // tirants private _levels: Object[] = []; - @ViewChild("calcCanvas") - private _calcCanvas: CalcCanvasComponent; + public get width(): number { + // return this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.width; + return this._size; + } + public get height(): number { + // return this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.height; + return this._size; + } + + private _context2d: CanvasRenderingContext2D; + + @ViewChild("canvas", { static: true }) + private _calcCanvas: ElementRef; + + @Input() public set section(s: acSection) { this._section = s; - if (this._section) { - this.draw(); - } } - public reset() { - this._section = undefined; - this._levels = []; - this._calcCanvas.clear(); + @Input() + public set result(r: Result) { + this._result = r; } - private computeScale(maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number) { - this._scaleX = (this.size - 2 * this._textMargin) / maxWidth; - this._scaleY = (this.size - this._bottomMargin) / maxHeight; + @Input() + public set size(s: number) { + this._size = s; + console.log("(i) size set to", this._size); } - /** - * convertit une abscisse en m en pixels - */ - private Xm2pix(x: number) { - return this._textMargin + x * this._scaleX; + // redessine le canvas chaque fois qu'une entrée change + public ngOnChanges() { + console.log("XXX section canvas on changes"); + this.draw(); } - /** - * convertit une ordonnée en m en pixels - */ - private Ym2pix(y: number) { - return this.size - this._bottomMargin - y * this._scaleY; + public ngAfterViewInit() { // wait for the view to init before using the element + this._context2d = this._calcCanvas.nativeElement.getContext("2d"); + console.log("<<<< after view init >>>"); + this.draw(); + } + + public reset() { + this._levels = []; + this.clear(); } public addLevel(val: number, label: string, rgb: {}) { @@ -83,6 +103,45 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { return Math.max(this._section.prms.YB.v, this._levels[this._levels.length - 1]["val"]); } + private isSectionLevel(s: string) { + for (const k in SectionCanvasComponent.labelColors) { + if (k === s) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + public draw() { + console.log(">> redrawing at size", this._size); + if (this._context2d && this._section) { + this.reset(); + + // traduction des symboles des variables calculées + const re = this._result.resultElement; + for (const k in re.values) { + if (k !== re.vCalcSymbol) { + const lbl = k.toUpperCase(); + const er = re.getValue(k); + // this._resultElement.addExtraResult(lbl, er); + + if (this.isSectionLevel(k)) { + this.addLevel(er, k + " = " + this.formattedValue(er), SectionCanvasComponent.labelColors[k]); + } + } + } + + // ajout du tirant d'eau saisi + const valY = this._result.sourceNub.getParameter("Y").singleValue; + this.addLevel(valY, "Y = " + this.formattedValue(valY), SectionCanvasComponent.labelColors["Y"]); + + this.sortLevels(); + this.drawFrame(); + const maxWidth = this.drawSection(); + this.drawLevels(maxWidth); + } + } + /** * dessin des pointillés au dessus de la berge * xmin,xmax : position gauche/droite @@ -90,9 +149,9 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { * maxHeight : valeur maxi des cotes */ private drawTopDashLines(xmin: number, xmax: number, yb: number, maxHeight: number) { - this._calcCanvas.setLineWidth(2); - this._calcCanvas.setLineDash([5]); - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(128, 128, 128); + this.setLineWidth(2); + this.setLineDash([5]); + this.setStrokeColor(128, 128, 128); this.drawSectionLine(xmin, yb, xmin, maxHeight); this.drawSectionLine(xmax, yb, xmax, maxHeight); } @@ -118,8 +177,8 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { // dessin de la section - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); - this._calcCanvas.setLineWidth(5); + this.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); + this.setLineWidth(5); this.drawSectionLine(0, yb, lp, 0); this.drawSectionLine(lp, 0, lp + prms.LargeurFond.v, 0); this.drawSectionLine(lp + prms.LargeurFond.v, 0, maxWidth, yb); @@ -149,8 +208,8 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { // dessin de la section - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); - this._calcCanvas.setLineWidth(5); + this.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); + this.setLineWidth(5); this.drawSectionLine(0, yb, 0, 0); this.drawSectionLine(0, 0, prms.LargeurBerge.v, 0); this.drawSectionLine(prms.LargeurBerge.v, 0, maxWidth, yb); @@ -191,8 +250,8 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { // dessin de la section - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); - this._calcCanvas.setLineWidth(5); + this.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); + this.setLineWidth(5); const wx: number = maxWidth / 2; const alpha: Result = sect.CalcSection("Alpha", yb); @@ -237,19 +296,19 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { // contour de la section - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); - this._calcCanvas.setLineWidth(5); + this.setStrokeColor(0, 0, 0); + this.setLineWidth(5); const k: number = prms.k.v; const lambda: number = B / Math.pow(yb, k); const inv_k: number = 1 / k; const n = 20; - this.beginPath(); + this._context2d.beginPath(); for (let x: number = -B / 2; x <= B / 2; x += B / n) { const y: number = Math.pow(Math.abs(x) * 2 / lambda, inv_k); - this.lineTo(x + B / 2, y); + this._context2d.lineTo(this.Xm2pix(x + B / 2), this.Ym2pix(y)); } - this.closePath(); + this._context2d.stroke(); // pointillés du haut this.drawTopDashLines(0, maxWidth, yb, maxHeight); @@ -257,28 +316,16 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { return maxWidth; } - private beginPath() { - this._calcCanvas.context2d.beginPath(); - } - - private lineTo(x: number, y: number) { - this._calcCanvas.context2d.lineTo(this.Xm2pix(x), this.Ym2pix(y)); - } - - private closePath() { - this._calcCanvas.context2d.stroke(); - } - private drawSectionEllipse(x: number, y: number, rX: number, rY: number, rot: number, start: number, end: number) { - this._calcCanvas.drawEllipse(this.Xm2pix(x), this.Ym2pix(y), rX * this._scaleX, rY * this._scaleY, rot, start, end); + this.drawEllipse(this.Xm2pix(x), this.Ym2pix(y), rX * this._scaleX, rY * this._scaleY, rot, start, end); } private drawText(s: string, x: number, y: number, align?: string) { - this._calcCanvas.fillText(s, this.Xm2pix(x), this.Ym2pix(y), align); + this.fillText(s, this.Xm2pix(x), this.Ym2pix(y), align); } private drawSectionLine(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) { - this._calcCanvas.drawLine(this.Xm2pix(x1), this.Ym2pix(y1), this.Xm2pix(x2), this.Ym2pix(y2)); + this.drawLine(this.Xm2pix(x1), this.Ym2pix(y1), this.Xm2pix(x2), this.Ym2pix(y2)); } /** @@ -301,6 +348,25 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { throw new Error("SectionCanvasComponent.drawSection() : type de section non pris en charge"); } + private computeScale(maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number) { + this._scaleX = (this._size - 2 * this._textMargin) / maxWidth; + this._scaleY = (this._size - this._bottomMargin) / maxHeight; + } + + /** + * convertit une abscisse en m en pixels + */ + private Xm2pix(x: number) { + return this._textMargin + x * this._scaleX; + } + + /** + * convertit une ordonnée en m en pixels + */ + private Ym2pix(y: number) { + return this._size - this._bottomMargin - y * this._scaleY; + } + private sortLevels() { this._levels.sort((a, b) => { if (a["val"] < b["val"]) { @@ -316,16 +382,16 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { private drawLevels(maxWidth: number) { let left = true; - this._calcCanvas.resetLineDash(); - this._calcCanvas.setLineWidth(1); - this._calcCanvas.setFont("12px sans- serif"); + this.resetLineDash(); + this.setLineWidth(1); + this.setFont("12px sans- serif"); for (const l of this._levels) { const y = l["val"]; const col = l["rgb"]; - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(col["r"], col["g"], col["b"]); + this.setStrokeColor(col["r"], col["g"], col["b"]); this.drawSectionLine(0, y, maxWidth, y); - this._calcCanvas.setFillColor(col["r"], col["g"], col["b"]); + this.setFillColor(col["r"], col["g"], col["b"]); if (left) { this.drawText(l["label"], -0.1, y, "right"); } else { @@ -337,17 +403,75 @@ export class SectionCanvasComponent { // contour du canvas private drawFrame() { - this._calcCanvas.clear(); - this._calcCanvas.resetLineDash(); - this._calcCanvas.setStrokeColor(128, 128, 128); - this._calcCanvas.drawRect(0, 0, this._calcCanvas.width, this._calcCanvas.height); + this.clear(); + this.resetLineDash(); + this.setStrokeColor(128, 128, 128); + this.drawRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); } - public draw() { - // console.log(">> redrawing at size", this.size); - this.sortLevels(); - this.drawFrame(); - const maxWidth = this.drawSection(); - this.drawLevels(maxWidth); + public clear() { + if (this._context2d) { + this._context2d.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); + } + } + + public setStrokeColor(r: number, g: number, b: number) { + const col: string = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; + this._context2d.strokeStyle = col; + } + + public setFillColor(r: number, g: number, b: number) { + const col: string = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; + this._context2d.fillStyle = col; + } + + public setFont(f: string) { + this._context2d.font = f; + } + + public fillText(s: string, x: number, y: number, align?: any) { + if (align) { + this._context2d.textAlign = align; + } + this._context2d.fillText(s, x, y); + } + + public setLineWidth(w: number) { + this._context2d.lineWidth = w; + } + + public setLineDash(d: number[]) { + this._context2d.setLineDash(d); + } + + public resetLineDash() { + this._context2d.setLineDash([]); + } + + public drawRect(x1: number, y1: number, w: number, h: number) { + this._context2d.strokeRect(x1, y1, w, h); + } + + public drawLine(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) { + this._context2d.beginPath(); + this._context2d.moveTo(x1, y1); + this._context2d.lineTo(x2, y2); + this._context2d.stroke(); + } + + /** + * + * @param x The x axis of the coordinate for the ellipse's center. + * @param y The y axis of the coordinate for the ellipse's center. + * @param radiusX The ellipse's major-axis radius. + * @param radiusY The ellipse's minor-axis radius. + * @param rotation The rotation for this ellipse, expressed in radians + * @param startAngle The starting point, measured from the x axis, from which it will be drawn, expressed in radians + * @param endAngle The end ellipse's angle to which it will be drawn, expressed in radians + */ + public drawEllipse(x: number, y: number, radiusX: number, radiusY: number, rotation: number, startAngle: number, endAngle: number) { + this._context2d.beginPath(); + this._context2d.ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle); + this._context2d.stroke(); } } diff --git a/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.html b/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.html index 04625e227ea5500494aa68bd6cb751036bd43063..354c04b94482449737779d82c5a499a12a61cfda 100644 --- a/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.html +++ b/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.html @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ <!-- graphique --> <div class="canvas-container"> - <section-canvas></section-canvas> + <section-canvas [result]=result [section]=section [size]=size></section-canvas> </div> </div> </div> diff --git a/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.ts b/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.ts index 130f45e7fd1453246ee8684820806e49dd814b4e..b38542d11a8625e0ca1fc2425136c557fcc81636 100644 --- a/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/section-results/section-results.component.ts @@ -1,8 +1,5 @@ -import { Component, ViewChild, DoCheck, ElementRef } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, ElementRef, Input, AfterContentChecked } from "@angular/core"; -import { ResultElement } from "jalhyd"; - -import { SectionCanvasComponent } from "../section-canvas/section-canvas.component"; import { SectionResults } from "../../results/section-results"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; import { ResultsComponentDirective } from "../fixedvar-results/results.component"; @@ -16,17 +13,32 @@ import { AppComponent } from "../../app.component"; "./section-results.component.scss" ] }) -export class SectionResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implements DoCheck { +export class SectionResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective { + + /** taille (pixels) du canvas (c'est un carré) */ + public _size: number; + + /** hardcoded bullet-proof default canvas size **/ + private previousContainerSize: number; + + private defaultSize = 400; + + private minimalSize = 300; + + /** résultats non mis en forme */ + private _results: SectionResults; constructor( private intlService: I18nService, private element: ElementRef, ) { super(); + this.previousContainerSize = this.defaultSize; + this._size = this.previousContainerSize; } + @Input() public set results(rs: CalculatorResults[]) { - this._resultElement = undefined; this._results = undefined; if (rs) { for (const r of rs) { @@ -35,118 +47,22 @@ export class SectionResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implement } } } - this.updateView(); } - /** détermine s'il y a des résultats de section "fixes" (pas de paramètre varié, graphique de la section) */ public get hasResults(): boolean { return this._results && this._results.hasResults; } - public get resultElement() { - return this._resultElement; + public get section() { + return this._results.section; } - private static labelColors: { [key: string]: any; } = { - "Hs": { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }, - "Hsc": { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255 }, - "Yn": { r: 16, g: 128, b: 16 }, - "Ycor": { r: 128, g: 128, b: 128 }, - "Yc": { r: 255, g: 128, b: 0 }, - "Ycon": { r: 255, g: 0, b: 255 }, - "Y": { r: 50, g: 50, b: 50 } - }; - - /** hardcoded bullet-proof default canvas size **/ - private previousContainerSize = 400; - - /** résultats non mis en forme */ - private _results: SectionResults; - - /** - * ResultElement mis en forme (symboles des variables traduits) - */ - private _resultElement: ResultElement; - - private _doUpdate = false; - - @ViewChild(SectionCanvasComponent) - private _sectionCanvas: SectionCanvasComponent; - - public updateView() { - if (this._sectionCanvas) { - this._sectionCanvas.reset(); - } - - if (this._results) { - this._doUpdate = this._results.hasResults; - } + public get result() { + return this._results.result; } - /** - * appelé pour gérer les changements non détectés par Angular - */ - public ngDoCheck() { - if (this._doUpdate) { - this._doUpdate = !this.updateResults(); - } - } - - private isSectionLevel(s: string) { - for (const k in SectionResultsComponent.labelColors) { - if (k === s) { - return true; - } - } - return false; - } - - private updateResults() { - if (this._results && this._sectionCanvas) { - - this._resultElement = new ResultElement(); - - // compute canvas optimal size the first time - if (this._sectionCanvas.originalSize === undefined) { - const container = this.element.nativeElement.querySelector(".section-results-container"); - const size = Math.min(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight); - this._sectionCanvas.originalSize = size - 17; // 417 - 17 = 400 - this._sectionCanvas.size = this._sectionCanvas.originalSize; - } - - // traduction des symboles des variables calculées - const re = this._results.result.resultElement; - for (const k in re.values) { - if (k !== re.vCalcSymbol) { - const lbl = k.toUpperCase(); - const er = re.getValue(k); - this._resultElement.addExtraResult(lbl, er); - - if (this.isSectionLevel(k)) { - this._sectionCanvas.addLevel(er, k + " = " + this.formattedValue(er), SectionResultsComponent.labelColors[k]); - } - } - } - - // ajout du tirant d'eau saisi - const valY = this._results.result.sourceNub.getParameter("Y").singleValue; - this._sectionCanvas.addLevel(valY, "Y = " + this.formattedValue(valY), SectionResultsComponent.labelColors["Y"]); - - // wait just a little to draw, in case this._sectionCanvas.size was changed above (1st run) - setTimeout(() => { - if (this._results && this._results.section) { - this._sectionCanvas.section = this._results.section; - } - }, 100); - - return true; - } - return false; - } - - public getResultClass(i: number) { - // tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise - return "result_id_" + String(i & 1); + public get size() { + return this._size; } public exportAsImage(element: HTMLDivElement) { @@ -155,26 +71,34 @@ export class SectionResultsComponent extends ResultsComponentDirective implement /** redraw canvas on fullscreen state change (scale drawing) */ public fullscreenChange(isFullscreen: boolean) { - this._sectionCanvas.size = this.getContainerSize(! isFullscreen); - this.previousContainerSize = this._sectionCanvas.size; - setTimeout(() => { - this._sectionCanvas.draw(); - }, 100); + this._size = this.getContainerSize(! isFullscreen, isFullscreen); + this.previousContainerSize = this._size; } - private getContainerSize(useOriginalSize: boolean = false): number { + private getContainerSize(useDefaultSize: boolean = false, useMinOfWidthAndHeight: boolean = false): number { const container = this.element.nativeElement.querySelector(".section-results-container"); + console.log("[container size in getContainerSize]", container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight); let size: number; if (container) { - size = Math.min(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight); + if (useMinOfWidthAndHeight) { + // when going to fullscreen mode, ensure the drawing + // is not larger or higher than the screen + size = Math.min(container.offsetWidth, container.offsetHeight); + } else { + size = container.offsetWidth; + } } else { size = this.previousContainerSize; } // when going back from fullscreen mode, container size tends to be - // too high for whatever reason; use originalSize on this purpose - if (useOriginalSize) { - size = Math.min(size, this._sectionCanvas.originalSize); + // too high for whatever reason; use defaultSize on this purpose + if (useDefaultSize) { + console.log("~~ use default ~~", size, this.defaultSize); + size = this.defaultSize; } + // lower boundary + size = Math.max(size, this.minimalSize); + return size; } diff --git a/src/app/components/select-model-field-line/select-model-field-line.component.ts b/src/app/components/select-model-field-line/select-model-field-line.component.ts index 592e3032e496ee1ec51c3e534a6d2cf99bf87218..fdf8af94968c63ab73d9bd3868727ece34db8fee 100644 --- a/src/app/components/select-model-field-line/select-model-field-line.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/select-model-field-line/select-model-field-line.component.ts @@ -77,18 +77,15 @@ export class SelectModelFieldLineComponent implements OnInit { * Creates a new Nub of type _select.calcType, to be used as a model * when no other is available */ - public createModel() { - this._formService.createFormulaire(this._select.calcType).then(f => { - this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); - return f; - }).then(f => { - // on ajoute un ouvrage aux modulex de type "parallèle" - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { - e.addFromTemplate(0); - break; - } + public async createModel() { + const f = await this._formService.createFormulaire(this._select.calcType); + this.router.navigate(["/calculator", f.uid]); + // on ajoute un ouvrage aux modules de type "parallèle" + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + e.addFromTemplate(0); + break; } - }); + } } } diff --git a/src/app/components/variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component.ts b/src/app/components/variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component.ts index af8dfe927f46ab29fb9dd9742fd0112c0a5a2f66..68491335a515f172f709427ac6ebcd02762e6218 100644 --- a/src/app/components/variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component.ts +++ b/src/app/components/variable-results-selector/variable-results-selector.component.ts @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ -import { Component, Output, EventEmitter } from "@angular/core"; +import { Component, Output, EventEmitter, Input, OnChanges } from "@angular/core"; import { I18nService } from "../../services/internationalisation.service"; -import { fv, longestVarNgParam } from "../../util"; +import { fv, longestVarParam } from "../../util"; import { MultiDimensionResults } from "../../results/multidimension-results"; +import { PrebarrageResults } from "../../results/prebarrage-results"; + +import { CalculatorType, PbCloison, Structure, VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; @Component({ selector: "variable-results-selector", @@ -11,12 +14,18 @@ import { MultiDimensionResults } from "../../results/multidimension-results"; "./variable-results-selector.component.scss" ] }) -export class VariableResultsSelectorComponent { +export class VariableResultsSelectorComponent implements OnChanges { /** résultats non mis en forme */ - private _results: MultiDimensionResults; + @Input() + private results: MultiDimensionResults; + + /** détails des paramètres qui varient dans le Nub associé au formulaire */ + @Input() + private variatedParameters: VariatedDetails[]; - private _selectedValue: number; + /** valeur en cours */ + private _selectedValue = 0; /** size of the longest variable value */ private size = 0; @@ -24,28 +33,24 @@ export class VariableResultsSelectorComponent { /** inferred extended values list for each variating parameter */ private varValues = []; - @Output() - protected indexChange = new EventEmitter(); + /* @Output() + protected indexChange = new EventEmitter(); */ constructor( protected intlService: I18nService, - ) { - this._selectedValue = 0; - } + ) { } - public set results(r: MultiDimensionResults) { - this._results = r; - - if (this._results) { - // pre-extract variable parameters values + public ngOnChanges() { + // rebuild variable parameters values everytime somthing changes + if (this.variatedParameters) { this.varValues = []; // find longest list - const lvp = longestVarNgParam(this._results.variatedParameters); + const lvp = longestVarParam(this.variatedParameters); this.size = lvp.size; // get extended values lists for each variable parameter - for (const v of this._results.variatedParameters) { + for (const v of this.variatedParameters) { const vv = []; - const iter = v.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); + const iter = v.param.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); while (iter.hasNext) { const nv = iter.next(); vv.push(fv(nv.value)); @@ -53,13 +58,17 @@ export class VariableResultsSelectorComponent { this.varValues.push(vv); } } + // get current variatedIndex even if component was rebuilt + if (this.results) { + this._selectedValue = this.results.variableIndex; + } } public get hasVariableResults(): boolean { return ( - this._results - && this._results.hasResults - && this._results.variatedParameters.length > 0 + this.results + && this.results.hasResults + && this.results.variatedParameters.length > 0 ); } @@ -75,15 +84,34 @@ export class VariableResultsSelectorComponent { const kv = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.varValues.length; i++) { const vv = this.varValues[i]; - const vp = this._results.variatedParameters[i]; - let symbol = vp.symbol; + const vp = this.results.variatedParameters[i]; + let symbol = vp.param.symbol; // is vp a parameter of a child Nub ? if ( - vp.paramDefinition.parentNub - && vp.paramDefinition.parentNub !== vp.paramDefinition.originNub + vp.param.parentNub + && vp.param.parentNub !== vp.param.originNub ) { - const pos = vp.paramDefinition.parentNub.findPositionInParent() + 1; - symbol = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_RADIER_N_COURT") + pos + "_" + symbol; + let childPrefix: string; + // prefix the label depending on (grand)children type + switch (vp.param.originNub.calcType) { + case CalculatorType.PreBarrage: + const struct = vp.param.parentNub as Structure; + const pbRes = this.results as PrebarrageResults; + const wall = struct.parent as PbCloison; + const posS = struct.findPositionInParent() + 1; + childPrefix = this.intlService.localizeMessage(wall.description); + // there might be multiple walls between the same pair of basins + if (wall.uid in pbRes.wallsSuffixes) { + childPrefix += " (" + pbRes.wallsSuffixes[wall.uid] + ")"; + } + childPrefix += "_" + this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_STRUCTURE_N_COURT") + posS; + break; + case CalculatorType.MacroRugoCompound: + const posMR = vp.param.parentNub.findPositionInParent() + 1; + childPrefix = this.intlService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_RADIER_N_COURT") + posMR; + break; + } + symbol = childPrefix + "_" + symbol; } kv.push(`${symbol} = ${vv[index]}`); } @@ -95,8 +123,8 @@ export class VariableResultsSelectorComponent { } public set selectedValue(v: number) { - this._results.variableIndex = v; - this.indexChange.emit(); + this.results.variableIndex = v; + // this.indexChange.emit(); } public get label() { diff --git a/src/app/config.json b/src/app/config.json index b16755e708a9aed8db93ab69f2f0f7e946597584..e1a03800138c45af5937647e92fdc823fc9131c5 100644 --- a/src/app/config.json +++ b/src/app/config.json @@ -15,7 +15,15 @@ "path": "passe-bassin.jpg", "credits": "S. Richard / OFB" }, - "calculators": [ 12, 13, 6, 5, 10, 15 ] + "calculators": [ 12, 13, 6, 5, 10, 15, 30 ] + }, + { + "name": "PASSE_A_RALENTISSEURS", + "image": { + "path": "passe-ralentisseurs.jpg", + "credits": "????" + }, + "calculators": [ 28, 29 ] }, { "name": "PASSE_NATURELLE", @@ -37,7 +45,7 @@ "name": "HYDRAULIQUE_A_SURFACE_LIBRE", "image": { "path": "surface-libre.jpg", - "credits": "David Dorchies / Irstea" + "credits": "David Dorchies / Inrae" }, "calculators": [ 2, 3, 4, 20, 21 ] }, @@ -45,7 +53,7 @@ "name": "HYDRAULIQUE_EN_CHARGE", "image": { "path": "en-charge.jpg", - "credits": "Catherine Tailleux / Irstea" + "credits": "Catherine Tailleux / Inrae" }, "calculators": [ 1, 0 ] }, @@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ "name": "LOIS_D_OUVRAGES", "image": { "path": "ouvrages.jpg", - "credits": "David Dorchies / Irstea" + "credits": "David Dorchies / Inrae" }, "calculators": [ 8, 9, 10 ] }, diff --git a/src/app/examples/prebarrage.json b/src/app/examples/prebarrage.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c97e06ca02fcfa0c34d40d3c34f9d9aefee0955d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/examples/prebarrage.json @@ -0,0 +1,808 @@ +{ + "header": { + "source": "jalhyd", + "format_version": "1.3", + "created": "2020-06-29T13:15:21.029Z" + }, + "settings": { + "precision": 1e-7, + "maxIterations": 100, + "displayPrecision": 3 + }, + "documentation": "", + "session": [ + { + "uid": "b2kxNm", + "props": { + "calcType": "PreBarrage" + }, + "meta": { + "title": "Prébarrages" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "Zjczdz", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbBassin" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "S", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 13.8 + }, + { + "symbol": "ZF", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "dWJrZX", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbBassin" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "S", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 15.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "ZF", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.7 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "dzMxN2", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbBassin" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "S", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 16.2 + }, + { + "symbol": "ZF", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.7 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "ZXZua2", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbBassin" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "S", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 17.5 + }, + { + "symbol": "ZF", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.4 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "YmR5aD", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbBassin" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "S", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 32.1 + }, + { + "symbol": "ZF", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.25 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "bDN2OW", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbBassin" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "S", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 35 + }, + { + "symbol": "ZF", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "MWxycH", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "", + "downstreamBasin": "Zjczdz" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "MmZ2aG", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.3 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "eW9jZH", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 96.25 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 4.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "c3Zpb2", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "", + "downstreamBasin": "dWJrZX" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "bTQ2cG", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 96 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "N24zM2", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 96.25 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 5 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "MG4wNG", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "", + "downstreamBasin": "YmR5aD" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "azV4dj", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 96.25 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 3.5 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "YjJra2", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "", + "downstreamBasin": "bDN2OW" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "aDd4Y3", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 96.25 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 3.6 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "enE4cn", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "Zjczdz", + "downstreamBasin": "dzMxN2" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "ZHczZ2", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "aXRjZ3", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 96.25 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 5.2 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "NXNoNG", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "dWJrZX", + "downstreamBasin": "dzMxN2" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "eXFqeH", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.85 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 4.38 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "bGhodG", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "dWJrZX", + "downstreamBasin": "ZXZua2" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "b3Z3OD", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.85 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 3 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "MDZ3aH", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "dWJrZX", + "downstreamBasin": "YmR5aD" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "NTBzZm", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.5 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "b3pjZX", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.75 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 3 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "emZ2bX", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "dzMxN2", + "downstreamBasin": "ZXZua2" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "cGllNj", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.7 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "aWFseW", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.65 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 5.74 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "bG1ucj", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "ZXZua2", + "downstreamBasin": "YmR5aD" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "MDJsaD", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.4 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "ZzY2bT", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.35 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 6 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "dGNnZz", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "YmR5aD", + "downstreamBasin": "bDN2OW" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "dnNqeX", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.25 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.7 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "ODFkZ2", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 95.05 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 9.5 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + }, + { + "uid": "amprcm", + "props": { + "calcType": "PbCloison", + "upstreamBasin": "bDN2OW", + "downstreamBasin": "" + }, + "children": [ + { + "uid": "OG02MT", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.1 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.95 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + }, + { + "uid": "MHVxZn", + "props": { + "calcType": "Structure", + "loiDebit": "WeirCunge80", + "structureType": "SeuilRectangulaire" + }, + "children": [], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "ZDV", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.75 + }, + { + "symbol": "L", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 10.2 + }, + { + "symbol": "CdCunge", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 1 + } + ] + } + ], + "parameters": [] + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "symbol": "Q", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 0.844 + }, + { + "symbol": "Z1", + "mode": "CALCUL" + }, + { + "symbol": "Z2", + "mode": "SINGLE", + "value": 94.45 + } + ] + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-courbe-remous.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-courbe-remous.ts index 11c22edd0ec6b9f4d5de623234d5665a37d0d3f0..304fef0ba260451543d63aea3d0a314bbe2efc6d 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-courbe-remous.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-courbe-remous.ts @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export class FormulaireCourbeRemous extends FormulaireSection { constructor() { super(); - this._remousResults = new RemousResults(); + this._remousResults = new RemousResults(this); this._props["varCalc"] = ""; // important } @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export class FormulaireCourbeRemous extends FormulaireSection { this.resultYn = sect.CalcSection("Yn"); // hauteur normale this.resultYc = sect.CalcSection("Yc"); // hauteur critique - // données du graphe + // données du graphique this.remousResults.hauteurNormale = this.resultYn.resultElement; this.remousResults.hauteurCritique = this.resultYc.resultElement; if (this.remousResults.extraParamSymbol) { diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-definition.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-definition.ts index 4c55719f1a82e22c8d56bb45eda119bf37d97ca5..fe8fe3cffd83a7dc08a574e2ee07e785f87959ed 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-definition.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-definition.ts @@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ import { SectionNub, acSection, ParamDefinition, - Result + Result, + VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; import { FormulaireElement } from "../elements/formulaire-element"; -import { NgParameter, ParamRadioConfig } from "../elements/ngparam"; +import { NgParameter } from "../elements/ngparam"; import { Field } from "../elements/field"; import { StringMap } from "../../stringmap"; import { FormulaireNode } from "../elements/formulaire-node"; import { FieldSet } from "../elements/fieldset"; import { FieldsetContainer } from "../elements/fieldset-container"; -import { SelectField } from "../elements/select-field"; import { DeepFieldsetIterator } from "../form-iterator/deep-fieldset-iterator"; import { TopFormulaireElementIterator } from "../form-iterator/top-element-iterator"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs protected _resultsHelpLinks: { [key: string]: string }; /** fichier de configuration */ - private _jsonConfig: {}; + protected _jsonConfig: {}; /** clé-valeurs du fichier de localisation spécifique à ce module */ private _specificLocalisation: StringMap; @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs /** copy of options.resultsHelp read by FormDefinition.parseOptions() */ public helpLinks: { [key: string]: string }; - constructor() { - super(undefined); + constructor(parent?: FormulaireNode) { + super(parent); } // surcharge de FormulaireNode::get:uid() @@ -203,18 +203,19 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs public removeFieldset(fs: FieldSet) { } - private parse_fieldset(json: {}, nub?: Nub) { + protected parse_fieldset(json: {}, nub?: Nub) { const fs = this.createFieldset(this, json, undefined, nub); fs.parseConfig(json); this.afterParseFieldset(fs); } - private parse_template_container(json: {}, templates: any[]) { + protected parse_template_container(json: {}, templates: any[]) { const fsc: FieldsetContainer = new FieldsetContainer(this); fsc.parseConfig(json, templates); this.kids.push(fsc); } + // @TODO move to FormulairePAB by overloading parseConfig() private parse_pab_table(json: {}) { const tab: PabTable = new PabTable(this); tab.parseConfig(json); @@ -297,6 +298,11 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs return false; } + /** + * Trouve le Ngparameter correspondant au symbole "symbol", parmi tous les + * éléments du formulaire + * @param symbol string + */ public getParamFromSymbol(symbol: string): NgParameter { for (const p of this.allFormElements) { if (p instanceof NgParameter) { @@ -307,26 +313,6 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs } } - public getDisplayedParamFromState(st: ParamRadioConfig): NgParameter { - for (const p of this.allFormElements) { - if (p.isDisplayed && p instanceof NgParameter) { - if (p.radioState === st) { - return p; - } - } - } - } - - public getDisplayedParamListFromState(st: ParamRadioConfig): NgParameter[] { - const res = []; - for (const p of this.allFormElements) { - if (p.isDisplayed && p instanceof NgParameter && p.radioState === st) { - res.push(p); - } - } - return res; - } - public getFieldById(id: string): Field { const res = this.getFormulaireNodeById(id); if (res instanceof Field) { @@ -334,37 +320,6 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs } } - public getFieldsetById(id: string): FieldSet { - const res = this.getFormulaireNodeById(id); - if (res instanceof FieldSet) { - return res; - } - } - - public getParameterValue(symbol: string): number { - for (const fs of this.allFieldsets) { - const p = fs.getNodeParameter(symbol); - if (p !== undefined) { - switch (p.radioState) { - case ParamRadioConfig.FIX: - return p.getValue(); - - case ParamRadioConfig.VAR: - case ParamRadioConfig.CAL: - return undefined; - } - } - } - - throw new Error(`Formulaire.getNodeParameterValue() : pas de paramètre ${symbol} trouvé`); - } - - protected notifyReset() { - this.notifyObservers({ - "action": "resetForm" - }, this); - } - /** * Forwards Nub's progress updated notification. * Used by CalculatorComponent to update progress bar @@ -379,28 +334,6 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs */ public reset() { this.resetResults([], undefined, true); - // prévenir les composants qu'il faut détecter les changements - this.notifyReset(); - } - - /** - * retourne la valeur actuellement sélectionnée d'un SelectField - * @param selectFieldId id du SelectField - * @returns valeur courante du select sans le préfixe - */ - public getSelectedValue(selectFieldId: string): any { - const select: SelectField = <SelectField>this.getFieldById(selectFieldId); - return select.getValue().value; - } - - /** - * retourne le label actuellement sélectionnée d'un SelectField - * @param selectFieldId id du SelectField - * @returns label courant du select - */ - public getSelectedLabel(selectFieldId: string): string { - const select: SelectField = <SelectField>this.getFieldById(selectFieldId); - return select.getValue().label; } public updateLocalisation(localisation: StringMap, lang: string) { @@ -412,7 +345,8 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs } public isDisplayed(id: string) { - return (<FormulaireElement>this.getFormulaireNodeById(id)).isDisplayed; + const fe = <FormulaireElement>this.getFormulaireNodeById(id); + return fe?.isDisplayed; } /** @@ -439,12 +373,6 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs return new TopFormulaireElementIterator(this); } - /** - * Appelé par CalculatorComponent lorsque le Formulaire est chargé dans la vue, - * c'est à dire lorsqu'on affiche un module de calcul à l'écran - */ - public onCalculatorInit() {} - // interface Observer public update(sender: any, data: any) { @@ -516,18 +444,20 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs return ngparam; } - protected getVariatedParameters(): NgParameter[] { - let res: NgParameter[] = []; - // find variated local parameters - res = this.getDisplayedParamListFromState(ParamRadioConfig.VAR); - // add variated linked parameters - const pms = this.getDisplayedParamListFromState(ParamRadioConfig.LINK); - for (const p of pms) { - if (p.paramDefinition.hasMultipleValues) { - res.push(p); - } + /** find variated (possibly linked) parameters from model, and get their values at the same time */ + public getVariatedParameters(): VariatedDetails[] { + return this._currentNub.findVariatedParams(); + } + + /** find fixed (possibly linked) parameters from the given Nub */ + public getFixedParameters(): NgParameter[] { + const fixedParams: ParamDefinition[] = this._currentNub.findFixedParams(); + let fnp: NgParameter[] = []; + for (const fp of fixedParams) { + fnp.push(this.getParamFromSymbol(fp.symbol)); } - return res; + fnp = fnp.filter((e) => e !== undefined); + return fnp; } /** @@ -536,10 +466,6 @@ export abstract class FormulaireDefinition extends FormulaireNode implements Obs public doCompute() { // calculate module this.compute(); - // refresh results - this.notifyObservers({ - "action": "resultsUpdated", - }, this); } public resetFormResults() {} diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-fixedvar.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-fixedvar.ts index b2051ccbae7fc86927737f23bd6c53b0e411510b..1795f0818bf7796744154eabaed3101f172c525e 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-fixedvar.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-fixedvar.ts @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ import { ChartType } from "../../results/chart-type"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; import { ParamRadioConfig, NgParameter } from "../elements/ngparam"; import { FieldSet } from "../elements/fieldset"; +import { FormulaireNode } from "../elements/formulaire-node"; -import { Nub, IObservable } from "jalhyd"; +import { Nub, IObservable, VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { @@ -16,10 +17,10 @@ export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { /** ids of select fields */ private _selectIds: string[] = []; - constructor() { - super(); + constructor(parent?: FormulaireNode) { + super(parent); this._fixedResults = new FixedResults(); - this._varResults = new VarResults(); + this._varResults = new VarResults(this); } public get fixedResults() { @@ -40,19 +41,13 @@ export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { } public addFixedParameters() { - for (const p of this.getDisplayedParamListFromState(ParamRadioConfig.FIX)) { + for (const p of this.getFixedParameters()) { this._fixedResults.addFixedParameter(p); } - - for (const p of this.getDisplayedParamListFromState(ParamRadioConfig.LINK)) { - if (!p.paramDefinition.hasMultipleValues) { - this._fixedResults.addFixedParameter(p); - } - } } - public set graphType(t: ChartType) { - this._varResults.graphType = t; + public set chartType(t: ChartType) { + this._varResults.chartType = t; } public get hasResults(): boolean { @@ -89,6 +84,7 @@ export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { protected compute() { this.runNubCalc(this.currentNub); + this.refreshFieldsets(); // important: before reaffectResultComponents() or it will break results components localization this.reaffectResultComponents(); } @@ -97,7 +93,7 @@ export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { const computedParam: NgParameter = this.getComputedParameter(); this.resetFormResults(); // to avoid adding fixed parameters more than once (see below) this.addFixedParameters(); - const varParams: NgParameter[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); + const varParams: VariatedDetails[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); if (varParams.length === 0) { // pas de paramètre à varier @@ -117,6 +113,15 @@ export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { } } + /** + * Forces all fieldsets to update all their fields + */ + protected refreshFieldsets() { + for (const fs of this.allFieldsets) { + fs.updateFields(); + } + } + // interface Observer public update(sender: IObservable, data: any) { @@ -125,9 +130,7 @@ export class FormulaireFixedVar extends FormulaireDefinition { if (data.action === "propertyChange") { this.reset(); // reflect changes in GUI (who knows ?), for ex. show / hide dependent fields - for (const fs of this.allFieldsets) { - fs.updateFields(); - } + this.refreshFieldsets(); } } } diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-macrorugo-compound.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-macrorugo-compound.ts index 663da1f960e32217289a9c5d73c44f7b8b81d534..d988c4424f8e842a7e32b4d8e921015bd2599531 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-macrorugo-compound.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-macrorugo-compound.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { IObservable, Nub, MacrorugoCompound, Result, MRCInclination } from "jalhyd"; +import { IObservable, Nub, MacrorugoCompound, Result, MRCInclination, VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; import { FieldSet } from "../elements/fieldset"; import { FieldsetContainer } from "../elements/fieldset-container"; @@ -87,10 +87,8 @@ export class FormulaireMacrorugoCompound extends FormulaireRepeatableFieldset { * Reflect inclinedApron property state in GUI */ public updateApronState(inclined: MRCInclination) { - for (const fs of this.allFieldsets) { - // show / hide dependent fields (read from model) - fs.updateFields(); - } + // show / hide dependent fields (read from model) + this.refreshFieldsets(); // show / hide children list (GUI only) for (const elt of this.allFormElements) { if (elt instanceof FieldsetContainer) { @@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ export class FormulaireMacrorugoCompound extends FormulaireRepeatableFieldset { protected reaffectResultComponents() { const mrc: MacrorugoCompound = (this.currentNub as MacrorugoCompound); const computedParam: NgParameter = this.getComputedParameter(); - const varParams: NgParameter[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); + const varParams: VariatedDetails[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); // résultat de calcul de la passe à macrorugo complexe const mrcr = this.mrcResults; diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pab.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pab.ts index 723d0713a7e11c498e08e312533d0cb2bdd0f6b5..7f07d9da9dc9837a9ba8b067ca870a0575efce41 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pab.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pab.ts @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -import { Pab, Result } from "jalhyd"; +import { Pab, Result, VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; import { FormulaireDefinition } from "./form-definition"; import { PabResults } from "../../results/pab-results"; import { NgParameter } from "../elements/ngparam"; -import { longestVarNgParam } from "../../util"; +import { longestVarParam } from "../../util"; import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; /** @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export class FormulairePab extends FormulaireDefinition { protected reaffectResultComponents() { const pab: Pab = (this.currentNub as Pab); const computedParam: NgParameter = this.getComputedParameter(); - const varParams: NgParameter[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); + const varParams: VariatedDetails[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); // résultat de calcul de la passe à bassins const pabr = this.pabResults; @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export class FormulairePab extends FormulaireDefinition { pabr.Z2 = []; if (varParams.length > 0) { // find longest list - const lvp = longestVarNgParam(varParams); + const lvp = longestVarParam(varParams); const longest = lvp.size; // get extended values lists for Z2 if (pab.prms.Z2.hasMultipleValues) { diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-parallel-structures.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-parallel-structures.ts index 6e238dd769a8342766cfb1360625324bfb305075..f304c1c2b289895b334e8ead3ffcf53754195706 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-parallel-structures.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-parallel-structures.ts @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ export class FormulaireParallelStructure extends FormulaireRepeatableFieldset { } protected get fieldsetContainer(): FieldsetContainer { - const n = this.getFormulaireNodeById("struct_container"); + const n = this.getFormulaireNodeById("struct_container"); // @TODO make it generic, do not force ID ! if (n === undefined || !(n instanceof FieldsetContainer)) { throw new Error("l'élément 'struct_container' n'est pas du type FieldsetContainer"); } @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export class FormulaireParallelStructure extends FormulaireRepeatableFieldset { * @param name nom de la propriété qui vient de changer * @param val nouvelle valeur de la propriété */ - private adjustProperties(props: Props, name: string, val: any) { + protected adjustProperties(props: Props, name: string, val: any) { if (name === "structureType") { if (! StructureProperties.isCompatibleValues( val, props.getPropValue("loiDebit"), this.currentNub as ParallelStructure @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ export class FormulaireParallelStructure extends FormulaireRepeatableFieldset { /** * abonnement en tant qu'observateur des NgParameter des FieldSet contenus dans le FieldsetContainer */ - private subscribeStructureInputFields(fs: FieldSet) { + protected subscribeStructureInputFields(fs: FieldSet) { for (const n of fs.allFormElements) { if (n instanceof NgParameter) { n.addObserver(this); @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ export class FormulaireParallelStructure extends FormulaireRepeatableFieldset { /** * abonnement en tant qu'observateur du SelectField des FieldSet contenus dans le FieldsetContainer */ - private subscribeStructureSelectFields(fs: FieldSet) { + protected subscribeStructureSelectFields(fs: FieldSet) { for (const n of fs.allFormElements) { if (n instanceof SelectField) { n.addObserver(this); diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pb-cloison.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pb-cloison.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b21a328751f7f37b5424a9cb2eccf797c6fdec2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-pb-cloison.ts @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +import { FormulaireParallelStructure } from "./form-parallel-structures"; +import { SelectFieldNub } from "../elements/select-field-nub"; + +import { IObservable, Nub, PbCloison, PbBassin, Structure } from "jalhyd"; +import { FieldSet } from "../elements/fieldset"; +import { FormulaireNode } from "../elements/formulaire-node"; +import { FieldsetContainer } from "../elements/fieldset-container"; +import { FormulairePrebarrage } from "./form-prebarrage"; + +export class FormulairePbCloison extends FormulaireParallelStructure { + + /** id of select configuring upstream basin Nub */ + private _upstreamBasinSelectId: string; + + /** id of select configuring downstream basin Nub */ + private _downstreamBasinSelectId: string; + + protected parseOptions(json: {}) { + super.parseOptions(json); + this._upstreamBasinSelectId = this.getOption(json, "upstreamBasinSelectId"); + this._downstreamBasinSelectId = this.getOption(json, "downstreamBasinSelectId"); + } + + protected completeParse(json: {}) { + super.completeParse(json); + if (this._upstreamBasinSelectId) { + const sel = this.getFormulaireNodeById(this._upstreamBasinSelectId); + if (sel) { + sel.addObserver(this); + } + } + if (this._downstreamBasinSelectId) { + const sel = this.getFormulaireNodeById(this._downstreamBasinSelectId); + if (sel) { + sel.addObserver(this); + } + } + } + + // interface Observer + + public update(sender: IObservable, data: any) { + // do NOT call super.update() or "newFieldset" action will reset results + if (sender instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + switch (data.action) { + case "newFieldset": + // still reset all results when a fieldset if manually added + if (data.resetResults !== false) { + this.reset(); + } + this.subscribeStructureInputFields(data["fieldset"]); + this.subscribeStructureSelectFields(data["fieldset"]); + } + } else if (sender instanceof FieldSet && data.action === "propertyChange") { + switch (sender.id) { + case "fs_ouvrage": + const props = sender.properties; + // ensure loiDebit is set + props.setPropValue("loiDebit", data.value); + this.adjustProperties(props, data["name"], data["value"]); + // replace Structure Nub + const newNub = this.replaceNub((sender.nub as Structure), props); + sender.setNub(newNub); + // treat the fieldset as new to re-subscribe to Nub properties change events + this.afterParseFieldset(sender); + this.reset(); + break; + } + } + + if (sender instanceof SelectFieldNub) { + const nub = this._currentNub as PbCloison; + const pb = nub.parent; + // empty "" data.value.value should return undefined, which is good for amont/aval + const newBasin = pb.findChild(data.value.value) as PbBassin; + if (sender.id === this._upstreamBasinSelectId) { + // remove and recreate wall (easier for pointers consistency) + const oldDownstreamBasin = nub.bassinAval; + pb.deleteChild(pb.findChildPosition(nub.uid)); + const newWall = new PbCloison(newBasin, oldDownstreamBasin); + // copy structures + for (const s of nub.structures) { + newWall.addChild(s); + } + pb.addChild(newWall); + this.currentNub = newWall; + } else if (sender.id === this._downstreamBasinSelectId) { + // remove and recreate wall (easier for pointers consistency) + const oldUpstreamBasin = nub.bassinAmont; + pb.deleteChild(pb.findChildPosition(nub.uid)); + const newWall = new PbCloison(oldUpstreamBasin, newBasin); + // copy structures + for (const s of nub.structures) { + newWall.addChild(s); + } + pb.addChild(newWall); + this.currentNub = newWall; + } + this.notifyObservers({ + action: "updateBasin", + value: this._currentNub.uid // node to select on the schema + }, this); + } + } + + // do not reset results after adding fieldset (when switching results view + // from one wall to another, the form is rebuilt) @TODO anyway, we should + // reset when a fieldset is manually added from "input" (form) view + public createFieldset(parent: FormulaireNode, json: {}, data?: {}, nub?: Nub): FieldSet { + if (json["calcType"] === "Structure") { + // indice après lequel insérer le nouveau FieldSet + const after = data["after"]; + + const res: FieldSet = new FieldSet(parent); + let sn: Nub; + if (nub) { // use existing Nub (build interface based on model) + sn = nub; + } else { + sn = this.createChildNub(data["template"]); + this.currentNub.addChild(sn, after); + } + res.setNub(sn, false); + + if (after !== undefined) { + parent.kids.splice(after + 1, 0, res); + } else { + parent.kids.push(res); + } + + // still reset all results when a fieldset if manually added + if (data["resetResults"] !== false) { + this.reset(); + (this.parent as FormulairePrebarrage).reset(); + } + + return res; + } else { + return super.createFieldset(parent, json, data); + } + } + + /** + * réinitialisation du formulaire suite à un changement d'une valeur, d'une option, ... : + * effacement des résultats, application des dépendances, ... + */ + public reset() { + // also reset parent results (that will reset all its children results) + (this.parent as FormulairePrebarrage).reset(); + } + + // ensure all PBresults are reset + public moveFieldsetUp(fs: FieldSet) { + super.moveFieldsetUp(fs); + this.reset(); + } + + // ensure all PBresults are reset + public moveFieldsetDown(fs: FieldSet) { + super.moveFieldsetDown(fs); + this.reset(); + } + + // ensure all PBresults are reset + public removeFieldset(fs: FieldSet) { + super.removeFieldset(fs); + this.reset(); + } + +} diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-prebarrage.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-prebarrage.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6bc246a71f0afbef840428da8f5f77db55b00ed --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-prebarrage.ts @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ +import { CalculatorType, PbBassin, PbCloison, IObservable, PreBarrage, VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; + +import { FormulaireFixedVar } from "./form-fixedvar"; +import { PbSchema } from "../elements/pb-schema"; +import { FormulaireDefinition } from "./form-definition"; +import { ServiceFactory } from "../../services/service-factory"; +import { FormulairePbCloison } from "./form-pb-cloison"; +import { FieldsetContainer } from "../elements/fieldset-container"; +import { CalculatorResults } from "../../results/calculator-results"; +import { PrebarrageResults } from "../../results/prebarrage-results"; +import { NgParameter } from "../elements/ngparam"; +import { longestVarParam } from "../../util"; + +/** + * Formulaire pour les PréBarrage + */ +export class FormulairePrebarrage extends FormulaireFixedVar { + + /** child form for river upstream/downstream elevations and flow */ + private riverForm: FormulaireFixedVar; + + /** child form for basins dimensions */ + private basinForm: FormulaireFixedVar; + + /** configuration for re-creating basin form every time needed */ + private basinFormConfig: string; + + /** child form for walls */ + private wallForm: FormulairePbCloison; + + /** configuration for re-creating wall form every time needed */ + private wallFormConfig: string; + + protected _selectedItem: PbBassin | PbCloison; + + protected _pbResults: PrebarrageResults; + + /** if true, show input data in the right panel, else show results */ + public showInputData = true; + + constructor() { + super(); + this._pbResults = new PrebarrageResults(); + } + + public get selectedItem(): PbBassin | PbCloison { + return this._selectedItem; + } + + public get pbResults(): PrebarrageResults { + return this._pbResults; + } + + public get results(): CalculatorResults[] { + // ensure help links are propagated + this._pbResults.helpLinks = this.helpLinks; + return [ this._pbResults ]; + } + + public get hasResults(): boolean { + return this._pbResults.hasResults; + } + + public parseConfig(json?: {}) { + if (json !== undefined) { + this._jsonConfig = json; + } + for (const conf_index in this._jsonConfig) { + const conf = this._jsonConfig[conf_index]; + const type: string = conf["type"]; + + switch (type) { + // options globales + case "options": + break; + + case "subform": + this.parse_subform(conf); + break; + + case "pb_schema": + this.parse_pb_schema(conf); + break; + + default: + throw new Error(`type d'objet de module de calcul ${type} non pris en charge`); + } + } + this.completeParse(this._jsonConfig); + } + + private parse_subform(json: {}) { + switch (json["id"]) { + case "subform_river": + // parse it and build it once then keep it (it always has the same Nub: PreBarrage) + this.riverForm = new FormulaireFixedVar(); + this.riverForm.defaultProperties["calcType"] = CalculatorType.PreBarrage; + this.riverForm.currentNub = this.currentNub; + this.riverForm.preparseConfig(json["config"]); + this.riverForm.parseConfig(json["config"]); + this.kids.push(this.riverForm); + // show default form + this.showFormElements(this.riverForm); + break; + case "subform_basin": + // only store config to create it multiple times on demand + this.basinFormConfig = json["config"]; + break; + case "subform_wall": + // same as above + this.wallFormConfig = json["config"]; + break; + } + } + + private parse_pb_schema(json: {}) { + const sch: PbSchema = new PbSchema(this); + sch.parseConfig(json); + this.kids.push(sch); + } + + /** + * Déclenché par CalculatorComponent lorsque le schéma de prébarrage + * envoie un événement "nodeSelected" (on a cliqué sur un nœud) + */ + public nodeSelected(node: PbBassin | PbCloison) { + // store for results formatting + this._selectedItem = node; + + // show only the relevant form + if (node === undefined) { + this.showFormElements(this.riverForm); + + } else if (node instanceof PbBassin) { + this.basinForm = new FormulaireFixedVar(this); + this.basinForm.defaultProperties["calcType"] = CalculatorType.PbBassin; + this.basinForm.currentNub = node; + this.basinForm.preparseConfig(this.basinFormConfig); + this.basinForm.parseConfig(this.basinFormConfig); + ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.loadUpdateFormulaireLocalisation(this.basinForm); + this.showFormElements(this.basinForm); + + } else if (node instanceof PbCloison) { + this.wallForm = new FormulairePbCloison(this); + this.wallForm.defaultProperties["calcType"] = CalculatorType.PbCloison; + this.wallForm.currentNub = node; + this.wallForm.preparseConfig(this.wallFormConfig); + this.wallForm.parseConfig(this.wallFormConfig); + // subscribe to upstream/downstream basin change + this.wallForm.addObserver(this); // @TODO why not this.form ? wallForm is just a dummy form to extract elements from… + ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.loadUpdateFormulaireLocalisation(this.wallForm); + // add fieldsets for existing Structures + if (node.structures.length > 0) { + for (const struct of node.structures) { + for (const e of this.wallForm.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { // @TODO manage many containers one day ? + e.addFromTemplate(0, undefined, struct, { resetResults: false }); + } + } + } + } else { + // if there was no existing structure, add a default one + for (const e of this.wallForm.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { + e.addFromTemplate(0, undefined, undefined, { resetResults: false }); + break; + } + } + } + this.showFormElements(this.wallForm); + } + this.reaffectResultComponents(); + } + + /** + * Adds all elements of given Formulaire f to the current form, right + * after the PbSchema, replacing any other element already present + * @param f Formulaire to display + */ + private showFormElements(f: FormulaireDefinition) { + // clear all kids except PbSchema + this._kids = [ this.kids[0] ]; + for (const e of f.kids) { + this.kids.push(e); + } + } + + private refreshSchema(nodeUidToSelect: string) { + const pbs = this.kids[0] as PbSchema; + pbs.refresh(nodeUidToSelect); + } + + // interface Observer + + public update(sender: IObservable, data: any) { + super.update(sender, data); + if (sender instanceof FormulairePbCloison) { + if (data.action === "updateBasin") { + this.refreshSchema(data.value); + } + } + } + + protected compute() { + this.runNubCalc(this.currentNub); + this.refreshFieldsets(); // important: before reaffectResultComponents() or it will break results components localization + // reset variable index to avoid trying to access an index > 0 when nothing varies + const pbr = this.pbResults; + pbr.variableIndex = 0; + + this.reaffectResultComponents(); + } + + protected reaffectResultComponents() { + const pb: PreBarrage = (this.currentNub as PreBarrage); + const computedParam: NgParameter = this.getComputedParameter(); + + // cacher les résultats + this.pbResults.reset(); + this.addFixedParameters(); + + // pour le sélecteur d'itérations + const varParams: VariatedDetails[] = this.getVariatedParameters(); + if (varParams) { + this.pbResults.variatedParameters = varParams; + const lvp = longestVarParam(this._pbResults.variatedParameters); + this._pbResults.size = lvp.size; + this._pbResults.cloisonResults.size = lvp.size; + } + + // résultats selon l'objet sélectionné sur le schéma + if (this._selectedItem !== undefined && this._selectedItem instanceof PbCloison) { + // afficher les résultats de cloison + this.pbResults.cloisonResults.result = this._selectedItem.result; + if (computedParam !== undefined) { + this.pbResults.cloisonResults.calculatedParameter = computedParam; + } + // if some parameter is variating, add id too (trick with PbResultsComponent + for (const s of this._selectedItem.structures) { + for (const p of s.parameterIterator) { + if (p.hasMultipleValues) { + const ngp = this.getParamFromSymbol(p.symbol); + this._pbResults.cloisonResults.addFixedParameter(ngp); + } + } + } + // transmission des suffixes de cloisons calculés par l'algo de tri de PbSchemaComponent, + // pour le sélecteur de conditions limites + const pbs = this.kids[0] as PbSchema; + this.pbResults.wallsSuffixes = pbs.wallsSuffixes; + } else { + // afficher les résultats des bassins + // résultat général du Nub (amont, aval, débit) + this.pbResults.result = pb.result; + this.pbResults.calculatedParameter = computedParam; + // résultat de chaque bassin + for (const b of pb.bassins) { + this.pbResults.bassinsResults.push(b.result); + } + } + } + + public addFixedParameters() { + if (this.wallForm !== undefined) { + for (const p of this.wallForm.getFixedParameters()) { + this._pbResults.cloisonResults.addFixedParameter(p); + } + } + } + + public resetFormResults() { + this._pbResults.reset(); + } + + public resetResults() { + super.resetResults(); + // reset all children nubs + for (const c of this.currentNub.getChildren()) { + c.resetResult(); + } + // reset all wall forms + for (const k of this.kids) { + if (k instanceof FormulaireDefinition) { + k.reset(); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section-parametree.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section-parametree.ts index f4d2319fdbcd62e0ccc8097d6e363361298ad3db..743880b5da19f5ae0542af1402223df2537a29db 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section-parametree.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section-parametree.ts @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ export class FormulaireSectionParametree extends FormulaireSection { const sect: acSection = sectNub.section; this._sectionResults.section = sect; - const varParams = this.getSectionVariatedParameters(); + const varParams = this.getVariatedParameters(); if (varParams.length > 0) { // résultats variés avec tous les résultats complémentaires this._varResults.variatedParameters = varParams; @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ export class FormulaireSectionParametree extends FormulaireSection { } public get hasResults(): boolean { - return (this._fixedResults !== undefined && this._fixedResults.hasResults) - || (this._varResults !== undefined && this._varResults.hasResults) - || (this._sectionResults !== undefined && this._sectionResults.hasResults); + return (this._fixedResults?.hasResults) + || (this._varResults?.hasResults) + || (this._sectionResults?.hasResults); } public get results(): CalculatorResults[] { @@ -71,8 +71,4 @@ export class FormulaireSectionParametree extends FormulaireSection { res.push(this._sectionResults); return res; } - - public getSectionVariatedParameters(): NgParameter[] { - return this.getDisplayedParamListFromState(ParamRadioConfig.VAR); - } } diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section.ts b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section.ts index db63b5a1d681ce99de03d12fe0a2154630dd4c4d..77669213a882cff81572f0712589d834d11ca151 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/definition/form-section.ts @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ export class FormulaireSection extends FormulaireFixedVar { // show / hide dependent fields fs.updateFields(); } + // show / hide dependent fields + this.refreshFieldsets(); // empty fields ? only those belonging to the specific section type if (ServiceFactory.instance.applicationSetupService.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit) { // "LargeurBerge" is hackily used as LargeurFond in Rectangular and Trapez sections, omit it here diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-container.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-container.ts index 1c31212daed733bd6a8a84e360f6b4a9ed09b5c0..960579e9e90e868c6bd0b3a84ecb383c7300d652 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-container.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-container.ts @@ -74,19 +74,23 @@ export class FieldsetContainer extends FormulaireElement { * crée un FieldSet à partir d'un template * @param templateIndex indice du template dans la liste * @param after insère le nouveau FieldSet après cette position, à la fin sinon + * @param nub attaches the given Nub to the new FieldSet + * @param extra extra key-value pairs to add to the "newFieldset" event */ - public addFromTemplate(templateIndex: number, after?: number, nub?: Nub): FieldSet { + public addFromTemplate(templateIndex: number, after?: number, nub?: Nub, extra?: any): FieldSet { const templ: FieldsetTemplate = this._templates[templateIndex]; - const inst: FieldSet = templ.instantiateTemplate(this, after, nub); + const inst: FieldSet = templ.instantiateTemplate(this, after, nub, extra); this.updateLocalisation(); // notification de création d'un FieldSet - this.notifyObservers({ + let info = { "action": "newFieldset", "fieldset": inst - }, this); + }; + info = { ...info, ...extra }; + this.notifyObservers(info, this); return inst; } diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-template.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-template.ts index 3c9071131a974222b80bd5e26762f715de9e1864..b65b48874c37bc13364cb622c05da35bd4f4ebd9 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-template.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset-template.ts @@ -42,10 +42,13 @@ export class FieldsetTemplate { * @param cont conteneur * @param after position à laquelle on ajoute le nouveau FieldSet * @param nub Nub existant à injecter dans le Fieldset + * @param extra extra key-value pairs to add to the "newFieldset" event */ - public instantiateTemplate(cont: FieldsetContainer, after: number, nub?: Nub): FieldSet { + public instantiateTemplate(cont: FieldsetContainer, after: number, nub?: Nub, extra?: any): FieldSet { const parentForm = cont.parent as FormulaireDefinition; - const res = parentForm.createFieldset(cont, this._jsonConfig, { "template": this, "after": after }, nub); + let info = { "template": this, "after": after }; + info = { ...info, ... extra }; + const res = parentForm.createFieldset(cont, this._jsonConfig, info, nub); res.parseConfig(this._jsonConfig); parentForm.afterParseFieldset(res); return res; diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset.ts index c6e49fa9b0b25e5c020d4f35523641ba50289af7..338328bed7e724a465302aa78dd6da9aa84223aa 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/fieldset.ts @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ export class FieldSet extends FormulaireElement implements Observer { } /** - * Reflects all properties values in the interface, through the values of the <select> fields + * Reloads the model values and properties, and reloads localisation strings */ public updateFields() { this.parseFields(); diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/formulaire-node.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/formulaire-node.ts index cffa97d86e32fa4427d9b114bc02015ecba93805..af077e1216036c38cfcf50baf895c93b81f5d9dd 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/formulaire-node.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/formulaire-node.ts @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export abstract class FormulaireNode implements IObservable { private _parentNode: FormulaireNode; /** enfants (utilisé entre autres pour FormulaireDefinition, FieldSet et FieldsetContainer) */ - private _kids: FormulaireNode[]; + protected _kids: FormulaireNode[]; /** implémentation par délégation de IObservable */ private _observable: Observable; @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ export abstract class FormulaireNode implements IObservable { /** * Set value of all single parameters to undefined, except for the given parameter ids */ - public emptyFields(except: string[] = [ "Cd0", "CdWS", "CdGR", "CdWR", "CdO", "CdT", "CdWSL" ]) { + public emptyFields(except: string[] = [ "Cd0", "CdWS", "CdGR", "CdCunge", "CdWR", "CdO", "CdT", "CdWSL" ]) { for (const p of this.allFormElements ) { if (p instanceof NgParameter) { if ( diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/ngparam.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/ngparam.ts index 0a8baafb27a095b250258523f42b9b74504b1cd6..fa3c4b9cbdf5d83135705b69992a2520b5c3683a 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/ngparam.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/ngparam.ts @@ -307,10 +307,6 @@ export class NgParameter extends InputField implements Observer { } } - public getExtendedValuesIterator(size: number): INumberIterator { - return this._paramDef.getExtendedValuesIterator(size); - } - /** * notification envoyée après la modification de la valeur du paramètre */ @@ -456,6 +452,9 @@ export class NgParameter extends InputField implements Observer { } this.unit = this.paramDefinition.unit; this.radioConfig = this.getRadioConfig(); + if (json["calculable"] !== undefined && json["calculable"] === false) { + this.radioConfig = Math.min(ParamCalculability.FREE, this.getRadioConfig()); + } } // interface Observer diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/pab-table.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/pab-table.ts index aea39c56e070c4123365d0e40345562572ac0dfd..e9934bb9c5996e828f4c887d3bdb5de86de16ada 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/pab-table.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/pab-table.ts @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ import { Pab } from "jalhyd"; import { FormulaireElement } from "./formulaire-element"; -import { FormulaireNode } from "./formulaire-node"; import { FormulairePab } from "../definition/form-pab"; /** @@ -12,10 +11,6 @@ import { FormulairePab } from "../definition/form-pab"; */ export class PabTable extends FormulaireElement { - constructor(parent: FormulaireNode) { - super(parent); - } - public parseConfig(json: {}) { this._confId = json["id"]; } diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/pb-schema.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/pb-schema.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..278b7fe395f18c814bdf3774d4c92df4b8f8309d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/pb-schema.ts @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +import { PreBarrage } from "jalhyd"; + +import { FormulaireElement } from "./formulaire-element"; +import { FormulairePrebarrage } from "../definition/form-prebarrage"; + +/** + * The interactive schema for calculator type "PreBarrage" (form element). + * + * This is just a gateway between the model (Prebarrage) + * and the user interface (PbSchemaComponent) + */ +export class PbSchema extends FormulaireElement { + + /** Stores appropriate number suffix for a given wall uid (related to existingWalls above) */ + public wallsSuffixes: { [key: string]: number }; + + public parseConfig(json: {}) { + this._confId = json["id"]; + } + + /** + * Returns the Prebarrage model associated to the parent form + */ + public get form(): FormulairePrebarrage { + if (this.parentForm) { + return this.parentForm as FormulairePrebarrage; + } + } + + /** + * Returns the Prebarrage model associated to the parent form + */ + public get pb(): PreBarrage { + if (this.parentForm) { + return this.parentForm.currentNub as PreBarrage; + } + } + + /** Asks PbSchemaComponent to redraw the schema */ + public refresh(nodeUidToSelect: string) { + this.notifyObservers({ + action: "refresh", + value: nodeUidToSelect + }, this); + } +} diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field-nub.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field-nub.ts index 3cbcf0720c2fc42257292ebaf60c89cb202cdd88..38b92f05629cd6912e2ccdcb94e24d7b5c4dc0c7 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field-nub.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field-nub.ts @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { SelectEntry } from "./select-entry"; import { ServiceFactory } from "../../services/service-factory"; import { decodeHtml } from "../../util"; -import { Session, Solveur } from "jalhyd"; +import { Session, Solveur, PbCloison, PreBarrage } from "jalhyd"; /** * A select field that populates itself with references to Nubs @@ -12,12 +12,32 @@ export class SelectFieldNub extends SelectFieldReference { protected initSelectedValue() { const nub = this.parentForm.currentNub; - if (nub instanceof Solveur) { + if (nub instanceof Solveur) { // Solveur, module cible (à calculer) const ntc = nub.nubToCalculate; if (ntc !== undefined) { this.setValueFromId(this._entriesBaseId + ntc.uid); } } + if (nub instanceof PbCloison) { // PreBarrage, PbCloison + switch (this._source) { + case "upstream_basin": + const ub = nub.bassinAmont; + let idUb = ""; + if (ub !== undefined) { + idUb = ub.uid; + } + this.setValueFromId(this._entriesBaseId + idUb); + break; + case "downstream_basin": + const db = nub.bassinAval; + let idDb = ""; + if (db !== undefined) { + idDb = db.uid; + } + this.setValueFromId(this._entriesBaseId + idDb); + break; + } + } } /** @@ -50,6 +70,34 @@ export class SelectFieldNub extends SelectFieldReference { } } break; + + case "upstream_basin": // PreBarrage, PbCloison, bassin amont + const ubNub = this.parentForm.currentNub as PbCloison; + const upPb: PreBarrage = ubNub.parent; + // add river upstream + this.addEntry(new SelectEntry(this._entriesBaseId, "", "Amont")); + // add all basins up the current downstream_basin + const dbPos = (ubNub.bassinAval === undefined ? upPb.bassins.length : upPb.findBasinPosition(ubNub.bassinAval.uid)); + for (let i = 0; i < dbPos; i++) { + const label = "Bassin n°" + (i + 1); + const b = upPb.bassins[i]; + this.addEntry(new SelectEntry(this._entriesBaseId + b.uid, b.uid, decodeHtml(label))); + } + break; + + case "downstream_basin": // PreBarrage, PbCloison, bassin aval + const dbNub = this.parentForm.currentNub as PbCloison; + const dbPb: PreBarrage = dbNub.parent; + // find all basins down the current upstream_basin + const ubPos = (dbNub.bassinAmont === undefined ? -1 : dbPb.findBasinPosition(dbNub.bassinAmont.uid)); + for (let i = ubPos + 1; i < dbPb.bassins.length; i++) { + const label = "Bassin n°" + (i + 1); + const b = dbPb.bassins[i]; + this.addEntry(new SelectEntry(this._entriesBaseId + b.uid, b.uid, decodeHtml(label))); + } + // add river downstream + this.addEntry(new SelectEntry(this._entriesBaseId, "", "Aval")); + break; } } diff --git a/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field.ts b/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field.ts index d92d48f46e9517e0227398100f0f1e6c8a9578c4..f7ad648b9cbcf2feb9480dad3930e99fcbc2fd5a 100644 --- a/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field.ts +++ b/src/app/formulaire/elements/select-field.ts @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import { StructureType, LoiDebit, Session, - Solveur + Solveur, + StructureProperties } from "jalhyd"; import { Field } from "./field"; @@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ export class SelectField extends Field { case "solveur_targetted_result": // 1. calculated param const ntc = (nub as Solveur).nubToCalculate; - if (ntc !== undefined && ntc.calculatedParam !== undefined) { // some nubs have no calculatedParam, for ex. SectionParam + if (ntc?.calculatedParam !== undefined) { // some nubs have no calculatedParam, for ex. SectionParam const varName = ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.expandVariableName(ntc.calcType, ntc.calculatedParam.symbol); this.addEntry(new SelectEntry( this._entriesBaseId + "none", @@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ export class SelectField extends Field { )); } // 2. extra results - if (ntc !== undefined && ntc.resultsFamilies !== undefined) { + if (ntc?.resultsFamilies !== undefined) { for (const er of Object.keys(ntc.resultsFamilies)) { const varName = ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.expandVariableName(ntc.calcType, er); const e: SelectEntry = new SelectEntry( @@ -191,9 +192,10 @@ export class SelectField extends Field { case "device_loi_debit": // get current structure type from appropriate Nub child const child = nub.getChildren()[this.parent.indexAsKid()]; - const cst = child.properties.getPropValue("structureType"); const la = (nub as ParallelStructure).getLoisAdmissibles(); - const stName = StructureType[cst]; + const loiDebit = child.properties.getPropValue("loiDebit"); + const stCode = StructureProperties.findCompatibleStructure(loiDebit, nub as ParallelStructure); + const stName = StructureType[stCode]; for (const ld of la[stName]) { const e: SelectEntry = new SelectEntry(this._entriesBaseId + stName + "_" + LoiDebit[ld], ld); this.addEntry(e); diff --git a/src/app/results/chart-type.ts b/src/app/results/chart-type.ts index b36c9c180b57c1d54f40514ae7b70b15f9f55299..f29e3d1baf56937e59d536bca4dd191ccc85147d 100644 --- a/src/app/results/chart-type.ts +++ b/src/app/results/chart-type.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /** - * type de graphe + * type de graphique */ export enum ChartType { /** @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ export enum ChartType { Histogram, /** - * points indépendants + * points indépendants, X non triés */ Dots, /** - * graphe XY classique + * graphique XY classique, avec X triés par ordre croissant */ Scatter, } diff --git a/src/app/results/macrorugo-compound-results.ts b/src/app/results/macrorugo-compound-results.ts index a5c609205c67311cca347d6a0d4fa97cc34cb7b9..431711bdcf948b8ff55cc5d6848272ad0cf39ad0 100644 --- a/src/app/results/macrorugo-compound-results.ts +++ b/src/app/results/macrorugo-compound-results.ts @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ -import { Result } from "jalhyd"; +import { Result, ParamDefinition } from "jalhyd"; import { ServiceFactory } from "../services/service-factory"; import { MultiDimensionResults } from "./multidimension-results"; +import { PlottableData } from "./plottable-data"; +import { ChartType } from "./chart-type"; -export class MacrorugoCompoundResults extends MultiDimensionResults { +export class MacrorugoCompoundResults extends MultiDimensionResults implements PlottableData { /** résultats des modules MacroRugo enfants */ public childrenResults: Result[]; @@ -11,6 +13,10 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResults extends MultiDimensionResults { /** symboles des colonnes de résultat */ protected _columns: string[]; + public chartType: ChartType = ChartType.Scatter; + public chartX: string; + public chartY: string; + public constructor() { super(); this.reset(); @@ -28,6 +34,9 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResults extends MultiDimensionResults { "ENUM_MacroRugoFlowType", "xCenter" ]; + // axes par défaut + this.chartX = this.chartX || "xCenter"; + this.chartY = this.chartY || "Q"; } /** headers symbols */ @@ -119,4 +128,99 @@ export class MacrorugoCompoundResults extends MultiDimensionResults { return err; } + public hasPlottableResults(): boolean { + return this.hasResults; + } + + /** + * Returns the label to display, for an element of getAvailableChartAxis() + * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") + */ + public getChartAxisLabel(symbol: string): string { + return this.headers[this.columns.indexOf(symbol)]; + } + + public expandLabelFromSymbol(p: ParamDefinition): string { + return p.symbol; + } + + /** + * Returns a list of plottable parameters / result elements, that can be defined + * as X or Y chart axis + */ + public getAvailableChartAxis(): string[] { + const axis = []; + for (const c of this.columns) { + if (c.indexOf("ENUM_") === -1) { // ENUM variables are not plottable + axis.push(c); + } + } + return axis; + } + + public getAvailableXAxis(): string[] { + return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); + } + + public getAvailableYAxis(): string[] { + return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); + } + + // just to implement interface + public getVariatingParametersSymbols(): string[] { + return []; + } + + /** + * Returns the series of values for the required symbol + * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") + */ + public getValuesSeries(symbol: string): number[] { + const data: number[] = []; + const l = this.childrenResults.length; + // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter + // values to build the data from + const vi = this.variableIndex; + + if (this.iterationHasError(vi)) { + return []; + } + + for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { + switch (symbol) { + case "RADIER_N": + data.push(i + 1); + break; + + case "ZF1": + case "Y": + case "B": + let v: number; + const nub = this.childrenResults[i].sourceNub; + const param = nub.getParameter(symbol); + try { + if (param.hasMultipleValues) { + v = param.getInferredValuesList()[vi]; + } else { + v = param.singleValue; + } + } catch (e) { + // silent fail + } + data.push(v); + break; + + case "Q": + case "Vdeb": + case "Fr": + case "Vmax": + case "PV": + case "xCenter": + data.push(this.childrenResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol)); + break; + } + } + + return data; + } } diff --git a/src/app/results/multidimension-results.ts b/src/app/results/multidimension-results.ts index 4b2aee2ed330a5bf7a59c008debf9ce2a034f117..c7af4cc990ab030b530ce740f5147cb22fa436d2 100644 --- a/src/app/results/multidimension-results.ts +++ b/src/app/results/multidimension-results.ts @@ -1,12 +1,22 @@ import { CalculatedParamResults } from "./param-calc-results"; -import { NgParameter } from "../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; + +import { VariatedDetails } from "jalhyd"; export class MultiDimensionResults extends CalculatedParamResults { /** paramètres variés */ - public variatedParameters: NgParameter[]; + public variatedParameters: VariatedDetails[] = []; /** index de la valeur du paramètre varié à afficher dans les résultats */ - public variableIndex = 0; + protected _variableIndex = 0; + + public get variableIndex(): number { + return this._variableIndex; + } + + /** redéfini par PrebarrageResults notamment */ + public set variableIndex(v: number) { + this._variableIndex = v; + } } diff --git a/src/app/results/pab-results.ts b/src/app/results/pab-results.ts index bcf4b2b688e409a06fc4daf9e7a9634424618a53..1fdf770419e07fa898747f13aa8eb45106df96fc 100644 --- a/src/app/results/pab-results.ts +++ b/src/app/results/pab-results.ts @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ -import { Result } from "jalhyd"; +import { Result, ParamDefinition } from "jalhyd"; import { ServiceFactory } from "../services/service-factory"; import { MultiDimensionResults } from "./multidimension-results"; +import { PlottableData } from "./plottable-data"; +import { ChartType } from "./chart-type"; -export class PabResults extends MultiDimensionResults { +export class PabResults extends MultiDimensionResults implements PlottableData { /** résultats des modules Cloisons avant chaque bassin */ public cloisonsResults: Result[]; @@ -20,6 +22,10 @@ export class PabResults extends MultiDimensionResults { /** symboles des colonnes de résultat */ protected _columns: string[]; + public chartType: ChartType = ChartType.Scatter; + public chartX: string; + public chartY: string; + public constructor() { super(); this.reset(); @@ -36,6 +42,9 @@ export class PabResults extends MultiDimensionResults { "QA", "ENUM_StructureJetType" ]; + // axes par défaut + this.chartX = this.chartX || "CLOISON"; + this.chartY = this.chartY || "YMOY"; } /** headers symbols */ @@ -130,4 +139,121 @@ export class PabResults extends MultiDimensionResults { return err; } + + public hasPlottableResults(): boolean { + return this.hasResults; + } + + /** + * Returns the label to display, for an element of getAvailableChartAxis() + * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") + */ + public getChartAxisLabel(symbol: string): string { + if (symbol === "x") { // specific case for wall abscissa + return ServiceFactory.instance.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_ABSCISSE_CLOISON"); + } else { + return this.headers[this.columns.indexOf(symbol)]; + } + } + + public expandLabelFromSymbol(p: ParamDefinition): string { + return p.symbol; + } + + /** + * Returns a list of plottable parameters / result elements, that can be defined + * as X or Y chart axis + */ + public getAvailableChartAxis(): string[] { + const axis = []; + axis.push("x"); // wall abscissa + for (const c of this.columns) { + if (c.indexOf("ENUM_") === -1) { // ENUM variables are not plottable + axis.push(c); + } + } + return axis; + } + + public getAvailableXAxis(): string[] { + return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); + } + + public getAvailableYAxis(): string[] { + return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); + } + + // just to implement interface + public getVariatingParametersSymbols(): string[] { + return []; + } + + /** + * Returns the series of values for the required symbol + * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") + */ + public getValuesSeries(symbol: string): number[] { + const data: number[] = []; + const l = this.cloisonsResults.length; + // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter + // values to build the data from + const vi = this.variableIndex; + + if (this.iterationHasError(vi)) { + return []; + } + + switch (symbol) { + case "CLOISON": + data.push(undefined); + for (let i = 0; i <= l; i++) { // <= for one extra step (downwall) + data.push(i + 1); + } + break; + + case "DH": + case "ZRAM": + case "Q": + data.push(undefined); + for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { + const er = this.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); + data.push(er); + } + const zrAval = this.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); + data.push(zrAval); + break; + + case "Z": + for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { + data.push(this.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].vCalc); + } + data.push(this.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].vCalc); + data.push(this.Z2[vi]); + break; + + case "PV": + case "YMOY": + case "ZRMB": + case "QA": + data.push(undefined); + for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { + const er = this.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); + data.push(er); + } + data.push(undefined); + break; + + case "x": // wall abscissa + data.push(undefined); + for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { + const er = this.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); + data.push(er); + } + const erXdw = this.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); + data.push(erXdw); + break; + } + + return data; + } } diff --git a/src/app/results/param-calc-results.ts b/src/app/results/param-calc-results.ts index 62cd26f84b8ca682534471461b54e08fe38f259d..f77df00dda3f2aef925184a4b50148dc45e86aa1 100644 --- a/src/app/results/param-calc-results.ts +++ b/src/app/results/param-calc-results.ts @@ -40,15 +40,6 @@ export abstract class CalculatedParamResults extends CalculatorResults { return false; } return true; - // return ! this.result.hasOnlyErrors; - } - - /** return true if there is something to display on the variable results chart */ - public get hasPlottableResults(): boolean { - if (this.result === undefined) { - return false; - } - return ! this.result.hasOnlyErrors; } public get hasLog(): boolean { diff --git a/src/app/results/pb-cloison-results.ts b/src/app/results/pb-cloison-results.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..44524dfacbb3e97bba79d4462d2d3b2ae1cdf5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/results/pb-cloison-results.ts @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import { FixedResults } from "./fixed-results"; + +/** Fixed results, that are not really fixed (trick for PreBarrage) */ +export class PbCloisonResults extends FixedResults { + + /** index de la valeur du paramètre varié à afficher dans les résultats */ + public variableIndex = 0; + + /** size of the longest variating parameter */ + public size = 1; +} diff --git a/src/app/results/plottable-data.ts b/src/app/results/plottable-data.ts index 35da1e4d9336e5fcac09c0586d39bef974a56b2e..a2bd574d285f9062b359deedd1f1010cd38994f9 100644 --- a/src/app/results/plottable-data.ts +++ b/src/app/results/plottable-data.ts @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ import { ChartType } from "./chart-type"; +import { ParamDefinition } from "jalhyd"; + /** * Une interface pour nourrir un ResultsChartComponent */ export interface PlottableData { - graphType: ChartType; + chartType: ChartType; chartX: string; chartY: string; @@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ export interface PlottableData { * Returns the translated name of the given symbol (usually a result or child result) * if available, with its unit, but without the symbol itself */ - expandLabelFromSymbol(symbol: string): string; + expandLabelFromSymbol(p: ParamDefinition): string; /** * Returns a list of plottable parameters / result elements, that can be defined @@ -45,4 +47,9 @@ export interface PlottableData { * (used by tooltip functions) */ getVariatingParametersSymbols(): string[]; + + /** + * Returns true if results contain data + */ + hasPlottableResults(): boolean; } diff --git a/src/app/results/plottable-macrorugo-compound-results.ts b/src/app/results/plottable-macrorugo-compound-results.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 82601908cde58547934846fce2c54862ff684b6b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/src/app/results/plottable-macrorugo-compound-results.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -import { PlottableData } from "./plottable-data"; -import { ChartType } from "./chart-type"; -import { MacrorugoCompoundResults } from "./macrorugo-compound-results"; - -export class PlottableMacrorugoCompoundResults implements PlottableData { - - public graphType: ChartType = ChartType.Scatter; - public chartX: string; - public chartY: string; - - protected mrcResults: MacrorugoCompoundResults; - - public constructor(mrcResults?: MacrorugoCompoundResults) { - if (mrcResults) { - this.setMrcResults(mrcResults); - } - // axes par défaut - this.chartX = this.chartX || "xCenter"; - this.chartY = this.chartY || "Q"; - } - - /** reaffect mrcResults, for ex. when objet was contructed with empty mrcResults */ - public setMrcResults(mrcResults: MacrorugoCompoundResults) { - this.mrcResults = mrcResults; - } - - /** - * Returns the label to display, for an element of getAvailableChartAxis() - * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") - */ - public getChartAxisLabel(symbol: string): string { - return this.mrcResults.headers[this.mrcResults.columns.indexOf(symbol)]; - } - - public expandLabelFromSymbol(symbol: string): string { - return symbol; - } - - /** - * Returns a list of plottable parameters / result elements, that can be defined - * as X or Y chart axis - */ - public getAvailableChartAxis(): string[] { - const axis = []; - for (const c of this.mrcResults.columns) { - if (c.indexOf("ENUM_") === -1) { // ENUM variables are not plottable - axis.push(c); - } - } - return axis; - } - - public getAvailableXAxis(): string[] { - return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); - } - - public getAvailableYAxis(): string[] { - return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); - } - - // just to implement interface - public getVariatingParametersSymbols(): string[] { - return []; - } - - /** - * Returns the series of values for the required symbol - * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") - */ - public getValuesSeries(symbol: string): number[] { - const data: number[] = []; - const l = this.mrcResults.childrenResults.length; - // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter - // values to build the data from - const vi = this.mrcResults.variableIndex; - - if (this.mrcResults.iterationHasError(vi)) { - return []; - } - - for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { - switch (symbol) { - case "RADIER_N": - data.push(i + 1); - break; - - case "ZF1": - case "Y": - case "B": - let v: number; - const nub = this.mrcResults.childrenResults[i].sourceNub; - const param = nub.getParameter(symbol); - try { - if (param.hasMultipleValues) { - v = param.getInferredValuesList()[vi]; - } else { - v = param.singleValue; - } - } catch (e) { - // silent fail - } - data.push(v); - break; - - case "Q": - case "Vdeb": - case "Fr": - case "Vmax": - case "PV": - case "xCenter": - data.push(this.mrcResults.childrenResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol)); - break; - } - } - - return data; - } -} diff --git a/src/app/results/plottable-pab-results.ts b/src/app/results/plottable-pab-results.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 7f52a57173d190f21b414f9dc0d47aed40bb6ba3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/src/app/results/plottable-pab-results.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@ -import { PlottableData } from "./plottable-data"; -import { PabResults } from "./pab-results"; -import { ChartType } from "./chart-type"; -import { ServiceFactory } from "../services/service-factory"; - -export class PlottablePabResults implements PlottableData { - - public graphType: ChartType = ChartType.Scatter; - public chartX: string; - public chartY: string; - - protected pabResults: PabResults; - - public constructor(pabResults?: PabResults) { - if (pabResults) { - this.setPabResults(pabResults); - } - // axes par défaut - this.chartX = this.chartX || "CLOISON"; - this.chartY = this.chartY || "YMOY"; - } - - /** reaffect pabResults, for ex. when objet was contructed with empty pabResults */ - public setPabResults(pabResults: PabResults) { - this.pabResults = pabResults; - } - - /** - * Returns the label to display, for an element of getAvailableChartAxis() - * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") - */ - public getChartAxisLabel(symbol: string): string { - if (symbol === "x") { // specific case for wall abscissa - return ServiceFactory.instance.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_LIB_ABSCISSE_CLOISON"); - } else { - return this.pabResults.headers[this.pabResults.columns.indexOf(symbol)]; - } - } - - public expandLabelFromSymbol(symbol: string): string { - return symbol; - } - - /** - * Returns a list of plottable parameters / result elements, that can be defined - * as X or Y chart axis - */ - public getAvailableChartAxis(): string[] { - const axis = []; - axis.push("x"); // wall abscissa - for (const c of this.pabResults.columns) { - if (c.indexOf("ENUM_") === -1) { // ENUM variables are not plottable - axis.push(c); - } - } - return axis; - } - - public getAvailableXAxis(): string[] { - return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); - } - - public getAvailableYAxis(): string[] { - return this.getAvailableChartAxis(); - } - - // just to implement interface - public getVariatingParametersSymbols(): string[] { - return []; - } - - /** - * Returns the series of values for the required symbol - * @param symbol parameter / result symbol (ex: "Q") - */ - public getValuesSeries(symbol: string): number[] { - const data: number[] = []; - const pr = this.pabResults; - const l = this.pabResults.cloisonsResults.length; - // when a parameter is variating, index of the variating parameter - // values to build the data from - const vi = this.pabResults.variableIndex; - - if (this.pabResults.iterationHasError(vi)) { - return []; - } - - switch (symbol) { - case "CLOISON": - data.push(undefined); - for (let i = 0; i <= l; i++) { // <= for one extra step (downwall) - data.push(i + 1); - } - break; - - case "DH": - case "ZRAM": - case "Q": - data.push(undefined); - for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { - const er = pr.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); - data.push(er); - } - const zrAval = pr.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); - data.push(zrAval); - break; - - case "Z": - for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { - data.push(pr.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].vCalc); - } - data.push(pr.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].vCalc); - data.push(pr.Z2[vi]); - break; - - case "PV": - case "YMOY": - case "ZRMB": - case "QA": - data.push(undefined); - for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { - const er = pr.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); - data.push(er); - } - data.push(undefined); - break; - - case "x": // wall abscissa - data.push(undefined); - for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { - const er = pr.cloisonsResults[i].resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); - data.push(er); - } - const erXdw = pr.cloisonAvalResults.resultElements[vi].getValue(symbol); - data.push(erXdw); - break; - } - - return data; - } -} diff --git a/src/app/results/prebarrage-results.ts b/src/app/results/prebarrage-results.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36ad3f1898dc11eb78c7d9cc1925311bb587ced6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/app/results/prebarrage-results.ts @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +import { Result } from "jalhyd"; + +import { ServiceFactory } from "../services/service-factory"; +import { MultiDimensionResults } from "./multidimension-results"; +import { PbCloisonResults } from "./pb-cloison-results"; + +export class PrebarrageResults extends MultiDimensionResults { + + /** résultats des bassins, dans l'ordre */ + public bassinsResults: Result[]; + + /** résultat de la cloison actuellement sélectionnée (nourrit le FixedResultsComponent) */ + public cloisonResults: PbCloisonResults; + + /** symboles des colonnes de résultat */ + protected _columns: string[]; + + /** size of the longest variating parameter */ + public size: number; + + /** Stores appropriate number suffix for a given wall uid (copied from PbSchema) */ + public wallsSuffixes: { [key: string]: number } = {}; + + public constructor() { + super(); + this.reset(); + this.size = 1; // boulette-proufe + // standard headers + this._columns = [ + "BASSIN", + "S", + "ZF", + "Z", + "PV", + "YMOY", + "Q" + ]; + } + + /** headers symbols */ + public get columns() { + return this._columns; + } + + /** translated headers texts */ + public get headers() { + return this._columns.map((h) => { + // calculator type for translation + const sn = this.result.sourceNub; + let ct = sn.calcType; + if (sn.parent) { + ct = sn.parent.calcType; + } + let label = ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.expandVariableNameAndUnit(ct , h); + label += this.getHelpLink(h); + return label; + }); + } + + // redéfinir le set() implique de redéfinir le get(), sinon /i + public get variableIndex(): number { + return this._variableIndex; + } + + public set variableIndex(v: number) { + this._variableIndex = v; + // set index in pseudo-fixed Cloison results too + this.cloisonResults.variableIndex = v; + } + + public reset() { + super.reset(); + this.bassinsResults = []; + this.cloisonResults = new PbCloisonResults(); + this.cloisonResults.variableIndex = this._variableIndex; + this.cloisonResults.size = this.size; + this.result = undefined; + } + + /** + * Returns true if at least one log message is present in the PAB result or any + * of the children results + */ + public get hasLog(): boolean { + if (this.bassinsResults) { + for (const cr of this.bassinsResults) { + if (cr && cr.hasLog()) { + return true; + } + } + } + return (this.cloisonResults && this.cloisonResults.result && this.cloisonResults.result.hasLog()); + } + + public get hasResults(): boolean { + return this.hasBasinResults || this.hasWallResults; + } + + public get hasBasinResults(): boolean { + return this.bassinsResults.length > 0 && this.bassinsResults[0] && ! this.bassinsResults[0].hasOnlyErrors; + } + + public get hasWallResults(): boolean { + return this.cloisonResults && this.cloisonResults.result && ! this.cloisonResults.result.hasOnlyErrors; + } + + /** retourne true si au moins un calcul a échoué (le log a un code négatif) */ + public hasError(): boolean { + let err = false; + // log principal + err = (err || (this.cloisonResults && this.cloisonResults && this.cloisonResults.result.hasErrorMessages())); + // logs des bassins + for (const c of this.bassinsResults) { + err = (err || c.hasErrorMessages()); + } + + return err; + } + + /** retourne true si le calcul à l'itération i a échoué */ + public iterationHasError(i: number): boolean { + let err = this.cloisonResults && this.cloisonResults.result && this.cloisonResults.result.resultElements[i].hasErrorMessages(); + // logs des bassins + for (const c of this.bassinsResults) { + err = (err || c.resultElements[i].hasErrorMessages()); + } + + return err; + } + + /** retourne true si tous les calculs ont échoué */ + public hasOnlyErrors(): boolean { + let err = true; + // log principal + err = (err && this.cloisonResults && this.cloisonResults.result && this.cloisonResults.result.hasOnlyErrors); + // logs des bassins + for (const c of this.bassinsResults) { + err = (err && c.hasOnlyErrors); + } + + return err; + } +} diff --git a/src/app/results/remous-results.ts b/src/app/results/remous-results.ts index a499c835533201b36c1403f87bd7211e14925c45..cd1bc51fbd9d16ee73508a39f4a68f537cd01b72 100644 --- a/src/app/results/remous-results.ts +++ b/src/app/results/remous-results.ts @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import { cLog, CourbeRemousParams, Result, ResultElement, ParamDefinition, Param import { CalculatorResults } from "./calculator-results"; import { VarResults } from "./var-results"; -import { NgParameter } from "../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; import { ServiceFactory } from "../services/service-factory"; +import { FormulaireDefinition } from "../formulaire/definition/form-definition"; export class RemousResults extends CalculatorResults { @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export class RemousResults extends CalculatorResults { /** résultats variables pour l'affichage d'une table de résultats numériques */ private _varResults: VarResults; - /** le paramètre supplémentaire est affiché dans un graphe séparé */ + /** le paramètre supplémentaire est affiché dans un graphique séparé */ private _extraChart: boolean; /** titre de la colonne du paramètre supplémentaire */ @@ -51,8 +51,12 @@ export class RemousResults extends CalculatorResults { /** journal de calcul */ private _log: cLog; - constructor() { + /** pointer to form that instantiated this object */ + protected _form: FormulaireDefinition; + + constructor(form?: FormulaireDefinition) { super(); + this._form = form; this.reset(); } @@ -132,8 +136,8 @@ export class RemousResults extends CalculatorResults { this._log.clear(); this._log.addLog(this._result.globalLog); - this._varResults = new VarResults(); - this._varResults.variatedParameters = [ new NgParameter(this._xValues, undefined) ]; + this._varResults = new VarResults(this._form); + this._varResults.variatedParameters = [ { param: this._xValues, values: this._xValues.paramValues } ]; this._varResults.result = this._result; const keys = []; keys.push("Y"); // ligne d'eau diff --git a/src/app/results/var-results.ts b/src/app/results/var-results.ts index 66642d8f892999debbcd2bf6512730b2f2f0d6c8..b3b4ace2cf5f993d706e6dd90df60a413b9d2ecf 100644 --- a/src/app/results/var-results.ts +++ b/src/app/results/var-results.ts @@ -1,20 +1,19 @@ -import { CalculatorResults } from "./calculator-results"; import { CalculatedParamResults } from "./param-calc-results"; -import { NgParameter } from "../formulaire/elements/ngparam"; -import { ResultElement, ParamFamily, capitalize, Nub } from "jalhyd"; import { ServiceFactory } from "../services/service-factory"; import { PlottableData } from "./plottable-data"; import { ChartType } from "./chart-type"; +import { longestVarParam } from "../util"; +import { FormulaireDefinition } from "../formulaire/definition/form-definition"; import { sprintf } from "sprintf-js"; -import { longestVarNgParam } from "../util"; +import { ResultElement, ParamFamily, capitalize, Nub, VariatedDetails, ParamDefinition, ParamDomain, ParamDomainValue } from "jalhyd"; export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData { /** * paramètres variés */ - private _variatedParams: NgParameter[]; + private _variatedParams: VariatedDetails[] = []; /** * titre des colonnes des résultats variés @@ -32,10 +31,13 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData private _resultHeaders: string[]; /** - * type de graphe + * type de graphique */ protected _graphType: ChartType = ChartType.Scatter; + /** pointer to form that instantiated this object */ + protected _form: FormulaireDefinition; + /** * variated parameter or result displayed as chart's X-axis */ @@ -52,12 +54,13 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData public longest: number; /** - * tableau des ordonnées du graphe des résultats variés + * tableau des ordonnées du graphique des résultats variés */ private _yValues: number[] = []; - constructor() { + constructor(form?: FormulaireDefinition) { super(); + this._form = form; this.reset(); } @@ -70,11 +73,11 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData this.longest = 0; } - public get variatedParameters(): NgParameter[] { + public get variatedParameters(): VariatedDetails[] { return this._variatedParams; } - public set variatedParameters(p: NgParameter[]) { + public set variatedParameters(p: VariatedDetails[]) { this._variatedParams = p; } @@ -94,35 +97,44 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData return this._resultHeaders; } - public get graphType(): ChartType { + public get chartType(): ChartType { return this._graphType; } - public set graphType(gt: ChartType) { + public set chartType(gt: ChartType) { this._graphType = gt; this.resetDefaultAxisIfNeeded(); } - public getChartAxisLabel(symbol: string): string { - // 1. calculated param ? - if (this.calculatedParameter && this.calculatedParameter.symbol === symbol) { - return this.calculatedParameterHeader; + public hasPlottableResults(): boolean { + if (this.result === undefined) { + return false; } - // 2. variated param ? - for (let i = 0; i < this.variatedParameters.length; i++) { - if (this._variatedParams[i].symbol === symbol) { - return this.variableParamHeaders[i]; + return ! this.result.hasOnlyErrors; + } + + public getChartAxisLabel(symbol: string): string { + if (this.result) { + // 1. calculated param ? + if (this.calculatedParameter && this.calculatedParameter.symbol === symbol) { + return this.calculatedParameterHeader; + } + // 2. variated param ? + for (let i = 0; i < this.variatedParameters.length; i++) { + if (this._variatedParams[i].param.symbol === symbol) { + return this.variableParamHeaders[i]; + } } + // 3. Result element / child result + return this.expandLabelFromSymbol(new ParamDefinition(undefined, symbol, ParamDomainValue.ANY)); } - // 3. Result element / child result - return this.expandLabelFromSymbol(symbol); } /** * Returns the translated name of the given symbol (usually a result or child result) with * its unit, but without the symbol itself */ - public expandLabelFromSymbol(symbol: string): string { + public expandLabelFromSymbol(p: ParamDefinition): string { let ret = ""; // calculator type for translation const sn = this.result.sourceNub; @@ -131,7 +143,8 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData ct = sn.parent.calcType; } // detect children results - const match = /^([0-9]+)_(.+)$/.exec(symbol); + const match = /^([0-9]+)_(.+)$/.exec(p.symbol); + let symbol = p.symbol; if (match !== null) { const pos = +match[1]; // only parent translation file is loaded; look for children translations in it // ct = sn.getChildren()[pos].calcType; @@ -139,7 +152,7 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData const cn = capitalize(ServiceFactory.instance.i18nService.childName(sn)); ret += sprintf(ServiceFactory.instance.i18nService.localizeText("INFO_STUFF_N"), cn) + (pos + 1) + " : "; } - ret += ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.expandVariableNameAndUnit(ct, symbol); + ret += ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.expandVariableNameAndUnit(ct, symbol, p.unit); return ret; } @@ -160,16 +173,16 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData // are we looking for a child variated param ? if (isChildResult !== null) { const children = this.result.sourceNub.getChildren(); - const parameterNub = vp.paramDefinition.parentNub; + const parameterNub = vp.param.parentNub; if (children.includes(parameterNub)) { // current var param is a child param ! const pos = parameterNub.findPositionInParent(); - isTheGoodChild = (pos === +isChildResult[1] && vp.symbol === isChildResult[2]); + isTheGoodChild = (pos === +isChildResult[1] && vp.param.symbol === isChildResult[2]); } } // in any case - if (isTheGoodChild || vp.symbol === symbol) { + if (isTheGoodChild || vp.param.symbol === symbol) { found = true; - const iter = vp.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); + const iter = vp.param.getExtendedValuesIterator(this.size); for (const v of iter) { series.push(v); } @@ -259,13 +272,13 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData // variating parameters for (const v of this._variatedParams) { // exclude pseudo-family "ANY" - const fam = v.paramDefinition.family; + const fam = v.param.family; if (fam !== undefined && fam !== ParamFamily.ANY) { const f = ParamFamily[fam]; if (! (f in families)) { families[f] = []; } - families[f].push(v.symbol); + families[f].push(v.param.symbol); } } // results @@ -309,15 +322,15 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData */ public getVariatingParametersSymbols(): string[] { if (this.result && this.result.sourceNub) { - return this._variatedParams.map(vp => this.getVariatingParameterSymbol(vp, this.result.sourceNub)); + return this._variatedParams.map(vp => this.getVariatingParameterSymbol(vp.param, this.result.sourceNub)); } else { return []; } } - public getVariatingParameterSymbol(vp: NgParameter, sourceNub: Nub): string { + public getVariatingParameterSymbol(vp: ParamDefinition, sourceNub: Nub): string { // detect if variated param is a children param - const parameterNub = vp.paramDefinition.parentNub; + const parameterNub = vp.parentNub; const children = sourceNub.getChildren(); let symb = vp.symbol; if (children.includes(parameterNub)) { @@ -329,13 +342,13 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData public update() { // refresh param headers this._variableParamHeaders = this._variatedParams.map((v) => { - let h = CalculatorResults.paramLabel(v, true, this.result.sourceNub); - h += this.getHelpLink(v.symbol); + let h = this.expandLabelFromSymbol(v.param); + h += this.getHelpLink(v.param.symbol); return h; }); // liste la plus longue - const lvp = longestVarNgParam(this._variatedParams); + const lvp = longestVarParam(this._variatedParams); this.size = lvp.size; this.longest = lvp.index; @@ -358,7 +371,7 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData } this.chartY = defaultY; if (this.chartX === undefined || ! this.getAvailableXAxis().includes(this.chartX)) { - this.chartX = this.getVariatingParameterSymbol(this.variatedParameters[this.longest], this.result.sourceNub); + this.chartX = this.getVariatingParameterSymbol(this.variatedParameters[this.longest].param, this.result.sourceNub); } // calculator type for translation @@ -404,11 +417,11 @@ export class VarResults extends CalculatedParamResults implements PlottableData * When variable parameter or chart type changes, ensure the X / Y current values are still available */ public resetDefaultAxisIfNeeded() { - if (! this.getAvailableXAxis().includes(this.chartX)) { - this.chartX = this.variatedParameters[0].symbol; + if (this.variatedParameters.length > 0 && ! this.getAvailableXAxis().includes(this.chartX)) { + this.chartX = this.variatedParameters[0].param.symbol; } - if (! this.getAvailableYAxis().includes(this.chartY)) { - this.chartY = this.variatedParameters[0].symbol; + if (this.variatedParameters.length > 0 && ! this.getAvailableYAxis().includes(this.chartY)) { + this.chartY = this.variatedParameters[0].param.symbol; } } } diff --git a/src/app/services/app-setup.service.ts b/src/app/services/app-setup.service.ts index 2850c2c7ba63aec24f1c6c3e1967bc4371d8fa83..e31d1e37b4ae50b9320f0733fba3734eb327f26f 100644 --- a/src/app/services/app-setup.service.ts +++ b/src/app/services/app-setup.service.ts @@ -114,13 +114,12 @@ export class ApplicationSetupService extends Observable { /** * Restore configuration values */ - public restoreDefaultValues(): Promise<any> { - return this.readValuesFromConfig().then(() => { - // notify I18nService - this.notifyObservers({ - action: "languagePreferenceChanged", - languages: [ this.language ] - }); + public async restoreDefaultValues(): Promise<any> { + await this.readValuesFromConfig(); + // notify I18nService + this.notifyObservers({ + action: "languagePreferenceChanged", + languages: [ this.language ] }); } @@ -171,18 +170,17 @@ export class ApplicationSetupService extends Observable { /** * Read configuration values from config (async) */ - private readValuesFromConfig(): Promise<any> { - return this.httpService.httpGetRequestPromise(this.CONFIG_FILE_PATH).then((data: any) => { - // get all config values (volontarily non-generic to prevent side-effects) - this.displayPrecision = data.params.displayPrecision; - this.computePrecision = data.params.computePrecision; - this.maxIterations = data.params.maxIterations; - this.enableNotifications = data.params.enableNotifications; - this.enableHotkeys = data.params.enableHotkeys; - this.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit = data.params.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit; - this.language = data.params.language; - // load themes for calculators list page - this.themes = data.themes; - }); + private async readValuesFromConfig(): Promise<any> { + const data: any = await this.httpService.httpGetRequestPromise(this.CONFIG_FILE_PATH); + // get all config values (volontarily non-generic to prevent side-effects) + this.displayPrecision = data.params.displayPrecision; + this.computePrecision = data.params.computePrecision; + this.maxIterations = data.params.maxIterations; + this.enableNotifications = data.params.enableNotifications; + this.enableHotkeys = data.params.enableHotkeys; + this.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit = data.params.enableEmptyFieldsOnFormInit; + this.language = data.params.language; + // load themes for calculators list page + this.themes = data.themes; } } diff --git a/src/app/services/error.service.ts b/src/app/services/error.service.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 77620c3b7c82ea97996779c5fae0608514da4ecf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/src/app/services/error.service.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import { Injectable } from "@angular/core"; - -import { Observable } from "jalhyd"; - -@Injectable() -export class ErrorService extends Observable { - // TODO: add explicit constructor - - doAlert(m: string) { - this.notifyObservers(m); - } -} diff --git a/src/app/services/formulaire.service.ts b/src/app/services/formulaire.service.ts index 101572ca12f6d88a4cc3658d284cf375357e3f4b..d83a6507dcaecb1b2ba0899bc5c0a4e7444056a1 100644 --- a/src/app/services/formulaire.service.ts +++ b/src/app/services/formulaire.service.ts @@ -14,7 +14,14 @@ import { Props, Cloisons, CloisonAval, - SPP + SPP, + PreBarrage, + PbBassin, + PbBassinParams, + LoiDebit, + PbCloison, + CreateStructure, + Structure } from "jalhyd"; import { ApplicationSetupService } from "./app-setup.service"; @@ -40,6 +47,7 @@ import { AppComponent } from "../app.component"; import { FormulaireSPP } from "../formulaire/definition/form-spp"; import { FormulaireFixedVar } from "../formulaire/definition/form-fixedvar"; import { FormulaireSection } from "../formulaire/definition/form-section"; +import { FormulairePrebarrage } from "../formulaire/definition/form-prebarrage"; @Injectable() export class FormulaireService extends Observable { @@ -83,11 +91,12 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { * Loads the localisation file dedicated to calculator type ct; tries the current * language then the fallback language; uses cache if available */ - public loadLocalisation(calc: CalculatorType): Promise<any> { + public async loadLocalisation(calc: CalculatorType): Promise<any> { const lang = this._intlService.currentLanguage; - return this.loadLocalisationForLang(calc, lang).then((localisation) => { + try { + const localisation = await this.loadLocalisationForLang(calc, lang); return localisation as StringMap; - }).catch((e) => { + } catch (e) { console.error(e); // try default lang (the one in the config file) ? const fallbackLang = this.appSetupService.fallbackLanguage; @@ -95,14 +104,14 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { console.error(`trying fallback language: ${fallbackLang}`); return this.loadLocalisationForLang(calc, fallbackLang); } - }); + } } /** * Loads the localisation file dedicated to calculator type ct for language lang; * keeps it in cache for subsequent calls () */ - private loadLocalisationForLang(calc: CalculatorType, lang: string): Promise<any> { + private async loadLocalisationForLang(calc: CalculatorType, lang: string): Promise<any> { const ct = String(calc); // already in cache ? if (Object.keys(this._languageCache).includes(ct) && Object.keys(this._languageCache[calc]).includes(lang)) { @@ -111,13 +120,14 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { }); } else { const f: string = this.getConfigPathPrefix(calc) + lang + ".json"; - return this._httpService.httpGetRequestPromise(f).then((localisation) => { + try { + const localisation = await this._httpService.httpGetRequestPromise(f); this._languageCache[ct] = this._languageCache[ct] || {}; this._languageCache[ct][lang] = localisation; return localisation as StringMap; - }).catch((e) => { + } catch (e) { throw new Error(`LOCALISATION_FILE_NOT_FOUND "${f}"`); - }); + } } } @@ -125,13 +135,12 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { * Loads localisation file corresponding to current language then updates all form strings, * only if form language was not already set to current language */ - public loadUpdateFormulaireLocalisation(f: FormulaireDefinition): Promise<FormulaireDefinition> { + public async loadUpdateFormulaireLocalisation(f: FormulaireDefinition): Promise<FormulaireDefinition> { const requiredLang = this._intlService.currentLanguage; if (requiredLang !== f.currentLanguage) { - return this.loadLocalisation(f.calculatorType).then(localisation => { - f.updateLocalisation(localisation, requiredLang); - return f; - }); + const localisation = await this.loadLocalisation(f.calculatorType); + f.updateLocalisation(localisation, requiredLang); + return f; } } @@ -209,7 +218,9 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { if (idx !== -1) { symbolBase = symbolBase.substring(idx + 2); } - let unit; + let unit: string; + // unit of a parameter is supposed to be read from JaLHyd ParadDefinition and passed + // through "forceUnit"; keys like "UNIT_*" in the config file are for extra results if (forceUnit) { unit = forceUnit; } else { @@ -307,6 +318,10 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { f = new FormulaireSPP(); break; + case CalculatorType.PreBarrage: + f = new FormulairePrebarrage(); + break; + default: f = new FormulaireFixedVar(); } @@ -322,107 +337,127 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { * @param nub nub existant à associer au formulaire (chargement de session / duplication de module) * @param calculatorName nom du module, à afficher dans l'interface */ - public createFormulaire(ct: CalculatorType, nub?: Nub, calculatorName?: string): Promise<FormulaireDefinition> { + public async createFormulaire(ct: CalculatorType, nub?: Nub, calculatorName?: string): Promise<FormulaireDefinition> { // Crée un formulaire du bon type const f: FormulaireDefinition = this.newFormulaire(ct); this._formulaires.push(f); // Charge la configuration dépendamment du type - const prom: Promise<any> = this.loadConfig(ct); - return prom.then(s => { - f.preparseConfig(s); + const s: any = await this.loadConfig(ct); + f.preparseConfig(s); - // Associe le Nub fourni (chargement de session / duplication de module), sinon en crée un nouveau - if (nub) { - f.currentNub = nub; - } else { - f.initNub(); - } + // Associe le Nub fourni (chargement de session / duplication de module), sinon en crée un nouveau + if (nub) { + f.currentNub = nub; + } else { + f.initNub(); + } - // Restaure le nom du module, sinon affecte le nom par défaut - let tempName: string; - if (calculatorName) { - tempName = calculatorName; - } else { - tempName = decode(this.getLocalisedShortTitleFromCalculatorType(ct)); - } - // Suffixe le nom du module si nécessaire - f.calculatorName = this.suffixNameIfNeeded(tempName); - - f.parseConfig(); - - // add fieldsets for existing Structures if needed - // (when loading session only) - if (f.currentNub instanceof ParallelStructure) { - for (const struct of f.currentNub.structures) { - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { // @TODO manage many containers one day ? - e.addFromTemplate(0, undefined, struct); - } + // Restaure le nom du module, sinon affecte le nom par défaut + let tempName: string; + if (calculatorName) { + tempName = calculatorName; + } else { + tempName = decode(this.getLocalisedShortTitleFromCalculatorType(ct)); + } + // Suffixe le nom du module si nécessaire + f.calculatorName = this.suffixNameIfNeeded(tempName); + + f.parseConfig(); + + // add fieldsets for existing Structures if needed + // (when loading session only) + if (f.currentNub instanceof ParallelStructure) { + for (const struct of f.currentNub.structures) { + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { // @TODO manage many containers one day ? + e.addFromTemplate(0, undefined, struct); } } } + } - // add fieldsets for existing YAXN if needed - // (when loading session only) - if (f.currentNub instanceof SPP) { - for (const c of f.currentNub.getChildren()) { - for (const e of f.allFormElements) { - if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { // @TODO manage many containers one day ? - e.addFromTemplate(0, undefined, c); - } + // add fieldsets for existing YAXN if needed + // (when loading session only) + if (f.currentNub instanceof SPP) { + for (const c of f.currentNub.getChildren()) { + for (const e of f.allFormElements) { + if (e instanceof FieldsetContainer) { // @TODO manage many containers one day ? + e.addFromTemplate(0, undefined, c); } } } + } - // when creating a new Pab, add one wall with one device, plus the downwall - // (when loading session, those items are already present) - if ( - f instanceof FormulairePab - && f.currentNub instanceof Pab - && f.currentNub.children.length === 0 - && f.currentNub.downWall === undefined - ) { - // 1. one wall - const newWall = Session.getInstance().createNub( - new Props({ - calcType: CalculatorType.Cloisons - }) - ) as Cloisons; - // add new default device for new wall - const newDevice = Session.getInstance().createNub( - new Props({ - calcType: CalculatorType.Structure, - loiDebit: newWall.getDefaultLoiDebit() - }) - ); - newWall.addChild(newDevice); - f.pabNub.addChild(newWall); - // 2. downwall - const newDownWall = Session.getInstance().createNub( - new Props({ - calcType: CalculatorType.CloisonAval - }) - ) as CloisonAval; - // add new default device for new downwall - const newDownwallDevice = Session.getInstance().createNub( - new Props({ - calcType: CalculatorType.Structure, - loiDebit: newDownWall.getDefaultLoiDebit() - }) - ); - newDownWall.addChild(newDownwallDevice); - f.pabNub.downWall = newDownWall; - } + // when creating a new Pab, add one wall with one device, plus the downwall + // (when loading session, those items are already present) + if ( + f instanceof FormulairePab + && f.currentNub instanceof Pab + && f.currentNub.children.length === 0 + && f.currentNub.downWall === undefined + ) { + // 1. one wall + const newWall = Session.getInstance().createNub( + new Props({ + calcType: CalculatorType.Cloisons + }) + ) as Cloisons; + // add new default device for new wall + const newDevice = Session.getInstance().createNub( + new Props({ + calcType: CalculatorType.Structure, + loiDebit: newWall.getDefaultLoiDebit() + }) + ); + newWall.addChild(newDevice); + f.pabNub.addChild(newWall); + // 2. downwall + const newDownWall = Session.getInstance().createNub( + new Props({ + calcType: CalculatorType.CloisonAval + }) + ) as CloisonAval; + // add new default device for new downwall + const newDownwallDevice = Session.getInstance().createNub( + new Props({ + calcType: CalculatorType.Structure, + loiDebit: newDownWall.getDefaultLoiDebit() + }) + ); + newDownWall.addChild(newDownwallDevice); + f.pabNub.downWall = newDownWall; + } - return f; + // when creating a new PreBarrage, add one basin and two walls with one + // device each (when loading session, those items are already present) + if ( + f instanceof FormulairePrebarrage + && f.currentNub instanceof PreBarrage + && f.currentNub.children.length === 0 + ) { + // 1 basin + f.currentNub.addChild(new PbBassin(new PbBassinParams(13.80, 95))); + // 1st wall + f.currentNub.addChild(new PbCloison(undefined, f.currentNub.children[0] as PbBassin)); + const s1: Structure = CreateStructure(LoiDebit.WeirCunge80); + s1.prms.ZDV.singleValue = 95.30; + s1.getParameter("L").singleValue = 0.4; + s1.getParameter("CdGR").singleValue = 1.04; + f.currentNub.children[1].addChild(s1); + // 2nd wall + f.currentNub.addChild(new PbCloison(f.currentNub.children[0] as PbBassin, undefined)); + const s2: Structure = CreateStructure(LoiDebit.WeirCunge80); + s2.prms.ZDV.singleValue = 95.30; + s2.getParameter("L").singleValue = 0.4; + s2.getParameter("CdGR").singleValue = 1.04; + f.currentNub.children[2].addChild(s2); + } - }).then(fi => { - this.notifyObservers({ - "action": "createForm", - "form": fi - }); - return fi; + this.notifyObservers({ + "action": "createForm", + "form": f }); + return f; } /** @@ -640,47 +675,49 @@ export class FormulaireService extends Observable { * obtient des infos (nom, uid des modules de calcul, dépendances) d'un fichier session * @param f fichier session */ - public calculatorInfosFromSessionFile(f: File): Promise<{ nubs: any[], formatVersion: string }> { - return this.readSingleFile(f).then(s => { - // return value - const res: { nubs: any[], formatVersion: string } = { - nubs: [], - formatVersion: "" - }; - const data = JSON.parse(s); - // liste des noms de modules de calcul - if (data.session && Array.isArray(data.session)) { - data.session.forEach((e: any) => { - const nubInfo = { - uid: e.uid, - title: e.meta && e.meta.title ? e.meta.title : undefined, - requires: [], - children: [], - type: e.props.calcType - }; - // list linked params dependencies for each Nub - if (e.parameters) { - e.parameters.forEach((p) => { - if (p.targetNub && ! nubInfo.requires.includes(p.targetNub)) { - nubInfo.requires.push(p.targetNub); - } - }); - } - // list children nubs for each Nub - if (e.children) { - e.children.forEach((p) => { - nubInfo.children.push(p.uid); - }); - } - res.nubs.push(nubInfo); - }); - } - // version du format de fichier - if (data.header && data.header.format_version) { - res.formatVersion = data.header.format_version; - } - return res; - }); + public async calculatorInfosFromSessionFile(f: File): Promise<{ nubs: any[], formatVersion: string }> { + const s = await this.readSingleFile(f); + // return value + const res: { + nubs: any[]; + formatVersion: string; + } = { + nubs: [], + formatVersion: "" + }; + const data = JSON.parse(s); + // liste des noms de modules de calcul + if (data.session && Array.isArray(data.session)) { + data.session.forEach((e: any) => { + const nubInfo = { + uid: e.uid, + title: e.meta && e.meta.title ? e.meta.title : undefined, + requires: [], + children: [], + type: e.props.calcType + }; + // list linked params dependencies for each Nub + if (e.parameters) { + e.parameters.forEach((p) => { + if (p.targetNub && !nubInfo.requires.includes(p.targetNub)) { + nubInfo.requires.push(p.targetNub); + } + }); + } + // list children nubs for each Nub + if (e.children) { + e.children.forEach((p) => { + nubInfo.children.push(p.uid); + }); + } + res.nubs.push(nubInfo); + }); + } + // version du format de fichier + if (data.header && data.header.format_version) { + res.formatVersion = data.header.format_version; + } + return res; } public saveForm(f: FormulaireDefinition) { diff --git a/src/app/services/internationalisation.service.ts b/src/app/services/internationalisation.service.ts index c8e35a07e64775931f34bb29996cd8d1b7f1d723..6a1a79e7e5ae9a63cb5673fb56e4a6c44c1d0ad8 100644 --- a/src/app/services/internationalisation.service.ts +++ b/src/app/services/internationalisation.service.ts @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import { Message, MessageCode, Observable, Observer, LoiDebit, Nub } from "jalhy import { StringMap } from "../stringmap"; import { ApplicationSetupService } from "./app-setup.service"; import { HttpService } from "./http.service"; -import { fv } from "../util"; +import { fv, decodeHtml } from "../util"; +import { ServiceFactory } from "./service-factory"; @Injectable() export class I18nService extends Observable implements Observer { @@ -54,11 +55,12 @@ export class I18nService extends Observable implements Observer { /** * Defines the current language code from its ISO 639-1 code (2 characters) or locale code * (ex: "fr", "en", "fr_FR", "en-US") - * @see this.languageCodeFromLocaleCode() * * @param code ISO 639-1 language code */ - public setLanguage(code: string) { + public async setLanguage(code: string) { + // ensure 2-letter language code + code = code.substring(0, 2); // is language supported ? if (! Object.keys(this._availableLanguages).includes(code)) { throw new Error(`LANGUAGE_UNSUPPORTED "${code}"`); @@ -69,11 +71,10 @@ export class I18nService extends Observable implements Observer { this._Messages = undefined; // reload all messages const that = this; - this.httpGetMessages(code).then((res: any) => { - that._Messages = res; - // propagate language change to all application - that.notifyObservers(undefined); - }); + const res: any = await this.httpGetMessages(code); + that._Messages = res; + // propagate language change to all application + that.notifyObservers(undefined); } } @@ -81,12 +82,10 @@ export class I18nService extends Observable implements Observer { * Loads localized messages from JSON files for the given language * (general messages files, not calculator-specific ones) */ - private httpGetMessages(lang: string): Promise<void> { + private async httpGetMessages(lang: string): Promise<any> { const fileName = "messages." + lang + ".json"; const filePath = "locale/" + fileName; - return this.httpService.httpGetRequestPromise(filePath).then((res: any) => { - return res; - }); + return await this.httpService.httpGetRequestPromise(filePath); } private getMessageFromCode(c: MessageCode): string { @@ -159,16 +158,51 @@ export class I18nService extends Observable implements Observer { if (r.extraVar.hasOwnProperty(k)) { const v: any = r.extraVar[k]; let s: string; - if (typeof v === "number") { - s = fv(v); + // detect variable names to translate + if (k === "variables" && Array.isArray(v)) { + // array of variable names + s = v.map((e) => { + return this.localizeText("INFO_LIB_" + e.toUpperCase()); + }).join(", "); + } else if (k.substring(0, 4) === "var_") { + // single variable name + s = this.localizeText("INFO_LIB_" + v.toUpperCase()); } else { - s = v; + if (typeof v === "number") { + s = fv(v); + } else { + s = v; + } } m = this.replaceAll(m, "%" + k + "%", s); } } - return m; + // replace "ENUM_X_Y" by translated enum value; + // example for lang "fr" : "ENUM_SPECIES_6" => "INFO_ENUM_SPECIES_6" => "Ombre commun" + // (partly redundant with MSG_* but shorter to write) + m = m.replace(/(ENUM_[^ ,;\.]+)/g, (match, p1) => { + return this.localizeText("INFO_" + p1); + }); + + // replace "FORM_ID_X" by form name in current session, if any + m = m.replace(/FORM_ID_(\w{6})/g, (match, p1) => { + // cannot inject FormulaireService => cyclic dependency :/ + const form = ServiceFactory.instance.formulaireService.getFormulaireFromNubId(p1); + let formName = "**UNKNOWN_FORM**"; + if (form !== undefined) { + formName = form.calculatorName; + } + return formName; + }); + + // replace MSG_* with the translation of * ; allows + // to inject any text translation in a message + m = m.replace(/MSG_([^ ,;\.-]+)/g, (match, p1) => { + return this.localizeText(p1); + }); + + return decodeHtml(m); } /** @@ -198,13 +232,17 @@ export class I18nService extends Observable implements Observer { } /** - * Returns the localized name for the children type of the current Nub + * Returns the localized name for the children type of the current Nub; "short" and "plural" + * options are mutually exclusive * @param plural if true, will return plural name + * @param short if true, will return short name */ - public childName(nub: Nub, plural: boolean = false) { + public childName(nub: Nub, plural: boolean = false, short: boolean = false) { const type: string = nub.childrenType; let k = "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_" + type.toUpperCase(); - if (plural) { + if (short) { + k += "_SHORT"; + } else if (plural) { k += "_PLUR"; } return this.localizeText(k); diff --git a/src/app/util.ts b/src/app/util.ts index 6f5719bc5b0888c222f55633d3a6171b17a90e81..0974a63da6e2860879c351b0fb929c97e60b188f 100644 --- a/src/app/util.ts +++ b/src/app/util.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { NgParameter } from "./formulaire/elements/ngparam"; import { ServiceFactory } from "./services/service-factory"; -import { formattedValue, Nub, VariatedDetails, ParamDefinition } from "jalhyd"; +import { formattedValue, Nub, VariatedDetails, ParamDefinition, ParamValueMode } from "jalhyd"; export function logObject(obj: {}, m?: string) { // évite le message "Value below was evaluated just now" dans le debugger de Chrome @@ -31,6 +31,26 @@ export function fv(p: NgParameter | number): string { return formattedValue(value, nDigits); } +/** + * Returns value at index i for parameter p, whether it is variating + * or not, calculated or not + * @param p parameter + * @param i index + */ +export function getIthValue(p: ParamDefinition, i: number, extendTo: number): string { + let value: number; + if (p.hasMultipleValues) { + if (p.valueMode === ParamValueMode.CALCUL) { + value = p.parentNub.result.resultElements[i].vCalc; + } else { + value = p.getInferredValuesList(extendTo)[i]; + } + } else { + value = p.V; + } + return fv(value); +} + /** * Trick to decode HTML entities in a string * https://stackoverflow.com/a/7394787/5986614 @@ -42,27 +62,6 @@ export function decodeHtml(html: string): string { return txt.value; } -/** - * Given a list of variated NgParameter, returns the parameter having the most - * values, its index in the list, and the number of values it contains - * @param varParams - */ -export function longestVarNgParam(varParams: NgParameter[]): { param: NgParameter, index: number, size: number } { - const variated: VariatedDetails[] = []; - for (const vp of varParams) { - variated.push({ - param: vp.paramDefinition, - values: vp.paramDefinition.paramValues - }); - } - const { param, index, size } = longestVarParam(variated); - return { - param: varParams[index], - index, - size - }; -} - /** * Given a list of variated ParamDefinition, returns the parameter having the most * values, its index in the list, and the number of values it contains diff --git a/src/assets/icons/android/ic_stat_notify.png b/src/assets/icons/android/ic_stat_notify.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b300d9301ed2a18c10f97b850842e50e871c323 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/icons/android/ic_stat_notify.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/icons/android/icon.png b/src/assets/icons/android/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67c7918826dd586f53aab4da6d7dbfe3ea96937a Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/icons/android/icon.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/icons/android/icon_96.png b/src/assets/icons/android/icon_96.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..518dc99413c402fc7b20a45a44ea94c523ef1b4c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/icons/android/icon_96.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/icons/ios/icon.png b/src/assets/icons/ios/icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67c7918826dd586f53aab4da6d7dbfe3ea96937a Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/icons/ios/icon.png differ diff --git a/src/assets/images/themes/passe-ralentisseurs.jpg b/src/assets/images/themes/passe-ralentisseurs.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6170a36d986651d72620fcd2a7e152fe733f1d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/images/themes/passe-ralentisseurs.jpg differ diff --git a/src/index.html b/src/index.html index c129854a24c9aef60d83a4ec5f78aed1f987cf3b..55f7c58334a62541954f33f05d52e71afb42dc62 100644 --- a/src/index.html +++ b/src/index.html @@ -182,6 +182,103 @@ </script> </nghyd-app> + + <script type="text/javascript"> + /** + * Compares semver strings + * @see https://github.com/substack/semver-compare + */ + function semverCompare(a, b) { + var pa = a.split('.'); + var pb = b.split('.'); + for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { + var na = Number(pa[i]); + var nb = Number(pb[i]); + if (na > nb) return 1; + if (nb > na) return -1; + if (!isNaN(na) && isNaN(nb)) return 1; + if (isNaN(na) && !isNaN(nb)) return -1; + } + return 0; + } + /** + * Calls the Cassiopee update server to check for available updates; + * if so, displays a desktop notification which, if clicked, will + * trigger the download of the latest version installer for the + * current platform + * + * Web updates system prerequisites + * -------------------------------- + * + * ${URL} should point to an http-accessible directory containing: + * + * 1. a file named "releases.json" with a contents of the form + * { + * "latest": "4.5.0", + * "4.5.0": { + * "darwin": "cassiopee-setup-4.5.0.dmg", + * "linux": "fr.irstea.cassiopee_4.5.0_amd64.deb", + * "win32": "Cassiopée Setup 4.5.0.exe" + * }, + * "4.4.2": { + * "darwin": "cassiopee-setup-4.4.2.dmg", + * "linux": "fr.irstea.cassiopee_4.4.2_amd64.deb", + * "win32": "Cassiopée Setup 4.4.2.exe" + * } + * } + * + * 2. all platform-dependent installer files specified in "releases.json", + * at the root of the directory (ex: "fr.irstea.cassiopee_4.5.0_amd64.deb") + */ + const lookForUpdates = function() { + // Web update resources root directory + const URL = "https://cassiopee.g-eau.fr/cassiopee-releases/"; + + // detect current app version and platform + let version = "4.4.2"; // debug + cordova.getAppVersion.getVersionNumber((versionNumber) => { + version = versionNumber; + // fetch releases information + const options = { + method: 'get', + headers: { "Cache-Control": "no-cache" } + }; + cordova.plugin.http.sendRequest(URL + "releases.json", options, (response) => { + var data = JSON.parse(response.data); // This is the resultant JSON in useful form + // alert(`Youpi ! ${response.status} version=${version}, latest=${data.latest}, comp=${semverCompare(data.latest, version)}`); + // compare current version to latest version + if (data.latest && semverCompare(data.latest, version) == 1) { + // get download link for latest version, depending on platform + if (data[data.latest] && data[data.latest]["android"]) { + const latestVersionURL = URL + data[data.latest]["android"]; + // show notification + cordova.plugins.notification.local.schedule({ + title: `Cassiopee version ${data.latest} is available`, + text: "Download update installer", + foreground: true, + smallIcon: "res://ic_stat_notify", + icon: "res://icon" + }); + cordova.plugins.notification.local.on("click", () => { + // ask system to open URL with default browser + // @TODO find a way to get rid of "are you sure you want to leave this page ?" prompt + window.open(latestVersionURL, "_system"); + }); + } // else could not find link, silent fail + } // else you already have the latest version + }, (response) => { /* silent fail */}); + }); + }; + + // execute on Cordova (mobile app) only + if (window.cordova && cordova.platformId !== "browser") { + document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () { + // check updates at app startup + lookForUpdates(); + }); + } + </script> + </body> </html> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locale/messages.en.json b/src/locale/messages.en.json index 92a3ba1fed048012e0d864f18e78a908fda85472..332f19295f0d9fa625d2a3175bf22ba342d9d0a6 100644 --- a/src/locale/messages.en.json +++ b/src/locale/messages.en.json @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ { + "ERROR_AT_LEAST_ONE_OF_THOSE_MUST_BE_DEFINED": "At least one of the following values should be specified : %variables%", "ERROR_CLOISON_AVAL_UN_OUVRAGE_REGULE": "Only one regulated device is allowed on the downstream wall", "WARNING_DEVER_ZR_SUP_Z1": "Elevation of the river bed can't be higher than water elevation: Impossible to calculate the kinetic energy", "WARNING_DOWNSTREAM_ELEVATION_POSSIBLE_SUBMERSION": "Downstream elevation is higher than weir elevation (possible submersion)", @@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ "ERROR_PAB_CALC_Z1_CLOISON": "Error in calculating the upstream water elevation of a wall", "ERROR_PAB_Z1_LOWER_THAN_Z2": "Upstream water elevation should be higher than downstream water elevation", "ERROR_PAB_Z1_LOWER_THAN_UPSTREAM_WALL": "Upstream water elevation is too low for water to flow through the first wall", + "ERROR_PAR_NB_INCONSISTENT": "Number of baffles should be %stdNb%", + "ERROR_PAR_ZR_ZD_MISMATCH": "Values of %var_ZR% and %var_ZD% mismatch : either %var_ZR% should be %expectedZR%, or %var_ZD% should be %expectedZD%", "ERROR_PARAM_MUST_BE_A_NUMBER": "Please type a numeric value", "ERROR_PARAM_MUST_BE_AT_LEAST": "Value must be >= %s", "ERROR_PARAM_MUST_BE_POSITIVE": "Please type a positive numeric value", @@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ "INFO_CALCULATOR_PARAMFIXES": "Fixed parameters", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAB": "Generate a fish ladder", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_RU_SP": "Hydraulic details of section", + "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAR_SIMULATION": "Generation a humpback fishway simulation", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_SP_AMONT": "Hydraulic details of upstream section", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_SP_AVAL": "Hydraulic details of downstream section", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_TITLE": "Results", @@ -133,6 +137,8 @@ "INFO_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_1": "Partially submerged", "INFO_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_2": "Submerged", "INFO_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_3": "Zero flow", + "INFO_ENUM_PARFLOWREGIME_0": "Free", + "INFO_ENUM_PARFLOWREGIME_1": "Submerged", "INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREFLOWMODE_0": "Weir", "INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREFLOWMODE_1": "Orifice", "INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREFLOWMODE_2": "Zero flow", @@ -163,10 +169,14 @@ "INFO_STUFF_N": "%s #", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_OUVRAGE": "device", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_OUVRAGE_PLUR": "devices", + "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_OUVRAGE_SHORT": "D", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_MACRORUGO": "apron", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_MACRORUGO_PLUR": "aprons", + "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_MACRORUGO_SHORT": "A", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_PUISSANCE": "power", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_PUISSANCE_PLUR": "powers", + "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_PUISSANCE_SHORT": "P", + "INFO_DIALOG_PARSIM_DESC": "Choose a combination of values to generate the simulation", "INFO_FIELDSET_ADD": "Add", "INFO_FIELDSET_COPY": "Copy", "INFO_FIELDSET_REMOVE": "Remove", @@ -210,11 +220,13 @@ "INFO_LIB_AMONT": "Upstream", "INFO_LIB_AVAL": "Downstream", "INFO_LIB_B": "Surface width", + "INFO_LIB_BASSIN": "Basin", "INFO_LIB_BB": "Pool width", "INFO_LIB_BETA": "Beta coefficient", "INFO_LIB_BT": "Half opening of the triangle", "INFO_LIB_CD": "Discharge coefficient", "INFO_LIB_CDGR": "Discharge coefficient gate", + "INFO_LIB_CDCUNGE": "Discharge coefficient", "INFO_LIB_CDWR": "Discharge coefficient weir", "INFO_LIB_CDWSL": "Discharge coefficient slot", "INFO_LIB_CDWS": "Discharge coefficient", @@ -230,6 +242,7 @@ "INFO_LIB_DISTANCE_AMONT": "Distance from upstream (m)", "INFO_LIB_EC": "EC: Kinetic energy", "INFO_LIB_ENUM_MACRORUGOFLOWTYPE": "Flow type", + "INFO_LIB_ENUM_PARFLOWREGIME": "Regime", "INFO_LIB_FLU": "Subcritical water line", "INFO_LIB_FR": "Froude number", "INFO_LIB_FS_OUVRAGE": "Device", @@ -272,6 +285,7 @@ "INFO_LIB_SELECT_STRUCTURE_SEUIL_RECT": "Rectangular weir", "INFO_LIB_SELECT_STRUCTURE": "Device", "INFO_LIB_STRUCT_CONTAINER": "Devices", + "INFO_LIB_STRUCTURE_N_COURT": "S", "INFO_LIB_TAU0": "Tractive force", "INFO_LIB_TOR": "Supercritical water line", "INFO_LIB_TOTAL": "Total", @@ -292,6 +306,10 @@ "INFO_LIB_ZCO": "Orifice center elevation", "INFO_LIB_ZDV": "Crest weir elevation or gate base", "INFO_LIB_ZF2": "Downstream bottom elevation", + "INFO_LIB_ZD1": "Upstream spilling elevation", + "INFO_LIB_ZD2": "Downstream spilling elevation", + "INFO_LIB_ZR1": "Upstream apron elevation", + "INFO_LIB_ZR2": "Downstream apron elevation", "INFO_LIB_ZRAM": "Upstream apron elevation", "INFO_LIB_ZRMB": "Downstream basin bottom elevation", "INFO_LIB_ZT": "Triangle top elevation", @@ -303,7 +321,7 @@ "INFO_LINKED_VALUE_SECTION_RESULT": "%s (%s, section)", "INFO_LINKED_VALUE_SECTION": "%s (%s, section)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_KIVI": "Kindsvater-Carter and Villemonte", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Submerged slot (Larinier 1992)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Submerged slot (Larinier)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_OrificeSubmerged": "Submerged orifice", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_OrificeFree": "Free orifice", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_TriangularWeirBroad": "V-notch broad-crested weir (Bos)", @@ -313,19 +331,24 @@ "INFO_LOIDEBIT_GateCem88v": "Weir/Undershot gate Cemagref 88", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirCem88d": "Weir/Orifice Cemagref 88", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirCem88v": "Weir/Undershot gate Cemagref 88", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_Cunge80": "Cunge 80", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_Cunge80": "Cunge (1980)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirCunge80": "Broad weir / orifice (Cunge)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_GateCunge80": "Broad weir (Cunge)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_RectangularOrificeFree": "Free flow gate", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_RectangularOrificeSubmerged": "Submerged gate", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevLarinier": "Regulated submerged slot (Larinier 1992)", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevVillemonte": "Regulated notch (Villemonte 1957)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevLarinier": "Regulated submerged slot (Larinier)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevVillemonte": "Regulated notch (Villemonte)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirFree": "Free flow weir", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirVillemonte": "Notch (Villemonte 1957)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirVillemonte": "Notch (Villemonte)", "INFO_MACRORUGO_TITRE_COURT": "Rock-ramp", "INFO_MACRORUGO_TITRE": "Rock-ramp fishpasses", "INFO_MENU_DIAGRAM_TITLE": "Modules diagram", "INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_TITRE": "Compound rock-ramp fishpasses", "INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_TITRE_COURT": "Compound RR", "INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_LINCL": "Lateral inclination (m/m): ", + "INFO_ONLY_Q_MAY_VARY": "Only flow may vary", + "INFO_ONLY_Z1_Q_MAY_VARY": "Only upstream elevation and flow may vary", + "INFO_Z1_Z2_MUST_BE_DEFINED": "Upstream and downstream elevations must be defined", "INFO_PENTE_TITRE": "Slope", "INFO_PENTE_TITRE_COURT": "Slope", "INFO_MENU_EMPTY_SESSION_TITLE": "New session", @@ -357,7 +380,7 @@ "INFO_PAB_BASSINS": "Basins", "INFO_PAB_OUVRAGES": "Devices", "INFO_PAB_EDIT_VALUES": "Modify values", - "INFO_CALCULER_D_ABORD": "Calculate this module first", + "INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST": "Calculate this module first", "INFO_PAB_NUM_BASSIN": "Basin #", "INFO_PAB_HEADER_TYPE": "Type", "INFO_PAB_HEADER_PARAMETERS": "Parameters", @@ -378,6 +401,10 @@ "INFO_PABPUISSANCE_TITRE": "Fish ladder: dissipated power", "INFO_PARALLELSTRUCTURE_TITRE_COURT": "// structures", "INFO_PARALLELSTRUCTURE_TITRE": "Parallel structures", + "INFO_PAR_TITRE": "Humpback fishway: setup", + "INFO_PAR_TITRE_COURT": "HF: setup", + "INFO_PARSIMULATION_TITRE": "Humpback fishway: simulation", + "INFO_PARSIMULATION_TITRE_COURT": "HF: simulation", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_AWAITING_CALCULATION": "Awaiting calculation", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS": "Boundary conditions", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CALCULATED": "Calculated", @@ -415,6 +442,20 @@ "INFO_PARAMFIELD_VARIATED": "Variated", "INFO_PARAMMODE_LIST": "Values list", "INFO_PARAMMODE_MINMAX": "Min/max", + "INFO_PB_BASSIN_DESCRIPTION": "B%order%", + "INFO_PB_CLOISON_DESCRIPTION": "%ub%-%db%", + "INFO_PB_ADD_BASIN": "Add new basin", + "INFO_PB_ADD_WALL": "Add new wall", + "INFO_PB_BASSIN_N": "Basin #", + "INFO_PB_CLOISON": "Wall", + "INFO_PB_MOVE_BASIN_UP": "Move basin up", + "INFO_PB_MOVE_BASIN_DOWN": "Move basin down", + "INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_SELECT_BASINS": "Select basins to connect", + "INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_UP_BASIN": "upstream basin", + "INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_DOWN_BASIN": "Downstream basin", + "INFO_PB_SCHEMA": "Basins layout", + "INFO_PREBARRAGE_TITRE": "Pre-dams", + "INFO_PREBARRAGE_TITRE_COURT": "Pre-dams", "INFO_QUICKNAV_CHARTS": "charts", "INFO_QUICKNAV_INPUT": "input", "INFO_QUICKNAV_RESULTS": "results", @@ -428,7 +469,7 @@ "INFO_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE": "Width at embankment level = %B% m", "INFO_REMOUS_RESSAUT_DEHORS": "Hydraulic jump detected %sens% abscissa %x% m", "INFO_REMOUS_RESSAUT_HYDRO": "Hydraulic jump detected between abscissa %xmin% and %xmax% m", - "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_ABSCISSE": "Abscissa (m)", + "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_ABSCISSE": "Abscissa", "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_BERGE": "Embankment", "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_FOND": "Bottom", "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_TIRANT": "Draft (m)", @@ -476,6 +517,8 @@ "INFO_THEME_OUTILS_MATHEMATIQUES_DESCRIPTION": "Miscellaneous generic mathematical tools", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_BASSIN_DESCRIPTION": "Tools for sizing a fish pass made with pools also called fish steps", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_BASSIN_TITRE": "Fish ladder", + "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_RALENTISSEURS_TITRE": "Humpback fishway", + "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_RALENTISSEURS_DESCRIPTION": "Humpback fishway", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_NATURELLE_DESCRIPTION": "Tools for sizing a natural fish pass also called macroroughness pass or rock-ramp fish pass", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_NATURELLE_TITRE": "Natural pass", "INFO_TITREJOURNAL": "Calculation log", @@ -486,6 +529,7 @@ "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PAB_COMPLETE": "Standard fish ladder", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PAB_ECH_TRIANG": "Triangular weirs fish ladder", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PENTE_CRITIQUE_CANAL": "Canal critical slope", + "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PB": "Pre-dam", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PERR": "Rock-ramp fish pass", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_WEIR_JET_LENGTH": "Weir jet length", "INFO_EXAMPLES_TITLE": "Examples", @@ -520,5 +564,19 @@ "WARNING_SECTION_OVERFLOW_ABSC": "Overflow: water elevation exceeds embankment elevation between abscissae %xa% et %xb%", "WARNING_SESSION_LOAD_NOTES_MERGED": "Notes have been merged", "WARNING_VALUE_ROUNDED_TO_INTEGER": "Value of %symbol% was rounded to %rounded%", - "WARNING_VARIATED_LENGTH_LIMITED_BY_LINKED_RESULT": "Number of results is limited by linked result %symbol%" + "WARNING_VARIATED_LENGTH_LIMITED_BY_LINKED_RESULT": "Number of results is limited by linked result %symbol%", + "WARNING_PAR_P_WAS_IGNORED": "Given spacing value was ignored", + "ERROR_PAR_P_DEVIATES_MORE_THAN_10_5_PCT": "Given spacing value is more than 10% lower or more than 5% greater than standard value %stdP%", + "ERROR_PAR_QSTAR_OUT_OF_RANGE": "Flow value %val% is outside of validity interval [ %min%, %max% ] given by abacuses", + "ERROR_PAR_HA_OUT_OF_RANGE": "Upstream head value %val% is outside of validity interval [ %min%, %max% ] given by abacuses", + "WARNING_PAR_L": "A witdh greater than %max% is discouraged", + "ERROR_PAR_L": "Width is outside validity interval [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_ERROR_PAR_L": "Width is outside validity interval [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_PAR_S": "Slope should not be outside interval [ %min%, %max% ]", + "ERROR_PAR_S": "Slope is outside validity interval [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_PAR_A": "A height greater than %max% is discouraged", + "ERROR_PAR_A": "Height is outside validity interval [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_PAR_N_ROUNDED_TO_05": "Number of patterns was rounded to %val%", + "WARNING_PAR_M_ROUNDED_TO_1": "Number of longitudinal strips was rounded to %val%", + "ERROR_PAR_M_GREATER_THAN_2_N": "Number of longitudinal strips exceeds 2N = %max%" } diff --git a/src/locale/messages.fr.json b/src/locale/messages.fr.json index 27088491c7f1f31f3a75a5ca8b66a4685f204672..6c0d1d94f88c402199a55293c04683e70515fffe 100644 --- a/src/locale/messages.fr.json +++ b/src/locale/messages.fr.json @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ { + "ERROR_AT_LEAST_ONE_OF_THOSE_MUST_BE_DEFINED": "Au moins une des valeurs suivantes doit être renseignée : %variables%", "ERROR_CLOISON_AVAL_UN_OUVRAGE_REGULE": "Un seul ouvrage régulé est autorisé sur la cloison aval", "WARNING_DEVER_ZR_SUP_Z1": "La cote du lit du cours d'eau ne peut pas être supérieure à la cote de l'eau : Impossible de calculer l'énergie cinétique", "WARNING_DOWNSTREAM_ELEVATION_POSSIBLE_SUBMERSION": "La cote de l'eau aval est plus élevée que la cote du seuil (ennoiement possible)", @@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ "ERROR_PAB_CALC_Z1_CLOISON": "Erreur de calcul de la cote de l'eau amont d'une cloison", "ERROR_PAB_Z1_LOWER_THAN_Z2": "La cote de l'eau amont doit être supérieure à la cote de l'eau aval", "ERROR_PAB_Z1_LOWER_THAN_UPSTREAM_WALL": "La cote de l'eau amont est trop basse pour que l'eau s'écoule à travers la première cloison", + "ERROR_PAR_NB_INCONSISTENT": "Le nombre de ralentisseurs devrait être %stdNb%", + "ERROR_PAR_ZR_ZD_MISMATCH": "Les valeurs de %var_ZR% et %var_ZD% ne correspondent pas : soit %var_ZR% devrait valoir %expectedZR%, soit %var_ZD% devrait valoir %expectedZD%", "ERROR_PARAM_MUST_BE_A_NUMBER": "Veuillez entrer une valeur numérique", "ERROR_PARAM_MUST_BE_AT_LEAST": "La valeur doit être >= %s", "ERROR_PARAM_MUST_BE_POSITIVE": "Veuillez entrer une valeur numérique positive", @@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ "INFO_CALCULATOR_PARAMFIXES": "Paramètres fixés", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAB": "Générer une passe à bassins", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_RU_SP": "Détails hydrauliques de la section", + "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_PAR_SIMULATION": "Générer une simulation de passe à ralentisseurs", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_SP_AMONT": "Détails hydrauliques de la section amont", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_GENERATE_SP_AVAL": "Détails hydrauliques de la section aval", "INFO_CALCULATOR_RESULTS_TITLE": "Résultats", @@ -133,6 +137,8 @@ "INFO_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_1": "Partiellement noyé", "INFO_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_2": "Noyé", "INFO_ENUM_OUVRAGE_Q_REGIME_3": "Débit nul", + "INFO_ENUM_PARFLOWREGIME_0": "Dénoyé", + "INFO_ENUM_PARFLOWREGIME_1": "Noyé", "INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREFLOWMODE_0": "Surface libre", "INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREFLOWMODE_1": "En charge", "INFO_ENUM_STRUCTUREFLOWMODE_2": "Débit nul", @@ -163,10 +169,14 @@ "INFO_STUFF_N": "%s n°", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_OUVRAGE": "ouvrage", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_OUVRAGE_PLUR": "ouvrages", + "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_OUVRAGE_SHORT": "O", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_MACRORUGO": "radier", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_MACRORUGO_PLUR": "radiers", + "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_MACRORUGO_SHORT": "R", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_PUISSANCE": "puissance", "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_PUISSANCE_PLUR": "puissances", + "INFO_CHILD_TYPE_PUISSANCE_SHORT": "P", + "INFO_DIALOG_PARSIM_DESC": "Choisir une combinaison de valeurs pour générer la simulation", "INFO_FIELDSET_ADD": "Ajouter", "INFO_FIELDSET_COPY": "Copier", "INFO_FIELDSET_REMOVE": "Supprimer", @@ -210,10 +220,13 @@ "INFO_LIB_AMONT": "Amont", "INFO_LIB_AVAL": "Aval", "INFO_LIB_B": "Largeur au miroir", + "INFO_LIB_BASSIN": "Bassin", "INFO_LIB_BB": "Largeur du bassin", "INFO_LIB_BETA": "Coefficient béta", "INFO_LIB_BT": "Demi-ouverture du triangle", + "INFO_LIB_CD": "Coefficient de débit", "INFO_LIB_CDGR": "Coefficient de débit vanne", + "INFO_LIB_CDCUNGE": "Coefficient de débit", "INFO_LIB_CDWR": "Coefficient de débit seuil", "INFO_LIB_CDWSL": "Coefficient de débit fente", "INFO_LIB_CDWS": "Coefficient de débit", @@ -229,6 +242,7 @@ "INFO_LIB_DISTANCE_AMONT": "Distance depuis l'amont (m)", "INFO_LIB_EC": "EC: Énergie cinétique", "INFO_LIB_ENUM_MACRORUGOFLOWTYPE": "Type d'écoulement", + "INFO_LIB_ENUM_PARFLOWREGIME": "Régime", "INFO_LIB_FLU": "Ligne d'eau fluviale", "INFO_LIB_FR": "Froude", "INFO_LIB_FS_OUVRAGE": "Ouvrage", @@ -271,6 +285,7 @@ "INFO_LIB_SELECT_STRUCTURE_SEUIL_RECT": "Seuil rectangulaire", "INFO_LIB_SELECT_STRUCTURE": "Ouvrage", "INFO_LIB_STRUCT_CONTAINER": "Ouvrages", + "INFO_LIB_STRUCTURE_N_COURT": "O", "INFO_LIB_TAU0": "Force tractrice", "INFO_LIB_TOR": "Ligne d'eau torrentielle", "INFO_LIB_TOTAL": "Total", @@ -291,6 +306,10 @@ "INFO_LIB_ZCO": "Cote du centre de l'orifice", "INFO_LIB_ZDV": "Cote de la crête du déversoir ou du radier de la vanne", "INFO_LIB_ZF2": "Cote de fond aval", + "INFO_LIB_ZD1": "Cote de déversement à l'amont", + "INFO_LIB_ZD2": "Cote de déversement à l'aval", + "INFO_LIB_ZR1": "Cote de radier à l'amont", + "INFO_LIB_ZR2": "Cote de radier à l'aval", "INFO_LIB_ZRAM": "Cote du radier amont", "INFO_LIB_ZRMB": "Cote de radier mi-bassin", "INFO_LIB_ZT": "Cote haute du triangle", @@ -302,7 +321,7 @@ "INFO_LINKED_VALUE_SECTION_RESULT": "%s (%s, section)", "INFO_LINKED_VALUE_SECTION": "%s (%s, section)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_KIVI": "Kindsvater-Carter et Villemonte", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Fente noyée (Larinier 1992)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirSubmergedLarinier": "Fente noyée (Larinier)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_OrificeSubmerged": "Orifice noyé", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_OrificeFree": "Orifice dénoyé", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_TriangularWeirBroad": "Déversoir triangulaire épais (Bos)", @@ -312,19 +331,24 @@ "INFO_LOIDEBIT_GateCem88v": "Déversoir/Vanne de fond Cemagref 88", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirCem88d": "Déversoir/Orifice Cemagref 88", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirCem88v": "Déversoir/Vanne de fond Cemagref 88", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_Cunge80": "Cunge 80", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_Cunge80": "Cunge (1980)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirCunge80": "Seuil épais / orifice (Cunge)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_GateCunge80": "Seuil épais (Cunge)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_RectangularOrificeFree": "Vanne dénoyé", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_RectangularOrificeSubmerged": "Vanne noyé", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevLarinier": "Fente noyée régulée (Larinier 1992)", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevVillemonte": "Échancrure régulée (Villemonte 1957)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevLarinier": "Fente noyée régulée (Larinier)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_VanLevVillemonte": "Échancrure régulée (Villemonte)", "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirFree": "Seuil dénoyé", - "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirVillemonte": "Échancrure (Villemonte 1957)", + "INFO_LOIDEBIT_WeirVillemonte": "Échancrure (Villemonte)", "INFO_MACRORUGO_TITRE_COURT": "Macro-rugo.", "INFO_MACRORUGO_TITRE": "Passe à macro-rugosités", "INFO_MENU_DIAGRAM_TITLE": "Diagramme des modules", "INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_TITRE": "Passe à macro-rugosités complexe", "INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_TITRE_COURT": "M-Rugo complexe", "INFO_MACRORUGOCOMPOUND_LINCL": "Dévers latéral (m/m) :", + "INFO_ONLY_Q_MAY_VARY": "Seul le débit peut varier", + "INFO_ONLY_Z1_Q_MAY_VARY": "Seuls la cote amont et le débit peuvent varier", + "INFO_Z1_Z2_MUST_BE_DEFINED": "Les cotes amont et aval doivent être définies", "INFO_PENTE_TITRE": "Pente", "INFO_PENTE_TITRE_COURT": "Pente", "INFO_MENU_EMPTY_SESSION_TITLE": "Nouvelle session", @@ -356,7 +380,7 @@ "INFO_PAB_BASSINS": "Bassins", "INFO_PAB_OUVRAGES": "Ouvrages", "INFO_PAB_EDIT_VALUES": "Modifier les valeurs", - "INFO_CALCULER_D_ABORD": "Calculer ce module d'abord", + "INFO_CALCULATE_FIRST": "Calculer ce module d'abord", "INFO_PAB_NUM_BASSIN": "N° de bassin", "INFO_PAB_HEADER_TYPE": "Type", "INFO_PAB_HEADER_PARAMETERS": "Paramètres", @@ -377,6 +401,10 @@ "INFO_PABPUISSANCE_TITRE": "Passe à bassins : puissance dissipée", "INFO_PARALLELSTRUCTURE_TITRE_COURT": "Ouvrages", "INFO_PARALLELSTRUCTURE_TITRE": "Lois d'ouvrages", + "INFO_PAR_TITRE": "Passe à ralentisseurs : calage", + "INFO_PAR_TITRE_COURT": "PAR : calage", + "INFO_PARSIMULATION_TITRE": "Passe à ralentisseurs : simulation", + "INFO_PARSIMULATION_TITRE_COURT": "PAR : simulation", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_AWAITING_CALCULATION": "En attente de calcul", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS": "Conditions aux limites", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CALCULATED": "Calculé", @@ -385,7 +413,7 @@ "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CHART_SELECT_Y_AXIS": "Variable en ordonnée", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CHART_TYPE_HISTOGRAM": "Histogramme", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CHART_TYPE_DOTS": "Points", - "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CHART_TYPE": "Type de graphe", + "INFO_PARAMFIELD_CHART_TYPE": "Type de graphique", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_IN_CALCULATION_INITIAL_VALUE": "valeur initiale", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_IN_CALCULATION": "En calcul", "INFO_PARAMFIELD_PARAMCALCULER": "calculer", @@ -414,6 +442,20 @@ "INFO_PARAMFIELD_VARIATED": "Varié", "INFO_PARAMMODE_LIST": "Liste de valeurs", "INFO_PARAMMODE_MINMAX": "Min/max", + "INFO_PB_BASSIN_DESCRIPTION": "B%order%", + "INFO_PB_CLOISON_DESCRIPTION": "%ub%-%db%", + "INFO_PB_ADD_BASIN": "Ajouter un bassin", + "INFO_PB_ADD_WALL": "Ajouter une cloison", + "INFO_PB_BASSIN_N": "Bassin n°", + "INFO_PB_CLOISON": "Cloison", + "INFO_PB_MOVE_BASIN_UP": "Déplacer le bassin vers le haut", + "INFO_PB_MOVE_BASIN_DOWN": "Déplacer le bassin vers le bas", + "INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_SELECT_BASINS": "Choisir les bassins à connecter", + "INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_UP_BASIN": "Bassin amont", + "INFO_PB_NEW_WALL_DOWN_BASIN": "Bassin aval", + "INFO_PB_SCHEMA": "Organisation des bassins", + "INFO_PREBARRAGE_TITRE": "Prébarrages", + "INFO_PREBARRAGE_TITRE_COURT": "Prébarrages", "INFO_QUICKNAV_CHARTS": "graphiques", "INFO_QUICKNAV_INPUT": "données", "INFO_QUICKNAV_RESULTS": "résultats", @@ -427,7 +469,7 @@ "INFO_REMOUS_LARGEUR_BERGE": "Largeur au niveau des berges = %B% m", "INFO_REMOUS_RESSAUT_DEHORS": "Ressaut hydraulique détecté à l'%sens% de l'abscisse %x% m", "INFO_REMOUS_RESSAUT_HYDRO": "Ressaut hydraulique détecté entre les abscisses %xmin% et %xmax% m", - "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_ABSCISSE": "Abscisse (m)", + "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_ABSCISSE": "Abscisse", "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_BERGE": "Berge", "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_FOND": "Fond", "INFO_REMOUSRESULTS_TIRANT": "Tirant d'eau (m)", @@ -475,6 +517,8 @@ "INFO_THEME_OUTILS_MATHEMATIQUES_DESCRIPTION": "Divers outils mathématiques génériques", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_BASSIN_DESCRIPTION": "Outils de dimensionnement d'une passe à poissons de type passe à bassins ou encore appelée échelle à poisson", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_BASSIN_TITRE": "Passe à bassins", + "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_RALENTISSEURS_TITRE": "Passe à ralentisseurs", + "INFO_THEME_PASSE_A_RALENTISSEURS_DESCRIPTION": "Passe à ralentisseurs", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_NATURELLE_DESCRIPTION": "Outils de dimensionnement d'une passe à poissons de type passe naturelle ou encore appelée passe à macro-rugosités", "INFO_THEME_PASSE_NATURELLE_TITRE": "Passe naturelle", "INFO_TITREJOURNAL": "Journal de calcul", @@ -485,6 +529,7 @@ "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PAB_COMPLETE": "Passe à bassins type", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PAB_ECH_TRIANG": "Passe à bassins à échancrures triangulaires", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PENTE_CRITIQUE_CANAL": "Pente critique d'un canal", + "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PB": "Pré-barrage", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_PERR": "Passe à enrochements régulièrement répartis", "INFO_EXAMPLE_LABEL_WEIR_JET_LENGTH": "Longueur de jet d'un déversoir", "INFO_EXAMPLES_TITLE": "Exemples", @@ -519,5 +564,19 @@ "WARNING_SECTION_OVERFLOW_ABSC": "Débordement: la cote de l'eau dépasse la cote de berge entre les abscisses %xa% et %xb%", "WARNING_SESSION_LOAD_NOTES_MERGED": "Les notes ont été fusionnées", "WARNING_VALUE_ROUNDED_TO_INTEGER": "La valeur de %symbol% a été arrondie à %rounded%", - "WARNING_VARIATED_LENGTH_LIMITED_BY_LINKED_RESULT": "Le nombre de résultats est limité par le résultat lié %symbol%" + "WARNING_VARIATED_LENGTH_LIMITED_BY_LINKED_RESULT": "Le nombre de résultats est limité par le résultat lié %symbol%", + "WARNING_PAR_P_WAS_IGNORED": "La valeur d'espacement fournie a été ignorée", + "ERROR_PAR_P_DEVIATES_MORE_THAN_10_5_PCT": "La valeur d'espacement fournie est plus de 10% plus petite ou plus de 5% plus grande que la valeur standard %stdP%", + "ERROR_PAR_QSTAR_OUT_OF_RANGE": "La valeur %val% du débit sort de l'intervalle de validité [ %min%, %max% ] donné par les abaques", + "ERROR_PAR_HA_OUT_OF_RANGE": "La valeur %val% de la charge amont sort de l'intervalle de validité [ %min%, %max% ] donné par les abaques", + "WARNING_PAR_L": "Une largeur supérieure à %max% est déconseillée", + "ERROR_PAR_L": "La largeur est en dehors de l'intervalle de validité [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_ERROR_PAR_L": "La largeur est en dehors de l'intervalle de validité [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_PAR_S": "La pente ne devrait pas être en dehors de l'intervalle [ %min%, %max% ]", + "ERROR_PAR_S": "La pente est en dehors de l'intervalle de validité [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_PAR_A": "Une hauteur supérieure à %max% est déconseillée", + "ERROR_PAR_A": "La hauteur est en dehors de l'intervalle de validité [ %min%, %max% ]", + "WARNING_PAR_N_ROUNDED_TO_05": "Le nombre de motifs a été arrondi à %val%", + "WARNING_PAR_M_ROUNDED_TO_1": "Le nombre de bandes a été arrondi à %val%", + "ERROR_PAR_M_GREATER_THAN_2_N": "Le nombre de bandes dépasse 2N = %max%" } diff --git a/src/styles.scss b/src/styles.scss index 11ffd2a86d88c3fb20401c6e27137444c4c54a32..4f086079ecf28da2a005d9c00a31a5a3c3b2f211 100644 --- a/src/styles.scss +++ b/src/styles.scss @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ var-results { } } -fixed-results { +fixed-results, pb-cloison-results { table.mat-table {